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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

Pakistan has still given away part of Kashmir to China and has changed a part of its to FATA. There are discrepencies about what is percieved to be Kashmir.

China's part is China's and the inhabitants of the land are doing just fine in China as the inhabitants of Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas are doing just fine in Pakistan.

Its Indian Occupied Kashmir that sees 800,000 Indian troops creating massive violation of human rights upon the Kashmiri people, no wonder during this pass spring/summer the world saw over a million Kashmiris protesting in Indian Occupied Kashmir for Indians to get out...we never see that in Pakistan's or China's Kashmir, which means people are happy in Pakistan and China.
China's Kashmir has mostly Buddhists so they are happy in China.

And FATA didnt get any portion of Kashmir, what are you smoking.
Northern Areas, Baltistan and Gilgit, are not part of NWFP, FATA, or Azad Kashmir...they are separate because the inhabitants of the land are different culturally and linguistically from everyone...they dont call themselves Kashmiris and their land Kashmir, they do howeveer call themselves Pakistanis and their land part of Pakistan :pakistan:
OK guys..let me ask a question,.

What is pakistan action to resolve kashmir? What are they really doing? or what would be expected next??

For Pakistan the Kashmir dispute is mainly about the Kashmiri people. Any solution is not as much for Pakistan as it is for the Kashmiri people. Whatever they decide, Pakistan will accept.
They have to decide their own future in a democratic manner so that no region of Kashmir is treated unfairly, and this can only be achieved with regional plebiscites.
I dont believe they need to be told what's best for them. They have to figure this out for themselves. Independence, Pakistan or India. Its entirely their decision, as it should have been in 1947.
Not related to Kashmir but though should post it here instead of strating a new thread:

Senators receive calendars showing Pakistan as part of India

ISLAMABAD: Members of the Senate have received calendars posted by an Indian organisation that has the Indian map showing Pakistan within its territorial boundaries. Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid’s (PML-Q) Senator Gulshan Saeed raised the issue saying she had received two such calendars by post. She said one of her colleagues, Rehana Baloch, had also received the calendar. Gulshan said it was a very serious issue and needed to be taken up urgently. Senate Deputy Chairman Jan Muhammad Jamali, who was presiding over the House, said he had also received a similar calendar. Jamali asked Gulshan to bring the calendars to the House on Tuesday (today) so that the issue could be discussed in detail. Criticising India for posting the calendar, she said New Delhi was involved in insurgencies in Swat and Balochistan. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

After Americans I think Indians have also joined in to create a better world :lol:
For Pakistan the Kashmir dispute is mainly about the Kashmiri people. Any solution is not as much for Pakistan as it is for the Kashmiri people. Whatever they decide, Pakistan will accept.
They have to decide their own future in a democratic manner so that no region of Kashmir is treated unfairly, and this can only be achieved with regional plebiscites. I dont believe they need to be told what's best for them. They have to figure this out for themselves. Independence, Pakistan or India. Its entirely their decision, as it should have been in 1947.

Lets talk about cross border terrors. Zardari accepted that they are terrors..whats pakistan stand on them? Does pakistan think vilation in kashmir going to help them
There are thousands of Hindu Pandits moved out of Kashmir due to violations. India should account them. Also illegal immgrants in kashmir valley cant be given the voting rights. Also criminals and terrors cant be given voting rights.:enjoy:

Hindu pandints moved out due to violations. Then what I assume is that the violations were by the Indian Army.

By illegal immigrants you mean Kashmiris, right :lol:

By criminals and terrorists you mean Indian Amry and BSF, again right :lol:
Hindu pandints moved out due to violations. Then what I assume is that the violations were by the Indian Army. By illegal immigrants you mean Kashmiris, right :lol: By criminals and terrorists you mean Indian Amry and BSF, again right :lol:

Yeah yeah......You want pakistan to vote in kashmir and grab all the land...NO WAY. India said unless terrorism completely goes away there is nothing to talk about kashmir and the decision going to be by Indian parliment...not by UN or US.
Pakistan has still given away part of Kashmir to China and has changed a part of its to FATA. There are discrepencies about what is percieved to be Kashmir.

Being one of the senior most members I do expect better argument from you.

Pakistan and China have signed an agreement on the part of Kashmir that has been provided to them and as per agreement Chinese shall renegotiate when the Kashmir issue is settled with the competent authority of the time.

No part of Kashmir has become FATA. Perhaps you mean to say Northern Areas. In any future plebescite NA and KAshmir shall vote and no area comprising Kashmir in 1947 shall be left out.
Being one of the senior most members I do expect better argument from you.

