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The indian that speaks the truth .

i agree with u, but how u dont stop war crimes in india??? its very hard, its still better than losing ur national land.

I think we can start to think why war crimes happen in the first place...being a sikh u ought to know what led to 1984....
until india is completely developed and every india has become a part of the economy, these things will continue. till then india keeps sufferring. the faster we develop the faster we get rid of this crap.

I think we can start to think why war crimes happen in the first place...being a sikh u ought to know what led to 1984....

i am against the khalistan movement, but what happend to innocent sikhs was unbelieveable and the punjab police killed innocent sikhs and called them terrorists.
the riots were barbaric.
I think people in punjab, kashmir etc were killed to protect our motherland/in the name of nationalism...........that is how we always justify these atorcites against humanity...its all for the benefit of India as a nation..plz correct me if i m wrong
people in punjab and kashmir were killed for the sake of political party and ideology not for nationalism.First of all you have to define the idea of india in order to derive the indian nationalism from it.Whatever killings goes on in india is all clash of different ideologies not the nationalism.for indians to understand the concept of nationalism it will take forever.
until india is completely developed and every india has become a part of the economy, these things will continue. till then india keeps sufferring. the faster we develop the faster we get rid of this crap.

i am against the khalistan movement, but what happend to innocent sikhs was unbelieveable and the punjab police killed innocent sikhs and called them terrorists.
the riots were barbaric.
and the only way we can ensure that it does not happen in future is by admitting it and learning from it........
Thats where the slamming of west comes in picture.As i said using the leftist cloak to advance her interests.She is not leftist like Maoists are.Neither she is robinhood of tribal people.

Interesting interpretation - never heard her to be an evangelist before except read some theories on the NDTV background(as being funded by an U.S based church) and her relationship to NDTV head. Do you think she has a hidden agenda or is it just an innocent compulsion to stay in the limelight?
and the only way we can ensure that it does not happen in future is by admitting it and learning from it........

but there are 1.3 billions of them, how many of them will learn.

in ww2, germans wanted to kick jews out of their country but it led to murder of 6 million of them. when there is a war no one gives a phuck..
I completely agree with you.... this is exactly the point she was making that to further our own national interests we have adopted the path of colonial powers of the past and during this process we have killed a lot of innocent people....

Is it though? Did India after liberating Goa and Hyderabad from the foreign invaders not give the Goans and "Hyderabadis" equal rights? How exactly India becomes a colonial power when the people, culture, language, tradition is the same the same as India's? So she shouldn't have counted liberation of Goa and Hyderabad in her little list to begin with. You d think that some one who claims to be so well read would know better!

NEFA I agree that their culture, language is different from the rest of India's, but so is South and North India's! And as I said earlier, independent north east kingdoms would not have lasted more than 10 years, we have the example of Tibet right infront of us.

History tells us this has happened many times in the past and will unfortunately continue to happen in the future....so India should not deny it when it is accused of the same... we should not try to claim a higher moral ground than britishers etc

I have no issues with criticism, but baseless criticism just for the sake of gaining some sort of credibility in the "anti-India world" that I do have issue with. Ours is still a young nation. We are not perfect, far from it, but we are moving in the right direction. Any changes or reforms that can apparently be made in an "Independent nation", can also be made remaining under the jurisdiction of Indian union. Our constitution provides equal right to all, irrespective or race, religion, ethnicity. So we have the base, we need to build on it, instead of going around peddling anti India seditious bs, that too in foreign forums!

The territorial integrity of India is non negotiable, any other constructive criticism is more than welcome.
and the only way we can ensure that it does not happen in future is by admitting it and learning from it........
if india would not have learnt from its mistakes it would have got disintegrated long back after it got freedom.!950-6 it was reorganizing of state recognizing the language as the identity.language movement had made GOI not to impose hindi on everybody.punjab taught not to impose political ideology.kashmir made india to learn the concept of autonomy.LTTE and assassination of rajiv taught not to support terror groups. etc etc.
There was no liberation of Hyderabad... You stole the land
Nope Nawab of Hder wanted his land to go to Pakistan... Indian troops marched in and stole it

Raja of Kashmir wanted land to go to India but Pakistan occupied some land before Indian forces take control of it.
Nope Nawab of Hder wanted his land to go to Pakistan... Indian troops marched in and stole it

what makes to think we will ever care what these nawabs care? trust me we dont. u have the power take ur land back. if u dont have power to mess with us then kiss our feet and gtfo.
Interesting interpretation - never heard her to be an evangelist before except read some theories on the NDTV background(as being funded by an U.S based church) and her relationship to NDTV head. Do you think she has a hidden agenda or is it just an innocent compulsion to stay in the limelight?
People of left/Maoist known her agenda for long but they use her to voice their views and she use their cause to advance her agenda.Think about this as CT that she and western evangelists are able to reach the maoist infested jungles and villages with ease where even an indian from nearby village or even GOI cant go.say for odisha for example.No its not just her compulsion to stay in limelight its way beyond that she has definite agenda.

There was no liberation of Hyderabad... You stole the land
neither there was liberation of Hyderabad nor someone stole it rather it fell in lap of india like ripen mango as was in case of Balochistan.
arundhati-she is a person who love to satisfy her ego by ranting one sided speech.sikhs slaughtered many hindus in punjab.but wait hindu's are majority.aren't they?sufi kashmiris killed many pandits,dogras and sikhs and displaced 5 lacs hindus.but wait aren't hindu's a majority??
just because hindu's are in majority doesn't mean we have to bow down to minorities
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