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The last days of Empire - London 2012 Openning Ceremony

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Speeder 2

Mar 24, 2010
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United Kingdom
The last days of Empire

Almost finished watching London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony, I have some rant on my mind that must be said on what was shown of British culture, tradition and value that an opening ceremony supposed to do…

OKE, let me cut it short, the point is NOTHING more British left!

…except that to paint a very rosy picture of the underlying hugely incompetent and bankrupt NHS…a bit of Harry Potter idea, orchestra and Mr Bean that were quite positive…

Yet guess what was the main theme of the show? The main theme apparently was concentrating on showcasing modern Britain where how a mixed daughter (of a Black man and White women, of course) fell in love with another Black guy, which is obviously hugely important as the symbol of the British value and tradition perhaps more important to the British Future – a society of average 85 IQ needless to say. It was so important that the length of the episode was about same or more than the one depicting the whole process of the history of British Isles and the Industrial Revolution putting together. Think about that! WoW!

I was left speechless when it was followed by another key show of gangster rap with countless brainwashed zombie dancers behind “celebrating” something that I was not quite sure what was… For God’s sake, gangster rap??? I wouldn’t have been so pessimistic about the future of Britain if they had shown some Morris Dancing instead really, at least that was British classics … I was not sure I was watching London 2012 or Lagos 2012.

Compared with Beijing’s opening ceremony, the London show “was immensely fun and vibrant” according to the official line of massive BBC propaganda of course and that of Beijing was “ very rigid, too scary, too chest-beating and no fun at all”… But what sort of “fun” was that? -- the whole “culture”, “Music” and society revolving around gangster rap? Yeah, very fun and inspiring indeed.

In its nutshell, most of the story line and setup (nodded by the organising PC oligarchy) has actually depicted and predicted, in my view, the last days of once culturally strong and proud Empire – yes, it did many evils yet it led the rest of humanity into the modern age nonetheless. The Chinese youth have little to learn from this bewildered and culturally dying London that has lost its way in this PC world.

Rant off.

Disclaimer: just some aimless rant, I don't mean to insult any individual performer.
infact tell me some national foods of britian? fish and chips probably , they tried to symbolise their power by putting non british people trying to show that we ruled these people and now they are in our country in mass numbers.
The last days of Empire

Almost finished watching London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony, I have some rant on my mind that must be said on what was shown of British culture, tradition and value that an opening ceremony supposed to do…

OKE, let me cut it short, the point is NOTHING more British left!

…except that to paint a very rosy picture of the underlying hugely incompetent and bankrupt NHS…a bit of Harry Potter idea, orchestra and Dr. Bean that were quite positive…

Yet guess what was the main theme of the show? The main theme apparently was concentrating on showcasing modern Britain where how a mixed daughter (of a Black man and White women, of course) fell in love with another Black guy, which is obviously hugely important as the symbol of the British value and tradition perhaps more important to the British Future – a society of average 85 IQ needless to say. It was so important that the length of the episode was about same or more than the one depicting the whole process of the history of British Isles and the Industrial Revolution putting together. Think about that! WoW!

I was left speechless when it was followed by another key show of gangster rap with countless brainwashed zombie dancers behind “celebrating” something that I was not quite sure what was… was that cannibalism, judging by the rapper’s aggressive expressions and movements? :rofl: For God’s sake, gangster rap??? I wouldn’t have been so pessimistic about the future of Britain if they had shown some Morris Dancing instead really, at least that was British classics … I was not sure I was watching London 2012 or Lagos 2012.

Compared with Beijing’s opening ceremony, the London show “was immensely fun and vibrant” according to the official line of massive BBC propaganda of course and that of Beijing was “ very rigid, too scary, too chest-beating and no fun at all”… But what sort of “fun” was that? -- the whole “culture”, “Music” and society revolving around gangster rap? Yeah, very fun and inspiring indeed.

In its nutshell, most of the story line and setup (nodded by the organising PC oligarchy) has actually depicted and predicted, in my view, the last days of once culturally strong and proud Empire – yes, it did many evils yet it led the rest of humanity into the modern age nonetheless. Chinese youth have little to learn from this bewildered and culturally dying London that has lost its way in this PC world.

Rant off.

I agree.

There were too many Blacks in the opening ceremony.
They put together a ceremony that apparently only Brits could enjoy! I was not able to understand quite a big chunk of it like NHS and other health programs!
The segments were too long and too common.! It lacked creativity! The stories apparently are not all famous in my part of the world i guess. Why make the queen jump off the helo!That was just silly and juvenile!
Britian is a lost society of capitalistic morons who have lost their soul, culture, ideas, values everything...and have become completely plastic.
I agree.

There were too many Blacks in the opening ceremony.

Will you pls disquote my OP? I made some changes and I don't want any trouble from thought police. Thank you!
They put together a ceremony that apparently only Brits could enjoy! I was not able to understand quite a big chunk of it like NHS and other health programs!
The segments were too long and too common.! It lacked creativity! The stories apparently are not all famous in my part of the world i guess. Why make the queen jump off the helo!That was just silly and juvenile!
:rolleyes: Thought it was fairly original myself.
The last days of Empire

Almost finished watching London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony, I have some rant on my mind that must be said on what was shown of British culture, tradition and value that an opening ceremony supposed to do…

OKE, let me cut it short, the point is NOTHING more British left!

