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The great divide: Hindu-Muslim Relations on the Indian subcontinent

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May 25, 2010
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The great divide

December 03, 2010 4:38:26 AM

Meenakshi Jain's book explains the leitmotif for Hindu-Muslim relations for over a millennium and demolishes the ‘harmony' theory, writes A SURYA PRAKASH

Parallel Pathways: Essays on Hindu-Muslim Relations (1707-1857)
Author: Meenakshi Jain
Publisher: Konark
Price: 600

Hindus and Muslims lived amicably in undivided India until Britain colonised the country, promoted conflict between the two communities, pursued a policy of divide and rule and eventually presided over the division of the country before exiting from the subcontinent. This is the standard narrative of many Left-leaning historians who shut their eyes to historical truths and moulded history to suit their ideological predilections.

Much of this, however, is false because it seeks to hide the facts regarding the cruelty and despotism of many Muslim rulers, the destruction of thousands of Hindu temples, the religious persecution of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains and the sustained efforts of these rulers to dismantle the cultural edifice of the Indic civilisation — all of which created a Hindu-Muslim divide that existed when the British arrived on the scene and remained thereafter, resulting in the country’s tragic partition.

The producers of this counterfeit history have just one objective in mind — to denounce indigenous religions and culture, to eulogise religions imported into this land and to expurgate from history books all facts that show the latter in poor light. A logical extension of this spurious enterprise is to imagine Hindu-Muslim harmony before the advent of the British and blame the coloniser for the discord that emerged between the two communities in the 19th and 20th centuries leading to Partition and much else.

For example, historians who carry this ideological baggage have tried — and continue to try — to paint even a despotic ruler like Aurangzeb in ‘secular’ colours. Aurangzeb persecuted Hindus, imposed a tax on them and destroyed hundreds of Hindu temples including the Krishna Temple in Mathura and the Vishwanath Temple in Benaras. He heaped indignities on Hindus and Sikhs and some eminent historians like Jadunath Sarkar, RC Mazumdar and Will Durant, who have remained true to their calling, have chronicled the many facets of his oppressive regime.

However, in recent years, historians belonging to the pseudo-secular school have been working overtime to bury these truths and give Aurangzeb a more acceptable face. This is the common thread that runs through these narratives, however laughable it may seem, in the light of the chronicles left behind by Aurangzeb’s official historians, including the Akhbarats, which were reports on the orders passed by the emperor and other accounts like Mirat-i-Alam and Alamgir-Nama written by Mughal court officials. This is just a sample of the monumental disservice that historians of this ilk have done to our understanding of medieval history and thereafter, the historical background of Partition.

However, the enterprise of this school is not confined to just manufacturing the past. It extends to management of the present as well, with members of this school entrenching themselves in academia and institutions owing allegiance to those who are the prime beneficiaries of their spurious output and denying opportunities to those who oppose this disjunction between truth and history.

Given this background, Meenakshi Jain’s Parallel Pathways is a path-breaking work, seeking to blast the myths vis-à-vis Hindu-Muslim relations from 1707 to the Great Uprising of 1857.

As Jain points out, a school of historians believes that the revolt of 1857 “was the last notable manifestation of Hindu-Muslim unity”. That thereafter, this unity was undermined by the policies of the British leading eventually to Partition. In other words, Hindu-Muslim unity was “an accomplished fact” in the centuries preceding the great revolt. The reality, she says, is “considerably more complex” and can be traced to some precepts that are central to Islam and which have influenced Muslim rulers since the Arab conquest of Sind in 712 AD. For example, Church and state were intertwined in Islam and Muslims believed that “Islam could be Islam properly only in conjunction with political power”. As a result, “secularisation of the polity and society were incompatible with Islam”. Islam, she says, divided the world into believers and non-believers and “designated all Indians as kafirs”. As these concepts were at the core of Islamic belief, there was little scope for harmony between Hindus and Muslims. These concepts also had a great bearing on how a succession of Muslim kings ran their kingdoms and the attitude of the Muslim elite in India.

