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The Netherlands Tells Immigrants to Learn Dutch or Get Out - Video - TIME.com

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well, I am going to NL on long term deputation...do I need to learn Dutch? ...I was never told that I will have to take Dutch language trainings, as per my experience and knowledge most Dutch speak good /conversational English.

Hope this is for those who are Dutch citizens or seeking the Dutch citizenship, which IMO is perfectly right..
It might not be targeted at all Muslims, but I guess Moroccan diaspora has forced them to take strict measures. You can find Muslims from many countries including Pakistan and Turkey(specially) well integrated with the society. But that seems not to be the case with Moroccan immigrants. And it is not the first generation, the ones born in Holland are not ready to integrate. In Utrecht, if you go to Utrecht overvecht it is world apart from the rest of the city. Too early to call it a no go area or ghetto but they are reaching there.
Moroccan Crime in the Netherlands & the Myths of Multiculturalism

I acknowledge that the Dutch local muslim youth feels deeply about the suffering of Muslims happening in The Middle East and Asia. Deep enough to go over there and risk their lives. Maybe not always for causes I would support, but still. They risk dying around 20 years of age instead of around 80 years of age.

I have stayed and worked in Utrecht for several years, what I mentioned is my experience based on the opinions of native people I met. May be @peacefan can correct me if I am wrong. But then again you can discard me as I am an Indian(less credible than right-wing Russian Neo-Nazis). Seems like calling others retard has taken you far enough to be a senior member here.

I don't socialize with many muslims, but I do believe the Turkish and Moroccan muslim communities in the Netherlands are the largest by numbers of living people.

And you know Pakistanis distrust the Indians from India. Like some in India publicly distrust all Pakistanis, no doubt, as well........
Dutch are retards.

They vote for Muslim-hating bigot Greet Wilders in big numbers, making him the "mainstream" political player.

Guess what? His "Ten points agenda on Muslim" regards Islam not as religion and states to make efforts to get Islam recognized as a political system instead of a religion, so "Freedom of religion" doesn't apply here.

Moreover, he plans to expel, forcefully, tens of millions of Muslims out of Europe.

And dutch retards voted him into power!!!

I wonder how @peacefan explains this?

Well, some Dutch muslim youth has become so radicalized and trained in the criminal (robbery, etc) "arts", that they keep popping up in the news for robbery report suspects, that's one thing. There's hardly a white store-or-atm-withdrawer robber in Holland to find.

And I don't and wouldn't vote PVV.nl, I'm a longtime Groenlinks.nl voter, and I don't socialize much with PVV voters because they, while i'm fully white and loyal to my own white-Dutch sub-culture, find me a bit weird often as well, i'm more of an US-american mindset, trying to stay neutral between democratic and republican standpoints, so I really don't know the other reasons for "Wilders' rise to top politician". Nor do I care, really.

I think, you'd best trust the rest of the fair-amount of public political parties in the netherlands, to keep Wilders' party "in check".
And, you may know, I also email all of the political parties in the Netherlands sometimes with (geo-)political tips, and have already politely but briefly and to-the-point, addressed to these political parties of NL, Wilders' overly aggressive policy making towards anti-muslim rules and such, as counter-productive to Wilders' objectives which are primarily to secure a peaceful Dutch state (keep that secure, actually), and that happens to be my own fallback (top-priority) objective / priority-in-this-aspect-of-my-life as well.
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I don't socialize with many muslims, but I do believe the Turkish and Moroccan muslim communities in the Netherlands are the largest by numbers of living people.

I thought Indonesians made up that number, turns out not.
The more I know.

But don't worry, Indo people like some of my families speak perfect Dutch (with some Dutch-Indo side-languages and words being thrown into the speaking process
well, I am going to NL on long term deputation...do I need to learn Dutch? ...I was never told that I will have to take Dutch language trainings, as per my experience and knowledge most Dutch speak good /conversational English.

Hope this is for those who are Dutch citizens or seeking the Dutch citizenship, which IMO is perfectly right..
If you ask something in broken Dutch, they will answer in English :)
I have stayed and worked in Utrecht for several years, what I mentioned is my experience based on the opinions of native people I met. May be @peacefan can correct me if I am wrong. But then again you can discard me as I am an Indian(less credible than right-wing Russian Neo-Nazis). Seems like calling others retard has taken you far enough to be a senior member here.

