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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

If China collapsed, I think the PLA would nuke Vietnam just for shits and giggles. :pop:
China won't nuke Vietnam any more, but learnt the history once China unstable, Vietnam will first get troubles in inside or from outside. If ... Vietnamese can read their past history ... LOL !
China won't nuke Vietnam any more, but learnt the history once China unstable, Vietnam will first get troubles in inside or from outside. If ... Vietnamese can read their past history ... LOL !
Blah blah...whatever. Update for the fight btween Russia-US.
US officials: US to start talks with Cuba to normalize full diplomatic relations, open embassy

By Associated Press December 17 at 9:45 AM
WASHINGTON — US officials: US to start talks with Cuba to normalize full diplomatic relations, open embassy.

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
US officials: US to start talks with Cuba to normalize full diplomatic relations, open embassy - The Washington Post
Just like VN, Cuba was Soviet's ally. Seem like US wanna cut off all support to Russia...China may also feel the heat from EU-US to them .
Sputnik Special Financial Analysis: Ruble, What Are You Doing? Please Stop! / Sputnik International

MOSCOW, December 16 (Sputnik) – The Russian ruble nosedived to a historic low on Tuesday afternoon trading at 80 rubles to the dollar and 100 to the euro, losing 20 to 26 percent in the course of just one day on Moscow's trading.

While the currency rates are creating utter panic on the market, Sputnik's Financial and Executive Editors sat down to discuss the causes of this fiscal whirlpool – and give you a simple and readable digest of what is happening with the ruble.

Executive Editor: Russia's Central Bank hiked the main deposit rate from 10.5 to 17 percent overnight to save the falling ruble. I know this has been done before in countries like Turkey. To me this looks like Baron Munchausen’s attempt to pull himself out of the swamp by his own braid. This obviously caused more harm than good, because now it’s nearly 100 rubles to 1 euro.

Financial Editor: It looks like there has been a massive currency exchange this morning. People are trading rubles for dollars and euros. Raising the deposit rate by 650 points is not going to stop the ruble from falling. In all truth, the rate has to be brought up to 100%.

Executive Editor: How is that going to save us? If the main borrowing rate is 100%, the banks will not be able to borrow money!

Financial Editor: Yes. It’s either that, or the ruble continues falling. Which is better? There are too many rubles on the market at the moment, 30 trillion to be precise. If the Central Bank raises the main interest rate to 100%, smaller banks will be forced to close, but that will lead to a healthier balance of the ruble and the dollar.

Executive Editor: How?

Financial Editor: A high interest rate will make the ruble grow. We had too many rubles on the market, and their overall amount grew from 15 to 30 trillion in just 5 years. We should have witnessed the ruble plummet much earlier, but all those dollar loans held it in place. Now there are no dollars – and the ruble is sliding down.



Executive Editor: If the main deposit rate is 100%, the banks will have nowhere to go for money, and loans in rubles will not just become more expensive – they will become extinct. People will stop borrowing money.

Financial Editor: And that is amazing!! There cannot be any loans during a financial crisis.

Executive Editor: We’re not growing the ruble by doing that; we are freezing it, creating an Ice Age.

Financial Editor: True, but not for long. We will only need 40 days of a hyper-high main deposit rate to get rid of all the extra ruble liquidity. 15% of loans in Russia are bad loans. That is bad for the ruble rate, too. Last, but not least, the Central Bank gave a 600 billion-ruble-loan to Rosneft last week, and Rosneft has dollar debts. If Rosneft were to buy dollars, for example, the ruble would be on its way to outer Space.

Executive Editor: When you say ‘get rid of the extra ruble liquidity’, will that make the ruble even cheaper?

Financial Editor: The other way around. But first banks need to stop giving out loans in rubles. The fewer rubles there are on the market, the better.

Executive Editor: It’s not all about loans though! People are panicking and buying dollars and euros, getting rid of their rubles. That is making the ruble cheaper.

Financial Editor: It could be worse. In 1998 the ruble fell from 6 to 30 rubles per dollar, which is 5 times cheaper than what it was before. So today there’s still room for it to fall to 150 rubles per dollar.

Executive Editor: I still don’t understand how freezing all loans can save the ruble. Imagine people are left with hard cash. The smaller banks are shut down. People are growing poorer and poorer. What will happen to those bad loans?

Financial Editor: Banks used to forgive bad loans. Now, if banks know that they will not be getting any more rubles from the Central Bank, they will demand returns, confiscate property etc. That way, all those rubles will go straight back to the Central Bank. This will stop the ruble from falling further. I mean… people can live without a loan for a new iPhone; they will lose much-much more if the ruble falls further.

Executive Editor: How will that help save the ruble?

Financial Editor: If the bulk of rubles comes back to the Central Bank and the Central Bank will stop feeding them back to the economy (which is important), there will be fewer rubles out there. If there are fewer rubles – the ruble grows. If there is a scarcity of something, it is always more expensive.


Executive Editor: That will once again take away from the common folk; Moreover, covering up problems like that using your own resources is just not right. It’s like cutting your leg off and eating it when you’re starving. It will solve one problem temporarily, but will create an even greater problem in the long term.

