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The Jihad in Syria

The term "Wahhabi" have been coined by the British during the Egyptian revolt against them due to its Islamic nature. Since then this term has been abused especially by Iranian regime to paint Arabs in general and Saudis in particular in such a way which deny them their Sunni nature and you can see this quite openly by mentioning the fiction term "Wahhabi" with Sunni and Shia as a distinct third sect to give the impression of "Unislamism" sort to speak to ditach Arabs mainly Saudis from their Sunni identity through propaganda.

Sad fully this propaganda have been as I have noticed extremely successful making many Muslims believe in Saudis as "Kafirs" and "Heretics" to further the Iranian expansionist policy. However in time this policy will blow up in their face badly.
Dude we don't think Saudis as Kafirs. Why the hell would we think that?

It's just some episodes in yours and our history that shouldn't have happened, for which there is definite turmoil around the planet. Additionally, I know that you guys are working hard to fix it.
may those mujahid who have destroyed their country(just for being Iran's ally?) and killed their own people rest in ****!
The Damage don't to islam from this Saudi Salafi ,Najdi is too big ,Prophet muhammad (S.A.W) said about Najdi they are devil's horn the fitna that will joine with Dajjal

Please check the link
Tablighi Jamaat and Wahabis in light of Ahadees

Where is it? I didn't find any. Most of the Hadithes are about "Muslims" from the east. And we all know where is the east.
This regime is much worse than Israel and pose a very great danger to Syrians and Arabs. Iran as well pose the greatest danger, that is because Israel has never told us that they are the representatives of Muslims then back stab them, they tell you their intentions openly, while Iran babbles day and night about Islam and represents herself as Muslims defender, and yet kill more Muslims and undermine them everywhere they have footsteps. I refuse to call Syrians or Saudi Wahabis, this term is used by Iranian Mullahs to show them as the worst Muslims. I agree that there are Qaeda in Syria from Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Algeria...etc. But they are very few and step in a very late stage of Syrian revolution. The main force in Syria is the FSA which is mainly defectors from the regular army.

I have visited Damas three times, twice during Hafiz Asad era and once during Bashar Asad.
Firstly Syrians are not Wahabis, most of the people I met were from Sytrol, the Syrian State Run oil company. They were either Sunni or Christain. Only Alawi I met was actual a barber in Fujairah. I have only been to Jordan once that was long ago when one could only go to Iraq via Amman.

There is little doubt that Syria is a police state and everything is strictly under Gov’t control. However, this is also true of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and most of Arab states. Frankly I found little difference between Amman & Damas. On a personal note, I found Egypt under Hosni Mubarak and Tunisia far more moderate regimes. In fact many Palestinians living in Jordan detest Hashemite regime. Would you also support another civil war in Jordan?

Thus speaking as a non-national, there is hardly any difference between living conditions in Syria or in Jordan.

I don’t buy this argument that this regime is much worse than Israel. Similar sort of rationale was used by the House of Saud and Sharif Hussein of Mecca to incite Arabs to side with the English against the Ottomans. While Sharif Hussein’s family and House of Saud benefitted, we have the State of Israel and French control over Bilad e Sham resulting the creation of Christian dominated Lebanon. Can anyone honestly say with certainty that conditions would have been worse if the Middle East was still Ottoman?

How can Arabs be so naïve that you don’t see that US & Israel are making Syrians kill each other to benefit Israel by clipping the wings of Hezbollah? Have you learned nothing from the division of Arab lands following the WW1?

Nothing is ever black or white; it is only different shades of grey and in the days of ‘Realpolitik’ to call darker shade of grey lily white is easy.

However it is not my country, it is Arab land and if Arabs like you and Saudis & Qataris insist on repeating the errors of 1914 so be it. It is true, and the history repeats itself but people never learn
Who cares about non-Arab Muslims? Since when do we care of what they think of us? Saudi clerics are all over Arab channels and they have all our respect. Those people misunderstand Islam, yet misuse it, and then blame it on you.

I can't believe I read that ! It was 'Islamic Unity' that compelled us to send help in the Arab-Israeli wars and it was the same unity that got you guys and the Iranians to send help to Pakistan in our wars. Lets not tarnish the whole thing because politicians like to foOk everything over, however good it is, for their ulterior motives.

