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The real solution to the Afghanistan problem


Dec 21, 2021
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The problem in Afghanistan is their refusal to accept the international border and decades long support for terrorism in Pakistan. The assumed solution was to put a friendly government in Afghanistan, but that has proven more difficult than expected, or even close to impossible. The reason being, hate for Pakistan in Afghanistan is ingrained deep into their psyche, as hate for India is in Pakistan. And their desire to conquer KP/Balochistan is just as strong as ours to take Kashmir. This is something which will not be disappearing anytime soon, and we shouldn't bet on it. They may be friends today, but then enemies tomorrow (in the future when developed).

This brings me to my point that Afghanistan is too unreliable and a security risk for Pakistan in the long-term, you can never have a pro-Pakistan government for too long. What if they are friendly until they build an economy and military then do the same thing as 1947? Invasion and more concrete support for terrorism? We cannot risk a 2-front-war.

Dividing Afghanistan by giving Khorosan freedom is the solution, and most importantly it is a long term solution. The newer and smaller Afghanistan state won't have the potential to rival us, regardless of how much they develop due to it's smaller size, tiny population and land mass. This makes it easily managable - even if it is staunchly against Pakistan.

Also they may begin to focus their chauvinistic expansism on the new border with Khorosan, so it will decrease focus on us by splitting it between both Khorosan and Pakistan's borders, and we can have joint operations to control terror elements. Khorosan may even be used as a medium to control the terrorism from smaller Afghanistan which gives it international support and purpose.

This would also help the Tajiks and Hazara populations as they have historically and today face ethnic genocide and persecution in that country by Afghans, and still do to this day, their nationalism is rising and if we ignite Khorosani nationalism and provide support, we can give them freedom and secure our safety for the long term.

It would also be good payback against Afghans who dream of dividing our country.

@Areesh @Mrc @Maula Jatt @villageidiot @Menace2Society


Pakistan is probably too broke to do this though, and likely won't have the support of other powers who may staunchly work against it! Although it should work to secure the safety of Pakistan on a long-term basis.

China would also significantly benefit as Tajiks/Hazaras are more progressive and not terror-prone, they'll be receptive to diplomacy and economic co-operation. And terrorism would significantly decrease in the entire region and be easily managed. It would prevent spill-over into Xinjiang completely!

If you want to decrease Irànian influence in new Khorosan, make it a sunni state and remind them that we can also retaliate just as we always have.
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Some elements in Afghanistan are doing it for Indian money and nothing else. it's a small well armed group trained and armed by Indians and their partners whilst they were in Afghanistan and most likely controlled by RAW. Pakistan needs to team up with Afghan Taliban and deal with it within Afghanistan and not let it spill over into Pakistan. A blowback was expected as a reaction to the fact that Pakistan army supported NATO for whatever reasons. Unless Pakistan deals with it properly this sore could turn into a wound. Pakistan's best weapon is to shut off the trade with Afghanistan and let the the Afghan trade come from Iran. The cost of this will quickly bring the Afghans to their senses.
Some elements in Afghanistan are doing it for Indian money and nothing else. it's a small well armed group trained and armed by Indians and their partners whilst they were in Afghanistan and most likely controlled by RAW. Pakistan needs to team up with Afghan Taliban and deal with it within Afghanistan and not let it spill over into Pakistan. A blowback was expected as a reaction to the fact that Pakistan army supported NATO for whatever reasons. Unless Pakistan deals with it properly this sore could turn into a wound. Pakistan's best weapon is to shut off the trade with Afghanistan and let the the Afghan trade come from Iran. The cost of this will quickly bring the Afghans to their senses.
This has nothing to do with Indians, just stop. This sentiment has always existed in Afghanistan ever since the beginning. Stop crying Indian everywhere. It is possible they are providing funds but that's because Afghans are ever willing to carry out their historic prophecy of destroying Pakistan, which is their own homemade fantasy.

Don't pin everything on India and then bury your head in the sand. I don't know if this is genuine ignorance or just denial...
PA is the lame duck… all it has to do is demonstrate a show of force and shut down trade for a few weeks and the Afghans would bounce back to reality.

