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The hate some Indian Hindus have against Muslims.

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If i were you Id get to reproducing before your kind goes extinct. Could use more of you in pakistan :)

Don’t need the Indian ones. One look also at their faces will let you know how much Persian ancestry remains. Iranians Muslim or atheist have no time for them.
I absolutely refuse to accept that Islam is the issue in 2020. Those who talk of 'Muslim hatred' are deluded because they must think only Pakistan is Muslim. If there is Muslim hatred by Indian establishment where is it when it comes to cavorting with Iranians, Saudis, Emiratis etc?

The Indians seem to have no problem with majority of Muslims and Muslim world. The truth is hatred for some groups within India is endogenous to Hindu belief system and might come across as dressed in 'Muslim' cloak. The hatred toward Pakistan in 2020 is purely 70 years of political rivalry, history and wars. Again it is ssecular hatred that many like to dress in religion.

Secular hatred!

I like it.

Don’t need the Indian ones. One look also at their faces will let you know how much Persian ancestry remains. Iranians Muslim or atheist have no time for them.

This idea that many love to peddle here that Indian Hindu's hate Muslims is rubbish. The same Indianm Hindus have no issues, indeed they drool over Muslims from Iran, Arabs [UAE, Saudi, Omani, Palestinians, Afghans] so it can't be hatred for Muslims per se.

The hatred actually is for converts from lower castes of Hinduism who make the bulk of Indian Muslims. This is the same prejudice within Hinduism for untouchables, christians etc. The underlying dynamic is the Hindu caste system. It is a reminder that just because these untouchables etc or other lower order Hindu's have converted to Islam and adopted false Turkish/Arab family pedigree they can't escape from what they are. Hindu low castes.

Of course this might be the sentiment that informs this prejudice but socio-political factors have also conjoined with the underlying dynamic leading to what you see today. On top of this Hindu populists have used the India-Pak rivalry to add more fire and played on these sentiments to gain support.

Modi might talk but you don't see any Muslim hate when he is clasping the UAE royal family etc

Usually I like reading your posts here because you speak your mind fearlessly and your analysis is very good. But on topic of hindu-muslim tensions in a post-independence India you have got it wrong I must say. The low caste conversion prejudice is for christians not for muslims or any other religion people, the missionaries have specifically targeted lower caste hindus and they have been brazen about this, so the upper caste hold some kind of ill-feeling towards them. I have mixed feelings about this.

But in the case of muslims I would say it is similar to the antisemitism in germany during Nazi, it only has a patriotism angle. If India ever loses a war with pakistan, hindu nationalist would blame muslim for that just like Hitler blamed Jews for world-war 1. Just like Jews in India muslims are blamed for making govt inefficient for their corrupt interests. Part of what is said about them is true and false. The same hindu nationalist doesn't hold grudge towards Sikhs, Buddhists, NE people(By the way look different) who also are converts.

Note:- I am speaking only about how hindu-nationalists view of "Indian-Muslims" , not muslims in general.
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Do u even know what "inshallah" means? It means "God willing"...it's not exactly flaunting...it is just generally associated with Muslims...
...like saying "Namaste" as a greeting is associated with Hindus and saying "Sat Sri Akaal" is generally associated with Sikhs. None of that amounts to flaunting. Why do u care so much about what others' beliefs are? It never bothered me if somebody said "namaste" to me...it's bcuz I'm not a bigot with flimsy beliefs.

On a separate note...
@Safriz this thread is completely unnecessary. It's a defence forum...do u really think it necessary to open a thread based on a Facebook conversation?

@The Eagle @waz plz close this thread...it will invite nothing but trolling and flamebaiting.

It was a thread meant to shit on a community.

Only the other community got ruffled when their daddy came and did some shitting in return.

Usually I like reading your posts here because you speak your mind fearlessly and your analysis is very good. But on topic of hindu-muslim tensions in a post-independence India you have got it wrong I must say. The low caste conversion prejudice is for christians not for muslims or any other religion people, the missionaries have specifically targeted lower caste hindus and they have been brazen about this, so the upper caste hold some kind of ill-feeling towards them. I have mixed feelings about this.

But in the case of muslims I would say it is similar to the antisemitism in germany during Nazi, it only has a patriotism angle. If India ever loses a war with pakistan, hindu nationalist would blame muslim for that just like Hitler blamed Jews for world-war 1. Just like Jews in India muslims are blamed for making govt inefficient for their corrupt interests. Part of what is said about them is true and false. The same hindu nationalist doesn't hold grudge towards Sikhs, Buddhists, NE people(By the way look different) who also are converts.

Wrong on so many levels.
It was a thread meant to shit on a community.

Only the other community got ruffled when their daddy came and did some shitting in return.

Wrong on so many levels.

Point out then, your one-liner doesn't add anything
If that were true then hindu laborers would be butchered from indonesia to the Gulf.. but time and time again hindu minorities have enjoyed the civility of muslim majority countries. The same cannot be said about muslim minorities living with hindu majorities...