Financial Editor: There you go. That’s why the main borrowing rate is 17%, not 100% and the ruble is sliding further.

Executive Editor: The future is grim – I see people painfully returning bad loans, small banks slowly dying, and big companies are being bailed out. This 100% borrowing rate will only make the process go faster. What you’re suggesting is a financial nuclear winter. A shock therapy for the Russian economy.

Financial Editor: If what we need right now is to hold down the ruble – this is the only way possible. When the Central Bank printed those 30 trillion rubles, no one thought the dollar would be disappearing from our economy, and there it goes. What should we do now? Russia has $700 billion in debts, while our dollar income fell because of the falling oil prices. The question is – how far can it fall if we don’t start withdrawing money from the economy.

Executive Editor: The prices will rise if you withdraw money from the economy!

Financial Editor: Yes, that’s another problem. The less money, the more expensive the goods and services are. But it’s not that simple. A fiscal deficit holds the inflation down, because consumers prefer not to spend money. That’s what’s happening in Europe and Japan right now – everything is so expensive that the consumer doesn’t want to buy anything. Russian imports, on the other hand, have grown because of the falling ruble.

Executive Editor: Yes, people are buying cars and TVs like crazy. But, I will repeat this once again, if we are trying to save the economy by raising the main deposit rate to 100%, we are hurting the common folk, they run out of money, they stop investing, stop buying, prices plummet, businesses and entrepreneurs suffer.

Financial Editor: Yes, that’s the plan!

Executive Editor: There should be a different way. Can the Central Bank raise the deposit rate to 100%, wait for the money to come back and then spend it on subsidizing small and medium-size enterprises? Is import substitution even an option? How long will that take?

Financial Editor: Yes, if you do it carefully, if it’s controlled, if there is no way these investments can become liquid assets. If they do, this will weaken the ruble. Massive government investments often weaken local currencies. Import substitution is a long process that depends on the economy. Developing new branches can take up to 5 years, because you need trained personnel, new product markets etc.


Key Rate Hike to Return Currency Market to Normal in the Long Term: Central Bank
Executive Editor
: If the Central Bank can help grow enterprises, wouldn’t that beef up the economy and strengthen the ruble?

Financial Editor: Of course! The growth of the industrial sector does not directly depend on currency rates. If we invest in its growth, the economy will become healthier, this will reassure investors and the ruble will grow. This is a great long-term strategy. But for now we are a resource-based economy with 70% of it state-owned, so the Central Bank will be bailing out state-owned companies.

Executive Editor: That’s why we got hit so hard by falling oil prices? What’s happing to the oil prices?

Financial Editor: The oil prices are falling because Saudi Arabia wants to stop the US from entering the oil market. They’ve done it before in 1986, now they want to do it again.

Executive Editor: So the Saudis are dumping oil prices to prevent the US from entering the oil market? How should we know it’s not a joint measure against Russia?

Financial Editor: That is also possible, but US oil is a threat to Saudi oil, because it’s hard to predict what could happen on the market after America enters it. Russia is not a dangerous competitor because it’s predictable. And it’s not even about that! There are economies much more reliant on natural resources: like Nigeria or Algeria, but they weren’t hit as hard by the oil prices. It’s the dollar deficit in Russia that’s causing this ruble crisis. It’s because large state-owned enterprises have huge dollar debts.

Executive Editor: There is no short-term solution for this.

Financial Editor: These is another way out: the sanctions are lifted on both sides, Russia is flooded with dollar loans, the ruble grows to 30, not 60 rubles per dollar, the economy is stable and healthy and pigs will fly.

Executive Editor: So what do people do now? Panic and freak out? Take money out of the banks? Spend the money? Cancel their holidays in Europe?

Financial Editor: Too late. All these options are bad. Many private entrepreneurs are setting prices in dollars and euros. If the deposit rate remains high, it may be a good idea to deposit your rubles in a major bank, but with all this panic on the market – none of this matters. Judging by what’s happening on the stock exchange, everybody is waiting for 1998 to repeat. With the dollar over 75 and the euro over 90 – this is utter panic.

Executive Editor: What are people supposed to do with their money now? Can they save it by depositing? A little bit?

Financial Editor: It depends on what the Central Bank does next. As of today, there is no way to save your money. If the government manages to stabilize the ruble, then depositing is a good idea. The Central Bank must limit the liquidity of the ruble as soon as possible. This is the only option. All other measures can wait.
Vietnam is home to SE/E Asia's most malnourished children who suffer from stunted growth and rival North Korean children in height. Vietnam should gloat less about Russia and worry more about whether or not they have enough rotten fish heads to feed their wives and kids. And when Viet Congs fantasize about conquering the "sub-Mekong area", that's like a homeless beggar talking about a hostile takeover of Berkshire Hathaway.:pop:
:blah: :blah: :blah: yes, yahoo we are as poor as africa according to chinese clowns here. pls feel and laugh. AND yes, according to some reports, chinese are mostly retards.
random image of 5 vietnamese and 1 south korean

@NiceGuy pls stop constantly talking of mekong empire. you just feed chinese trolls.

