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The Glory of the Mughal Empire

Those were his generals when he went down to the Deccan himself he took back every fort which he held until his death. When he died though many of those were re-seized immediately by the Marathas.


Pakistanis love Aurangzeb because he was a bigot and believe that it was due to lack of bigotry that later muslims were defeated. Instead the truth is that Aurangzeb proved himself to be a mediocre even militarily and Mughal empire at the time of death of Aurangzeb was smaller than what he has inherited.

Maximum extent was Mughal was reached in 1699.After that it started going downhill with Aurangzeb losing every Battle. By 1705, Marathas have extended their power into North India and Aurangzeb was forced to escape to Burhunpur in Madhya Pradesh after signifacant portion of royal army was destroyed in a battle with Dhanaji jadav.

Deccan Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mughal Empire ,to the disappointment of Pakistanis ,started disintegrating while Auragzeb was at helm;not after his death.

Pakistanis love Aurangzeb because he was a bigot and believe that it was due to lack of bigotry that later muslims were defeated. Instead the truth is that Aurangzeb proved himself to be a mediocre even militarily and Mughal empire at the time of death of Aurangzeb was smaller than what he has inherited.

Maximum extent was Mughal was reached in 1699.After that it started going downhill with Aurangzeb losing every Battle. By 1705, Marathas have extended their power into North India and Aurangzeb was forced to escape to Burhunpur in Madhya Pradesh after signifacant portion of royal army was destroyed in a battle with Dhanaji jadav.

Deccan Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mughal Empire ,to the disappointment of Pakistanis ,started disintegrating while Auragzeb was at helm;not after his death.
Well, the Pakistanis have a different view of history. The Indians still celebrate the destroyers of the Mughal Empire like
Shivaji, Bajirao and Mahadji Shinde on the other hand the Pakistanis celebrate invaders like Bin Qasim and Babur who committed atrocities during their invasion of Pakistan.
You may want to look at this:
Altaic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tungusic and Mongolic are slightly different but related language family under the larger Altaic group. So 1 and 7 would be Tungusic, 2, 3, 5 and 6 would be Mongolic (or Turko-Mongol) and 4 would be Turkic. Long before Mongol tribes unified under Chinggis and took that name, Xiongnu defeated the earlier Indo-European/Iranian Scythians/Saka nomads and the mixture of these two groups gave rise to Turkics, if I am not mistaken. I think proto-Turks were more like Yakuts ancestors (Dingling?) and proto-Tungusics were like todays Evenks, but their mixture with their southern neighbors gave rise to Mongols and possibly Jurchens/Jins:

Xiongnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dingling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tungusic peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mohe people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Heishui Mohe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mongolic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The origins of the Yakuts – Gene Expression

Then why do most Turkics carry the Indo-Iranian haplogroup R1a on their paternal line? Interestingly enough most Turkics like Kyrgyz, Uyghurs or Altaians carry predominantly Mongoloid mtDNA while paternaly they are mostly R1a carriers. That doesn't make sense if we assume that the Turkic conquerers took Caucasoid Scythians as wifes but the problem here is that genetics tell us a different story.

Y-DNA haplogroups in Central and North Asian populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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My personal favorite report in this book is of Aurangzeb returning from a campaign. At the gates of Delhi, he was told that the Reporter from the Iranian frontier has reported that the Shah of Iran had moved East with his army ostensibly on some campaign. At learning this, Aurangzeb commanded that the accompanying army be camped outside of Delhi and then he himself proceeded there without entering Delhi. Somebody advised that the Emperor could visit Delhi before heading out. At this Aurangzeb testily answered that the news is so many days old. For all he knew the King of Iran could have moved close to the frontier by now. Aurangzeb put his comfort aside and left to join his army in the camp. Compare that with the attack of Nadir Shah Durrani and the then Mughal emperor's response - Dilli hanooz Dur Ast (Delhi is yet far) which then became a popular saying that is still a part of Urdu language.

And a complete lie of first order and example of Pakistanis taking solace in mythology.

This particular saying is from Nizamuddin Auliya who cursed Ghiyassudin Tuglaq with this saying " Dilli hanooz Dur Ast ". It has not even an imaginary connection to Urdu or Aurangzeb and is a loaned metaphor.
And a complete lie of first order and example of Pakistanis taking solace in mythology.

This particular saying is from Nizamuddin Auliya who cursed Ghiyassudin Tuglaq with this saying " Dilli hanooz Dur Ast ". It has not even an imaginary connection to Urdu or Aurangzeb and is a loaned metaphor.

