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The Great Muslim Warriors

Great Muslim Warrior always fought with divine power , Mullah Omar fighting alone with ISAF (US+40 Countries) can be named as latest great muslim warrior.

yes, and for me Baitullah and Hakeemullah are the greatest warriors.
no no, for you cyrus the great, omar khayyam are the greatest ones lol:partay:

you know i was sarcastic to him lol, Hakeemu and Baitu would be the last persons in this world for me to admire. i really hate when some people admire the killers of my people. and about the Great Cyrus, he wasnt a muslim, but he is clearly our hero. Omar Khayam,mmmm , he is one of the greatest men for us. Omar Khayam and Great Alama Iqbal are among those people whom have captured our hearts.
There are many GREAT MUSLIM WARIORS IN ISLAM so you have to make a separate thread on each muslim warrior!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid RA
Salah ud din ayubi
haider ali father of tipu sultan
for me it wod be abuduallah ali from kurram agency. who fought against the talibans and defeat them and protected the PAK land from the unpak.. =D
for me it wod be abuduallah ali from kurram agency. who fought against the talibans and defeat them and protected the PAK land from the unpak.. =D

i dont know who this guy is, but since he fought the criminal taliban, then he is indead a great muslim.
i dont know who this guy is, but since he fought the criminal taliban, then he is indead a great muslim.

yup an ordinary Muslim.. who fulfils his duties accordingly, who feeds his family and love it , help the poor as much as he can. you wod never find him talking harsh to anyone and try to keep people happy around him sometimes he gets into stupid fights. he argues with his neighbour but still when it comes to his Land, you wod find him first in the row. ready to sacrifice himself, family, property everything. just for his pure land and religion..! so yes for me he's the true Islamic hero. =):agree:
Kareem R. Khan, American Hero


Khan died when an improvised explosive device blew up on August 6, 2007 in Baqubah. He had already won a purple heart.

Spurred by the Septermber 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Khan, a 2005 graduate of Southern Regional High School, wanted to show that not all Muslims were fanatics and that many, like him, were willing to lay their lives down for their country, America. He enlisted immediately after graduation and was sent to Iraq in July 2006.

So when his father, Feroze "Roy" Khan, saw three soldiers walking up to his door on Monday, he knew what it meant.

Specialist Kareem Khan, 20, was killed with four others earlier this week when a blast destroyed a house he and members of his division, the Stryker Brigade Combat Team, were clearing in Baqouba, Iraq.

Khan's faith in Islam is important now to his father and stepmother, Nisha Khan, because they want to make sure people in America know that Muslims like Kareem were willing to fight for their country.

"His Muslim faith did not make him not want to go. It never stopped him," said Feroze Khan. "He looked at it that he's American and he has a job to do."

The last package Nisha Khan, 40, sent her stepson included a necklace that had Kareem's name in Arabic, next to the word "Bismillah," which means praise to Allah.

Colin Powell's Tribute to Muslim-American War Hero, Kareem R. Khan - Steven Waldman
Kareem R. Khan, American Hero


Khan died when an improvised explosive device blew up on August 6, 2007 in Baqubah. He had already won a purple heart.

Spurred by the Septermber 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Khan, a 2005 graduate of Southern Regional High School, wanted to show that not all Muslims were fanatics and that many, like him, were willing to lay their lives down for their country, America. He enlisted immediately after graduation and was sent to Iraq in July 2006.

So when his father, Feroze "Roy" Khan, saw three soldiers walking up to his door on Monday, he knew what it meant.

Specialist Kareem Khan, 20, was killed with four others earlier this week when a blast destroyed a house he and members of his division, the Stryker Brigade Combat Team, were clearing in Baqouba, Iraq.

Khan's faith in Islam is important now to his father and stepmother, Nisha Khan, because they want to make sure people in America know that Muslims like Kareem were willing to fight for their country.

"His Muslim faith did not make him not want to go. It never stopped him," said Feroze Khan. "He looked at it that he's American and he has a job to do."

The last package Nisha Khan, 40, sent her stepson included a necklace that had Kareem's name in Arabic, next to the word "Bismillah," which means praise to Allah.

Colin Powell's Tribute to Muslim-American War Hero, Kareem R. Khan - Steven Waldman

Muslims should not join American army fighting in Afghanistan .
Muslims should not join American army fighting in Afghanistan .

What is your openion on muslims fighting pakistani army because of it's support given to usa in war on terror.They fight the pakistani govt the same way afghan taliban fight usa,like suicide bombing,blowing girl's schools etc..since pakistan govt fully support wot,provides nato transit,permission to drone strikes etc..Do you think it's legitimate to fight pakistani army?Do you consider those fighting pakistani army heroes too?
Hazart Ali.

Hazart Khalid bin Waleed.

Hazart Saad bin Abi Waqas.

Salahuddin Ayubi.

Well then i have to post this Video again.:sniper:

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