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The Iraqi Armed Forces





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From the army news paper & website below

Montrose Toast - Blog
  • We are now working on closing the gaps in the reconnaissance and intelligence battalions for the divisions as well as working on an integrated data system.
  • We are working on filling the equipment gaps in our armored and mechanized units, both in equipment and support facilities and staff. We are doing constant monitoring and maintenance for the armor units, their equipment and training readiness. We are also developing the engineering and chemical defense forces. We are constantly training on improving the training and capabilities of all the engineering, EOD units.
  • We are working on filling the equipment gaps in the artillery units, improving their training, tracking their readiness and constant maintenance of the equipment. As part of our third phase of the armed forces build up we looked at the latest organizational, weapon and training developments in armies around the world and incorporated best practice into our plans. We also signed contracts to buy the latest in weapons and equipment for our forces as part of phase 3. [What contract?]
  • We have built up the commando battalions of the 2nd, 4th, 10th, and 14th Divisions.
  • Equipped the 16/4 Brigade at Kirkush. [With what? Rumors of its desertion to KRG appear to be exaggerated.]
  • Sent through training 33 infantry regiments.
  • The armor corps. We are about to import modern tanks to equip our armored and mechanized divisions. They will be supplied from high quality international suppliers.[What tank deal?]
  • The artillery directorate. Prepared more than 90 artillery weapons for the army. Every brigade has 120mm mortar unit.
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Wow I never knew they're working so variously.
about the modern tanks, I'm pretty curious though.
From the army news paper & website below
  • The armor corps. We are about to import modern tanks to equip our armored and mechanized divisions. They will be supplied from high quality international suppliers.[What tank deal?]
I have some information about this future tank based on shrugged I've read the last 2 years in Russian Defence Forum on future Iraqi tanks).

Possible purchases:
1. K2 Black Panther (we have good collaborations with South Korea)
2. M1 Abrahms (purchase of multiple-Because we don't get the latest versions, I do not believe that we buy it)
3. Leclerc (France has already offered us this, but don't think it is acquired due to high prices)
4. T-99 Armata (read in a thread which I'll link soon to Iraq and India has negotiated this stridsvagnagnen for purchases in the future)
5. Al-Khalid (due to the low price, that makes it possible to make large purchases)

This and as I previously stated to be combined md a new unknown models of IFV. mohammed alaskari says it is from the East, that means Chinese, or Russian, or possibly the Eastern world of location = South Korea.

Regarding the air force, I have previously written that officials have said that there is a need for three different aircraft. Light, medium and heavy. Then we check on the market.

The heavy fighter jets are there?
Eurofighter Typhoon?
Dassault Rafale?
Sukhoi Su-30?
Sukhoi Su-35?

The semi-heavy aircraft are there?
Chengdu J-10B?
Mikoyan MiG-35?
JAS 39 Gripen?

The light aircraft is there?
Jf-17 Thunder?

Personally I would have chosen the Sukhoi Su-30 with updated electronics as heavy aircraft.
While the MiG-35 as semi-heavy and Jf-17 Thunder that easily.

This is pulled! Why should you not take everything seriously and start saying that I was fantasizing too much.
About the tanks, Montrose Toast - Blog

- 1,610-1,845 minimum tanks needed.

Wow I never knew they're working so variously.
about the modern tanks, I'm pretty curious though.

I hope for local K2 black panther ( licensed ) production with Korean help, a deal that will cost billions but it is needed and they have the money.

Iraq should buya lot of US reserve Abrams tanks as well.
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2025, 1600-1800 tanks in operation.
In 2035 it is said that it will have as much power as the former Iraqi military. if you look at the Wikipedia digits That means 7000 tanks will be purchased until 2035.

