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The Mongol Destruction of Baghdad

Saladin was a soldier in Turkish Army ( ZENGI Dynasty ) of the Great Seljuk Empire

Turkish Atabeg Nureddin Zengi sent Turkish Army , Saladin and his uncle Shirkuh to Egypt to fight Crusaders

that was Turkish Army led by Saladin

even BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty
He was Commander of the Turkic MAMLUK forces that inflicted a defeat on the 7th Crusade of King Louis IX of France

also BAIBARS KHAN led the vanguard of the Turkic MAMLUK forces at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol Army and is considered a turning point in history

Turks and Mongols are Cousins
The first substantial defeat of the Mongol Army was by the Turks
Here we go again...


Pakistansi are lying to themselves again---. It was not for the muslim uniting---but the muslims were not prepared for the threat of the mongols.

Before Hulugu Khan had killed the Khalifah of baghdad after finding his wealth---he was known to have stated " if you had spent this gold to prepare for an army---you would not be begging for your life---.

As for Ain-jaloot victory---the muslims are bragging about it---.

Just like christians brag about defeating the mongols in europe---.

At ain jaloot---muslims faced an INFERIOR mongol army under an INFERIOR mongol general---.

Hulugu Khan had been called back to Karakurum----due to a power struggle for the seat of the leadership of the mongols---.

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Mongols were most potent in combat situations under Genghis Khan. Their ability to fight a war varied across regions subject to availability of leadership, resources and circumstances. They had subjugated multiple civilizations by the time they reached Egypt in 1260.

Hulagu Khan - the man credited for defeating Abbasid Caliphate across Iraq, Syria and Palestine - had to return to Mongolia due to death of Möngke Khan and could not partake in war with Mamluks in Egypt.

The death of the Great Khan

However, the power dynamic changed when the Great Khan died in an expedition to China, and Hulagu had to return back home to decide who would be the next Great Khan. He left only a small force behind to keep the presence of the Mongols in the area. Seeing the opportunity, Qutuz the Mamluk invaded Palestine and allied with a fellow Mamluk leader, Baibars, to defend Islam and free the Mongol occupied Damascus and most of Bilad al-sham.

Seeing the now growing military strength of the Mamluks, the Mongols tried to bring forth a Franco-Mongol alliance but failed to do so since Pope Alexander IV forbade it. Alternatively, although there was a long-standing Christians against Muslims feud between the Mamluks and the Franks, the Franks understood that the Mongolian hordes would spare none, and thus they allowed the Mamluk armies to pass through their lands. When news came that the Mongols had crossed the Jordan river, Qutuz headed towards Ain Jalut in the Jezreel Valley to meet them.

Political circumstances of the time made it possible for Mamluks to defeat a Mongolian force led by Kitbuga Noyan in the Battle of Ain Jalut.

Allah Almighty helps the deserving in mysterious ways of-course.

But it is important to understand events correctly and read situations correctly. Allah Almighty have given all humans an excellent brain to use.

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Saladin took on 6 Kings from Europe simultaneously and over 1 million came with Fredrick from Germany alone

less than 1/10 returned home and Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands for next 700 years until Arabs sold it out

Saladin was a true master tactician and Mongols would have stood ZERO chance against him
Crusaders came from cold to hot desert region after traveling 1000s of miles. Still on last crusaders Saladin lost some areas. Meanwhile mogols came and conquered.
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Whatever the case, Bhartis should be kissing our feet for never allowing the mongols into their swamps.

Mongols invaded and took control of the Kashmir valley initially. Delhi prince Jalal al-Din Masud was impressed and sought assistance from Mongols to restore him to power in the region. Mongols helped him reclaim areas of Punjab and Sindh but a wider war with the Delhi Sultanate was ruled out due to other commitments where Mongolian forces were needed. These events took place in the (1257 - 1258) period.

Decades later, Duwa Khan was willing to take his chances with the Dehli Sultanate but he met his match in Alauddin khilji in the region.

But Mongols were not done with India yet.

Decades later, the legendary Turko-Mongol ruler Timur invaded and almost destroyed the Dehli Sultanate - he reduced the city of Dehli into a pile of dust in the process. Dehli took 100 years to recover in the aftermath.

The famous Mughal Empire have its roots in the exploits of Mongols in fact. Babur was a descendent of Timur.

Alauddin khilji only delayed the inevitable.
Can we all just agree that the destruction of Baghdad was a terrible thing? The lives,the knowledge,the culture lost...
Hulagu's true destruction came ironically at the hands of the first set of Muslim Mongols the Golden Horde at the battle of Terek, where two massive Mongol armies met one another in their first civil war.
Hulagu's armies were destroyed, with their loot captured, and hundreds of thousands of slaves also freed, including many Muslim women.