I don't know your background obviously. I can only judge you by the content you post..and posting right-wing nutter websites as your "sources" doesn't pain a nice picture of you, does it?

BTW, what was your experience in Ultrecht? I'd like to hear from you on that...

The nation, as human have the instinct of self-preservation. In the North-European nations this instinct gradually activated.

Europe is already multi-cultural. They can keep this "instinct"
Well, some Dutch muslim youth has become so radicalized and trained in the criminal (robbery, etc) "arts", that they keep popping up in the news for robbery report suspects, that's one thing. There's hardly a white store-or-atm-withdrawer robber in Holland to find.

And I don't and wouldn't vote PVV.nl, I'm a longtime Groenlinks.nl voter, and I don't socialize much with PVV voters because they, while i'm fully white and loyal to my own white-Dutch sub-culture, find me a bit weird often as well, i'm more of an US-american mindset, trying to stay neutral between democratic and republican standpoints, so I really don't know the other reasons for "Wilders' rise to top politician". Nor do I care, really.

I think, you'd best trust the rest of the fair-amount of public political parties in the netherlands, to keep Wilders' party "in check".
And, you may know, I also email all of the political parties in the Netherlands sometimes with (geo-)political tips, and have already politely but briefly and to-the-point, addressed to these political parties of NL, Wilders' overly aggressive policy making towards anti-muslim rules and such, as counter-productive to Wilders' objectives which are primarily to secure a peaceful Dutch state (keep that secure, actually), and that happens to be my own fallback (top-priority) objective / priority-in-this-aspect-of-my-life as well.

Criminals are from every community...

Dutch need to understand that so-called "Muslim robbers" come from a community that is new to the land and is not as well-off as white community is. So offcourse, you'll see troubles there. But this should not make one hate Islam or Muslims. If that happens, then chances are that those white people are finding a scape-goat in Muslim community for their own frustrations...
I think the dutch are overreacting, Most of the western countries don't care about the old first generation migrants learning the local language but invest their all on the second generations. it's harder for an old migrant to integrate fully to a new environment. I still see migrants in here who have been in Australia for 40 years and their language is almost toddler's standard, but their kids and grand kids is just like the locals. The policy here is "your life is yours but your kids is ours", that is why child welfare is very important here you hit or upset your or i should say their kids and they would crucify you with no mercy.
What's wrong? Their country, their rules, their language.

Why go to Netherlands if you don't want to learn Dutch?

did you watch the video before you went into your LOL's? it is all based on one religion they deem to be as only terrorists

You cannot stay without integrating with the local society. No culture on this planet will accept it in their own homeland (Except India).

Will Saudi, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen etc accept? Then why should the Europeans or others?
JayATL, why are you making a fool out of yourself pretending to know people you' ve never seen in your life? I'm a law-abiding citizen born in the Netherlands, I have a job here, I have Dutch friends and speak Dutch better than the average "Dutchman". My Dutch is also far better than my Turkish. Do you always make judgements about people you "meet" online? :D I think you are a criminal illegal Indian livng in the U.S. who should be deported? Maybe a potential terrorist, how could we know? ;) I have seldom "met" someone as ignorant as you my friend, that was absolutely hilrious, seriously I almost choked drinking my morning tea.
. . . .

They don't want language as the sole criteria unlike MNS which is well known for its you-know-what tactics.

Dutch people are industrious and their country's development shows it all.

What has MNS ever done to Maharashtra other than shouting Marathi Manoos?

Reservations? That's the main reason for backwardness of Maharashtra except Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur.
They don't want language as the sole criteria unlike MNS which is well known for its you-know-what tactics.
Dutch people are industrious and their country's development shows it all.

What has MNS ever done to Maharashtra other than shouting Marathi Manoos?

Reservations? That's the main reason for backwardness of Maharashtra except Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur.

Dude i was just telling them that we have ppl who can help them out...just take them and keep them:dirol:
The world does change indeed. The islamic world lacks more and more behind. We already witness its total collapse all over the middle east. An instability the world can not and will not accept any longer. You either join the 21st century or will be forced to do so.

Btw, ME is only 19% of the Islamic world. So any ME collapse is not collapse of the entire Muslim world.
I do agree Muslim world needs a massive reform to catch up in certain fields.
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