Typical hindu diversion tactic. Once proven wrong try to be civil and prove we are all humans first... obvious fact that this has been overlooked many times in your country. Maybe you should be preaching this on your indian forums? that would be a better audiance

Can you think what is going on in majority of Muslim countries in Middle east starting with Afganistan and it goes back all the way till Turkey? World is witnessing the horror of killings and loss of life of your fellow Muslim citizens by your own people...And please do not tell me that it is all fault of West...Start taking responsibility of the things where Muslim rulere are failed in mass killing of their own people.....So do you think it is also a diversion topic by Hindus too??? Or Hindus are going and killing people in all those regions...
Point out then, your one-liner doesn't add anything

Being a Hindu, you do not want to accept that Indus Pakistan has verbalised what we all know.

Anti Semitism?

That in itself is racial in origin.

Hindus and Muslims are the same people.
They have no influence here or ever will do. They swore blind that Labour Party (Kashmir statements) politicians wouldn’t be elected in their areas, they were by a landslide. These morons fail to grasp they only have one vote, and Sanghi PLC won’t be hurrying along to make things better.
Remember the Diwali day Kashmir march, tens of thousands poured through London, home of the largest guju community outside Gujarat, yet no counter protest. The BJP supporters were like rabbits in headlights. Of course it’s different in Gujarat, Delhi etc where these ‘men’ beat, rape etc women, kids and the elderly.
Their hate will remain close to their chests.
They have no influence here or ever will do. They swore blind that Labour Party (Kashmir statements) politicians wouldn’t be elected in their areas, they were by a landslide. These morons fail to grasp they only have one vote, and Sanghi PLC won’t be hurrying along to make things better.
Remember the Diwali day Kashmir march, tens of thousands poured through London, home of the largest guju community outside Gujarat, yet no counter protest. The BJP supporters were like rabbits in headlights. Of course it’s different in Gujarat, Delhi etc where these ‘men’ beat, rape etc women, kids and the elderly.
Their hate will remain close to their chests.

You need to edit your quote.

I never said what you've quoted.
It was a thread meant to shit on a community.

Only the other community got ruffled when their daddy came and did some shitting in return.

Ethics is it? Just like that wonderful thread where you urged your sanghi friends to ‘win’ in Delhi.
No Daddy seen here, just some bitch who will get perpetually slapped for eternity. :-)
This idea that many love to peddle here that Indian Hindu's hate Muslims is rubbish. The same Indianm Hindus have no issues, indeed they drool over Muslims from Iran, Arabs [UAE, Saudi, Omani, Palestinians, Afghans] so it can't be hatred for Muslims per se.

The hatred actually is for converts from lower castes of Hinduism who make the bulk of Indian Muslims. This is the same prejudice within Hinduism for untouchables, christians etc. The underlying dynamic is the Hindu caste system. It is a reminder that just because these untouchables etc or other lower order Hindu's have converted to Islam and adopted false Turkish/Arab family pedigree they can't escape from what they are. Hindu low castes.

Of course this might be the sentiment that informs this prejudice but socio-political factors have also conjoined with the underlying dynamic leading to what you see today. On top of this Hindu populists have used the India-Pak rivalry to add more fire and played on these sentiments to gain support.

Modi might talk but you don't see any Muslim hate when he is clasping the UAE royal family etc

Hindus react differently to a different Muslim countries and its national in a different way...The classic example is about Indonesia, Malaysia and Iran....In general public sphere, these Muslim countries/people are never looked as some kind of enemy of Hindus in general....But why is it different when it is coming to South Asian Muslims??
Ethics is it? Just like that wonderful thread where you urged your sanghi friends to ‘win’ in Delhi.
No Daddy seem here, just some bitch who will get perpetually slapped for eternity. :-)

Muslims cannot be allowed to wage war in India waz.

I'm sorry that you disapprove of that.

It's not going to change our reaction to such actions in the future.

This nation will not tolerate Islamic bullying. Period.
@waz ....The topic of this thread itself is targetted to demonize a religious group...So this thread can be a thread based on targetted hatred....So my request is to close such kind of thread where OP has an opinion based on FB post or Twitter thread...
Muslims cannot be allowed to wage war in India waz.

I'm sorry that you disapprove of that.

It's not going to change our reaction to such actions in the future.

This nation will not tolerate Islamic bullying. Period.

The war is one way, let’s leave dishonesty aside. They are a small minority which is up against in many cases state and federal government machinery.
No worries about your reactions it’s expected from soulless folk.
I absolutely refuse to accept that Islam is the issue in 2020. Those who talk of 'Muslim hatred' are deluded because they must think only Pakistan is Muslim. If there is Muslim hatred by Indian establishment where is it when it comes to cavorting with Iranians, Saudis, Emiratis etc?

The Indians seem to have no problem with majority of Muslims and Muslim world. The truth is hatred for some groups within India is endogenous to Hindu belief system and might come across as dressed in 'Muslim' cloak. The hatred toward Pakistan in 2020 is purely 70 years of political rivalry, history and wars. Again it is ssecular hatred that many like to dress in religion.
You're neglecting the elephant in the room - literally.

Indians - brainwashed by hindutva - have a specific hatred for those Muslims whom they perceive as having destroyed their 60000 year old elephant riding utopia. They hate subcontinental Muslims/mughals/Pakistanis as all these groups overlap in terms of that key defining characteristic.
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