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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

Whed did this happen? asq please provide some links to this or stop trolling.

Since the independence lots of Mosques have been demolished and abandoned due threats by your extremists, but do not evade the question i asked, what percentage of Muslims in Indian Army. And in the Goi jobs.

Donot pick and choose either answer all or say nothing.

Only asking questions and not giving answer to the other quiries, ignoring the question that go against you guys.
Nothing is compared with destruction of Babri mosque and and thousand more destroyed mosque, nothing is as serious as killing in Gujarat, nothings is as serious as no jobs for Muslims, specially in Army, u tell me there are 20% Muslims in India what percentage is in the Army, not even 2%.

So do not go comparing Muslims in Pakistan with Muslims in India, Let me tell u the truth is that we the middle of the road Muslims condemn the attack in Pakistan on any group of people, do you.

Have u ever or any of u ever condemn killing of innocent in kashmiris, but you jump on Pakistan for these problems we have, India is to be blamed for all this as it being party continues killings of kashmiris creates monsters in Pakistan who's friends and family has been killed and raped ( by the way they raped 70 years old woman) by Indian Army and they in turn get raving mad and attack India, why don't you stop all that killing and come to term about atrocities in kashmir and do the justice for kashmiris.

Kashmir Truth Be Told Blog: 13 days to justice - They have done it before

yes i condemn killing of innocent civilians but not terrorists.in last week alone two mosques have been bombed killing more then 100 civilians by terrorists in Pakistan.Yes babri was a mistake but again Muslims themselves in Pakistan have destroyed more mosques.You talk about Kashmir do you know how Kashmir pandits were killed by your freedom fighters.have you condemned these killings.
Kashmir Information Network (KIN): A Paradise Turned into Hell
Without an Indian hindu there I have talked to many Muslims from India, they say it when no Hindus is there that they live in hell as Muslims in India, also don't tell me about quantity of Muslims, tell me about quality of life they have, many young Muslims are killed for speaking Urdu and are kept from jobs by discrimination, but than India is a racist country. What can one expect, it has its one dolits who are treated worse than animals as animals have respect but not people in India.

“Perception is reality” But, it need not be the truth. Many Indian will tell you that they live in Hell and want a better life. This feeling is not religious specific. A Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu in the same social strata, economic activity and income level will have similar observation.

An Indian, who has migrated to west or an economic migrant to a country with higher level of income and better governance, irrespective of their religious orientations, will tell you that. Nothing extraordinary about a Muslim telling you that.

Never ever I have come across an incident when some one is killed because he speaks Urdu!! It’s ridiculous. Urdu is not religion specific language. Urdu evolved in the Bazzars of this subcontinent with the advent of Mughals.

Dalit’s life being miserable – There is some truth. Even with Government’s proactive policies, we have not been able to evolve into an egalitarian society.

But, hey, the CM of the largest state, Uttar Pradesh is a Dalit. Yes they are slowly asserting the just position in Indian society. But, remember, they are guaranteed their rights as equals in the Indian society.

India do ot have a monolithic society. There are no “one thing” that is common throughout the country. We are a multi racial, multi cultural, multi religious diverse society. Bound by the idea - “Indian-ness”. An idea which emulates from the knowledge that we irrespective of our difference in race, religion etc, are sons of a continuous culture which is over 5000 years old.

A society, which is open to evolve, a people, which accepted and assimilated amongst their own, the Jews from Iraq, the Parsis from Iran, The Christians from Syria and the Muslims.

As you mention, you had spoken to Indian Muslims, alone, in the absence of Hindus, next time you have a change ask them if they can choose their representative in the government, without fear or enticement. If they can carry a “Tazia” procession in India, without the fear of being attacked by Hindus or Muslims. If they face fair competitions from other religious groups to get admission to India’s premier educational institute. Ask, if they are profiled as Hindus or Muslims, anywhere and if any of them has face the same, anytime in their life. Ask If they have to mention their religion for any business of the state….

My friend! “ Perception is Reality, but need not be the truth” If you are strong enough, then ask and ask loudly in Pakistani society – India and Pakistan were born at the same time of the same people then why does India have had successful democratic Government in the last 60 years with peacefull transfer of power, through elections and the opposite in Pakistan?

