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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

And yeah, we also know what intelligence you guys have and how to counter it, as previously said, let the US once leave (if it ever happened) then we will see. For now enjoy the moment.

Every one of the previous wars Pakistan Army has fought against the Indian Army has been with the US as a staunch ally on your side.

History is testimony to how each one of those confrontations ended for both of us.

Today with the ever widening chasm between us economically and militarily, and with the US now your "ally" only on paper, do you honestly think your veiled threat is causing anyone out here any shivers?

We are enjoying our moment in the sun Taimi, with or without the US planted in the neighbourhood.

Maybe if Pakistan had not made the decisions it did in the past, you too would be enjoying the moment today.

Cheers, Doc
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it will decide by kashmir's pepole :D let them decide where they wana go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

they have right to be a live as like as they want don't worry they are doing wht they should to do for their live style :D

<(_|_)| AKBAR

Four more protesters shot dead

Thousands defy curfew, take to streets across IHK

* APHC leader calls for peaceful protests, urges youth not to indulge in stone-pelting, provocative sloganeering

SRINAGAR: Four people were killed on Tuesday as thousands of protesters ignored police warnings that they would be shot on sight if they defied a round-the-clock curfew declared in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) in an attempt to quell weeks of deadly civil unrest against the Indian rule.

More than 20 people were injured in clashes with government forces as they gathered and marched in Srinagar and two villages, a police officer said.

Two protesters were killed in Srinagar where government forces fired at hundreds who hurled rocks and shouted, “Go India! Go back!” and “We want freedom”.

The news of those casualties brought out more demonstrators, the officer said.

Another person was killed in the firing by government forces in southern village of Frisal where thousands of protesters set a police station on fire, the officer said. At least 15 people were injured, six critically.

Clashes also erupted in Zainakote, a village on the outskirts of Srinagar, where protesters hurled rocks at the troops, said the officer. Troops fired to disperse them, killing one and injuring at least two others.

Four people were injured, one of them critically, when paramilitary soldiers fired on protesters in the northern town of Baramulla, he said.

Meanwhile, a young Kashmiri Muslim died in a hospital in Srinagar on Tuesday, two days after he was injured in the southern town of Khrew in police firing, the officer said.

Hundreds also defied the curfew in the western town of Budgam and held a protest march. Government forces fired live ammunition and tear gas to disperse the protesters, injuring four people, the police officer said.

“For the sake of martyrs, I appeal to the youth not to indulge in stone pelting and provocative slogans,” said Syed Ali Shah Geelani, a separatist leader in IHK. “If we succeed in keeping protests peaceful, this would be the first step towards freedom.” ap

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Pakistan urges India to ‘exercise restraint’ in IHK

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday called on rival New Delhi to “exercise restraint” in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK), where at least 42 people have died in weeks of unrest. “There is a need for the government of India to exercise restraint,” a statement quoted Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi as saying. “Pakistan is seriously concerned at the escalation of violence against the Kashmiri people that has resulted in the loss of innocent lives,” Qureshi said. At least 42 people have died in weeks of unrest – most of them killed by Indian security forces trying to disperse angry protests against the Indian rule. Qureshi expressed Pakistan’s “unequivocal solidarity” with the people of Kashmir and said the country would “continue to extend support to... their right to self-determination”. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Did you ever said, you really are a Doc?

Yo. Am as much a doctor as you are a soldier bro.

And coming from a fauji background what that means is me and my mates clean up the mess created by you and yours.

Of course, on the flip side it also means I can kill you in more ways and with a lot more pain than you me. :azn:

Koi shaq?

Cheers, Doc
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Its time to free kashmir ...from stone pelters.

PS:sorry there was network disruption.

Kashmiris also have network disruption....they are banned from using SMS; banned from even using facebook

Massive protests as India deploys more force in IHK

* Thousands continue to ignore shot-on-sight warning

*New Delhi sends 2,000 additional paramilitary soldiers to valley

SRINAGAR: Tens of thousands of Kashmiris marched on Wednesday to a town where seven people were killed over the weekend, defying a curfew and ignoring shot-on-sight warning in another day of massive protests against India.

Long lines of people carrying green and black protest flags thronged a big prayer ground in Khrew, a town south of Srinagar, even as police drove through the summer capital and other towns, warning residents for a second day that they would be shot on sight if they defied the round-the-clock curfew. But angry residents went out anyway.