I don’t think they will buy 3000+ tanks, former Iraq was a militarized Iraq, new one isn’t on warpath.
If we're looking at more information on these tanks Iraqi defense can choose from, it looks like this:

K2 Black Panther
The K2 Black Panther main battle tank evolved from the XK2 programme. This next-generation MBT was developed in South Korea using indigenous technology only. It's development began in 1995. First prototype was revealed in 2007. Full scale production is expected soon. Currently it is being trialed and evaluated. South Korean Army requires about 300 of these combat vehicles. The K2 Black Panther will replace the K1 main battle tanks. Currently the K2 is one of the most advanced main battle tank in the world, outclassing anything North Korea or China have. Furthermore it is the most expensive main battle tank to date, overtaking the Japanese Type 90 MBT.
This tank uses both modular composite armor of undisclosed type and Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) blocks. It is claimed that front armor withstands direct hits from 120-mm tank rounds, fired from L55 guns. The Black Panther tank is also completed with an active protection system and countermeasures system. Protection of the K2 is broadly similar to the M1A2 Abrams MBT considering that the K2 is significantly lighter. It is claimed that the K2 is significantly better.
The Black Panther is armed with a Rheinmetall 120-mm/ L55 smoothbore gun. This gun is license-produced in South Korea. The K2 is completed with an automatic loader. This MBT has a maximum rate of fire in 15 rounds per minute. It is worth mentioning that autoloader's is similar to that, used on the French Leclerc main battle tank. A total of 16 rounds are stored in the autoloader. Remaining 24 rounds are stored inside the hull.
It also has a very advanced fire control system, allowing to track and engage not only the main battle tanks, but low-flying helicopters as well. Maximum effective range of fire is up to 10 kilometers. Furthermore it's fire control system can spot, track and fire automatically at visible vehicle-size targets without needing any input from a human operator.
The 120-mm gun can fire variety of munitions. It is compatible with all standard NATO tank rounds. It is also capable of firing the new KSTAM (Korean Smart Top-Attack Munition) rounds. These are smart target-activated fire-and-forget projectiles, but shouldn't be confused with anti-tank guided missiles. The KSTAM has its own guidance system, aided by four stabilizing fins. At the final stage a parachute will deploy to slow its fall and accurately engage target. Such principle is broadly similar to mortar-launched anti-tank munitions. Furthermore the K-2 tank can fire KSTAM munitions from behind the cover. The KSTAM has a maximum effective range of 8 kilometers.
Secondary armament consists of coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun and K6 12.7-mm heavy machine gun, mounted on top of the roof. Both of these machine gun have a very respectable ammunition load (12 000 x 7.62-mm and 3 200 x 12.7-mm). Furthermore the K6 heavy machine gun has an automatic system, that identifies friend from a foe.
This main battle tank has a crew of three, including commander, gunner and driver.
Other features of the K2 tank include digital battlefield management system and navigation system for rapid coordination and increased situational awareness between friendly forces. It is also completed with an NBC protection system.
The Korean K2 is powered by the license-built MTU MB-883 Ka500 engine, developing 1 500 horsepower. There is also an auxiliary gas-turbine power unit, developing 400 horsepower. It powers onboard systems when the main engine is turned off. The K2 Black Panther has a state-of-the-art semi-active hydropneumatic suspension. Every boogie wheel can be individually controlled, allowing this MBT to "sit", "stand", "kneel" or to "lean" in any direction. This feature gives tank a number of advantages, furthermore it is claimed that such suspension system is easier to maintain, comparing with traditional one.
The Black Panther tank is fitted with a deep wading kit. It enables vehicle to cross rivers and other water obstacles up to 4.2 meters deep. Previous K1 and K1A1 MBTs lacked this feature.
The K2 tanks will also be offered for export customers. Turkey has successfully negotiated import or license production of the K2. The new Turkish Altay MBT will use some technologies of the K2 Black Panther MBT.