As much as I have strong reservations about Saudi Arabia in general and Salafi Islam in particular being bashed, one cannot turn a blind eye to the very real fact that both Iran and KSA have played a dirty sectarian war within the confines of Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world at large. For every Iranian Cultural Centre spewing hatred against the Wahabi...the Ahl-e-Hadith Clerics (my sect who are what Wahabis in Pakistan are called !) with their funding from the Saudis (I've got a few friends in their seminaries so I do know what I'm talking about !) are doing the same against the Shi'ites ! You guys - the both of you - have misused and abused Islam just as the rest of us have !

And there are very few clerics in the Muslim World - Saudis, Iranian, Iraqi and especially Pakistani who deserve anything close to being respected ! They are bearded buffooooons who've harmed Islam and Muslims more than any outside enemy ever could and consequently our first and foremost Jihad is to take back our beloved religion back from these clerics on their self-appointed divine missions that make the rest of us Kafirs whilst they themselves epitomize piety and right action. And this is valid for every Muslim sect across every Muslim country.
I can't believe I read that ! It was 'Islamic Unity' that compelled us to send help in the Arab-Israeli wars and it was the same unity that got you guys and the Iranians to send help to Pakistan in our wars. Lets not tarnish the whole thing because politicians like to foOk everything over, however good it is, for their ulterior motives.

As much as I have strong reservations about Saudi Arabia in general and Salafi Islam in particular being bashed, one cannot turn a blind eye to the very real fact that both Iran and KSA have played a dirty sectarian war within the confines of Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world at large. For every Iranian Cultural Centre spewing hatred against the Wahabi...the Ahl-e-Hadith Clerics (my sect who are what Wahabis in Pakistan are called !) with their funding from the Saudis (I've got a few friends in their seminaries so I do know what I'm talking about !) are doing the same against the Shi'ites ! You guys - the both of you - have misused and abused Islam just as the rest of us have !

And there are very few clerics in the Muslim World - Saudis, Iranian, Iraqi and especially Pakistani who deserve anything close to being respected ! They are bearded buffooooons who've harmed Islam and Muslims more than any outside enemy ever could and consequently our first and foremost Jihad is to take back our beloved religion back from these clerics on their self-appointed divine missions that make the rest of us Kafirs whilst they themselves epitomize piety and right action. And this is valid for every Muslim sect across every Muslim country.

Meray piyaray dost, jaisay maine kaha tha, is dunya main hamaray apnay siva koi bhi hamaray saath nahin hai!

It's us against the rest of the world, and I prefer it that way. We alone are enough to take on the rest!
Meray piyaray dost, jaisay maine kaha tha, is dunya main hamaray apnay siva koi bhi hamaray saath nahin hai!

It's us against the rest of the world, and I prefer it that way. We alone are enough to take on the rest!

I know...I know ! The rest of the Muslim World has disappointed me more times then I can count and I'm sure they feel the same way about Pakistan but call me a dreamer - I'm still hooked to the idea that because we're all Muslims - We are One Nation under God ! And I'm going to strive for that however much disappointment I'm met with or however much I disappoint others ! People will change, Muslims will change ! Long after I'm fertilizing a plot of land in some obscure graveyard somewhere - Muslims would rise above this sectarianism that has crippled us, this incessant usage of ourselves as someone else's proxies and we will reclaim what, in my opinion, Islam was supposed to be - A new paradigm, a progressive world, an answer to some of our fundamental questions ! When that day comes : I hope posterity when they meet set out a glass for me !
Who cares about non-Arab Muslims? Since when do we care of what they think of us? Saudi clerics are all over Arab channels and they have all our respect. Those people misunderstand Islam, yet misuse it, and then blame it on you.
I love your statement, it's so relevant. If only we thought that way too, it's unfortunate that many Pakistanis practically worship you.
I know it makes you mad when some1 accuses arabs of sponsoring terrorism butt you have to know that the terrorists worship you guys and claim to represent you; even though the reality is arabs are progressing and becoming very developed
Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria | World news | The Guardian

I have visited Damas three times, twice during Hafiz Asad era and once during Bashar Asad.
Firstly Syrians are not Wahabis, most of the people I met were from Sytrol, the Syrian State Run oil company. They were either Sunni or Christain. Only Alawi I met was actual a barber in Fujairah. I have only been to Jordan once that was long ago when one could only go to Iraq via Amman.

