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The overpopulation thread

I have a request. Anyone who intends to post on this thread, please do not until you have seen the video embedded by me in the starting post of this thread. And mods/admins, once again please make this a sticky thread as this is a major social issue. Thank you
Guys its pretty simple, just use contraceptives and Pakistan will not have too much population plus it is better to have two children with good upbringing rather than having 3 children(nuclear family) because it will be draining on the family. The costs is high already for things like diapers, food, daycare, l'ecole, sports, academics activities etc...
We need to stop the food production Pakistan is an extremely fertile land for the most part that produces food to feed millions upon millions. Cut the food production and population growth cuts with it.

What?? You mean to say put people on Hunger and the population will reduce? :what:

Then try Holocaust.. It will help too..
Nature has a built in mechanism to treat overpopulation and its called , Virus

When over population becomes out of control , and garbage lies all around normally Virus variants become active which eventually cleanse out population 2/3 amount world wide.

Once such event happened 1913, plague etc

It is nature's way of bringing balance to population

If we look in modern times we hear about the virus issue in Hong Kong etc SARs etc its one of those things that is waiting for right environmental conditions to break out and balance the population which is out of control

In Pakistan spread of polio and measles is just one example of how a unsanitary environment invites Virus and Bacterial problems
Most of the over population occurs due to people desperation for sex and this created fragmented families with absconding or deprived children which makes a perfect recruit for hardcore religious seminaries, political parties and terrorist groups. Pakistan needs cultural liberation from the clutches medieval imperialism and a sexual revolution.
Another video that explains population rises as a result of land fertility:
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We need to stop the food production Pakistan is an extremely fertile land for the most part that produces food to feed millions upon millions. Cut the food production and population growth cuts with it.

So you are suggesting to starve people to death?
So you are suggesting to starve people to death?

No I'm suggesting discouraging more births. More food there is more people will consume and breed without any problems. True for any species, not just humans. Look at Balochistan they are already 'starved' they're population is nothing due to lack of fertility. Fertility has been Pakistan's biggest curse. Please watch the videos I've posted, not just what I've written. Thanks
There is no overpopulation problem.

I think there might be some truth to this. The problem seems to be management of population....

You know people who live in villages, grow their own food, and feed themselves. And this is what basically all that human needs to be biologically prosperous. People In the villages who are self sufficient in producing their own food, tend to have more babies, and get married at an early age, as soon as they hit puberty.

While people in urban areas, who do not produce their own food, marry late in life, and have fewer children.
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No I'm suggesting discouraging more births. More food there is more people will consume and breed without any problems. True for any species, not just humans. Look at Balochistan they are already 'starved' they're population is nothing due to lack of fertility. Fertility has been Pakistan's biggest curse. Please watch the videos I've posted, not just what I've written. Thanks

So you are suggesting to systematically malnutrition the population so they become biologically sick and infertile?

Logic: population is bad because there is no food, people become malnutrition,starved and die. Solution? Produce less food, so people become mal-nutrition, starved, and die, thus reducing the population.

What a bright idea!

Wow, those are sure some good ideas of mass genocide...
So you are suggesting to systematically malnutrition the population so they become biologically sick and infertile?

Logic: population is bad because there is no food, people become malnutrition,starved and die. Solution? Produce less food, so people become mal-nutrition, starved, and die, thus reducing the population.

What a bright idea!

Wow, those are sure some good ideas of mass genocide...

What the videos THEN write. If there is no food, there would be no population. Billions would not be alive today if there was no agriculture. True for any species but like I wrote WATCH THE VIDEOS

As for 'massive genocide' that's coming forth as we increase agriculture and population continues to grow out of control as a result of it. For the last time WATCH THE VIDEOS. Go back to the beginning.

You know people who live in villages, grow their own food, and feed themselves. And this is what basically all that human needs to be biologically prosperous. People In the villages who are self sufficient in producing their own food, tend to have more babies, and get married at an early age, as soon as they hit puberty.
Looks like you already answered your own misconceptions about the issue!
What the videos THEN write. If there is no food, there would be no population. Billions would not be alive today if there was no agriculture. True for any species but like I wrote WATCH THE VIDEOS

As for 'massive genocide' that's coming forth as we increase agriculture and population continues to grow out of control as a result of it. For the last time WATCH THE VIDEOS. Go back to the beginning.

If that is the case, you can start by NOT feeding yourself and your family to an extent of biologically becoming malnutrition and infertile. Virtue starts at home after all...

I would prefer to eat my food, feed my family, and share it with others.
What the videos THEN write. If there is no food, there would be no population. Billions would not be alive today if there was no agriculture. True for any species but like I wrote WATCH THE VIDEOS

As for 'massive genocide' that's coming forth as we increase agriculture and population continues to grow out of control as a result of it. For the last time WATCH THE VIDEOS. Go back to the beginning.