M1A2 Abrams
The M1A2 Abrams main battle tank is a further development of the M1A1. Currently it is one of the best MBTs in the world. Development of improved M1A1 began in 1988. This MBT in service with USA (over 1 500), Kuwait (218) and Saudi Arabia (457).
The Abrams is protected by Chobham composite armor. Protection of the M1A2 was improved by using depleted uranium mesh at the front of the hull and turret. It offers significant protection against all known anti-tank weapons, however overall weight increased comparing with the M1A1. Protection of the M1A2 Abrams is considered as one of the best in the world. All active service M1A1 tanks have been retrofitted with depleted uranium armor. M1A2 tanks supplied to Kuwait and possibly Saudi Arabia have downgraded armor without depleted uranium layers. Ammunition for the main gun is stored in the turret bustle, fitted with blow-out panels. Interior is lined with Kevlar liner for protection against spalling. The M1A2 Abrams can be fitted with explosive reactive armor blocks. Some M1A2 vehicles are equipped with missile countermeasure devices, intended to detect and jam guidance of the laser-guided missiles.
Vehicle is armed with the M256 120-mm smoothbore gun, originally developed by Rheinmetall and manufactured under license in USA. This gun is loaded manually. The M1A2 has an improved fire control system and it's components. Range of effective fire in excess of 4 km. The M1A2 has a target acquisition system with hunter-killer capability. Many tanks produced in the early 90s lack this capability.
Secondary armament consists of coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun, another 7.62-mm MG mounted over the gunner's hatch and 12.7-mm MG mounted over commander's hatch.
Vehicle has a crew of four, including commander, gunner, loader and driver.
The M1A2 Abrams is powered by Honeywell AGT1500 multi-fuel gas turbine engine, developing 1 500 horsepower. This engine can run on any grade of petrol, diesel, kerosene, or jet fuel. It's main drawback is a high fuel consumption and troublesome maintenance. Engine can be replaced in field conditions within 30 minutes.
The US Army upgrades approximately 1 000 of it's out-dated M1 main battle tanks to the M1A2 standard. There is also an M1A2 SEP (or System Enhancement Program) variant.


The Leclerc main battle tank was developed by GIAT Industries. It's development began in 1978 and first prototypes were built in 1989. Production of the Leclerc MBT started in 1991. It is named in honor to general Philippe Jacques Leclerc, commander of French armored division during World War II. The Leclerc is one of the best main battle tanks in the world. It is in service with France (406) and United Arab Emirates (388). Some sources claim that currently only 340 Leclercs remain in service with the French Army.
It is protected with advanced modular armor system, which can be tailored to the threat. It's armor is a combination of steel, ceramics and Kevlar. Damaged modules are easily replaceable. Furthermore they can be easily upgraded with more advanced armor modules. Turret and hull roof was designed to withstand top-attack munitions. Chassis of the tank is covered with wide side skirts. The main electrical systems were duplicated to improve survivability.
The Leclerc main battle tank is armed with a CN 120-26 120-mm smoothbore gun, 52 caliber long. This gun is fitted with a bustle-mounted autoloader, holding 22 rounds. Remaining 18 rounds are stored in a carousel-type storage area in front of the hull. Autoloader provides a maximum rate of fire in 12 rounds per minute. It is claimed that Leclerc MBT can engage 6 targets, located 1.5 - 2 km away, in one minute with a hit probability in 95%. Gun can be loaded manually both from the inside or outside the MBT. The Leclerc can fire French or standard NATO munitions.
Secondary armament consists of coaxial 12.7-mm machine gun and remotely controlled anti-aircraft 7.62-mm machine gun.
Vehicle is fitted with a battlefield management system. It automatically reports to command post tank's location, quantity of ammunition and fuel left. Broadly similar system is used on the M1A2 Abrams.
Vehicle has a crew of three, including commander, gunner and driver. An autoloader permits a three-man crew.
Leclerc main battle tank is powered by French VD V8X-1500 turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1 500 horsepower. It's powerpack is smaller than contemporary tank engines. This feature allowed to reduce overall dimensions of the tank. Powerpack can be replaced in field conditions within 30 minutes. Vehicle has a hydropneumatic suspension, providing good cross-country performance. Additional fuel tanks can be fitted at the rear of the hull for extended range.
Vehicles exported to United Arab Emirates have many improvements, including different engine. These tanks are fitted with a proven German diesel, developing 1 500 hp.


