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The PM of Punjab

Punjabi's head no.
But a man who only cares about his own vote bank(which happens to be Punjab) , then Yes!!

That man can't do squat when after the 18th Amendment the Provincial Governments are stronger than the Federal Government & have all the Rights & Authorities entailed as part of Provincial Autonomy to deal with their affairs in a manner they see fit - Malik, Khattak & Shah are the 'men' that need to be addressed here every time a Law & Order situation happens, a case of rampant misgovernance is found or a case of corruption unearthed in their respective Provinces !

At any rate the 'man' who supposedly only cares for his own vote-bank had the sense to send relief to Awaran & to Thar involving the Armed Forces when it was the duty of the Provincial Governments in both cases to do so !

Furthermore most people only have this 'brain wave' when a Punjab Domiciled leader is ruling the country & yet no one has the intellectual honesty to say 'was Sindh ruling the last 5 years ?' or everytime one of the Bhuttos came to power ? Or were the Pukhtoons ruling when Ayub was in Power ?

Ever heard about giving them taste of their own medicine? They are blocking every bit of progress other provinces are trying to make, KPK in particular. This is peanuts compared to that..

They are not doing sh*t when after the 18th Amendment its the 'other Provinces' who & who alone are responsible for their own Progress & don't have to ask the Federal Government for anything - If the Provinces, including KPK, are failing miserably then take the Chief Ministers of those respective Provinces to task not Punjab !
Oye ganjay ! sudar ja warna teri dharti par yajooj wa majooj ki tara yalghar kar daingey.

My relatives won national and provincial seats for nawaz league but now have switched to fazlur rehman party due to too much punjabism of ganja and his lack of interest in KPK.
Oye ganjay ! sudar ja warna teri dharti par yajooj wa majooj ki tara yalghar kar daingey.

My relatives won national and provincial seats for nawaz league but now have switched to fazlur rehman party due to too much punjabism of ganja and his lack of interest in KPK.

Ganja can't do much in KPK anyway, itz pti goverment. Why your relatives joined diesel? PTI was better option.
They are not doing sh*t when after the 18th Amendment its the 'other Provinces' who & who alone are responsible for their own Progress & don't have to ask the Federal Government for anything - If the Provinces, including KPK, are failing miserably then take the Chief Ministers of those respective Provinces to task not Punjab !

Oh come on, I didn't expect such things from a sane member like you. We are talking about KPK which is badly hurt by terrorism so no foreign investor will do direct investment in that province without guarantees from federal govt. Guess what our federal govt is doing in this regard, hope you are up to date on this. Here's a wild hint for you, they are back stabbing KP govt on it. Now why would a Prime Minister will do that to a province if he is neutral?

And there is hell lot of difference between failing miserably and lagging behind. Please choose the keywords wisely.
Oh come on, I didn't expect such things from a sane member like you. We are talking about KPK which is badly hurt by terrorism so no foreign investor will do direct investment in that province without guarantees from federal govt. Guess what our federal govt is doing in this regard, hope you are up to date on this. Here's a wild hint for you, they are back stabbing KP govt on it. Now why would a Prime Minister will do that to a province if he is neutral?

And there is hell lot of difference between failing miserably and lagging behind. Please choose the keywords wisely.

Even more reasons for PTI to get serious about terrorism in KPK, but instead its better to keep blaming punjabi ganja.
Even more reasons for PTI to get serious about terrorism in KPK, but instead its better to keep blaming punjabi ganja.

One way or another, PTI is the party which is most serious about terrorism, they are pushing hard on this issue since quite a long time now. You can disagree with PTI's policies on this, but sweeping statements like PTI is not serious about terrorism in KP or in whole country are just ridiculous.
One way or another, PTI is the party which is most serious about terrorism, they are pushing hard on this issue since quite a long time now. You can disagree with PTI's policies on this, but sweeping statements like PTI is not serious about terrorism in KP or in whole country are just ridiculous.

PTI want to borrow unlimited money from federal gov. In a country where hardly anyone pay taxes. Increase tax collection so tomorrow provinces can borrow more. I read some time back PTI was thinking about taxing Afghans goods transit. Time to do it and spend money on development.
PTI want to borrow unlimited money from federal gov. In a country where hardly anyone pay taxes. Increase tax collection so tomorrow provinces can borrow more. I read some time back PTI was thinking about taxing Afghans goods transit. Time to do it and spend money on development.