Pakistan and China have signed an agreement on the part of Kashmir that has been provided to them and as per agreement Chinese shall renegotiate when the Kashmir issue is settled with the competent authority of the time.

No part of Kashmir has become FATA. Perhaps you mean to say Northern Areas. In any future plebescite NA and KAshmir shall vote and no area comprising Kashmir in 1947 shall be left out.

Then why is azad kashmir, and northern area different why cant the entire areas called azad kashmir, and why is northern areas integratd to pakistan??? and how can you re negotiate on an land you have willfully given to china..if ever your intentions was a free kashmir or kashmir a part of pakistan??? Is it given for them on lease or adminsitration??? Could you please provide the source..??? I feel the intentions are purely for water, and not the freedom of kashmiries, we have seen the aritrocacies in bangladesh. If there was no bias or aritrocacies there bangaladesh would not have wanted freedom, if peoples will is what pakistan wants then bangladesh would have been free through elections and not through armed struggle. So as an avg indian doubts the intentions of pakistan on kashmir..!!!!
Yeah yeah......You want pakistan to vote in kashmir and grab all the land...NO WAY. India said unless terrorism completely goes away there is nothing to talk about kashmir and the decision going to be by Indian parliment...not by UN or US.

A very hollow argument.

When it comes to Balochistan you want the people to decide and when it is Kashmir you want your parliament to decide.

If this was the case then why you went crying to UN in 1947. You have yourself agreed that the matter shall be decided by the people of Kashmir under the supervision of UN and not your parliament.
Again, this is patently false.

India and Pakistan agreed to the rules of partition that in the event of a disputed accession a plebiscite woudl take place. The plebiscite condition was reiterated by Mountbatten in the case of Kashmir before he agreed to accept the accession of the Mharajah.

India then reiterated her support for the plebiscite when she supported completely the UNSC resolutions, multiple times, and also through them supported the disputed status of Kashmir.

There is no comparison here between Kashmir (a territorial dispute between two nations) and Balochistan, FATA or Assam or whatever. Completely different situations.

AM its a knowN fact that nehru had agreed for a plebiscite, but i feel the situation had changed from what was the status as on 1947 and hence the reason for this renwed stance of india. Could you please reply with reference to the points raised in support for indias stance against plebscite in my post no 126.
Then why is azad kashmir, and northern area different why cant the entire areas called azad kashmir, and why is northern areas integratd to pakistan??? and how can you re negotiate on an land you have willfully given to china..if ever your intentions was a free kashmir or kashmir a part of pakistan??? Is it given for them on lease or adminsitration??? Could you please provide the source..??? I feel the intentions are purely for water, and not the freedom of kashmiries, we have seen the aritrocacies in bangladesh. If there was no bias or aritrocacies there bangaladesh would not have wanted freedom, if peoples will is what pakistan wants then bangladesh would have been free through elections and not through armed struggle. So as an avg indian doubts the intentions of pakistan on kashmir..!!!!

Northern Areas are also technically not part of Pakistan and are governed by legislative assembly not by a provincial assembly.

Despite a supreme court decision after case by NA to grant its people same status as that of other Pakistanis (broadly meaning create a new province) government is delaying the implementation because if it is granted provincial status and then has to vote in any Kashmir related plebescite Pakistan shall face legal situation as it can not allow a province to participate.

Our intentions are quite clear its you people who are not clear what to do.
Then why is azad kashmir, and northern area different why cant the entire areas called azad kashmir, and why is northern areas integratd to pakistan???

The people of Northern Areas dont see themselves as Kashmiris, they are culturally different from Kashmiris, and dont call their land Kashmir unlike the people of Azad Kashmir....now we cant force the local inhabitants of Northern Areas to call themselves Kashmiris and call their land Kashmir if they dont want to.
Lets talk about cross border terrors. Zardari accepted that they are terrors..whats pakistan stand on them? Does pakistan think vilation in kashmir going to help them


If your 700,000 troops cant stop them then don't expect our 80,000 troops to stop them. Improve the skills of your troops.
Historically too NA has never been part of Kashmir.
The people of Northern Areas dont see themselves as Kashmiris, they are culturally different from Kashmiris, and dont call their land Kashmir unlike the people of Azad Kashmir....now we cant force the local inhabitants of Northern Areas to call themselves Kashmiris and call their land Kashmir if they dont want to.

Azad Kashmir is a area created by pakistan to send terrors into India. its around 13 thousnad sq km land across border. If you look at the map the kashmir the disputed area is too big compare to azad kashmir. Azad kashmir is financially and defence belongs to pakistan.
Pakistan supporting terrors and escapting from international community that its not responsible for kashmir violation.
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