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The Incredible Muslim Hulk proves to be no friend of Islam either

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The problem is that Muslims open up the door to criticism/insult of their religion by bigots. This movie (which I did not watch) seems to be a prime example. Some low life bigot decides that in his own way he will show the world how bad Islam is. He knows that his low budget, fraudulently funded movie will be a waste of time unless he can get some high budget publicity for it. Who better to publicise the movie than those whom he intends to insult? And like sheep to the slaughter, the Muslim community globally ran into the trap hook, line and sinker. Currently, the moron movie maker evaded charges of fraud against him for swindling his investors. Now his investors are lining their pockets and all thanks to the Muslim community for making this thrash movie into an international hit. And the moron bigot who made the movie is now in the protection of the best law enforcement agency of the world, is stinking rich and is now the poster boy for every bigot who hates Islam. And who do we have to thank for his success story? The international Muslim community offcourse. If the Prophet of God was indeed present at this time, I sincerely believe that he would have condemned the blindness of His followers instead of the bigotry of one idiot.
What double standards. In Islamic nations - discrimination is part of law. So there is no outrage when Bamiyan Buddhas are demolished by using tanks. What did the Buddhists ever do to offend Islam?
You mean we can insult Hindu gods in the same breath?
When you attack our people, kill them, bomb them we have the right to wage the war
There is no room for forced conversion in Islam.

@ bolded part: I don't know if forced conversion has no room in Islam today (21st century), But it has very much room in early age. You can deny , coz living in denial is your right.

@Insulting Hindu Gods: Since Hindus are confined to India only, Insulting of Hindu god don't take place, But in early age Almost all Muslims insulted our god, destroyed our temple and Forcibly converted us. All Indian Mulism are converted Muslims (except few who came from Arabia).

@Attack, kill, Bomb: USA bomb Pakistani on Pakistani Fauz request. All drones are monitored by ISI. Go fight ISI and ask them to prevent it. F16 B-C blocks are enough to encounter drones.

Man wtf are you talking about?

Do you forget the 300 years of war with Islam that happened before the priests and women and children only came over by sea to preserve the fire and the holy texts? Leaving most able bodied men behind to fight the invader?

You think a people decide one fine day oh lets leave our land of over 8000 years and go across for a picnic?

read my post in context, read the post with previous post. Read the last life of the post you mention. You misunderstood me..
The problem is that Muslims open up the door to criticism/insult of their religion by bigots. This movie (which I did not watch) seems to be a prime example. Some low life bigot decides that in his own way he will show the world how bad Islam is. He knows that his low budget, fraudulently funded movie will be a waste of time unless he can get some high budget publicity for it. Who better to publicise the movie than those whom he intends to insult? And like sheep to the slaughter, the Muslim community globally ran into the trap hook, line and sinker. Currently, the moron movie maker evaded charges of fraud against him for swindling his investors. Now his investors are lining their pockets and all thanks to the Muslim community for making this thrash movie into an international hit. And the moron bigot who made the movie is now in the protection of the best law enforcement agency of the world, is stinking rich and is now the poster boy for every bigot who hates Islam. And who do we have to thank for his success story? The international Muslim community offcourse. If the Prophet of God was indeed present at this time, I sincerely believe that he would have condemned the blindness of His followers instead of the bigotry of one idiot.

Dont you think that more than publicity it is more focused on stiring violence in specific countries for wider interests
The problem is that Muslims open up the door to criticism/insult of their religion by bigots. This movie (which I did not watch) seems to be a prime example. Some low life bigot decides that in his own way he will show the world how bad Islam is. He knows that his low budget, fraudulently funded movie will be a waste of time unless he can get some high budget publicity for it. Who better to publicise the movie than those whom he intends to insult? And like sheep to the slaughter, the Muslim community globally ran into the trap hook, line and sinker. Currently, the moron movie maker evaded charges of fraud against him for swindling his investors. Now his investors are lining their pockets and all thanks to the Muslim community for making this thrash movie into an international hit. And the moron bigot who made the movie is now in the protection of the best law enforcement agency of the world, is stinking rich and is now the poster boy for every bigot who hates Islam. And who do we have to thank for his success story? The international Muslim community offcourse. If the Prophet of God was indeed present at this time, I sincerely believe that he would have condemned the blindness of His followers instead of the bigotry of one idiot.

