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The Khalistan Diaries

Guys why are we even discussing this topic?!
That Khalistan warrior isn't even sikh. And as fas as the Khalistan movement is concerned. It is DEAD!
No Sikh wants separate state in India. Common Indian [either be Sikh/Hindu or Muslim for that matter] is too busy earning a bread for his family to care about all these stuff. I don't remember the last time any Sikh even talked about the Khalistan? Maybe some Sikhs in 'kaanaddda' might want it. And new generation Sikhs in Canada don't even relate to all these.

There are so many Sikhs in RSS and BJP as well. And today every Indian realises that India's economy is booming and India's strong because we're UNITED. And if you kinda look at it each state of India is unique, different from other states and can be a country in it's own[the size of european countries].

SINGH IS KING!! Enough said!
SINGH IS KING!! Enough said!

singh is king is a film.........

we're talking about reality of thausands of sikhs who were genocided by hindu fanatics, thausands of sikh women raped by hindus.

still no justice given by the hindu republic of india to sikhs. sikhs are known to be people of honour and dignity... how can the sikhs just let this pass by?
Guys why are we even discussing this topic?!
That Khalistan warrior isn't even sikh. And as fas as the Khalistan movement is concerned. It is DEAD!
No Sikh wants separate state in India. Common Indian [either be Sikh/Hindu or Muslim for that matter] is too busy earning a bread for his family to care about all these stuff. I don't remember the last time any Sikh even talked about the Khalistan? Maybe some Sikhs in 'kaanaddda' might want it. And new generation Sikhs in Canada don't even relate to all these.

There are so many Sikhs in RSS and BJP as well. And today every Indian realises that India's economy is booming and India's strong because we're UNITED. And if you kinda look at it each state of India is unique, different from other states and can be a country in it's own[the size of european countries].

SINGH IS KING!! Enough said!

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singh is king is a film.........

we're talking about reality of thausands of sikhs who were genocided by hindu fanatics, thausands of sikh women raped by hindus.

still no justice given by the hindu republic of india to sikhs. sikhs are known to be people of honour and dignity... how can the sikhs just let this pass by?
don't claim BS..first go and give justice for those thousands bengali women raped by PA....
It's funny how Pakistanis care about Sikhs all of a sudden??!!
Forgot about separation days?? Forgot about 'Project Kaur and Kapoor to Khan'?? Forgot about 'Wadda Ghalughara' [In which muslims killed half of the sikh population at that time under Durrani's rule] ??

CAUTION: "Singh/Kaur 2 Khan" agents active here !
Wadda Ghalughara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You guys are just as* burnt that Bengalis separated from you because of your discrimination so now you want India to be broken in similar manner even though there is no discrimination. This is just wet dream fantasy of you Pakistanis! India was united, is united and will remain united [yeah we might add Pakistan into it but it won't break for sure because unity is our power.] You guys don't care about Sikhs you just wanna see India breaking! Which will never happen. You are no1's friends. Even Afghanis hate you!
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It's funny how Pakistanis care about Sikhs all of a sudden??!!
Forgot about separation days?? Forgot about 'Project Kaur and Kapoor to Khan'?? Forgot about 'Wadda Ghalughara' [In which muslims killed half of the sikh population at that time under Durrani's rule] ??

CAUTION: "Singh/Kaur 2 Khan" agents active here !
Wadda Ghalughara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You guys are just as* burnt that Bengalis separated from you because of your discrimination so now you want India to be broken in similar manner even though there is no discrimination. This is just wet dream fantasy of you Pakistanis! India was united, is united and will remain united [yeah we might add Pakistan into it but it won't break for sure because unity is our power.] You guys don't care about Sikhs you just wanna see India breaking! Which will never happen. You are no1's friends. Even Afghanis hate you!

this is totally off topic.
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singh is king is a film.........

we're talking about reality of thausands of sikhs who were genocided by hindu fanatics, thausands of sikh women raped by hindus.

still no justice given by the hindu republic of india to sikhs. sikhs are known to be people of honour and dignity... how can the sikhs just let this pass by?

When were they genocided by HINDU fanatics??!! :O They Congress mobs! And rapes??!! looooooooool Give me links! Don't chat sh*t!

And that's how justice system works in India! Forget about that just take a look at your fellow coutryman Ajmal Kasab. Court already sentenced him to death but now he's appealing to the High court then he'll appeal to the Supreme court and so on. Keeping him in that special prison is costing 60 lack ruppes of tax payer's money per month!
all those operation shudii karan is nothing but B U L L S H I T Conspiracy to create a rift between Hindus and Sikhs...
But it won't be successfull..

Even i can make a video saying that somalis raped arabs.....
and upload it on youtube...

Youtube videos doesnt count as evidence....got it
Dont understand why Pakistanis are so concerned about Sikhs.

1. Muslims also killed thousands of Sikhs in history in mass mudering.
2. They are at least 1000 times more Sikhs living in India and that perfers to live in India.

So Pakistanis, stop interfaring in India matters, Sikhs perfer India first, then Khalisthan and Pakistan last.
Now Sikhism is a integral part of Indian religion.....
haters can burn and die on ur chair itself!!!
I have many Sikh friends, and I talk and joke to him, like a fellow hindu or Indian.

Sikhs and Hindus are the closest relgions in the world, especially in terms of culture, only Pakistans here are trying to cause a fight between us two.

But it wont happen.
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