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I would not trust Russia too much. Russia took Outer Manchuria unfairly when China was too weak. Very humiliating indeed for China. It was also due to Russia that Outer Mongolia's independence was made possible.

That's what happens to weak countries. Accept it, learn from it, and grow stronger so it never happens again. Hate the enemy but hate yourself more for being too weak to stand up for yourself.
On a dark November night in 1978, 18 Chinese peasants from Xiaogang village in Anhui province secretly divided communal land to be farmed by individual families, who would keep what was left over after meeting state quotas. Such a division was illegal and highly dangerous, but the peasants felt the risks were worth it. The timing is significant for our story. The peasants took action one month before the “reform” congress of the party was announced. Thus, without fanfare, began economic reform, as spontaneous land division spread to other villages. One farmer said, “When one family’s chicken catches the pest, the whole village catches it. When one village has it, the whole county will be infected.”

Ten years later, in August of 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev lifted his nation’s 50-year-old prohibition against private farming, offering 50-year leases to farm families who would subsequently work off of contracts with the state. Few accepted the offer; Russian farmers were too accustomed to the dreary but steady life on the state or collective farm. Thus began reform of agriculture in Soviet Russia.

The results in each country could not have been more different. Chronically depressed Chinese agriculture began to blossom, not only for grain but for all crops. As farmers brought their crops to the city by bicycle or bus, long food lines began to dwindle and then disappear. The state grocery monopoly ended in less than one year. Soviet Russian agriculture continued to stagnate despite massive state subsidies. Citizens of a superpower again had to bear the indignity of sugar rations.

These two examples point to the proper narrative of reform in Gorbachev’s Russia and Deng Xiaoping ’s China. Our narrative contradicts much received doctrine. The standard account is that China succeeded because a wise party leadership deliberately chose gradualism, retained the monopoly of the Communist Party after rebuffing democracy at Tiananmen Square, and carefully guided the process over the years. The narrative says that Russia failed because the tempestuous Gorbachev ignored the Chinese reform model, moved too quickly, and allowed the party monopoly to fall apart. This standard account is incorrect. Deng Xiaoping and his supporters, contrary to popular legend, did not agree on a reform program at the Third Plenum of the Eighth Party Congress in 1978, which installed him in power. A Chinese reform official by the name of Bao Tong later admitted as much: “In fact, reform wasn’t discussed. Reform wasn’t listed on the agenda, nor was it mentioned in the work reports.”

Full Article here: How China Won and Russia Lost | Hoover Institution
I say what china did at tiananmen square was necessary If the students had succeeded China would had been in a decade of organized crime, separatists, oligarchs, poverty, drugs and massive brain drain just like Russia, Russia is still suffering from the effects to this day, Deng Xiaoping Did what Gorbachev should have done.
China not won yet and Russia not lost,is that true anyway?
China not won yet and Russia not lost,is that true anyway?

Actually the USA and Europe wanted china to be broken up just like the USSR, China succeeded and has the worlds second largest economy, the USSR fell and with it's fall led to the organized crime, separatists, oligarchs, poverty, drugs and massive brain drain in Russia and the Other republics and the effects are still going on today.
Actually the USA and Europe wanted china to be broken up just like the USSR, China succeeded and has the worlds second largest economy, the USSR fell and with it's fall led to the organized crime, separatists, oligarchs, poverty, drugs and massive brain drain in Russia and the Other republics and the effects are still going on today.

I think you are ill-informed. China was never threat to West till USSR existed (till 90s). USA tried to sabotage USSR defense sector by providing Lavi to China (Which later became J10). West was using China as tool to destroy USSR (which eventually they did). Though china and USSR were communist regime, there was major deference in there policies (it was like communism under communism).

No one know what's going under communist regime, every thing in comminusm is hidden, till russia disintegrated no one knew that russia was economically weak. On the same line We don't know how exactly is china. No one know how weak/strong is china from inside...

Every country has its bad phase, so does Russia. We are hopeful they will come back with a Bang!...
In the Soviet Union, only 50% of the population self-identified as Russian.