There is little doubt that Syria is a police state and everything is strictly under Gov’t control. However, this is also true of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and most of Arab states. Frankly I found little difference between Amman & Damas. On a personal note, I found Egypt under Hosni Mubarak and Tunisia far more moderate regimes. In fact many Palestinians living in Jordan detest Hashemite regime. Would you also support another civil war in Jordan?

Thus speaking as a non-national, there is hardly any difference between living conditions in Syria or in Jordan.

I don’t buy this argument that this regime is much worse than Israel. Similar sort of rationale was used by the House of Saud and Sharif Hussein of Mecca to incite Arabs to side with the English against the Ottomans. While Sharif Hussein’s family and House of Saud benefitted, we have the State of Israel and French control over Bilad e Sham resulting the creation of Christian dominated Lebanon. Can anyone honestly say with certainty that conditions would have been worse if the Middle East was still Ottoman?

How can Arabs be so naïve that you don’t see that US & Israel are making Syrians kill each other to benefit Israel by clipping the wings of Hezbollah? Have you learned nothing from the division of Arab lands following the WW1?

Nothing is ever black or white; it is only different shades of grey and in the days of ‘Realpolitik’ to call darker shade of grey lily white is easy.

However it is not my country, it is Arab land and if Arabs like you and Saudis & Qataris insist on repeating the errors of 1914 so be it. It is true, and the history repeats itself but people never learn

I have tried many times explaining to them, and all they come up with is Golan story, and I have told them million times, that Alasad is wise enough to not destroy Syria by attacking Israel, because if Syria attack Israel the whole west, Turkey, Jordan and GCC will side with Israel for sure, so it will be Syria vs the world war, and of course Syria will not win. and about Blackeagle, he love Saddam even though Saddam killed a lot of Iraqis, but you know why he loves Saddam? ....... i will not discuss that, he also loves Israel. lol


and this is one of the F'S'A supporters here talking about democracy, when I asked him what kind of Democracy is bombing civilians and etc he replied

and here is Blackeagle about Saddam


If you are looking for little information because you care about knowing the truth


Truth About Syria

and I'm sure everyone can look up, however some people only look up the stuff they want to hear.
I have visited Damas three times, twice during Hafiz Asad era and once during Bashar Asad.
Firstly Syrians are not Wahabis, most of the people I met were from Sytrol, the Syrian State Run oil company. They were either Sunni or Christain. Only Alawi I met was actual a barber in Fujairah. I have only been to Jordan once that was long ago when one could only go to Iraq via Amman.

Just to let you know, I live in Irbid, in Northern Jordan, I do deal with them as much as I deal with residents of Amman. So, you decide who knows Syria better. You can't claim that you know people just because you visited their country a couple of times more than people who speak their language and share the same culture as well as live among them.
There is little doubt that Syria is a police state and everything is strictly under Gov’t control. However, this is also true of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and most of Arab states. Frankly I found little difference between Amman & Damas. On a personal note, I found Egypt under Hosni Mubarak and Tunisia far more moderate regimes. In fact many Palestinians living in Jordan detest Hashemite regime. Would you also support another civil war in Jordan?
When was that? 10 or 20 years ago? King's wife is Palestinian. Although I agree that there are people here don't like Hashemite regime, the vast majority of Jordanians have great respect for them especially Palestinians.
Thus speaking as a non-national, there is hardly any difference between living conditions in Syria or in Jordan.
Really? Health sector, infrastructure, electricity, and education are the same? Jordanian public employees get <three times of what their Syrians counterparts get. Syrians, Egyptians and Iraqis come to Jordan for work.
I don’t buy this argument that this regime is much worse than Israel. Similar sort of rationale was used by the House of Saud and Sharif Hussein of Mecca to incite Arabs to side with the English against the Ottomans. While Sharif Hussein’s family and House of Saud benefitted, we have the State of Israel and French control over Bilad e Sham resulting the creation of Christian dominated Lebanon. Can anyone honestly say with certainty that conditions would have been worse if the Middle East was still Ottoman?