T-99 Armata
The Armata is a new Russian main battle tank project. This new MBT is currently under development. It's development commenced in 2011. The whole project is being kept in high secrecy. The Armata was developed as a replacement to the cancelled T-95. First mock-up was revealed to Russian military officials in 2013. Its trials commenced in 2014. It is planned to be publicly revealed in 2015. Official sources report, that Armata will enter service with the Russian Army in the near future. Currently Russian Army operates T-90, T-80 and T-72 main battle tanks, that become out-dated.
The Armata tank is possibly based on a modified hull of the latest T-90MS. It is expected to have a similar layout to the cancelled T-95 with unmanned turret and crew seated in a separate armored capsule. The Armata will have a Malakhit explosive reactive armor of new generation. Also it will be fitted with new Afganit active protection system.
It is reported that Armata will be armed with a 2A82 125-mm smoothbore gun, mounted in unmanned turret. This gun has improved ballistics comparing with a 2A46M gun of the T-90 MBT. It will be completed with an autoloader. This tank is capable of firing gun-launched anti-tank guided missiles in the same manner as ordinary rounds. These missiles have a range of about 5 km and can also target low-flying helicopters.
The Armata MBT will be fitted with new fire control system. It will have a hunter-killer capability. The tank will be also equipped with a battlefield management system.
It is reported that the Armata will have a crew of two or three men. Crewmembers will be seated in a well-protected armored capsule, separated from automatic loader and ammunition.
This new main battle tank will be powered by an A-82-2 turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1 200 hp. It is a new generation engine, that is much more compact than previous Russian tank engines.
The Armata is planned to become a new platform for the whole host of armored vehicles. Self-propelled artillery system, heavy IFV, armored recovery vehicle, engineering vehicle, self-propelled air-defense vehicle and other support machines will be based on this platform.


The Al Khalid main battle tank was jointly developed by China and Pakistan. It is a further development of the Chinese Type 90-II tank, which was not accepted to service with the Chinese Army. In the late 1990s it was marketed for export as the MBT-2000. Pakistan acquired production license of this MBT. The Al Khalid is named after the legendary general Khalid ibn al-Walid. First deliveries of this tank were made in 2002. The Al Khalid is currently in service with Pakistan. About 600 were planned to be built by 2007.
The Al Khalid main battle tank is based on Chinese and Soviet designs. It is considerably smaller and lighter than modern western MBTs. Vehicle has a composite armor and is fitted with add-on explosive reactive armor blocks. It is also fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems. It also has a advanced laser detection warning system.
The Al Khalid MBT is armed with a fully-stabilized 125-mm smoothbore gun, fitted with an autoloader. It is capable of firing anti-tank guided missiles in the same manner as ordinary rounds. It is a Russian-made 9K119 Refleks (NATO designation AT-11 Sniper), which is produced in China under license. Maximum range of effective fire is 4-5 km. The AT-11 Sniper can also target low-flying helicopters.
Secondary armament consists of coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun and another 12.7-mm machine gun, mounted on top of the roof.
The Al Khalid tank has a fire control system of western origin. It also has an integrated battle management system. Navigation is assisted by the GPS and internal navigation systems
Vehicle is powered by Ukrainian 6TD turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1 200 hp. It is worth mentioning, that Pakistan also operates the T-80UD MBT, powered by a similar engine. The Al Khalid is also fitted with auxiliary power unit, which powers all electrical systems when the main engine is turned off. The Al Khalid can be fitted with snorkel kit and self-entrenching blade.


what do you think is best suited for the Iraqi Army?
Leclerc = too expensive

M1A2 the US congress doesn’t sell to Iraq.
The US has many ODS Abrams ( reserve ) which they sell for a cheap price, Iraq should try to get a few hundreds of these, currently a 175 M1A1M deal is on hold and ~146 in service.

T99 not yet operational, will take a few years.

K2 can be useful in large numbers if produced locally ( licensed ).

Khalid, T90, depends on versions.
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