Nobody destroyed the USSR, they destroyed themselves.

A nice quote from Vladmir Putin:

"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain."
You can't compare the two countries! Just because China and Russia are both communists does not mean they followed the same systems. China is spending loads of money on infrastructure like USSR did just before it failed. But China has the unique advantage of industrial growth and an unprecedented sustained growth rate never before seen in the history of a communist state.
Fact is, China was able to evolve a form of governance which sustains industrial growth within it's form of govt. That's where the soviets failed.
In the Soviet Union, only 50% of the population self-identified as Russian.

Nobody destroyed the USSR, they destroyed themselves.

A nice quote from Vladmir Putin:

"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain."

Mr Putin is a good liar he secretly is trying to create a new Union, with Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine.
You can't compare the two countries! Just because China and Russia are both communists does not mean they followed the same systems. China is spending loads of money on infrastructure like USSR did just before it failed. But China has the unique advantage of industrial growth and an unprecedented sustained growth rate never before seen in the history of a communist state.
Fact is, China was able to evolve a form of governance which sustains industrial growth within it's form of govt. That's where the soviets failed.

The USSR had better infrastructure and industrial growth then China, China advantage was it's economic growth the Soviet Economy was burnt out from the Arms race, Soviet Afghan War, but the final nail in the coffin was the protestors, the question is if the USSR crushed the protestors like China did would it have survived ?
I think you are ill-informed. China was never threat to West till USSR existed (till 90s). USA tried to sabotage USSR defense sector by providing Lavi to China (Which later became J10). West was using China as tool to destroy USSR (which eventually they did). Though china and USSR were communist regime, there was major deference in there policies (it was like communism under communism).

No one know what's going under communist regime, every thing in comminusm is hidden, till russia disintegrated no one knew that russia was economically weak. On the same line We don't know how exactly is china. No one know how weak/strong is china from inside...

Every country has its bad phase, so does Russia. We are hopeful they will come back with a Bang!...

Quit misinformed the Lavi was sponsored by the US why would the US give high tech weaponry to China ? Russia was pillaged by the Oligarchs in Yeltsin Shock therapy in a way Russians kind of deserve what happen to them But I do feel sorry for them.
The USSR had better infrastructure and industrial growth then China, China advantage was it's economic growth the Soviet Economy was burnt out from the Arms race, Soviet War, but the final nail in the coffin was the protestors, the question is if the USSR crushed the protestors like China did would it have survived.

Industrial growth comparable to China??? No it didn't. That's the main reason it failed. They pushed incredible amount of money on infra, defence, space etc during the Cold war era. But their industrial output did not leave them with enough surplus to sustain this. China on the other hand is the manufacturing hub of the world today. A country may hate China but your laptop will have chinese circuit boards! Despite the heavy investments, the Chinese still have a surplus amount left. Heck they hold $1.3 trillion in US treasury bonds.
Quit misinformed the Lavi was sponsored by the US why would the US give high tech weaponry to China ? Russia was pillaged by the Oligarchs in Yeltsin Shock therapy in a way Russians kind of deserve what happen to them But I do feel sorry for them.

USA did any thing and every thing to sabotage USSR.My information is quite accurate..
Actually the USA and Europe wanted china to be broken up just like the USSR, China succeeded and has the worlds second largest economy, the USSR fell and with it's fall led to the organized crime, separatists, oligarchs, poverty, drugs and massive brain drain in Russia and the Other republics and the effects are still going on today.
Sure,I think the point is organization with in and without.In P.R.China people always well organized (or you can say a cost of losing freedom)and Russia lost in this aspect like some other poor countries for a few decades.Maybe this kind of phenomenon due to some deep culture or ethnic reason.Lenin had once made Russian well organized but can not keep too long.
What about Germany,were they well organized during Hitler era and got some welfare?
Who did win and who did lose, and in what extend of the term "won" and "lost", it's still unclear.
It should be something like "How did the PRC survive but the USSR did not?".
Furthermore, Russia and China are two nation, not two political system.
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