But I guess PA is too busy in whatever the **** it is that they’re doing, which is nothing… :lol:
8The problem in Afghanistan is their refusal to accept the international border and decades long support for terrorism in Pakistan. The assumed solution was to put a friendly government in Pakistan, but that has proven more difficult than expected, or even close to impossible. The reason being hate for Pakistan in Afghanistan is ingrained as deep as hate for India in Pakistan. And their desire to conquer KP/Balochistan is just as strong as ours to take Kashmir. This is something which will not be disappearing anytime soon.

This brings me to my point that Afghanistan is too unreliable in the long-term, you can never have a pro-Pakistan government for too long. What if they are friendly until they build an economy and military then do the same thing as 1947? Invasion and more concrete support for terrorism? We cannot risk a 2-front-war.

Dividing Afghanistan by giving Khorosan freedom is the solution, and most importantly it is a long term solution. The newer and smaller Afghanistan state won't have much potential to rival us, regardless of how much they develop due to it's smaller size, population and land mass. This makes it more easily managable even if it is staunchly against Pakistan.

Also they may begin to focus their chauvinistic expansism on the new border with Khorosan, so it will decrease focus on us by splitting it between both Khorosan and Pakistan's borders, and we can have joint operations to control terror elements. Khorosan may even be used as a medium to control the new country which gives it international support and purpose.

This would also help the Tajiks and Hazara populations as they have historically faced in that country, and still do to this day, their nationalism is rising and if we ignite Khorosani nationalism and provide support, we can give them freedom and secure our safety for the long term.

It would also be good payback against Afghans who dream of dividing our country.

@Areesh @Mrc @Maula Jatt @villageidiot @Menace2Society

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Pakistan is probably too broke to do this though, and likely won't have the support of other powers who may staunchly work against it! Although it should work to secure the safety of Pakistan on a long-term basis.
The only solution is the invasion of afghan pushton areas, eliminate these mfs, cause they are the only ones with the will to fight, and hatred towards pakistan. I have known a few afghans, a tajik ethnic afghan family with whom i stayed in dublin during my time there, literally i never felt like a stranger in that house but i have also met pashton afghans and boy they are racist as ****. Coexistence with other afghans ethnicities is possible but again how would u cope with people who think their superior than u and thats what needs to be broken, show 'em that they can't do shit make 'em feel hopeless and helpless. and erase their myth of superiority. new state won't matter u need to cut the roots, once and for all this is the only way u can take on bigger problems like kashmir issue, with a thorn like afg in ur back u will always be paralyzed.
Even the current afghan state hasn't got the ability to rival us, they never did

It's the ethnocentric jahilat of the pashtuns that is becoming a problem for EVERYONE

No one surrounding them has any peace, everyone is becoming tired of their behavior, however whether they control all of Afghanistan or not they are intent on just creating problems everywhere they are

I don't think they have the capacity to live in peace

PA is the lame duck… all it has to do is demonstrate a show of force and shut down trade for a few weeks and the Afghans would bounce back to reality.

But I guess PA is too busy in whatever the **** it is that they’re doing, which is nothing… :lol:

PA has tried everything not to go down this route, negotiations, given relief, released prisoners. Treaty's mean nothing to pashtuns
This has nothing to do with Indians, just stop. This sentiment has always existed in Afghanistan ever since the beginning. Stop crying Indian everywhere. It is possible they are providing funds but that's because Afghans are ever willing to carry out their historic prophecy of destroying Pakistan, which is their own homemade fantasy.

Don't pin everything on India and then bury your head in the sand. I don't know if this is genuine ignorance or just denial...
So what do you think RAW was doing in the terrorist training camps along the Pakistan border, which is all well documented? We know Afghans are addicted to drugs and money and will anything for it including have sex with the devil.
That was possible if Pakistani state didn't support taliban terrorists since 9/11. Our allies are tajiks and hazaras, not pakhtans of afghanistan. This will tell you any Pakistani nationalist pashtun.
I agree with you that while Nepal and Myanmar signed friendship treaties with india and did not claim their areas like uttarkhand and manipur respectively, Afghanistan even rejected Pakistan's existence.

