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The Future of the Russian Air Force: 10 Years On

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Nicely put. If there is a single country on earth, the US wets its' pants dealing with, it is Russia (was U.S.S.R earlier).

ha us fears china more than russia it seems now and russian planes wha kya hey they give us all crap
Ever consider combat strength and reserves?

Ever consider they bit off more than they can swollow? Of course i can always bring up Kosovo if you want to talk about strengths and reserves.

Think...Iraq and Yugoslavia employed Soviet weaponry and tactics...Think.

Those weapons they used were ancient, and the Iraqis were a bunch of little girls that had no disipline or proper training. On atleast three accasions Iraqi pilots lost control of their aircraft and crashed while in a dog fight, what does that say about them? The Iraqi army was just too outdated and too poorly trained to do anything, once the coalition bombed Iraqi command and control, and their loggistics the Iraqis were finished, and as for Kosovo some of their fighter aircraft didn't have functioning radar, and they were also outdated, their army was nothing to brag about either.

Lets look at Georgia, Georgia was trained by US marines and they also had some good western weapons, Israeli UAV's, Israeli avionics, Turkish apc, and more, but they didn't fair well.
seems to me that the US is an empire, and not a nation-state. there's no ethnic group called "american".

- Nation: a group of people with a common heritage or some sort of cultural bond.

- State: a ruling body that administer and defend a bordered region.

- Country: a geographical locale.

Europe is a 'country' with many 'nation-states'. Same with Africa. Same with the Americas. Same with Asia. A 'nation' can be 'stateless' like how the Jews was before the establishment of Israel. The US is a legitimate 'nation-state'. The Soviet Union was an empire. The word 'American' has never been recognized as an official ethnic designation for citizens of the United States.

does the crushing of Georgia by Russia reflect badly on Georgia's US trained forces?
The Georgian military were more ingrained with Soviet style tactics and weaponry than whatever scant training the US gave them.
exactly, this means that the exact weapons a military uses isn't important, whats important is that military's overall power.

just because the US crushed iraq and iraq used soviet weapons, doesn't mean the US could've crushed the soviet union. far from it in fact, otherwise it would have.
Very good...Now if we remove nuclear forces out of the discussion, the US military will dominate any armed conflict against Russia.
Very good...Now if we remove nuclear forces out of the discussion, the US military will dominate any armed conflict against Russia.

What you said might be true. However don't underestimate Russia. Even though Russia doesn't have much money, they are strong and determined enough to give a befitting reply to any external aggression. They might even be crazy enough to nuke any country off this planet. If I would avoid getting them angry.
Nicely put. If there is a single country on earth, the US wets its' pants dealing with, it is Russia (was U.S.S.R earlier).

The US put Russia and China on disregard and invaded Iraq. Put the right person in office again and see what can happen next.
What you said might be true. However don't underestimate Russia. Even though Russia doesn't have much money, they are strong and determined enough to give a befitting reply to any external aggression. They might even be crazy enough to nuke any country off this planet. If I would avoid getting them angry.
In recent memory, it has been the US military that confronted Soviet style battlefield tactics more than the other way around. From Korea to Viet Nam to the ME. They were organized militaries. It has been US troops in active confrontation against these tactics. In Afghanistan, Soviet tactics were up against guerrillas, not US troops. So in a sense, the US have more combat experience against Soviet style combat tactics than the other way around.
Very good...Now if we remove nuclear forces out of the discussion, the US military will dominate any armed conflict against Russia.

If the US didn't doninate Vietname they shure as hell won't doninate Russia.
Very good...Now if we remove nuclear forces out of the discussion, the US military will dominate any armed conflict against Russia.

if thats the case,then how u get thrashed in vietnam just again some gurrila tactics,u r by far the most powerful military in the world,but that does not work everywere
^^Pakistan just busted the *** of state sponsored doctrined creatures in gorilla war.
No gorilla war from history can equate it.
We faced human robots.... 16-17 years old, raised to be sucide bombers and willing to die.
we also lack right tools... helis....where as our adversary had much more advance Israeli, Indian, Russian and American wepons and gadgets.
Gorilla fighter enjoyed the liberty of crossing the border back to their safe heavans...where ANA hosted them.
Pak army also had a disadvantage of having traitor interior minister and many alike...

Pak army did some thing never happened in history before.

And yes USSR invaded Pakistan airspace on few occasions and the result was 100% kill by PAF...which was same as PAF maintained against Israel.

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^^Pakistan just busted the *** of state sponsored doctrined creatures in gorilla war.
No gorilla war from history can equate it.
We faced human robots.... 16-17 years old, raised to be sucide bombers and willing to die.
we also lack right tools... helis....where as our adversary had much more advance Israeli, Indian, Russian and American wepons and gadgets.
Gorilla fighter enjoyed the liberty of crossing the border back to their safe heavans...where ANA hosted them.

And yes USSR invaded Pakistan airspace on few occasions and the result was 100% kill by PAF...which was same as PAF maintained against Israel.

You mean you shot down some cargo and attack planes, congradulations! BTW last time i checked this thread wasn't about Pakistan or it's gorilla tactics.
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we shot down more than cargo planes! and those were in Pak airspace.
Never mind you are not the first one here..... do you know pilots of various airforces have been forced landed in Pakistan.
Any how that is history and i hope today your airforce is in better shape.

The US put Russia and China on disregard and invaded Iraq.
That US of A uses the UN for its interests is for all to see Gambit. This is no rocket science.

Put the right person in office again and see what can happen next.

You mean Bush, I admire him Gambit.
Btw, even Bush would not risk a war with Russia. China can be contained, but Russia is like a great bear. You try to occupy the bear's den, the bear comes out and kicks you in the a**.

I am pro america, but against your statements. US funded those Mujahideens against the Soviets, but what happened? You had 9/11.
Just to let soviets have their Vietnam, US supported terrorists. And it is US now, who is more worried than any other country in this earth.

Talk sense, atleast sometimes.

If I recall correctly. USA has the maximum no of idiotic foreign policies ever adopted for use. And that is still continuing. God bless America.
we shot down more than cargo planes! and those were in Pak airspace.
Never mind you are not the first one here..... .

Not all of the aircraft you shot down were piloted by Russians.

Theses are the aircraft varients Pakistan shot down, none are fighters(mig-23 was a ground attack)

Su-22, An-26, MiG-23s, and one Su-25
Not all of the aircraft you shot down were piloted by Russians.

Theses are the aircraft varients Pakistan shot down, none are fighters(mig-23 was a ground attack)

Su-22, An-26, MiG-23s, and one Su-25

Yes not all were Russians... we captured both Afghan and Russian pilots but all Afghanistan became part of Russia as other states and a/c were of Russian made.

I wonder did Pakistan returned col. Alexandar? and how did he describe his stay in Pakistan?
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