Berke was one of the heroes of the Muslim world and of course a star among the Mongols.
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Can we all just agree that the destruction of Baghdad was a terrible thing? The lives,the knowledge,the culture lost...
That’s what happens what God bless you with success and prosperity and instead of Thanking God you become arrogant. God sent punishment to Jews from Roman’s and to Muslims from Mongols. Than God use Roman to spread Christianity and Mongols to spread Islam.
Saladin was a soldier in Turkish Army ( ZENGI Dynasty ) of the Great Seljuk Empire

Turkish Atabeg Nureddin Zengi sent Turkish Army , Saladin and his uncle Shirkuh to Egypt to fight Crusaders

that was Turkish Army led by Saladin

even BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty
He was Commander of the Turkic MAMLUK forces that inflicted a defeat on the 7th Crusade of King Louis IX of France

also BAIBARS KHAN led the vanguard of the Turkic MAMLUK forces at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol Army and is considered a turning point in history

Turks and Mongols are Cousins
The first substantial defeat of the Mongol Army was by the Turks

can you please stop this ?

your obsession with everything Turkish is getting a bit ridiculous

ok we get it TB2 has done a great job in Ukraine but dont lose your mind over it for heavens sake!

Crusaders came from cold to hot desert region after traveling 1000s of miles. Still on last crusaders Saladin lost some areas. Meanwhile mogols came and conquered.

Saladin won by mastery of military tactics, every historian knows this apart form you it seems

so my advice is go study history

he could have slaughtered everyone in Jerusalem but he made a agreement and let everyone go and even allowed then to take their belonging

the Christians were barbaric animals who were wiped out

live with that until the day of judgement
aziqbal's numbers were exaggerated. The numbers of Crusader armies were usually about 20,000-30,000 max. Weird numbers of 600,000 that he mentioned,are just fantasy.

oh really? so you know more than historians ? or maybe you personally seen the numbers ?

Frederick from Germany alone brought over 1 million
Richard the Lion Heart from England
Raynald of Châtillon from France
Pope Urban II from Italy
Christians from Spain and Portugal

Europe threw everything they had at Saladin and he fulfilled his right of JIhad

Allahs help was on the side of Saladin, add Crusaders + Mongols together and still Allah would his victory to Saladin

Imam Dhahabi it said was as if Allah Swt kept Saladin from another time and place, it was the greatest victory against Non-Muslims after Khalid Bin Waleed RA victory at the battle of Yarmuk

let me repeat it as the greatest victory for the muslims after the battle of Yarmuk, battle of Yarmuk was fought by many Sahaba RA

One thing I love to see is these clowns suffering while China rises.

There is a scale balance between settlers and nomads, when one side is weak and divided, the other rises.

yes but Mongols wiped out China

small nomads wiped out entire Chinese dynasty, you had to eventually build the Great Wall of China to keep then out

and Mongols themselves were beaten by Mumluks

in the end victory is for Islam only
oh really? so you know more than historians ? or maybe you personally seen the numbers ?
Give me the sources. Where does it say that Frederick Barbarossa brought 1,000,000 with him
And where does it say that the Crusaders had an army of 600,000 at any time?

Europe threw everything they had at Saladin and he fulfilled his right of JIhad
Europe didn't throw everything they had. If they did that,Europe would have been left without armies. There were countless nobles with their armies back in Europe,bickering with each other or staying put until their kings and superiors had returned.
And so many European States didn't even take part in the Crusades or just sent token forces.

small nomads wiped out entire Chinese dynasty, you had to eventually build the Great Wall of China to keep then out

and Mongols themselves were beaten by Mumluks

in the end victory is for Islam only
Victory for Islam only?

Check again:

Screenshot_2022-11-20 List of wars involving Mongolia - Wikipedia(1).png

And apart from that:

Screenshot_2022-11-20 List of wars involving Mongolia - Wikipedia.png
Hassan-e-Sabah’s troops were in decline and vastly outnumbered by the time the Mongols waded into battle.
can you please stop this ?

your obsession with everything Turkish is getting a bit ridiculous

Its my history .. if you dont know history .. its your problem

Saladin was nothing without Turkish Army and Great Seljuk Empire

Turks ( Seljuks ) entered Anatolia and beat Eastern Roman Empire in 1071
in 1096 Europeans have started Crusades against the Turks

and BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty
BAIBARS KHAN led the vanguard of the Turkic MAMLUK forces at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol Army and is considered a turning point in history

Dou you think Kurds or Arabs beat Eastern Roman Empire , Crusaders and Mongols ?

Turks ( Seljuks , Mamluks ) beat Eastern Roman Empire , Crusaders and Mongols
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Hassan-e-Sabah’s troops were in decline and vastly outnumbered by the time the Mongols waded into battle.
"Although the caliph technically had the authority to summon soldiers from other Muslim empires to defend his realm, he neglected or lacked the ability to do so. His taunting opposition had lost him the loyalty of the Mamluks, and the Syrian emirs, whom he supported, were busy preparing their own defenses."

Reminds me of the Russians,who were divided at the time and their principalities fell one by one to the Mongols. They couldn't coordinate and although they usually put up a desperate defence and fought to the last man,the Mongol numbers weren't diminishing.

Great video,I strongly suggest you guys watch it.
"Although the caliph technically had the authority to summon soldiers from other Muslim empires to defend his realm, he neglected or lacked the ability to do so. His taunting opposition had lost him the loyalty of the Mamluks, and the Syrian emirs, whom he supported, were busy preparing their own defenses."

Reminds me of the Russians,who were divided at the time and their principalities fell one by one to the Mongols. They couldn't coordinate and although they usually put up a desperate defence and fought to the last man,the Mongol numbers weren't diminishing.

Great video,I strongly suggest you guys watch it.
There is a book on the subject I read back in 2005. Very interesting battle and yes it has echoes of Russian failures even the disastrous campaign of the war of the roses.
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