That's why Russia is knocking on China's door for more cooperation and deals. I wonder why Russia isn't even bothered asking for Vietnam's help.
wrong, vietnam has just agreed to establish with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan a free trade area, expecting to come into reality next year. that would help to push russia economy. while you are discussing here how to help russia, we have done ours.

Customs Union, Vietnam agree on provisions of free trade agreement | Russia & India Report
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@NiceGuy pls stop constantly talking of mekong empire. you just feed chinese trolls.

wrong, vietnam has just agreed to establish with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan a free trade area, expecting to come into reality next year. that would help to push russia economy. while you are discussing here how to help russia, we have done ours.

Customs Union, Vietnam agree on provisions of free trade agreement | Russia & India Report
Btw: its not mekong empire, its united Mekong region where people of all sub-Mekong nations stand and fight together against all threats, and it also will give more help to Russia than VN alone.
When USA and Russia mutual antagonism runs high, China should stay neutral?

This is another good chance to profit from Cold War 2.0 and to divert heat away from China. You guys won't regret it.
With Russian currency and reserves tanking, economy going in recession and oil prices plummeting, Russia has serious issues to deal with. I was reading on another site that Russia can no longer rely on China to sell oil and gas as oil prices have gone down so Chinese would want some leverage in their relationship: they might demand the Russian defense technology, like engines, avionics etc......perfect opportunity for the Chinese to Milk Russia.
there are speculations on the market. Beijing is ready to intervene the market to help comrade Putin. this is as part of currency swap deal between the two countries. China central bank will buy ruble for 150 billion yuan and sell the same amount of dollars. if necessary China will increase the stakes to 10 times, 1,500 billion yuan. should the action fail.

a desperate move, I guess. nobody should act against the market.

but hey...I would welcome if china goes down the drain as well :)
. .
there are speculations on the market. Beijing is ready to intervene the market to help comrade Putin. this is as part of currency swap deal between the two countries. China central bank will buy ruble for 150 billion yuan and sell the same amount of dollars. if necessary China will increase the stakes to 10 times, 1,500 billion yuan. should the action fail.

a desperate move, I guess. nobody should act against the market.

but hey...I would welcome if china goes down the drain as well :)
I just don't understand why you Vietnamese hate Russia. Wasn't Russia your former supporter and donor? Vietnamese are good at betraying its old friends.

Back to the topic, China will and is able to help Russia.
I just don't understand why you Vietnamese hate Russia. Wasn't Russia your former supporter and donor? Vietnamese are good at betraying its old friends.

Back to the topic, China will and is able to help Russia.
if I say "it is not wise if acting against the market", so I am anti-russia? you are clueless. I don´t hate russia, just analyse the market and situation. learn history: intervening in the currency market is mostly useless if the sentiment is against you.
if I say "it is not wise when acting against the market", so I am anti-russia? you are clueless. I don´t hate russia, just analyse the market and situation. learn history: intervening in the currency market is mostly useless if the sentiment is against you.

I disagree with a lot of PRF PRC. The best way forward for China is to watch USA fight Islamofascist, fight Russia, while leaving China alone. If China join the Axis of Evil, then she will be target of USA.

Also there are historical scores that need to be settled with Russia and many PDF PRC forget?

While PRC can only wet dream of outer Manchuria or Kazakstan or Tuvan (all former China land), the current prize is which country can claim sphere of influence on Kyrgistan, Tajiskistan, Mongolia (all former China land as well)?

Nothing can be better when USA pick a fight on Russia.
I disagree with a lot of PRF PRC. The best way forward for China is to watch USA fight Islamofascist, fight Russia, while leaving China alone. If China join the Axis of Evil, then she will be target of USA.

Also there are historical scores that need to be settled with Russia and many PDF PRC forget?

While PRC can only wet dream of outer Manchuria or Kazakstan or Tuvan (all former China land), the current prize is which country can claim sphere of influence on Kyrgistan, Tajiskistan, Mongolia (all former China land as well)?

Nothing can be better when USA pick a fight on Russia.
Whatever PRC join or not, mainland of China is next target of U.S, don't need u remind here.
U didn't read 《The Three Kingdom》 and can't understand Chinese wisdom, right now China need Russia before we get stronger.

Time is PRC's best friend, more time & more stronger (GDP + Military).
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if I say "it is not wise if acting against the market", so I am anti-russia? you are clueless. I don´t hate russia, just analyse the market and situation. learn history: intervening in the currency market is mostly useless if the sentiment is against you.
"but hey...I would welcome if china goes down the drain as well :)"-------You definitely want to bury China and Russia together. As an old Chinese saying goes: You will find real friend when you are in trouble." Now we can see who is trustworthy friend. Never trust Vietnamese.
The next 10 years is very important for China development, yes we need time to build ourselves more stronger (not a big mouth). During this time China should stay neutral and also need help Russia.

"Rome wasn't built in a day" :coffee:



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