Why does more Muslims being killed by Muslims in Pakistan than the total numbers of Indian citizen being killed?

Why have, assault rifles become toys for all and sundry in a civil society where as in India a top Cine star has to go to jail, just to have acquired one? Do not put the blame on others.

If you are paying the price than you are responsible for not stopping it…

The enemy is within. Not India.
“Perception is reality” But, it need not be the truth. Many Indian will tell you that they live in Hell and want a better life. This feeling is not religious specific. A Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu in the same social strata, economic activity and income level will have similar observation.

An Indian, who has migrated to west or an economic migrant to a country with higher level of income and better governance, irrespective of their religious orientations, will tell you that. Nothing extraordinary about a Muslim telling you that.

Never ever I have come across an incident when some one is killed because he speaks Urdu!! It’s ridiculous. Urdu is not religion specific language. Urdu evolved in the Bazzars of this subcontinent with the advent of Mughals.

Dalit’s life being miserable – There is some truth. Even with Government’s proactive policies, we have not been able to evolve into an egalitarian society.

But, hey, the CM of the largest state, Uttar Pradesh is a Dalit. Yes they are slowly asserting the just position in Indian society. But, remember, they are guaranteed their rights as equals in the Indian society.

India do ot have a monolithic society. There are no “one thing” that is common throughout the country. We are a multi racial, multi cultural, multi religious diverse society. Bound by the idea - “Indian-ness”. An idea which emulates from the knowledge that we irrespective of our difference in race, religion etc, are sons of a continuous culture which is over 5000 years old.

A society, which is open to evolve, a people, which accepted and assimilated amongst their own, the Jews from Iraq, the Parsis from Iran, The Christians from Syria and the Muslims.

As you mention, you had spoken to Indian Muslims, alone, in the absence of Hindus, next time you have a change ask them if they can choose their representative in the government, without fear or enticement. If they can carry a “Tazia” procession in India, without the fear of being attacked by Hindus or Muslims. If they face fair competitions from other religious groups to get admission to India’s premier educational institute. Ask, if they are profiled as Hindus or Muslims, anywhere and if any of them has face the same, anytime in their life. Ask If they have to mention their religion for any business of the state….

My friend! “ Perception is Reality, but need not be the truth” If you are strong enough, then ask and ask loudly in Pakistani society – India and Pakistan were born at the same time of the same people then why does India have had successful democratic Government in the last 60 years with peacefull transfer of power, through elections and the opposite in Pakistan?

Why does more Muslims being killed by Muslims in Pakistan than the total numbers of Indian citizen being killed?

Why have, assault rifles become toys for all and sundry in a civil society where as in India a top Cine star has to go to jail, just to have acquired one? Do not put the blame on others.

If you are paying the price than you are responsible for not stopping it…

The enemy is within. Not India.

One of your Chanel I saw the reporter saying that one Muslim Kid was killed and they went to his home, his father was very subdued, talking very humbly not furious, humbly, I got the impression that now he is scared if he talked aggressively eveb though his kid was killed. I wish i had copied it kept it, but y u guys donot beliefve anyway, cause u just want to argue.

as i said that i have talked to many Muslims from Indian privately they say the same thing, living in hell, and u guys do not believe me, so there u go, there is no peace because of u guys never accepting that u makes blunders, u did by taking Kashmir, u did by taking Hyderabad forcibly, junagarh and many Punjab areas, it was a conspiracy set to undermines Muslims, and how it happened is that Mr. Nehru had extra marital affair with the wife of the viceroy, it is a common knowledge. Making a country by hook or by crook, mostly by crook.

Now u say it was a mistake to destroy Babri mosque, it has been 10 years, what have u done about it, just talk, very clever.

