Its a belief based on facts. If you think the video is wrong then prove it don't just write it off.
This idea that there is an overpopulation problem is nothing but bullshit and the video clearly outlines the truth.
Pakistan's problems stem from poor governance.
In my other PDF posts I have already highlighted how Pakistan can raise the revenue it needs to overcome the energy crisis in a single year, solving it would mean Pakistan's GDP would be growing at about 8% a year, yet the government just wastes money and time on projects that will simply prolong the crisis and keep the people poor.
It is the same with people arguing in favor of democracy, better relations with India and Afghanistan, reduced government oversight and regulation of the economy, bashing the military, etc...
They are basing their beliefs on pure speculation and misinformation they usually get from others who are outright lying to confuse the public because the facts, when you actually get down to it, prove they are wrong but it doesn't advance their agenda so they rely in peoples ignorance to get their way.