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The Iraqi Armed Forces

Iraq continues negotiations with Russia for strategic contracts worth about $10 billion, this includes arms, oil, industry and contracts for building electric plants.

Along with the 40 MI-28NE and pantsir, Iraq is also 6 MI-35 set for quick delivery by the end of this year. Contract also includes MAN troop transport vehicles.

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian military equipment exporter Rosoboronexport, the state corporation incoming Rostekhnadzor, put into Iraq has six Mi-35 helicopters for $ 256 million in addition to defense contracts for $ 4.2 billion, according to Reuters, a source close to Rosoboronexport.

With the Iraqi authorities also discussed the expansion of contracts for the supply of military equipment to $ 8 billion from the current $ 4 billion, but no final agreement, the source said.

"Russia has quite an extensive experience of partnership with the countries of the Middle East and Iraq - one of our large customers - are reported Rostekhnadzor words Chemezov. - We are interested to see our defense products used solely to protect the citizens of this country and serve the cause of strengthening the sovereignty of the Republic of Iraq.

Rostec :: News :: Military-technical cooperation with Iraq

A Russian delegation headed by Rosneft President Igor Sechin and Rostec State Corporation Director General Sergey Chemezov visited Iraq on April 16. Interstate cooperation, and, especially, exploring opportunities of joint projects in military-technical cooperation, power generation and engineering became the burning issues of the visit.

We are interested in our defense equipment implemented exclusively for protection of the country’s citizens and enforcement of Iraq’s sovereignty

Sergey Chemezov, Director General of Rostec

The Russian delegation representatives conducted negotiations with Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the country’s National Security Advisor Faleh al-Fayad and Oil Minister Abdul al-Luaibi.

“Russia has an extensive experience in cooperating with countries in the Middle East, and Iraq is one of our new large customers. We are interested in seeing our defense equipment implemented exclusively for protection of the country’s citizens and enforcement of Iraq’s sovereignty,” Mr. Chemezov said.

Besides, the bilateral military-technical cooperation provides for planned localisation of service maintenance for the equipment supplied. This is another step towards implementation of Rostec State Corporation’s strategy for development of global after-sale service.

The Iraqi officials also expressed interest in Russian civil automotive products, especially in the KAMAZ line of heavy commercial vehicles.

Another area discussed during the negotiations between the Russian delegation and members of the Iraqi government was cooperation in development of power generation. The parties discussed the possibility of resuming construction of the second stage of Yusufiyah thermal power plant. This stage of the project involves construction of six power generating units with the capacity of 210 MW each. The project is operated by Rostec subsidiary Technopromexport, which has upgraded Hartha power plant and built the first stage of Yusufiyah under contract worth more than $550 million.

The largest contracts in the area of military technical cooperation currently being fulfilled are those for Russian rotorcraft equipment procurement at $4.2 billion.

During the negotiations Rosneft offered to perform technical audits of operating facilities by Rosneft and support geologic exploration and development of new oil fields.

“Iraq has high potential for oil production, which, however, can be performed only in conditions of stability. We strongly believe that joint bilateral projects will help to develop the economy effectively and thus considerably facilitate normalisation of the country’s political environment,” Mr. Sechin said.
Iraqi army convoy passing through
Group of terrorists arrested in Mosul.*

Iraqi army specialists continue to clear mines in Iraq, Wasit province. There are millions of mines as a result of the wars. *20,000 have been cleared in Wasit since the beginning of the year.*

Iraqi army convoy.*

Major General Nassir Alghanam on duty.*
Old news but not posted

Iraq to Buy up to 30 General Dynamics Stryker Vehicles


Iraq’s military wants to buy as many as 30 General Dynamics Stryker eight-wheeled combat vehicles.
The $25-million deal would be the first international sale of the vehicles, which were developed for the US Army.
If accepted by the Iraqi government, the proposal would be submitted to Congress for approval because the Stryker is a major Army weapons system.
The Stryker models would be equipped with sensors, test equipment and communications gear capable of detecting nuclear fallout or chemical and biological agents. The US version connects with Army communications networks to alert commanders and chart routes free of contaminants.
Stuart Bowen, the US Special Inspector for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR), said the total value of all agreed and proposed military arms and equipment sales to Iraq could be as much $19.1 billion.
The approved deals include a first installment of Lockheed Martin F-16 fighters and C-130J transports, General Dynamics M1A1 tanks, 35M Patrol Boats made by Swiftships Shipbuilders LLC, Bell Helicopter Textron IA 407 Helicopters and maintenance, sustainment and training for those systems, according to the U.S. Embassy official.
Iraqi army looks great

P.S: Iraq needs to conquer the north of Iraqs again. The Kurds have simply stolen the country .

Currently Iraq is unable to do anything in terms of military action against KRG cause it will result in sanctions on buying weapons and the Iraqi forces are not equipped enough to endure those sanctions, also using other kinds of pressure is hard because KRG protects itself by offering its oil very cheap to Turkey, Iraq has something usefull against them which is the budget share of around 23% that they get from the national budget, Iraq could cut this down or completely only the democratic process and a non major party makes it hard to do such things.
Iraqi army looks great

P.S: Iraq needs to conquer the north of Iraqs again. The Kurds have simply stolen the country .

Turkey is standing arm by arm with the iraqi kurds..

not sure what is up with your government..but they'd rather jeopardise the relations with baghdad, over barazani and his lot.

Not to worry though..old habits die hard...we'll take back what was violated by the kurds.
Turkey is standing arm by arm with the iraqi kurds..

not sure what is up with your government..but they'd rather jeopardise the relations with baghdad, over barazani and his lot.

Not to worry though..old habits die hard...we'll take back what was violated by the kurds.

Its just for cheap oil and gas, if Iraq offers cheaper oil to Turkey they would throw KRG away, they will not defend them when it comes down to them annexing iraqi lands.
Iraqi army looks great

P.S: Iraq needs to conquer the north of Iraqs again. The Kurds have simply stolen the country .

And then the kurds will continue to bother the turk.
It's was their land since a long ago why can't they do on their own.
You see northern iraq is one of the most advanced parts of iraq.
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