In every discussion u guys talk a storm, but have not shown in actions, just lots of talk.
On the other hand Pakistanis are ever so willing to accept the problem and try to look into it. All the problems stem from Kashmir and acting for west to fight in Afghanistan against Russian invasion as asked by our allies. Indian society evolves into killing innocents, U talk about Indian evolving, on other breath u guys say India is the oldest civilization of about 10,000 years, Tell me during the rule of Muslims did they kill Hindus, i know u will say yes, how come than there are more Hindus than Muslims in India today, if what u say is right, look at North America, there were millions of Indians in it, but by 18th century they were only saveral hundred thousand, not like India where there are more Hindus than Muslims.

first we were asked to fight Russian using Religious overtones to get people fighting nonbelievers, than those who fought called Mujaheddin at the time were than called Taliban and they fought Russians, than they became enemies and the ones they fought Northern Alliance was chosen to be the leaders in Afghanistan, how would those Mujaheddin feel if u use them and than leave them to the mercy of those they fought for u.

even than Pakistan agreed to go after them for what we were led to believe they did, no evidence presented, just asked to go after those who fought Russians for u. And like good friends we did what we were asked to do, In doing so we created animosity from those who felt they been used and than thrown to the wolves.

there are also American made videos questioning the 9/!1, Now we are here in 2009 and are hoping that a just solutions to all these problems is found and implemented not by force, but by negotiations, since war has never solved any problem, only discussions have.
Those elements who refuse to take part in discussion will than be dealt with as per the decisions of those discussing the solution.

This is true both for Kashmir, for Middle east and for Afghanistan.

May Almighty god help humans to understand and act civilized humans. Ameen


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One of your Chanel I saw the reporter saying that one Muslim Kid was killed and they went to his home, his father was very subdued, talking very humbly not furious, humbly, I got the impression that now he is scared if he talked aggressively eveb though his kid was killed. I wish i had copied it kept it, but y u guys donot beliefve anyway, cause u just want to argue.

Dear ASQ,

I went through your comments. There are many histories and many truths. I will not be able to convince you either way. But, it will be prudent to recognize the current facts and happenings, as it is. For whatever reason and howsoever it may be justified, the fact remains that “Non-State Actors” have been used by Pakistan against Soviets in Afghanistan and subsequently in Kashmir, which still goes on.

Whether one prefers to call these elements freedom fighter of terrorist is immaterial at this moment. The fact remains that these elements are armed with sophisticated weaponry and targets unarmed civilians. Earlier, the heat was faced by only India, and today Pakistan too is in their target.

Today India is in a better position than Pakistan because, they are not our citizen and only thing India needs to do is guard it’s boarders. But, for Pakistan, they exist in the society.

Blame game can go on, my friend, but, the fact remains that they are changing your country and your way of life.

They are shooting, bombing and beheading your compatriots into toeing their line – a way of life which leads to stone age.

All we need to be is prudent. Blame India, Blame US, blame, whosoever you want to. But the fact remains that these are your citizen. The fact remains that they are killing your compatriots. The fact remains that they are heavily armed. The fat remains that they are stealing your country right before your eyes, while the blame game continue.

Be Prudent, my friend. Recognize the threat that is staring at you, right in front. Ameen.
One of your Chanel I saw the reporter saying that one Muslim Kid was killed and they went to his home, his father was very subdued, talking very humbly not furious, humbly, I got the impression that now he is scared if he talked aggressively eveb though his kid was killed. I wish i had copied it kept it, but y u guys donot beliefve anyway, cause u just want to argue.

Dear ASQ,

I went through your comments. There are many histories and many truths. I will not be able to convince you either way. But, it will be prudent to recognize the current facts and happenings, as it is. For whatever reason and howsoever it may be justified, the fact remains that “Non-State Actors” have been used by Pakistan against Soviets in Afghanistan and subsequently in Kashmir, which still goes on.

Whether one prefers to call these elements freedom fighter of terrorist is immaterial at this moment. The fact remains that these elements are armed with sophisticated weaponry and targets unarmed civilians. Earlier, the heat was faced by only India, and today Pakistan too is in their target.

Today India is in a better position than Pakistan because, they are not our citizen and only thing India needs to do is guard it’s boarders. But, for Pakistan, they exist in the society.

Blame game can go on, my friend, but, the fact remains that they are changing your country and your way of life.

They are shooting, bombing and beheading your compatriots into toeing their line – a way of life which leads to stone age.

All we need to be is prudent. Blame India, Blame US, blame, whosoever you want to. But the fact remains that these are your citizen. The fact remains that they are killing your compatriots. The fact remains that they are heavily armed. The fat remains that they are stealing your country right before your eyes, while the blame game continue.

Be Prudent, my friend. Recognize the threat that is staring at you, right in front. Ameen.

