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THE LAST RESORT - Intersting Concept

Hunt for the Red October 'in reverse'..... doubt if it reflects on anything other that Holywoord scriptwriters ability to come up with a new plot variation.... <yawn>
Hunt for the Red October 'in reverse'..... doubt if it reflects on anything other that Holywoord scriptwriters ability to come up with a new plot variation.... <yawn>

Please don't compare this Piece of Shyt production with 'Hunt for Red October'
Please don't compare this Piece of Shyt production with 'Hunt for Red October'
Please don't confuse (comparison of) the essence of the plot with the full story (of movie or book). Clearly, for most movies, the storyline/plot isn't half as interesting as it is in the book on which it was based.... read the book rather than go see the movie.
its a concept for command!
could be tried?
even though they kenw that, we have 2nd & 3rd strike capability?
Now this concept is reality. We have a Nimitz Class Carrier in Gawadr about 65 Nmiles(120 K.Ms), Gharo Secret base which was rumuored to be build and Shabaz as well.
'The hunt for Red October'
The movie was crap compared to the book, just putting that out there.
I thought the show was quite gripping - although they cancelled it. I don't think they liked portraying the USG as the villain :D

But its an accurate foreigner's perception of what the USG might do. I saw like 6 episodes back to back, it was that gripping. Well perhaps because the first episode starts with detonating two nukes on (what seemed like) Karachi and Lahore. Unjustly, may I add.
Please don't confuse (comparison of) the essence of the plot with the full story (of movie or book). Clearly, for most movies, the storyline/plot isn't half as interesting as it is in the book on which it was based.... read the book rather than go see the movie.

This holds true for almost all of the movies based on novels!! Da Vinic Code, Kite Runner as an example. Even the twilight series :P
I thought the show was quite gripping - although they cancelled it. I don't think they liked portraying the USG as the villain :D

But its an accurate foreigner's perception of what the USG might do. I saw like 6 episodes back to back, it was that gripping. Well perhaps because the first episode starts with detonating two nukes on (what seemed like) Karachi and Lahore. Unjustly, may I add.
The season 1 was aired here in Ozland - i quite liked it actually. Was it cancelled in the US?
The season 1 was aired here in Ozland - i quite liked it actually. Was it cancelled in the US?

ABC Cancels &#8216;Last Resort&#8217; and &#8217;666 Park Avenue&#8217;

These intense shows rarely survives lack of interest from American public. Only Sitcoms and dramas these days live to 10 years old status.

90s and Noughties saw the last of the Sci Fi fans... Why do you think TV show producers are so afraid to make another Star Trek show?

Battlestar galactica lived only 4 years, and the spinoffs never came. Stargate series with such a strong backing did not survive either...
This holds true for almost all of the movies based on novels!! Da Vinic Code, Kite Runner as an example. Even the twilight series :P

07-06-2012 was when I posted that. I thought this thread had died and gone to thread-heaven....

ABC Cancels &#8216;Last Resort&#8217; and &#8217;666 Park Avenue&#8217;

These intense shows rarely survives lack of interest from American public. Only Sitcoms and dramas these days live to 10 years old status.

90s and Noughties saw the last of the Sci Fi fans... Why do you think TV show producers are so afraid to make another Star Trek show?

Battlestar galactica lived only 4 years, and the spinoffs never came. Stargate series with such a strong backing did not survive either...

I'm sure there are plenty sci-fi lovers out there. But ... the big media corporations are unwilling to take risks, and esp US companies don't really give a whoot about the non-US audiences.... DOn't blame the fans!
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