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The Real Ugly face of Facebook [A Must Read]

not a surprise they would have different standards for what hurts muslims and jews remember the founder of facebook is a jew.....
Holocaust was a f..king fake...................
lol .if 20 million russians died in ww2 why isent that a holocaust why 6 million compared to 20 million ? please explain freekin
lol .if 20 million russians died in ww2 why isent that a holocaust why 6 million compared to 20 million ? please explain freekin

Bcoz 6 million of them where deliberately massacred in gas chambers and kept in inhuman conditions which was a pure case of ethnic cleansing...

You people are going below the cartoonists level just for the sake of anger or revenge..
Nothing and absolutely nothing can justify the death of 6million innocent CIVILIANS..
IDF, the internet has been polluted by jewish hackers which call hem self as the internet police, its reality the arse of american president has currently been hold by jews, he cannot do what he speaks.

the story is the slap on those so called muslim people here who are coming out of all sorts of justifications that the banning of a site like facebook is unbearable and intolerable and its done by uneducated muslims. hypocricy at its best.. these people are arse kissers and slaves of the west, they can sell their mother to copy their culture and imitate them. we will stand against for the wrong doings, now its time that media should be censored in pakistan and anything which is against our values should be thoroughly banned.

good article btw..

But i guess there are Anti Israel and Anti American groups existing on facebook as well. Why facebook has not deleted those groups if it is controlled by Jews?:frown:

Anti-Semitic Facebook page gains over 10,000 fans - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

And no it's not a slap on those people who are against this ban. They are denied the access to internet. Why? It's not their fault that some lunatic thought of having fun with our religious sentiments.They believe that it is against their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a luxury. Don't underestimate its importance. PTA has seized this opportunity to ban anything they want and people asking for ban are giving them a license to kill. They are already exploiting it. I understand the ban on facebook but why other websites came under fire as well? Have you given a thought to it?

I will end my post with these paras taken form an article, published in Dawn:

What about those who don’t believe that Facebook should have been banned, or who even dare to believe in the more blasphemous idea that freedom of speech should be respected even if that speech offends or outrages you? Yes, those people exist in Pakistan as well. Are they bad Muslims, bad Pakistanis?

How about those people who believe that this kind of controversy should be best ignored, so that it doesn’t engender more publicity? Or those who think that the Prophet was such a great man that this kind of ***** cannot truly blemish his reputation? That Islam, and God, are bigger than this? Can we be comfortable with those opinions too, or are there only two sides to take: you are either with us or against us? I wonder where we have heard those words before.

DAWN.COM | Editorial | A crisis of identity
Bcoz 6 million of them where deliberately massacred in gas chambers and kept in inhuman conditions which was a pure case of ethnic cleansing...

You people are going below the cartoonists level just for the sake of anger or revenge..
Nothing and absolutely nothing can justify the death of 6million innocent CIVILIANS..

now u are jumping on our freedom of speech.

How can you be so sure on truth or fakeness of Holocaust? It is our right to doubt it as it was their (according to them) in recent blasphemy.
Bcoz 6 million of them where deliberately massacred in gas chambers and kept in inhuman conditions which was a pure case of ethnic cleansing...

You people are going below the cartoonists level just for the sake of anger or revenge..
Nothing and absolutely nothing can justify the death of 6million innocent CIVILIANS..

and 20 million russian civilians where put at gun point behind them a trench which will be there shareing grave with 20? 50? 100? people sooo there was no holocaust:disagree:
now u are jumping on our freedom of speech.

How can you be so sure on truth or fakeness of Holocaust? It is our right to doubt it as it was their (according to them) in recent blasphemy.

Doubt it all you want....but look what your becoming by doubting such a crime
and 20 million russian civilians where put at gun point behind them a trench which will be there shareing grave with 20? 50? 100? people sooo there was no holocaust:disagree:

holocaust was a systematic eradication of innocent people confined to a certain religion in the most ruthless and rascist way...thats why its soo bad..

I cant believe people are getting to this !! :hitwall: thats my last reply about holocaust...no point in replying
and 20 million russian civilians where put at gun point behind them a trench which will be there shareing grave with 20? 50? 100? people sooo there was no holocaust:disagree:

holocaust was a systematic eradication of innocent people confined to a certain religion in the most ruthless and rascist way...thats why its soo bad..

I cant believe people are getting to this !! :hitwall: thats my last reply about holocaust...no point in replying

@ your all posts

both are crimes - it doesn't matter if you kill 1 person or 20 - in the end you will get the same punishment
Jewish policital forces hated the Kennedys because Joe Kennedy Sr. admired Adolf Hitler. Jack Kennedy held similar views as his father. JFK wrote in his 1945 diary the following words about the most hated man of the 20th century:

After visiting these two places (Berchtesgaden and the Eagle’s lair on Obersalzberg), you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambitions for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.

(Prelude To Leadership - The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, Summer 1945, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington DC, p. 74)


Hail Hitler

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