So stop interfering into Pakistan and stop drone attacks and stop Indians Raw from interfering in North and in Baluchistan, listen to the grievances of Kashmiris, and U.N. should listen to the grievances of Palestinians. In the international court and U.N. the divisions/resolutions are passed, implement them, Only country like Indian and Israel does not implement those, why is that these two countries claim the democracy as if they own it but they do not own to the laws of the world.

We said that we will take care of the threat, but you donot listen, do your part honestly and we will do ours, we have been doing it by killing 10,000 of these e,lements and in doind so 5000 of our soldiers have become Shaheeds, My friend, please, please please please please please honestly do your part and stop interfring and listen to the facts and believe it when we tell you we are doing it. so stop beating around the bush and listen carefully. Do the honest thing if u want peace than listen we know what to do, but stop interfering and apply U.N. resolutions both on u and Israel and all other, if some does not aplly these resolutions, than those country's membership should be canceled from U.N.

Let me mention here, when something happens in Pakistan, it is blown out of proportion, but if same thing happens in Indian it is covered up.

Watch two videos, one from Pakistan which has been shown in every paper in the world, but one from India is not. WHY. THERE IS SYSTEMIC CONSPIRACY GOING ON, i ASK ALL U TO STOP IT. IT IS APPARENT THAT BOTH VIDEOS ARE SICKENING, BUT PAKISTANI VIDEOS IS SHOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD. WHY???????????????

The only difference is that in your country it is done officially as it is the case in kashmir and in Pakistan some bad elements are doing it.We will stop them, but u do your duty and stop it in kasshmir, apply un resolutions and act like a big brother and not like big wolf.

In India.

iOeisUNwsTU[/media] - police in India mercilessly beat six-year-old girl (In Hindi/Urdu)

In Pakistan.

Video: radicals beat girl, 17, in Islamic stronghold of Swat, Pakistan - Times Online
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i have already given these options back in '08.

See if that can also facilitate the discussion. They have more details as regards to the options available. But they are only five.

Atleast it would bring the discussion back to the topic :)

P.S.And i hope Bezerk will not mind ;). Thnx Bez for giving another chance to discuss such and important issue.

Here's the link.

I think the following are the options available to us to get the Kashmir Issue solved...you may like to add more..

The options for solution, discussed in succeeding paragraphs, offer ample food for thought to the concerned parties. They are not absolute in nature and will generate varying responses from different quarters. However, these should be seriously viewed as one of them would eventually become the reality.

# Option 1 – Plebiscite Option. Accession of entire Kashmir to India or Pakistan through the right of self determination by the Kashmiris on both sides of LOC, as stipulated in UN resolutions.

a. Consequences for Pakistan
> Sole option recorded with the UN, which had the consent of both India and Pakistan when formulated.
> Upholds the official position of Pakistan.
> Will be in line with the partition plan thus fulfilling the aspirations of people of Pakistan and Muslims of Kashmiris.
> The possible accession of Kashmir to Pakistan can remove her strategic vulnerabilities, besides offering security to the Silk Route between China and Pakistan.
> Plebiscite proposal is in sympathy with the historic aspects also, as Bengal and Punjab got divided on this basis.
> Accession of Kashmir will tremendously boost the economy of Pakistan.
> Will remove the economical and military vulnerabilities of Pakistan forever by putting the rivers flowing through Kashmir under the control of Pakistan.
> Will help to create a balance of power in the presence of already estb nuclear parity in the region in case Kashmiris opt for Pakistan.
> Demographic changes in Indian Held Kashmir and use of force by India may tilt the opinion of the majority in favour of India which will further weaken Pakistan. In case of its materialization, it also entails that:-
> Pakistan will have to loose AJ&K, Baltistan, Gilgit (Northern Areas).
> Pakistan will be deprived of its only land link – the Silk Route, to China; her only traditional ally in the region.
> Pakistan’s economy and defense will be sooner in shambles by India having the control of all the rivers flowing through Kashmir and Northern Areas.
> It may also result in large scale communal disturbances and riots destabilizing the whole region.
> Will establish Indian hegemony in the region beyond doubt.
> The proposal may require the demilitarization of the whole state: to be placed under UN troops for some time.
> Plebiscite may also entail certain rehabilitations and border adjustment problems.

b. Consequences for India
> In the prospect of Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan India will be deprived of entire state.
> Indians authorities are firmly of the opinion that giving Kashmir the right of self determination, let alone its accession to Pakistan in the wake of any such exercise, will spark off similar demands from other states of India thus threatening the very integrity of Indian Union.
> In case India is successful to manipulate the plebiscite, the problem will still not be solved due to resistance of Muslim population.
> In case of Kashmir going to India, the already disturbed balance of power will tilt in favour of India permanently.