Ignoring your acidic assertion, I would like to explain that what I have written is correct. I was comparing Aurangzeb with one of his successors who was uncaring and indolent. He did say Dilli hanooz dur ast to reports of Nadir Shah advancing onto Delhi. I never meant to dig up the origins of this saying. I just wished to illustrate the mind-set at the tail end of Mughals. You do not need to have a cow over this.

This Persian saying has a particular context in Urdu. That context is not with Nizamuddin Auliya in the sense of 'a bridge too far', but as a mark of procrastination and indolence.

I hope I have made myself clear.

Can I expect an apology for your choice of words and misplaced expression? Or is it too much to ask?
You could find out what Alexander had to say about the inhabitants of the area that is Pakistan. I do not know what you wished to say with your trolling and you can not answer because you are banned for reaching your limit of warnings. But do remember that making stupid comments like this does not get you anywhere. Maybe you should join some other forum populated with trolls like yourself with whom you can be happy. But here "there be monsters" - we know how to respond and do that well.
No I Said Pakistanis.You know 1947 onwards?Because as far as I know there wasn't something called pakistan before that.

Even if Alexander and porus were taken into account..which it can't be,seeing as how pakistanis are busy claiming arab,turkic,iranian,martian etc ancestry,guess what?Porus lost anyway,so not a great example for "defending" oneself..more like how to lose even after all the efforts.

Which is why I find it funny,that a senior mod would call someone else's ethnicity as insignificant and indulge in personal and ethnic attacks when the concerned person's people have a proud history of being independent and preserving their own identity and winning against one of the behemoth of an empire that was the mughal empire.Or maybe it is because of sour grapes?The realisation that supposedly "insignificant" people have a better and prouder history than oneself,that they weren't defeated and subjugated while our proud and glorious pakistanis have been bamboozled,enslaved,subjugated(insert anything,will most probably fit) by every tom,dick and harry invader throughout it's history which leads to the stings and irritation resulting in loss of self control and decency on the part of a senior mod?:whistle::whistle:

As far as the accusation of trolling is concerned,its a fact on the internet that everyone who doesn't like someone else's opinion labels the former as a troll.This being defence.pk(defense..yeah right),the bias and bigotry is expected I guess,after all not every nationality has the same tolerance as others.My 3 strikes are testament to that.One which you issued to the post the quoted post of yours was in reply to..so as I said,the charges lack the bite.
There were no Shia sultanates in extreme South or even in proper South anywhere. Bijapur and Golconda were in Central India specifically in Madhya pradesh and Maharashtra.

What are you talking about? Bijapur city is in Karnataka and Golconda is around Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. This is the Sultanate of Bijapur at one point

Khushal khan khattak , who was officer of mughal empire during shah jahan times, was thrown into prison by Aurangzeb for no obvious reason. Khushal khattak observed that mughals have lost the traits and qualities of timurids and mongols, he assessed that the now much indianized mughals can be defeated and Afghan rule can be restored. Afghans failed to defeat mughals in a 12 years long war due to their inborn disunity and due to excellent military command and skills of Aurangzeb. But khushal khattak had accurately smelled the rusting of mughals, they collapsed after death of aurangzeb.
The Moghuls of Hindustan and not 'INDIA' a word 'conjured up' by the Brits, gave 'pure prominence' to Hindustan.

They were master architects with a vision, excellent statesmen, generals, literary figures, developed a common lingo franca, Urdu to translate the Sanscrict. Which the local 'genre' of those time could not 'comprehend.
Don't forget the the 'cuisine' which the Indian so 'blatantly call as 'Indian'!
Well, it is totally 'Central Asian & Persian'!
The Concept of 'Ice' in sherbets
& beverages for a Moghul concept, specifically 'Barbur'!

All in all The Mughuls brought 'Civilization' to Hindustan. Albeit, folks will say, thru 'subjugation'!

Well shit happens....!(Since 48 to 51% of Hindustanis or my bad, "Indians' are defecating' out in the open in this day and age)

40 million Pakistani shitting in open places.
40 million Pakistani shitting in open places - INDEPENDENT
What an interesting information. Thanks for sharing this @ChennaiDude

A portrait of Muhammad Ali Khan, Nawab at Arcot.

The actual direct decedent (ASIF ALI)..is a very good buddy of mine..we studied in right from UKG upto std 12 ..fantastic guy!
Even today I call him Nawab Ali..very humble and very well educated, he does a lot of charity work..a True Nawab!
I'm interested to know if there exists in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh any descendents of the Imperial Timurid Dynasty?

I am the One. My ancestors fled to Kashmir while after or during war of independence. Later they come back and settled in "Dilli, Kocha Rehman" and after partition they migrated to Pakistan.
My Grand father had a chart of family which link us to Shahensha Bahadur Shah Zafar II but unfortunately we have lost it while moving from one home to another.
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