The hatred will be there. Pakistan needs to understand as to why Afghanistan is not so anti to Iran than it is to Pakistan.

Solution. Frankly, its all on Pakistan. Become a serious state and get your house in order.

Pakistan needs huge resources to invest in Afghanistan. Right now Afghans want to smuggle to survive and in Pakistan when 'some people' dont get their smuggling dues, a border dispute erupts.

Huge investments in Afghanistan and then the cultural exchange. This will mellow down the hatred but not eliminate it.

But since the corrupt elite in Pakistan cant pay its own staff while it continues to brag about real estate, nothing will be done and hostilities will increase.
But I guess PA is too busy in whatever the **** it is that they’re doing, which is nothing… :lol:
They're definitely doing something. How do you think the Afghan illicit trade happens ;). All under the watch of Military command who are receiving their designated pies along with crumbs to the bureaucracy.
Send the afghan refugees back
Shut the land borders permanently. Absolutely no zigzag traffic. Pakistani drivers stay this side and let afghanis handle their own side
Stop giving them any visas at all till they fix themsrlvesy
If their issue is getting visas to west via Pakistan, well tell those west embassies to do it via their operations in afghanistan

Shut the borders, create buffet zones and seal the borders. Anyone that tried to cut through be shot mercilessly

Do that few months and see shit straighten.
That was possible if Pakistani state didn't support taliban terrorists since 9/11. Our allies are tajiks and hazaras, not pakhtans of afghanistan. This will tell you any Pakistani nationalist pashtun.
Spot on bro.

We must support Tajiks and Hazars to capture the entire country, or at least establish a Khorosan to cripple the main cause of the issue, limiting their overall potential to an even smaller, less populated, land-locked state that wouldn't be a serious threat even in the future, and even if they are completely against us.

Khorosan must be established by Tajiks either including the entire territory, or at least the entire western half of Afghanistan including the Wakhan corridor.

Send the afghan refugees back
Shut the land borders permanently. Absolutely no zigzag traffic. Pakistani drivers stay this side and let afghanis handle their own side
Stop giving them any visas at all till they fix themsrlvesy
If their issue is getting visas to west via Pakistan, well tell those west embassies to do it via their operations in afghanistan

Shut the borders, create buffet zones and seal the borders. Anyone that tried to cut through be shot mercilessly

Do that few months and see shit straighten.
No. This is not a solution. It's temporary and will never work, they are tribal people and will just accept and increase their terrorism further.

My solution is time-proof and truly secures our borders in the long-term. Khorosan is the solution. Put the culprit group directly under the boot. Shutting borders doesn't do shit.
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I agree with you that while Nepal and Myanmar signed friendship treaties with india and did not claim their areas like uttarkhand and manipur respectively, Afghanistan even rejected Pakistan's existence.

The hatred will be there. Pakistan needs to understand as to why Afghanistan is not so anti to Iran than it is to Pakistan.

Solution. Frankly, its all on Pakistan. Become a serious state and get your house in order.

Pakistan needs huge resources to invest in Afghanistan. Right now Afghans want to smuggle to survive and in Pakistan when 'some people' dont get their smuggling dues, a border dispute erupts.

Huge investments in Afghanistan and then the cultural exchange. This will mellow down the hatred but not eliminate it.

But since the corrupt elite in Pakistan cant pay its own staff while it continues to brag about real estate, nothing will be done and hostilities will increase.

These hostilities exist because the Afghans have territorial disputes with Pakistan. There is no other reason. Afghans will never behave normally. Whether it is the Taliban or any other kind of Afghan. All Afghans are in sync when it comes to territorial dispute with Pakistan. This is the main reason why Afghans and Indians are bhai bhai.

Pakistan can invest trillions of dollars in Afghanistan. It won't make an iota of difference. There is only one way to settle this conflict. Either give the Afghans what they want or fortify the border. Half hearted attempts like a scholarship or citizenship won't resolve any issues. You ought to know by now that Afghans born in Pakistan aren't loyal to Pakistan.
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