This is not true, it's far more complicated that the simplicity you showed it with, this needs a lengthy discussion. However, once again, you come here and claim you know our own history more than us. I would like you to spare a little more time reading our history from our books.
How can Arabs be so naïve that you don’t see that US & Israel are making Syrians kill each other to benefit Israel by clipping the wings of Hezbollah? Have you learned nothing from the division of Arab lands following the WW1?
If you think that the vast majority of Arabs who are with the revolution, who themselves know Syria it's history and people more than any others are naive, then we must be over stupid people. Do you really think we are that stupid?! For the first time, Israel has nothing to do with what's happening in Syria. The Syrians themselves carried out this revolution demanding dignity and freedom. And plz, understand that all 22 Arab countries are 100% with the Syrian people choice, with a more neutral stances for Lebanon and Algeria for specific internal reasons.

Nothing is ever black or white; it is only different shades of grey and in the days of ‘Realpolitik’ to call darker shade of grey lily white is easy.

However it is not my country, it is Arab land and if Arabs like you and Saudis & Qataris insist on repeating the errors of 1914 so be it. It is true, and the history repeats itself but people never learn

Nothing is going to repeat itself, if there will be any change it will absolutely be to the better. And if you think Bashar Alassad is worthy of ruling Syria, I pray that you get a leader just like him in Pakistan.

I know...I know ! The rest of the Muslim World has disappointed me more times then I can count and I'm sure they feel the same way about Pakistan but call me a dreamer - I'm still hooked to the idea that because we're all Muslims - We are One Nation under God ! And I'm going to strive for that however much disappointment I'm met with or however much I disappoint others ! People will change, Muslims will change ! Long after I'm fertilizing a plot of land in some obscure graveyard somewhere - Muslims would rise above this sectarianism that has crippled us, this incessant usage of ourselves as someone else's proxies and we will reclaim what, in my opinion, Islam was supposed to be - A new paradigm, a progressive world, an answer to some of our fundamental questions ! When that day comes : I hope posterity when they meet set out a glass for me !

I just can't claim to believe in Muslim Ummah, I have never believed in it or even thought of it, I only thought of us helping/supporting eachother in times of need, cooperate, and that's what's happening right now. Just at us please Armstrong! Countries like Iran have made our countries hell in the name of Ummah!
The term "Wahhabi" have been coined by the British during the Egyptian revolt against them due to its Islamic nature. Since then this term has been abused especially by Iranian regime to paint Arabs in general and Saudis in particular in such a way which deny them their Sunni nature and you can see this quite openly by mentioning the fiction term "Wahhabi" with Sunni and Shia as a distinct third sect to give the impression of "Unislamism" sort to speak to ditach Arabs mainly Saudis from their Sunni identity through propaganda.

Sad fully this propaganda have been as I have noticed extremely successful making many Muslims believe in Saudis as "Kafirs" and "Heretics" to further the Iranian expansionist policy. However in time this policy will blow up in their face badly.

I have lived in many araba states but never met a single soul claiming him self as wahabi but on this forum every evil is attributed to them.

As far, personal experience is concerned...., Sadly, Pakistan is the only country, where Muslims are divided in self proclaimed sects. but out side Pakistan, divide is limited to Shia and non Shia.

Jihad primarily translates to struggle, and is second most misinterpreted word after Islam which means peace.
To understand, Jihad one need to understand the philosophy of mankind (humans) in Islam.
I love your statement, it's so relevant. If only we thought that way too, it's unfortunate that many Pakistanis practically worship you.
I know it makes you mad when some1 accuses arabs of sponsoring terrorism butt you have to know that the terrorists worship you guys and claim to represent you; even though the reality is arabs are progressing and becoming very developed

Worship Arabs?! Does that what our prophet and Quraan learned them?! There are Hadithes and Ayat say there is no preferabilty of Arabs from non-Arabs, except by piety.
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