Jain says Islam and the civilisation that it confronted in India espoused “markedly differing ideals”. While Islam gave primacy to universal Muslim brotherhood and promoted a centralised autocratic polity, “the civilisation as it evolved in the subcontinent was... secular (in that the religious identity was not paramount), decentralised and democratic and exalted patriotism (love of the land) above other loyalties. The subsequent history of India was to a considerable degree shaped by the contest between these two varying perspectives”. This single paragraph in Jain’s book explains the leitmotif for Hindu-Muslim relations for over a millennium and effectively demolishes the ‘harmony’ theory.

This conflict between Islam and the Indian civilisation has been recorded by many travellers, court historians, writers and poets, and Jain packs her book with valuable quotes from the most authentic chroniclers to clinch the argument that the disjunction was too deep and fundamental for any kind of concord to emerge between the two civilisations. Further, the attitude of Islam towards the Indic religions resulte d in the sustained and barbaric campaign against the adherents of these religions and their places of worship, besides the imposition of jizya (tax) on Hindus and the plethora of discriminatory practices by Muslim rulers.

This onslaught, however, was not just confined to matters of religion. It extended to the wider canvass of culture, including architecture and language. For example, Akbar made Persian the language of administration and the Mughal empire was “closely connected with the cultivation of Persian culture in all its aspects”. Further, Jain says no native language of India received any meaningful patronage from the ‘great’ Mughals, “who were widely perceived in the regions as unsympathetic to indigenous languages”.

Following the decline of the Mughals, it became imperative to replace Persian and Hindi/Hindavi seemed the natural choice, but for the Muslim elite “its (Hindi/Hindavi) principle drawback was its profusion of tatsama and tadbhava Sanskrit words”. So, a solution was found by purging Sanskit-origin words and replacing them with Arabic and Persian words — “a process that culminated in the birth of Urdu”. In other words, the assault on Indian civilisation was comprehensive and nothing was left out. Chapter VI on “Language: A Calculated Rupture” offers a wide-ranging analysis on the language issue as it deals with the expurgation of Sanskrit, the origins of Hindi/Hindavi and Urdu.

The Hindu-Muslim cleavage, largely fuelled by the bigotry of Muslim rulers, remained apparent during the revolt of 1857 and persisted thereafter. In the final chapter, the author explains the impact of this cultural dissonance on the subcontinental politics in the latter half of the 19th century. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s thesis that promoted Muslim separatism and the eventual Partition seems an inevitable corollary when one sees and acknowledges this dissonance. In short, this is a book that is worthy of recommendation, especially for those who wish to shift history from mythology.
BS article.. the only reason for this "great divide" is people pointing fingers at each other.. secondly.. Islamic legacy in India is thanks to Sufis in the North and Arab traders in the South.. I know many Jatt and Rajput clans would never convert if forced by the sword.. It is their fierce warrior like nature.. Go look at history of all the Jatt and Rajput clans.. the ones that converted to Islam were either due to Sufis early on or much later on due to goodwill and their own willingness.. But even after converting.. they were not puppets of Mughals.. some of the greatest Muslim Rajput warriors like the legend of Punjab Abdullah Bhatti devoted their whole life in fighting against the Mughals..
BS article.. the only reason for this "great divide" is people pointing fingers at each other.. secondly.. Islamic legacy in India is thanks to Sufis in the North and Arab traders in the South.. I know many Jatt and Rajput clans would never convert if forced by the sword.. It is their fierce warrior like nature.. Go look at history of all the Jatt and Rajput clans.. the ones that converted to Islam were either due to Sufis early on or much later on due to goodwill and their own willingness.. But even after converting.. they were not puppets of Mughals.. some of the greatest Muslim Rajput warriors like the legend of Punjab Abdullah Bhatti devoted their whole life in fighting against the Mughals..

Funny you said that. In Pakistan's Punjab province, we have many Jatt Muslims and Rajput Muslims. In fact there was a Rajput Muslim girl who was interested in marrying me not too long ago.