I agree with you, one insane made a stupid movie, World wide Muslims started drama. Now some Insane Muslims from Pakistan/Iran/Egypt/or_some_XYZ _country will do 9/11, In retaliation USA will wipe some 2-3 Muslim country...

Happy 2013... Bullsh!t!... Of all these drama We Indian suffer the most, Some stupid a$$hole make stupid movie, Some Insane a$$hole blow up twin tower, We software engineers face the slowdown...

O Allah/Bhagwan/jesus, why you made these a$$hole...
I can kill Indians from both behind and in front of the computer as well. :lol:

You know, in Pakistan they say "Killing an Indian a day keeps the doctor away".


You're a sad child hiding behind a computer screen. I dare you to say that to any Indian up front. As for the film itself you're one of those butt hurt kids that takes things too seriously just like your Islamic sisterhood whom has taken this film and destroyed the image of your religion further. I pity the likes of people like you. I really do.

Granted the film was stupid to start off with, but people like you fell into that trap. And have started to make it even a bigger deal.
I agree with you, one insane made a stupid movie, World wide Muslims started drama. Now some Insane Muslims from Pakistan/Iran/Egypt/or_some_XYZ _country will do 9/11, In retaliation USA will wipe some 2-3 Muslim country...

Happy 2013... Bullsh!t!... Of all these drama We Indian suffer the most, Some stupid a$$hole make stupid movie, Some Insane a$$hole blow up twin tower, We software engineers face the slowdown...

O Allah/Bhagwan/jesus, why you made these a$$hole...

Your loss of software dollars notwithstanding, in the bigger picture, 9/11 did us a whole lot of good as a long suffering nation, crass and shallow as that may sound.
What double standards. In Islamic nations - discrimination is part of law. So there is no outrage when Bamiyan Buddhas are demolished by using tanks. What did the Buddhists ever do to offend Islam?

Very good example. When Some Insane Muslism blew Budhha statue or did this


Did China/Lanka/Burma/Combodia/Vietnaam/India attacked Afghan embassy??? Did you saw world wide angry (riot, arson, violent) protest??? The opening post is very correct. Muslims need excuse to do vandalism... (just last friday, on rumors, Muslims ranshaked one of Indian city, they burn the police station. Last month (some friday) one constable hit a Muslim, Muslims
destroyed nation property. Do these ppl go to mosque for prayer or learning how to riot????)

Correct me If I am wrong...
Dont you think that more than publicity it is more focused on stiring violence in specific countries for wider interests

Let's leave out any political or other conspiracy which maybe behind the publication of this movie. Let's stick to ground reality. Even assuming that this was a conspiracy, would you not agree that in order for the conspiracy to be successful it needed to be swallowed by the Muslim community and that indeed it was swallowed and digested without resistance by that community. Again, I am not condoning the movie which from what I have read and heard about it, is nothing more than a camcoded low grade piece of thrash. My sympathy actually lies with the Muslim community. They were incited (perhaps with a hidden intent as you suggest) and they reacted in a manner which moved them away from sympathy to condemnation
@ bolded part: I don't know if forced conversion has no room in Islam today (21st century), But it has very much room in early age. You can deny , coz living in denial is your right.

Expansionist movements are like that irrespective of religion.

@Insulting Hindu Gods: Since Hindus are confined to India only, Insulting of Hindu god don't take place,

Thats why you dont see Hindus resorting violence.

But in early age Almost all Muslims insulted our god, destroyed our temple and Forcibly converted us.