…except that to paint a very rosy picture of the underlying hugely incompetent and bankrupt NHS…a bit of Harry Potter idea, orchestra and Mr Bean that were quite positive…

Yet guess what was the main theme of the show? The main theme apparently was concentrating on showcasing modern Britain where how a mixed daughter (of a Black man and White women, of course) fell in love with another Black guy, which is obviously hugely important as the symbol of the British value and tradition perhaps more important to the British Future – a society of average 85 IQ needless to say. It was so important that the length of the episode was about same or more than the one depicting the whole process of the history of British Isles and the Industrial Revolution putting together. Think about that! WoW!

I was left speechless when it was followed by another key show of gangster rap with countless brainwashed zombie dancers behind “celebrating” something that I was not quite sure what was… For God’s sake, gangster rap??? I wouldn’t have been so pessimistic about the future of Britain if they had shown some Morris Dancing instead really, at least that was British classics … I was not sure I was watching London 2012 or Lagos 2012.

Compared with Beijing’s opening ceremony, the London show “was immensely fun and vibrant” according to the official line of massive BBC propaganda of course and that of Beijing was “ very rigid, too scary, too chest-beating and no fun at all”… But what sort of “fun” was that? -- the whole “culture”, “Music” and society revolving around gangster rap? Yeah, very fun and inspiring indeed.

In its nutshell, most of the story line and setup (nodded by the organising PC oligarchy) has actually depicted and predicted, in my view, the last days of once culturally strong and proud Empire – yes, it did many evils yet it led the rest of humanity into the modern age nonetheless. The Chinese youth have little to learn from this bewildered and culturally dying London that has lost its way in this PC world.

Rant off.

Disclaimer: just some aimless rant, I don't mean to insult any individual performer.
I didn't see any East Asians until the athetes came in. Even though the reality is there are loads of East Asians on the streets in London. The truth is the West hates East Asians and fear us. But they depict harmony with blacks to defend against claims of racism. Ditto whenever you see TV / movie depictions of New York. There are loads of East Asians on the streets in real life, but never on TV / movie. It's because they hate us.

Same is true to a lesser degree for South Asians in the UK. There is a bit more exposure but relative to the actual population of South Asians it is deliberately supressed while blacks are played up. South Asians are considered a "moderate" threat compared to East Asians who are a "serious" threat.
What a lousy ceremony when it's more like a backyard party of a old street middle class family. White Firepower debris fell on the low quality fake mountains make a huge garbage hill where Olympic officials gives keynote speeches....

Even the old queen's hairstyle make her like a nanny of that shantytown neighborhood....
I watched a bit in the beginning, found it boring and stopped. Will watch the highlights if available.
I didn't see any East Asians until the athetes came in. Even though the reality is there are loads of East Asians on the streets in London. The truth is the West hates East Asians and fear us. But they depict harmony with blacks to defend against claims of racism. Ditto whenever you see TV / movie depictions of New York. There are loads of East Asians on the streets in real life, but never on TV / movie. It's because they hate us.

Same is true to a lesser degree for South Asians in the UK. There is a bit more exposure but relative to the actual population of South Asians it is deliberately supressed while blacks are played up. South Asians are considered a "moderate" threat compared to East Asians who are a "serious" threat.

It's not "hate".

The lack of East Asians is actually a blessing IMO: It's supposed to be a British ceremony, not East Asian one. So in all fairness, the less East Asians there the better.

Again, rant on:

The real reason for the lack of us causually reflected the cruel fact that E Asians are at the rock bottom of the political power pyramid across Europe thus has become the softest punching pad for all and sundry. Not long ago an alone Irish politician (a small fry anyway), an ethnic Chinese, was even appealing to the Chinese community youths to consider choosing politics career on local TV, because there are next to zero ethnic East Asian politicians out there in Europe and are insignificant compared to other ethnic minority groups. Therefore, one can not even make jokes on let alone discriminate all others since they are ALL well and sufficiently powered up by local and central policitians at all levels from their ethnic groups, while anyone can do and say whatever to East Asians even in public without worrying about anything. The REAL political power ranking in Western Europe is: the Jews at the top, followed by the Blacks, then the South Asians, then other Whites, then the Brits, then the Germans, then the Eskimos, ..., with the East Asians at the bottom.

The real outrage is that this Maxist political ranking has profound consequences on the Corporate Power Structure here as well, as you see many token diversity trophies of Black Managing Directors, Indian CEOs/CFOs, and many Deputy Heads of Dept, Team Leaders manned by recent immigrants from Africa or India, but almost none East Asians(many were 2 or 3rd generation) on top corporate ranks or even mid ranks worth of mention no matter how brilliant we are and in spite of the fact that on average East Asians are the amongst the highest academic achivers across all major Western European countries. So at the end of the day top A level students as we mostly are across disciplines are bossed around by mostly C or D grader "diversity hires" in the real corporate world :angry: And people wonder why Europe nowadays can't compete with East Asia. That also explains why many of E Asians consider starting up their own at some point, as I will do, instead of climbing useless corporate ladders.
it was the dumbest and hell boring ceremony i ever watched.. only brits could have the idea what those TV shows and dances were all about..
I find the title of this thread strange.

Empire ?? Finished half a Century ago .
In my opinion too, it was a dissapointment. The entire show missed the connection, I bet many brits would have failed to grasp the entire concept. I agree lots of colors and lights was used, but certainly they lacked the creativity.Parts were boring and lengthy,I felt like they tried to make a movie with kisses, raps, new music but it was a total flop. Leave Delhi they failed to even match Beijing IMO.:thumbdown:
almost no desi asians in the ceremony.
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