I'm guessing those Jatt Muslims and Rajput Muslims in Pakistan were once hindus/sikhs who converted to Islam. Well today they are Muslims, they even happily inter-marry with other clans in Pakistan today including Moghal clans we have in Pakistan's Punjab province.

Rajput Muslims and Jatt Muslims would never take the side of indian hindus over Pakistani Muslims.
why are you so insecure omar? where did i say muslim jatts and muslim rajputs would want to side with Hindus??? all i said is Jatts and Rajputs are fierce warriors and will stand up for themselves.. doesn't matter if enemy is hindu or muslim.. you can convert jatts and rajputs by love but never by sword..
muslims and hindoos are always different. muslims fight for all the muslims under muslim ummah while hindoos fight each other. muslims in south asia are outsiders who conquered this region and ruled from india to spain for 1000 years.

In fact there was a Rajput Muslim girl who was interested in marrying me not too long ago.

are you serious or out of your mind? :taz:

Rajput Muslims and Jatt Muslims would never take the side of indian hindus over Pakistani Muslims.

This guy is totally brainwashed by hindoos! no Muslim claim them as rajput like hindoos.
We no more live in religion based tribes.I would coexist peacefully with a peacefull muslim than a radical hindu.similarly a normal pakistani muslim can happily coexist with his peacefull hindu neighbour much more than a muslim member of ttp or lej.It is a strange coincidence that i happened to overhear todays qutba from mosque right next to my home-the guy was telling about the need of cooperating with fellow humans(nomatter what religion)in all things good and dissociate from evil things of fellow humans(no matter what religion).I am happy and proud to coexist with such people.
muslims and hindoos are always different. muslims fight for all the muslims under muslim ummah while hindoos fight each other. muslims in south asia are outsiders who conquered this region and ruled from india to spain for 1000 years.

are you serious or out of your mind? :taz:

This guy is totally brainwashed by hindoos! no Muslim claim them as rajput like hindoos.

LOL, yeah, hundreds of Millions of Muslims in south Asia are "outsiders who conquered" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
daily pioneer has a very right wing bent. So you can make your own opinion on what type of books they will promote.

For example this "book review" is a copy of the article that came in the RSS mouthpiece Organiser.
It is a known fact that Hindus suffered a lot under Islamic rule just as the Zoroastrians suffered a lot under Islamic rule of Persia.The latter suffered so much that many migrated to India and are called Parsis or Iranis.Hindu suffering was no less.Temples were destroyed in their thousands , heavy taxes were imposed on the non Muslims.How India managed to remain 80 % Hindu is indeed a miracle considering the fact that the whole of Persia was converted to Islam in just 5 years.
Why look back at the History and promote differences amongst us (as if existing ones are not enough) ?? Cant we concentrate on the future. ??

The Mughal rule had its share of benevolent (relatively) rulers like Akbar,Shahjehan and religious bigots like Aurangazeb.

So no use in painting all under the same brush.

Yes thousands of temples were destroyed,many hundreds of thousands were killed just because they chose not to believe in Islam.

But past is past and lets just concentrate on developing our country as just Indians.

p.s.:Daily Pioneer is a Right wing nationalist magazine ,but this should not be trashed just because it is published by Pioneer.In that case dozens of articles published in Tehelka,Frontline are permanently destined for the garbage dump and garbage dump alone.
muslims and hindoos are always different. muslims fight for all the muslims under muslim ummah while hindoos fight each other. muslims in south asia are outsiders who conquered this region and ruled from india to spain for 1000 years.

are you serious or out of your mind? :taz:

This guy is totally brainwashed by hindoos! no Muslim claim them as rajput like hindoos.

Totally false.As i look around i see Muslims fighting each other every where in Iraq ,Yemen ,Pakistan ,Sudan etc...I don't see Hindus fighting each other.Even during the crusades Saladin fought many Muslim rulers to consolidate his power. The bottom line is that Muslims have been fighting each other for centuries.

Muslims in South Asia are not outsiders but locals who converted to Islam out of fear of being killed or persecuted by the Muslim rulers.Very few converted because they were attracted by the religion.
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