Yes, KP govt wants to borrow money from federal govt (not unlimited amount though, don't be ridiculous), also it wants its rightful share of revenue as per NFC Award 2010 (ever heard of it?). But guess what? Punjab is allowed to enjoy all these things while KP is being deliberately refused. Do you even know how much federal govt owe to KP just from NFC Award's payments? Google it and come back again.. Also google how much borrowing Punjab has done from federal since 2010 and how much they are still looking for.
Oh come on, I didn't expect such things from a sane member like you. We are talking about KPK which is badly hurt by terrorism so no foreign investor will do direct investment in that province without guarantees from federal govt. Guess what our federal govt is doing in this regard, hope you are up to date on this. Here's a wild hint for you, they are back stabbing KP govt on it. Now why would a Prime Minister will do that to a province if he is neutral?

And there is hell lot of difference between failing miserably and lagging behind. Please choose the keywords wisely.

How is the Federal Government back-stabbing the KP Government on this ?

And yes they are failing miserably - Having a Sindh Festival while children are dying in Thar is not lagging behind !
How is the Federal Government back-stabbing the KP Government on this ?

LOL just last month when WHO appreciated KP govt's efforts to curb polio and trying to directly fund KP govt's anti polio drive and help with polio vaccination etc, our federal govt was badly pissed off. And you are talking about how federal govt back stabbed KP govt? A federal govt that cannot even digest direct involvement of WHO like organization in a health project, its amazing rather stunning to see you asking me this question.. :lol: You need to serious get yourself up to dated man.

Federal Govt is not allowing KP govt to borrow money from federal as well as foreign agencies for completion of their critical provincial projects. The provinces have right to borrow from federal govt when they are in need and there are limits of borrowing for each province. Punjab has recently borrowed hell load of money from federal as well as foreign agencies. They even recently asked federal govt to increase their borrowing limits as they have already reached their limits and want more borrowing.

Now, forget reaching the limits, KP govt is not allowed any borrowing from federal govt. Foreign agencies ask for guarantees of federal govt because of bad law and order situation of KPK, but federal govt is not helping with that also. Now please pray tell me from where KP govt should spend on new projects which people like you are desperately waiting? KP's rightful share of NFC award isn't also paid, their food supply from Punjab frequently shuts down at critical times and what not?
LOL just last month when WHO appreciated KP govt's efforts to curb polio and trying to directly fund KP govt's anti polio drive and help with polio vaccination etc, our federal govt was badly pissed off. And you are talking about how federal govt back stabbed KP govt? A federal govt that cannot even digest direct involvement of WHO like organization in a health project, its amazing rather stunning to see you asking me this question.. :lol: You need to serious get yourself up to dated man.

Really & what did the Federal Government do to stop them from continuing on with their Anti-Polio Vaccination Drive ?

Federal Govt is not allowing KP govt to borrow money from federal as well as foreign agencies for completion of their critical provincial projects. The provinces have right to borrow from federal govt when they are in need and there are limits of borrowing for each province. Punjab has recently borrowed hell load of money from federal as well as foreign agencies. They even recently asked federal govt to increase their borrowing limits as they have already reached their limits and want more borrowing.

Now, forget reaching the limits, KP govt is not allowed any borrowing from federal govt. Foreign agencies ask for guarantees of federal govt because of bad law and order situation of KPK, but federal govt is not helping with that also. Now please pray tell me from where KP govt should spend on new projects which people like you are desperately waiting? KP's rightful share of NFC award isn't also paid, their food supply from Punjab frequently shuts down at critical times and what not?

Firstly your initial article posted on this issue highlighted the fact that the 'previous Government, allegedly, did the same' - So its not really a Punjab thing as the 'author' of the Article posted in OP keeps on asserting...maybe back then we should've called it a 'Sindh' thing !

Secondly you've got the Constitutional Court for this called the Supreme Court of Pakistan on who's door you can always knock if the Constitutional Rights of the Provincial Government of KPK are being violated !

Thirdly you've got the Council of Common Interests to turn to who's sole purpose is to solve the inter-provincial & provincial-center disagreements !

Fourthly you've managed to have a hissy fit & a full-fledged Dharna on something as trivial as the 'wall' of the Bilawal House & yet not even a sorry excuse of a Protest over something as fundamentally unjust as the denial of Constitutional Rights !

