If protection worked, you wouldn't have needed to liberalize in 91. If it worked we wouldn't have had to liberalize in 79.
Truth of the matter is Chinese quality is going up and price isn't changing much. Protecting one sector of Indian industry is just going to hurt another. American anti dumping on Chinese steel is hurting the American industries that need steel badly, because all the nations that doesn't do protectionism can still access our steel, and their cost are still low.
If you are fat, you switch to a healthy lifestyle and exercise, you don't double down on donuts and never look at a mirror. That's not how the world works.
Just look at your successful industries, you let them compete on their terms, and you win. China has some harsh protectionist industry they are as competitive internationally as our soccer team.
Have faith in your country man that in the face of adversity they won't lay down and die, and if they will, they'll die anyways.