The outsider kings/rulers attacked sub-continental Hindus for grabbing wealth and it was nothing but expansion of rule/kingdom.

Your Hindu kings dint succeed in doing so across the world, they would have gone for the same if they would have .

All Indian Mulism are converted Muslims (except few who came from Arabia).

Islam mostly spread in Sub-cont through sufis

@Attack, kill, Bomb: USA bomb Pakistani on Pakistani Fauz request. All drones are monitored by ISI. Go fight ISI and ask them to prevent it. F16 B-C blocks are enough to encounter drones.

Big difference between drones and Attack on Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and so on
Let's leave out any political or other conspiracy which maybe behind the publication of this movie. Let's stick to ground reality. Even assuming that this was a conspiracy, would you not agree that in order for the conspiracy to be successful it needed to be swallowed by the Muslim community and that indeed it was swallowed and digested without resistance by that community. Again, I am not condoning the movie which from what I have read and heard about it, is nothing more than a camcoded low grade piece of thrash. My sympathy actually lies with the Muslim community. They were incited (perhaps with a hidden intent as you suggest) and they reacted in a manner which moved them away from sympathy to condemnation

trust me if you are in our shoes and have watched it and if it was done to your gods your blood would have boiled. What you expect from common man who has no education no understanding of world politics and modus operendi of some educated elements to ignite violence among these simple people by arousing their emotions.
trust me if you are in our shoes and have watched it and if it was done to your gods your blood would have boiled. What you expect from common man who has no education no understanding of world politics and modus operendi of some educated elements to ignite violence among these simple people by arousing their emotions.

There seem to be a huge number of uneducated simple minded Muslims the world over in that case. All prone to violence.

Why is it that I cannot find any other religious community that reacts like this? Why only Muslims?

For how long will the world tolerate this "uneducated redneck" excuse?

An uneducated redneck can kill as effectively as an MIT scholar.
trust me if you are in our shoes and have watched it and if it was done to your gods your blood would have boiled. What you expect from common man who has no education no understanding of world politics and modus operendi of some educated elements to ignite violence among these simple people by arousing their emotions.

No Sir, I was pretty peeved off when I read in the media about the insults to the Messenger of God in this movie. Leaving aside my religion or somebody else's religion I believe that one should be sensitive when questioning any religion. After all religion is meant to instil discipline in every devotee. My entire point is exactly what you stated in the highlighted portion above.

Isn't it time that Islam be led by those who are capable of properly leading? Islam was a great and respected religion during the Caliphates. The reason being in my view that the Caliphs managed to instil discipline in the religion. Currently, the educated Muslim sits back and watches in horror with the rest of the world as those who are ignorant about Islam openly destroy and kill in its name. I agree that the destructive forces maybe a minority. But when exactly will the majority in Islam rise up to salvage its reputation ? No need to answer. Just something I pondered about after reading this thread
Expansionist movements are like that irrespective of religion.
Thats why you dont see Hindus resorting violence.
The outsider kings/rulers attacked sub-continental Hindus for grabbing wealth and it was nothing but expansion of rule/kingdom.
Your Hindu kings dint succeed in doing so across the world, they would have gone for the same if they would have .
Islam mostly spread in Sub-cont through sufis
Big difference between drones and Attack on Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and so on

Agree Expansion used power and brute force, so does Expansion of Islam . Modern nation state concept is brainchild of French revolution. prior to that eithr it was Kingdom or theological state. Muslim kingdoms had 2 objective, Plunder and Conversion using brute force.

I disagree, Except Muslims No other religion make such scene, No other religion create such havoc, No other religion create such tsunami. There are 12 Boudh countries, No one did similar what Muslim doing now.

I Partially Agree, Vohra Mulsims and Shia faith was spread thru peace and sufism , not Sunni. Sufisim conversion was very limited, most of conversion was through Punishment, taxation, Brute force and Abduction (rape, kidnapping, plunder).
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