# Option 2 - Partition Option. Division of Kashmir along Muslim /non-Muslim majority areas. In practical terms, it would mean; accession of Northern Areas, Kashmir valley, Azad Kashmir and Muslim majority areas of Jammu with Pakistan and Laddakh and Hindu majority areas of Jammu with India:-
a. Consequence for Pakistan
> Pakistan would retain Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas and also acquire additional territory in Kashmir valley, Northern Areas and Jammu district.
> From defense point of view, it will result into a stronger Pakistan.
> Pakistan’s strategic vulnerabilities will also be addressed to a certain extent.
> Valley and other fertile areas coming to Pakistan will strengthen Pakistan’s economy.
> Link with China will be maintained.
> A sizeable population in Pakistan and Kashmir will oppose it as in reality; it will be a step back from the original position from Pakistan’s view point.
> The chances of future escalation between Pakistan and can not be ruled out permanently.

b. Consequences for India

> India will have to give a portion of area under her Control to Pakistan and this could result into similar Kind of reaction from Indian population as in case of Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan as a result of Plebiscite.
> All the disadvantages of Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan (in case of plebiscite) are applicable in this Option to a certain extent.

# Option 3 - Independent Kashmir Option. It envisages an independent and sovereign state consisting of all parts of Jammu & Kashmir. This option is being very vigorously propagated by Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and has also found favour in some western countries. Implications of this proposal are:-

a. Implications For Pakistan
> In case this option is coupled with plebiscite option, it will divide the Muslim votes into three choices; accession to Pakistan, accession to India or Independent Kashmir. Whereas non-Muslim Votes are likely to be caste in India’s favour. This may ultimately tilt the result of plebiscite in favour of India thus paving the way for Kashmir’s accession to India.
> It would further accentuate the strategic vulnerabilities of Pakistan both in economic and military terms.
> Pakistan will have to give up not only AJ&K but also Northern Areas.
> Hindu population is likely to start the movement for integration of Hindu majority areas with India.
> Negates the very basic nature of Indian Independence Act.
> May be accepted by India as a “worst case scenario”.
> Pakistan will come under greatest pressure, it wills not only have to loose AJ&K and Northern Areas but also the Mangla Dam (situated in areas of AJ&K) and thus the future of the water of Rivers Jhelum and Chenab (flowing from Kashmir) will become uncertain.

b. Implications for India
> India will have to loose both Jammu and Laddakh.
> It may result into similar demands from other former princely states also.
> The Hindu population in the state will be left without any safeguards.

c. Viability of an Independent Kashmir. It will also be not out of place to analyse the viability of Independent Kashmir:-
> Independent Kashmir without solid economic aid from outside is not feasible.
> Kashmir will be land locked country and it will have to have equal relations with both India and Pakistan. In addition, there is a very strong likelihood of an independent Kashmir becoming a hot bed of International intrigue.
> In its historical background also, it is divorced from and an affront to the history and realities of the problem.
> The demographic realities are also diametrically opposed to the idea of independence especially in the absence of a movement for independence in Jammu, Laddakh, Northern Areas of Pakistan and AJ&K.

# Option 4 – Converting LOC Into Border. Present LOC becoming the international border with some minor adjustments. The idea has been proposed by India many times but rejected by Pakistan. The implications are:-
a. Implications For Pakistan
> The proposal ignores the ground realities, since de-facto partition in vogue has been equivocally rejected by the people of Kashmir.
> Amounts to compromising the principled stand on Kashmir for almost 55 years, besides betrayal to the Kashmiri struggle.
> It would leave a large Muslim dominated territory in Indian Control. Similarly, Pakistan’s strategic vulnerabilities will not be addressed.
> Pakistan’s economy and defense capability will always be under a constant threat.
> Kashmir problem will continue to linger on constantly being a threat to the security of the region.

b. Implications For India.
India will be at a much advantageous position in case this option materializes as she has the control of more than 65% area of the state besides establishing her hegemonic role in the region beyond doubt.

