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The problem with Pakistan's blasphemy laws


Dec 7, 2008
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Blasphemy laws: the root of Pakistani extremism

The failed Times Square bombing raises important questions.

As a U.S. Muslim of Pakistani descent, I have wondered why so many plots against America continue to be hatched in Pakistan. At least nine people with some connection to Pakistan have been charged with terror plots against the United States in the past two years. What is it that accounts for this disturbing trend?

One can't simply blame Islam. Were that true, Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country, would be the epicenter of terrorist plots against America. But it's not. One can't simply blame fiery rhetoric. Were that true, Iran, the most vocally anti-American of Islamic nations, would be breeding terrorists. But it's not. One can't simply blame illiteracy. Were that true, Ethiopia, ranked 170th in literacy, would be at the forefront of terrorist activities. But it's not. One can't simply blame poverty, either. Were that true, Bangladesh, the poorest of Islamic nations, would be leading the charge against America. But it's not.

So, what makes Pakistan so uniquely conducive to extremism?

The answer, I believe, is rather simple. Pakistan proudly prosecutes its own people for a crime that exists in few countries: blasphemy. Section 295-C of Pakistan's penal code, the so-called blasphemy law, states, "Whoever by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine."

This law was passed in 1984, and six years later the stakes were raised when a federal Sharia Court ruled that "the penalty for contempt of the Holy prophet is death and nothing else." ..

Blasphemy laws are to Pakistan's extremists what Miracle Gro is to one's home garden.

The alleged Time Square suspect, Faisal Shahzad, was a 5-year-old Pakistani citizen when these draconian laws were enacted. His generation knows only one way to deal with a difference of opinion in matters of religion: Shoot the opponent.

The problem with Pakistan's blasphemy laws - baltimoresun.com
Terrible article.

While the blasphemy law is indeed a blot on the face of the Pakistani republic and has been used as a weapon to settle personal grudges, to say that it is the root of all terrorism is preposterous.
GOP is doing enough to ammend some laws which can be misused to discriminate against the minorities.

Since Pakistan is an Islamic idealogical state Neccessary Blashphemy laws will exist forever.

I have seen those laws being misused which is a shame and i support any effort to bring down those basterds to justice.

One more thing to be considered is that Pakistani society does have a culture to protect christians and to maintain the respect for Jesus PBUH that no one can hurt their feelings.

Freedom of speech is the most badly misused law in the world and i feel that freedom of speech should be allowed but there should be markers and limits to it that one Idiotic mentally retarted person cant hurt the feelings of 170 million people just because he likes to say his crap in public because its not freedom of speech it is Hate speech which must not be allowed.
I dont know what's written in these laws, but if some one insult's my beloved Prophet MUHAMMAD (pbuh) and tried burn my holy book QURAN, i will do what ever i can to send that person to hell, no question's asked.

If that makes me terrorist or fundamentalist so be it, could'nt care less.

Narayy Takbir ALLAH HO AKBER.
I dont know what's written in these laws, but if some one insult's my beloved Prophet MUHAMMAD (pbuh) and tried burn my holy book QURAN, i will do what ever i can to send that person to hell, no question's asked.

If that makes me terrorist or fundamentalist so be it, could'nt care less.

Narayy Takbir ALLAH HO AKBER.

Those laws are the core of our Islamic idealogy and will remain till the end of times.

Pakistan is a dedicated Islamic state for Muslims which allows all other religions to live in harmony but no one is allowed to hurt anyone's feelings.

Muslims would also be punished if they did something discriminatory against a accepted minority.
another non Muslims Interference in Islam.I am sick of hearing other non Muslims sitting in their sofas breathing the cool air from Air conditioners, enjoying alcohol and passing their expert verdicts on Islam.

I think Muslims do not need to justify their religion in front of others.If Non Muslims think that our religion is bad let them think so it isn't costing us anything.
Pakistan is a dedicated Islamic state for Muslims which allows all other religions to live in harmony but no one is allowed to hurt anyone's feelings.
Or else that someone - or his community - gets physically attacked. "Islamic harmony", yes?

