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The Religion of Secularism

No it's not a myth, as the article you quoted points out -- seculars believe in individualism, individual freedom gets the highest esteem! So it has very little to do with state, rather it clearly calls for segregation of state's activity and personal freedom(if you take personal freedom as the main pillar of 'secular/atheistic religion'.

hitwall::hitwall: Secular governance is not making laws based on any one religion.

By the way, Atheistic religion isn't something alien or invented by consumer world. Buddhism is an atheistic religion.

Of all the uniformed, idiotic religious posts, your posts so far takes the cake
Atheism is a religion.
If atheism is a religion, then not playing baseball is a sport. Or, atheism is to religion what bald is to hair color. Clever. I /QUOTE]

Came from the same logic and use of brain matter which leads use to not believe in fairy tales of Thor, Zeus, athena, Minerva, Jesus, Allah and Krishna.

don't have a good counter to that, do you?
First -- Religion is never a NO-SHOW card for other religious groups/minorities.

Second -- It is the democratric character, that gaurantees participation and equality of all, not the secular way of governace.

Third -- Secularism is just a fear response to debar one group of people (religion based governament supporters) to put and practice thier view, which is by itself is UNDEMOCRATIC actually. India also practices secularism but then there are many parties that are vowing to abolish it once they are in decisive power. Indian democratic system DO NOT DISQUALIFY them from democratic contests! This is the democratic response ! Secularism is essential for India because of the vast diversity in ethinic and religious groups in this country. But then one medicine is not for ALL. If secularism is essential for India with 250 Million+ religious minorities (excluding the religious diversity among the majority community itself) then it may not be a pill for Pakistan with few lakhs of religious minorities ( less than 4% of total population).

Ref: Population Association of Pakistan-Statistics

So secularism is just a FEAR response. Fear response, to the inability, of its supporters to provide a VIABLE, PRACTICLE, CORRUPTION FREE, JUST AND FAIR governace to the population! So the best way they look to as a solution is to blanket ban on exposing their mis-deeds. And so they CUT the religious parties from contesting and trying to put an alternative to the CORRUPT, IN-EFFICIENT and FUTILE governace in the country. They give the excuse for a few lakh minorities but at the same time CURBING the potential options for hundreds of million of majority of population. Persecution of minorities is a failure of judicial system, first, then, after this, it is a religious mis-practice by its supporters. It is no excuse for a country with miniscule minority population to blanket their faults!


POE's Law?
Abir, who says that thier government policies and inclinations overwhelming are not pro-christians, already?

Name one governent policy which is purely for the purpose of being pro-christian or favoring one religion over the other
Secularism is a political term nothing to do with religion...even thinking something such is ridiculous. The politics for most part of human civilization have remained secular and only at time got tainted by religion under rule of dictators and irrational monarchs!

Time hit the history books chap!
But the number of divisions religion has caused are far less than what secularism did... :cheers:

Secular governance as a concept is less than 250 years old starting with USA. what was the root cause of all the differences before that?

Hint: It had to do with subscribing magical fairy tales about supreme beings creating, controlling, judging and punishing us
Black vs whites, rich vs poor, etc, etc.

If religion is followed correctly, these devisions won't be there.

rich vs poor is a secular division? Has this difference ever not existed in a kinda of governance? This division predates religion and secular governance. The have's and the have nots!

racial difference due to secularism? what kinda of non sense is this. slavery and racial discrimination existed long before there were any form of secular governance existed.

Have you had any history lessons in your life or is it all quality madrassa education?
Religion should dictate laws. Give an example where 'things go wrong' in a place dictated by religion? No, I don't mean Afghanistan. That doesn't count as religion.

Why? becos it awfully inconvenient for your point of view? how about spanish inquisition? crusades, Ireland... I can go on

History books chap! history books!
you are totally wrong, if abstinence has the same properties and effects as cocaine and heroin than only we can say that harry is addicted to abstinence not in other case...

Secularism contains almost the same effects and properties as religion has...

Nay. I beg to differ.

In religion, you can't debate against God who establishes the religious laws. You can only follow and obey Him. Religion is built based on miracles that are not repeatable under same condition.

In secularism, you are allowed to debate against those who establish the secular laws. You can challenge them. Secularism is built based on facts/data that are repeatable under same condition.

Thus, secularism is vastly different from religion.

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