# Option 5 – Military Option (War With India). There are certain groups in Pakistan who favour this option. However, it is neither in Pakistan’s interest nor Kashmiris, that their struggle for self determination should be side tracked by Indo-Pak war. Implications of this option are:-
> The Kashmir struggle would go in the back ground.
> It could lead to nuclear confrontation between the two Countries.
> Pakistan’s economy does not warrant under taking this option.
> Indians may prevail due to their long hold in held Kashmir and military might.
> Pakistan would be condemned internationally for initiating the war. Hence, whatever support we have mustered so far would be lost.

Recommended Option

The only viable option in light of above study is the “Plebiscite Option”. A UN supervised plebiscite in the state to determine the will of Kashmiri people is the only way to decide the question of state’s final accession. South Asia today stands on the precipice of a nuclear catastrophe. Let the international community assert its will through the UN to find a lasting solution to the dispute.
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Next US envoy to India may talk about Kashmir

* Roemer has written that US strategy in Pakistan should be result-oriented

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: US President Barack Obama’s ambassadorial pick for New Delhi, Tim Roemer, is likely to bring “the Kashmir baggage” with him, a Times of India report said on Tuesday.

Roemer, a think-tank security analyst, appears to have a great deal of familiarity with Pakistan. The danger of this, the report says, is that he may be encouraged to “view India through the Islamabad lens”. He could also have an uphill task trying to engage with an India that believes it has shrugged off the old “hyphenation” with Pakistan.

Given Roemer’s knowledge of the terrorism problem, Indian diplomats said off the record they were not worried that the new ambassador would blame New Delhi for the break in talks with Pakistan.

Result-oriented: In 2008 Roemer wrote in The Huffington Post, “In regards to Pakistan, the US must embark on an invigorated three-part strategy. First, we must encourage and support the building of sustainable institutions and enhancing the power of Pakistani civil society. Next, we must engage in tougher and smarter diplomacy to enhance our power in the region, especially when it comes to stemming the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)-related technology and weapons proliferation. Lastly, we must impose a more results-oriented system of military aid to ensure that in providing funding, we are not degrading our own efforts in the region.”

According to the report, Roemer is known for his views supporting an “international diplomatic effort to resolve the Kashmir dispute and resolve regional tensions”, but he remains equally concerned about the safety of Islamabad’s nuclear weapons.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Since the independence lots of Mosques have been demolished and abandoned due threats by your extremists, but do not evade the question i asked, what percentage of Muslims in Indian Army. And in the Goi jobs.

Do you really want to go back to history? Why only 6 decades, why not the since the time of Moguls? Babur and Aurunzeb destoyed thousands of temples, what about that? Percentage of muslims was already discused.

Click on this link: http://www.defence.pk/forums/current-events-social-issues/20068-iaf-bans-beards-muslims.html

Donot pick and choose either answer all or say nothing.
Only asking questions and not giving answer to the other quiries, ignoring the question that go against you guys.

Rest of your post is nothing more than verbal blah...
Many indian posters have condemed the killing of inocent kashmires. But you guys evern lable terrotists innocent kashmiries, we are not going to condem that. I am glad Indian army is killing those pigs who are crossing the LOC to kill people. Are there bad potatoes in Indian army? Yes, and they should be punished and many have been courtmasheled.
Let me mention here, when something happens in Pakistan, it is blown out of proportion, but if same thing happens in Indian it is covered up.

You are compairing few policemens to Taliban? Taliban video was symbolic to parrallel justice system within Pakistan. I have seen in person where a policeman hit a kid. Is it sick? yes but it's not a parralel justice system to Indian constitution.
As far as out of proportion thing is concerned, it would be good question for International media.

Watch two videos, one from Pakistan which has been shown in every paper in the world, but one from India is not. WHY. THERE IS SYSTEMIC CONSPIRACY GOING ON, i ASK ALL U TO STOP IT. IT IS APPARENT THAT BOTH VIDEOS ARE SICKENING, BUT PAKISTANI VIDEOS IS SHOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD. WHY???????????????