Scores of civilian vehicles fitted with loudspeakers ferried people from different towns to pay homage to those killed in clashes in Khrew on Sunday. The protesters chanted slogans against India and its armed forces. Hundreds of the armed forces stepped back to avoid clashes as the protesters asked them through loudspeakers to withdraw from the streets and not to try to stop the march.

India has sent reinforcements to help the beleaguered state administration tackle the increasingly violent crowds who have clashed with paramilitary soldiers. In one Srinagar neighbourhood, residents shouted pro-independence slogans and chased away police and paramilitary soldiers, a police officer said. Later, the protesters burned a government jeep.

In another neighbourhood, thousands of people, including dozens of wailing women, took to the streets after a young man died in hospital from injuries he sustained in police gunfire on July 30. In the southern town of Shopian, protesters set two government buildings and a jeep on fire, police said. Hundreds also came out in the small towns of Sopore and Kupwara.

Jammu and Kashmir Tankers Association President Anand Sharma said that tanker convoys, which supply 2.4 million litres of petroleum every day to the valley, had been stranded in Srinagar with no one to unload them. At the same time, Indian Railways also said it had suspended services in the valley that were launched about two years ago. agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Manmohan Singh plans APC over IHK
By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is going to hold an all-parties conference to discuss the ongoing unrest in Indian-held Kashmir and to seek a political mandate for starting a “meaningful dialogue” with Pakistan.
Sources within the Indian government said on Wednesday that India would seek Pakistan’s cooperation in strengthening cross-Line of Control confidence building measures.
The sources said that “some concrete proposals” would be put before the meeting, comprising leaders of all national and state-level political parties.
The sources said the government would present a package of effective measures to stem the current anger among Kashmiris. However, the officials ruled out any possibility of changing or destabilising the IHK government.
“The government’s new policy will particularly focus on winning the confidence of people, who are dissatisfied with India,” the sources said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
India faces full-blown uprising in IHK

* Critics say India’s refusal to recognise roots of alienation may ignite violence

* Kashmir has little international resonance with no criticism from UN or US

NEW DELHI: India faces a full-blown uprising in Indian-held Kashmir that may sink hopes for peace in the strategic region as disaffected Kashmiris rebel against a government seen as leaderless, complacent and out of touch.

New Delhi paints the street protests as incited by militants or radical bands of stone throwers. But the evidence is growing this may be a wider and spontaneous movement led by young Kashmiris angry at years of misrule.

Critics say the risk is that India’s refusal to recognise the roots of the alienation may ignite a vicious cycle of violence and return Kashmir to the kind of upheaval seen during the 1990s. It all bodes badly for a disputed region seen as key to wider long-term stability under South Asia’s security arch of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

“This is the most serious challenge to central authority I have seen in 20 years,” said Siddharth Varadarajan, strategic affairs editor of The Hindu newspaper. “And the (Indian) government doesn’t have much of a clue how to resolve it,” he said.

The latest uprising started with the death of a teenage student in early June. The state has been locked down for weeks, and protesters have defied curfews to attack Indian armed forces and the police with stones. Basic foods and fuel supplies are running short and families have been confined to their houses for days, with schools and businesses shut.

For many Kashmiris, the whole population appears to support the protests. Volunteers have established blood donation camps, pooled rice and vegetables in community kitchens and supplied food to patients in hospitals. “The protests seem to have taken a direction of their own, which we’ve never seen before,” said Sajjad Ghani Lone, senior Kashmiri leader. “There is not a leader who could say stop the protests and they would stop it,” he said.

“India’s political leadership took their eyes off the ball,” said political analyst Mahesh Rangarajan. While Kashmir was a diplomatic football in the 1990s, this time round the troubles have had little international resonance, with no criticism from the UN or the US. Pakistan has made some diplomatic noise, but there is little sign that this will impact on relations. reuters

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
A number of new threads have been opened discussing Kashmir. Can we merge them all and rename the thread.

I would suggest Kashmir Freedom Movement.
haha who cares, kashmir is going to be controlled by india.
everytime pakistani intelligence/army tries to do something about getting kashmir back. someone just messes it up.
I am not discussing subject matter. But what I am asking is that we are discussing future solution. So we should not put news here. (here subject matter is thread and not the subject itself)
The problem is some Kashmiri's think that Independent Kashmir is an option. These guys are not practicle in their thinking, they should rather discuss specefic issue then independence. Every tom dick and hary cannot decide which country they should belong to.
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