A failure to take up anything on any of those fronts doesn't fill PTI's Stance with a whole lot of credibility but continues to reinforce its image as a party that lives from 'Controversy' to 'Controversy' where flair, panache & drama instead of Legal & Constitutional Recourse is the vehicle for voicing 'dissent' !
Really & what did the Federal Government do to stop them from continuing on with their Anti-Polio Vaccination Drive ?

On front, they expressed deep concerns and discomfort to WHO on doing this, and God knows what they have possibly done on back door.

Firstly your initial article posted on this issue highlighted the fact that the 'previous Government, allegedly, did the same' - So its not really a Punjab thing as the 'author' of the Article posted in OP keeps on asserting...maybe back then we should've called it a 'Sindh' thing !
Secondly you've got the Constitutional Court for this called the Supreme Court of Pakistan on who's door you can always knock if the Constitutional Rights of the Provincial Government of KPK are being violated !
Thirdly you've got the Council of Common Interests to turn to who's sole purpose is to solve the inter-provincial & provincial-center disagreements !
Fourthly you've managed to have a hissy fit & a full-fledged Dharna on something as trivial as the 'wall' of the Bilawal House & yet not even a sorry excuse of a Protest over something as fundamentally unjust as the denial of Constitutional Rights !
A failure to take up anything on any of those fronts doesn't fill PTI's Stance with a whole lot of credibility but continues to reinforce its image as a party that lives from 'Controversy' to 'Controversy' where flair, panache & drama instead of Legal & Constitutional Recourse is the vehicle for voicing 'dissent' !

As we speak, this just happened. I am sure KP govt is reviewing their options in hand and what measures they can possibly take if federal govt will continue to adopt this behavior. But one thing is sure, if PTI will ever resort to dharnas, you and others like you will be the first one's to jump on guns.. :laugh:
@EyanKhan - Abbb Bhai seh naraaaz tou nahin ho giyaaa ? :(

I'd give up half of Punjab's Budget to be used in Low Human Development Index Areas like Baluchistan, Interior Sindh, GB, FATA etc. if it were up to me ! :(

But try looking at the other-side of the coin as well - Many of these Parties when they fail in properly Governing whatever they've been given they blame the Federal Government & by default Punjab....Bilour & the way the Railways worked is testament to that & in the end he said 'No one gave me the funds' !
But try looking at the other-side of the coin as well - Many of these Parties when they fail in properly Governing whatever they've been given they blame the Federal Government & by default Punjab....Bilour & the way the Railways worked is testament to that & in the end he said 'No one gave me the funds' !

Don't take me or current KP govt wrong either, they are not blaming federal govt for no reason like Bilour and ANP used to do. They have reason to blame them:

Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing

Details about Punjab's borrowing from Federal and foreign agencies explained in same thread:
Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing - Post # 12

Punjab indeed is being treated as special province while other provinces are being denied from their basic rights.
On front, they expressed deep concerns and discomfort to WHO on doing this, and God knows what they have possibly done on back door.

Oh forget about discomfort & what not - If Political Competitors wouldn't nit-pick everything the other does than who would ?

The other parties did the same on the Sindh Festival & the Punjab Sports Festival & even the Turkish Investment in Punjab etc.

As we speak, this just happened. I am sure KP govt is reviewing their options in hand and what measures they can possibly take if federal govt will continue to adopt this behavior. But one thing is sure, if PTI will ever resort to dharnas, you and others like you will be the first one's to jump on guns.. :laugh:

Nah I'm far too disappointed with PTI & its not a good feeling after voting so...so....so very enthusiastically for PTI ! :(

They haven't turned out to be what I had hoped from them; forget about the FDI in KPK......their really isn't any perceptible difference in KPK (Peshawar for me because thats as far as I've traveled) in these past few months that fills me with confidence - Dilll duuukhtaaa sochteiii hoveiii what the people of KPK must be going through....things are not so good there....not good at all !

And the few relatives who've just come back from there (they are from there) a few days ago are fairly despondent - Law & Order hasn't improved neither have much of the Civil Amenities - One doesn't need FDI for that !

Don't take me or current KP govt wrong either, they are not blaming federal govt for no reason like Bilour and ANP used to do. They have reason to blame them:

Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing

Details about Punjab's borrowing from Federal and foreign agencies explained in same thread:
Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing - Post # 12

Tou Bhai aaab kiya Punjab Government mafiyaaan mangeiii for having a better credit rating that they've achieved through better performance ?

We achieve are limited by what we have - the Punjab Government can't do squat on the Water Issue front because the other three panic - Thats our Limitation !

A low credit rating is KPK's limitation !
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