It's not conspiracy mate. News is about ratings and few bad Indian policemen are not going to create same ratings as Taliban. Taliban is in the thick of things as far as War on terrore is concerned, it is obious to get more attention.
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Dear asq,
let me tell few facts which will clear fog from your mind:D

1. India will never give up Kashmir no matter how many war need to fought with pakistan or any body :sniper:and terror trick will not do any good to accomplish this. plebicite will never be allowed untill india get conviced that majority is with Indian side. so cry in UN as much you want and even international pressure can't do any good.

2. believe it or not, Pakistan is disintegrating so you need remove the denial mode and do something about it.:hitwall:

3. Indian muslims and other minority know they are part of india and walls religions are falling day by day with economic development so 'gujrat' or 'shrine land' case will reduce grdually and disappear.:agree:

4. pakistan and india can prosper together with rapid rate if pak leave their kashmir agenda and concentrate on their economic development. :cheers:
imagine pak announces Kashmir as a part of india and stop terror, believe me pak will get help from all over the world especially from india to become a developed nation. and nobody can stop you.:pakistan:

i know lot of members gonna be really angry on me but this is reality which cannot be denied.:cheesy:
Next US envoy to India may talk about Kashmir

* Roemer has written that US strategy in Pakistan should be result-oriented

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: US President Barack Obama’s ambassadorial pick for New Delhi, Tim Roemer, is likely to bring “the Kashmir baggage” with him, a Times of India report said on Tuesday.

Roemer, a think-tank security analyst, appears to have a great deal of familiarity with Pakistan. The danger of this, the report says, is that he may be encouraged to “view India through the Islamabad lens”. He could also have an uphill task trying to engage with an India that believes it has shrugged off the old “hyphenation” with Pakistan.

Given Roemer’s knowledge of the terrorism problem, Indian diplomats said off the record they were not worried that the new ambassador would blame New Delhi for the break in talks with Pakistan.

Result-oriented: In 2008 Roemer wrote in The Huffington Post, “In regards to Pakistan, the US must embark on an invigorated three-part strategy. First, we must encourage and support the building of sustainable institutions and enhancing the power of Pakistani civil society. Next, we must engage in tougher and smarter diplomacy to enhance our power in the region, especially when it comes to stemming the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)-related technology and weapons proliferation. Lastly, we must impose a more results-oriented system of military aid to ensure that in providing funding, we are not degrading our own efforts in the region.”

According to the report, Roemer is known for his views supporting an “international diplomatic effort to resolve the Kashmir dispute and resolve regional tensions”, but he remains equally concerned about the safety of Islamabad’s nuclear weapons.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Same thing happened when Holbrooke was chosen as the special envoy. India has made it very clear, its our way or the highway.

Given Roemer’s knowledge of the terrorism problem, Indian diplomats said off the record they were not worried that the new ambassador would blame New Delhi for the break in talks with Pakistan.

Well if he really has a great knowledge about terrorism in the subcontinent, he wont ever accuse India. Both Mulford and Roemer come from the same part of the world, representing same governments, and hence the same agenda.
I think Kashmir issue will resolve itself in time. My reasons are listed below.

Pakistan to survive as a independent state needs to stabilise its economy and political set up. Reduce the influence of the military and look to develope its economy for the good of 160m pakistanis. Pakistan must come first. Today india is not the main danger to this nation. Its the different religous and political factions within.

Secondly war is becoming increasingly less likely. India will continue to grow in terms of industrial strength and this will in time increase the relative disparity esp in conventional military power. Just see how quickly the indian navy in particluar will grow in size and power projection in next decade. Nuclear weapons on both sides will prevent a major war.

Unless Pakistan drops USA completely i can see Pakistan being influenced by the USA with various incentives to accept LOC as long term solution to peace in this region. India will have more clout i would be very surprised if USA and UN insisted on a plebicite. You can,t force a independent country to give up Land.

Finally if india itself starts pour more money into Kashmir for benefit of those citizens surely this too will reduce tension.

One thing is for certain this dispute will not be resolved by one side gaining the upper hand from CURRENT STATUS QUO.

Thats why LOC will become the solution in future.
What will happen to Indian muslims if and when Kashmir joins Pakistan?

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