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The indian that speaks the truth .

IF Arundhati Roy was a Pakistani....

She would have supported the TTP.

She would have wanted freedom for Baluchistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Puktoonistan.

I think she should take some liberals in Pakistan into her wings and train them.
I dont see how north eastern states belong to India by default with ZERO cultural similarity with rest of us ........how does that make us different from british colonists,which is the point she was trying to make......

lets not even start on what happened in kashmir and punjab......

I m not saying we as Indians do not have a right to protect ourselves and grow as a nation...BUT we have to admit our Govt has made major human rights violation in the past....u have to understand the guys who control the army are the corrupt politicians sitting in the parliament with no sense of morality whatsoever

its a big deal dude
Let us hear from you what is the idea of india then we'll take it from there.
A wise indian, we hope to hear more from indians like you.

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IF Arundhati Roy was a Pakistani....

She would have supported the TTP.

She would have wanted freedom for Baluchistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Puktoonistan.

I think she should take some liberals in Pakistan into her wings and train them.
then She would have been sitting in Canada like tarek fatah .
Killing innocent civilians is a far bigger deal than any misplaced sense of nationalism

i agree with u, but how u dont stop war crimes in india??? its very hard, its still better than losing ur national land.
To understand her you have to think like her.Arundhati Suzane Roy basically an hidden evangelist in leftist cloak who just look at issues through the prism of religion.hence she sees goa under portugal as christian and india with majority as hindu as hindu country.likewise her ranting about israel is all to do with jews.

I understand that she calls India corporate, hindu, satellite state. But on the same token, she has slammed U.S and has mentioned that Pres. Obama has been involved in various war crimes.
I dont see how north eastern states belong to India by default with ZERO cultural similarity with rest of us ........how does that make us different from british colonists,which is the point she was trying to make......

lets not even start on what happened in kashmir and punjab......

I m not saying we as Indians do not have a right to protect ourselves and grow as a nation...BUT we have to admit our Govt has made major human rights violation in the past....u have to understand the guys who control the army are the corrupt politicians sitting in the parliament with no sense of morality whatsoever

India can only take the ideal path when the rest of the world is idealistic too. But when the rest of the world, specially the neighbours are playing it dirty, being idealistic is downright suicidal.

If India hadn't consolidated the North Eastern states, some one else would have. Look at Tibet! Using your example of Kashmir, the state of Jammu and Kashmir was left alone and look what happened? Pakistan decided to usurp it in 1947 did it not? So its foolish to think that if India hadn't brought the NEFA or Kashmir under its dominion other bigger cats in the neighbourhood would have.

This is not an ideal world full of righteous people and country is it? You can't go around giving independence to whoever demands for it, it makes your people weaker and vulnerable, as if we haven't learned enough from the history yet!
Killing innocent civilians is a far bigger deal than any misplaced sense of nationalism
you are wron if you think people were killed for nationalism.That itself makes your premise go haywire.
Thats best u got ...attacking her clothes.....:coffee:

My opinion on her views have been duly recorded on the previous thread that is mentioned. I don't like repeating myself.

My post on her attire is actually quite deeper than you perceive it to be. People living in Naxal dominated zones do not dare wear affluent clothes as that essentially paints a crosshair on your back. It serves as an open invitation to the supposedly puritanical Maoists to extort money and blackmail citizens.

The jhola is essentially a uniform in this regard. It helps nutcases like Mrs. Roy to escape the real treatment doled out by the Maoists to common folk. I'd suggest her to tidy up and then go to the Naxal hit regions. That ought to clear her mindset on how her ''Gandhians with guns'' can do no wrong.
India can only take the ideal path when the rest of the world is idealistic too. But when the rest of the world, specially the neighbours are playing it dirty, being idealistic is downright suicidal.

If hadn't consolidated the North Eastern states, some one else would have. Look at Tibet! Using your example of Kashmir, the state of Jammu and Kashmir was left alone and look what happened? Pakistan decided to usurp it in 1947 did it not? So its foolish to think that if hadn't brought the NEFA or Kashmir other bigger cats in the neighbourhood would have.

This is not an ideal world full of self righteous people. You can't go around giving independence to whoever demands for it, it makes your people weaker and vulnerable, as if we haven't learned enough from the history yet!

I completely agree with you.... this is exactly the point she was making that to further our own national interests we have adopted the path of colonial powers of the past and during this process we have killed a lot of innocent people....

History tells us this has happened many times in the past and will unfortunately continue to happen in the future....so India should not deny it when it is accused of the same... we should not try to claim a higher moral ground than britishers etc
I understand that she calls India corporate, hindu, satellite state. But on the same token, she has slammed U.S and has mentioned that Pres. Obama has been involved in various war crimes.
Thats where the slamming of west comes in picture.As i said using the leftist cloak to advance her interests.She is not leftist like Maoists are.Neither she is robinhood of tribal people.
you are wron if you think people were killed for nationalism.That itself makes your premise go haywire.

I think people in punjab, kashmir etc were killed to protect our motherland/in the name of nationalism...........that is how we always justify these atorcites against humanity...its all for the benefit of India as a nation..plz correct me if i m wrong
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