Looks like you already answered your own misconceptions about the issue!

My point is, people who produce their own food are not effected by increase or decrease in population, they are self sufficient and are attuned with their biological needs.

While those people who do not produce food, usually the urban people, are not attuned with their biological needs, because they are always thinking if they would be able to feed their family or not. They are NOT self sufficient.
You would be surprised how much food is wasted in the first world....

and you would be surprised by how much wasteful americans don't give a damn about the link between waste in the first world and the starvation in the third world.

the third world must save itself to have any hope of being saved rather than try to appeal to the moral sense of some white people. population control is a good start.
Bro, you didn't even refute a single one of the points I made on top of which you just posted another video which only addressed the "we can all fit into Texas" argument that was only used to demonstrate that there is A LOT of room on this planet. If the individual in the video I originally posted wanted he could have just said we can give everyone in the world a 2000 sq ft condo in giant buildings and occupy just a half, a quarter or even less space in Texas depending on how large we make them. Imagine Hong Kong but on a much larger scale with a lot more room per apartment.

The guys you are listening to have been making these doom and gloom predictions for 200 years now. The fact is that overpopulation will NEVER be a problem especially considering the fact that the Earths fertility rate has been decreasing since the 60s. It will peak at 9 billion and start to come back down because it is a proven fact that as people become wealthier and standard of living improves they live longer and have fewer kids and if you want visual confirmation of that you can view the link below:
World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer

A fertility rate of 2.1% is needed just to maintain equilibrium (i.e. your current population) and that is assuming there is no war, famine and disease and the world is at 2.45% (so we are just barely replacing our own population right now).

The guys you are listening to don't know what they're talking about.

The guy in the videos first complaint is regarding where we will fit all the roads, warehouses, factories, etc... based on the initial example provided by the guy in my video without realizing that the example was simply for visualization purposes to demonstrate that there is a lot of land.

Lets take the city of Toronto in Canada (I wont use Victoria since there is a lot more open space here than there needs to be). The city housed a population of 2.615 million over a space of 650 sq. km in 2011 (the population has since grown and I am sure there are a lot of empty apartments and houses available to move into as well as vacant lots that can be built on but for arguments sake lets assume everyone is living comfortably - we will give the space occupied by the empty apartments, houses, etc... to those people who may be living in smaller accommodations, have no homes or maybe even the construction of additional manufacturing facilities). If we assume the population of the world is 7 billion than you need 2677 cities the size of Toronto to accommodate them or 1,740,050 sq. km. As of 2000 the worlds total urban areas occupied a space of 3,510,000 sq km which is approximately twice the amount of space needed so in reality we can fit 14 billion people using the same space currently occupied by urban areas (no need for deforestation or building on agricultural land or even arable land).

As for the remainder of the video he basically pointed to a lack of freshwater available for humans and how we are destroying farmland.

If you read my post I already pointed out how there is no food problem because between 30 to 50% (1.2–2 billion tonnes) of the worlds food supply is uneaten and just goes to waste (due to poor handling and transportation practices and waste in the developed world) but that the majority of the countries on Earth (being third world or developing) are severely under producing per acre of land. To feed a family of four (diet of veggies, meat, eggs, milk and wheat) you need about 2 acres of land and currently the word has 15.4 billion acres of agricultural/arable land. Thus, we can actually feed about 61 billion people using what we already have (no need for deforestation). We can also produce even more food if we raise fish and invertebrates on farms in the oceans (which we're already doing and the practice is growing but it's still on a very small scale) and dedicate more land towards the manufacture of veggies/fruits or simply go vegetarian.


There is also an infatuation with the worlds fresh water supply. I am not sure if you heard of desalination plants (turn sea water into fresh water) but they are getting cheaper every year and Israel already uses them to supply about 40% of the their entire countries water needs. The country is now even said to have a water surplus which they previously didn't think could be possible. It is estimated that half the cost of a desalination plant comes from the cost of the energy required to operate it but as I stated in my previous post we are getting better at producing more electricity at cheaper rates (ex. solar is getting cheaper every year with its price now comparable to coal). Furthermore, countries are not learning to harvest and conserve fresh water. For example, Pakistan literally allows about 31.5 million cubic meters of water to drain out into the Arabian sea, there is no cultivation of monsoon rain waters (which instead are wasted by allowing to flood agricultural land) and then we have all the water that is unnecessarily wasted in agriculture (ex. Pakistan as well as other countries can cut the amount of water they use in agriculture by almost half simply by switching over to drip irrigation - agricultural irrigation represent the largest bulk of a countries fresh water usage).

These doom and gloom guys have got it all wrong.
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