Pakistan is an Islamic idealogical state Neccessary Blashphemy laws will exist forever.
I thought Jinnah wanted Pakistan for Muslims to thrive in safety and prosperity, not as an "Islamic idealogical state" where only those who pass xyz tests are permitted to live. This, then, is part of the struggle for Pakistan's identity today. So if you are going to get rid of the extremism so many Pakistanis despise, what other way is there than to junk these blasphemy laws?
thats an absurd connection..although blasphemy laws have been misused allegedly, how many among the terrorists have even read this law..i myself read the exact wording just now..n the bold part is stupid enough..faysal, sitting in NY, may not even know what pakistani law states..this is abhorable sensational journalism!!
Well the posts certainly prove what the article is saying that Zia-ul-Haque generation does not know how to dialogue but only to shoot their way through a dispute with an element of religion in it. This certainly makes them dangerous.
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Or else that someone - or his community - gets physically attacked. "Islamic harmony", yes?

I thought Jinnah wanted Pakistan for Muslims to thrive in safety and prosperity, not as an "Islamic idealogical state" where only those who pass xyz tests are permitted to live. This, then, is part of the struggle for Pakistan's identity today. So if you are going to get rid of the extremism so many Pakistanis despise, what other way is there than to junk these blasphemy laws?

the question is not of passing certain criterion to be able to reside in pakistan..this terrorism is not an off shoot of these blasphemy laws..most of these terrorists dont even know what the law states..n how would you comprehend the suiside bombings in pakistan even in "masajid"
the question is not of passing certain criterion to be able to reside in pakistan..this terrorism is not an off shoot of these blasphemy laws..most of these terrorists dont even know what the law states..

They don't need to know the law's wording; Mullahs calling for everyone's murder as a result of blasphemy culture did the job of poisoning the minds of that generation just fine.

If you notice the circumstances under which blasphemy law was introduced in its current form, it was not because incidents of blasphemy occurred. So why was it introduced? To persecute and subjugate the people of differing opinions. Hence the culture of intolerance that has developed and spread since.
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Or else that someone - or his community - gets physically attacked. "Islamic harmony", yes?

We condemn any sort of religious intolerance.

I thought Jinnah wanted Pakistan for Muslims to thrive in safety and prosperity, not as an "Islamic idealogical state" where only those who pass xyz tests are permitted to live. This, then, is part of the struggle for Pakistan's identity today. So if you are going to get rid of the extremism so many Pakistanis despise, what other way is there than to junk these blasphemy laws?

These are your Normal BS comments against Pakistan , i have answerd it before so refer to that .

Pakistan is what it is and its no one else's business to tell us what to do and what not to.

whether it's the root cause of extremism I'm not sure but regardless of that blasphemy laws should be scrapped until the 80s during zia there was never any blasphemy laws for so many years and nobody insulted islam back then it's a useless law. If you look at the history of it's use it's only ever been abused as a weapon to settle personal disputes and terrorize minorities it's never done any good for pakistan and needs to go.
They don't need to know the law's wording; Mullahs calling for everyone's murder as a result of blasphemy culture did the job of poisoning the minds of that generation just fine.
so the so called mullahs would have spread this hate culture had there been no such law even!!

If you notice the circumstances under which blasphemy law was introduced in its current form, it was not because incidents of blasphemy occurred. So why was it introduced? To persecute and subjugate the people of differing opinions. Hence the culture of intolerance that has developed and spread since.
one thing, it was part of the islaimzation done by zia and not introduced in isolation..second, blasphemy isnt difference of opinioni am not approving victimization based on these laws but i dont find this connection between extremism and these laws convincing simply!
whether it's the root cause of extremism I'm not sure but regardless of that blasphemy laws should be scrapped until the 80s during zia there was never any blasphemy laws for so many years and nobody insulted islam back then it's a useless law. If you look at the history of it's use it's only ever been abused as a weapon to settle personal disputes and terrorize minorities it's never done any good for pakistan and needs to go.

Nice wet dreams :D
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