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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!


Mar 6, 2008
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The Future Of Kashmir?

Scenario 1


The status quo

Kashmir has been a flashpoint between India and Pakistan for more than 60 years. Currently a boundary - the Line of Control - divides the region in two, with one part administered by India and one by Pakistan. India would like to formalise this status quo and make it the accepted international boundary. But Pakistan and Kashmiri activists reject this plan because they both want greater control over the region.

Scenario 2


Kashmir joins Pakistan

Pakistan has consistently favoured this as the best solution to the dispute. In view of the state's majority Muslim population, it believes that it would vote to become part of Pakistan. However a single plebiscite held in a region which comprises peoples that are culturally, religiously and ethnically diverse, would create disaffected minorities. The Hindus of Jammu, and the Buddhists of Ladakh have never shown any desire to join Pakistan and would protest at the outcome.

Scenario 3


Kashmir joins India

Such a solution would be unlikely to bring stability to the region as the Muslim inhabitants of Pakistani-administered Jammu and Kashmir, including the Northern Areas, have never shown any desire to become part of India.

Scenario 4


Independent Kashmir

The difficulty of adopting this as a potential solution is that it requires India and Pakistan to give up territory, which they are not willing to do. Any plebiscite or referendum likely to result in a majority vote for independence would therefore probably be opposed by both India and Pakistan. It would also be rejected by the inhabitants of the state who are content with their status as part of the countries to which they already owe allegiance.

Scenario 5


A smaller independent Kashmir

An independent Kashmir could be created from the Kashmir Valley - currently under Indian administration - and the narrow strip of land which Pakistan calls Azad Jammu and Kashmir. This would leave the strategically important regions of the Northern Areas and Ladakh, bordering China, under the control of Pakistan and India respectively. However both India and Pakistan would be unlikely to enter into discussions which would have this scenario as a possible outcome.

Scenario 6


Independent Kashmir Valley

An independent Kashmir Valley has been considered by some as the best solution because it would address the grievances of those who have been fighting against the Indian Government since the insurgency began in 1989. But critics say that, without external assistance, the region would not be economically viable.

Scenario 7


The Chenab formula

This plan, first suggested in the 1960s, would see Kashmir divided along the line of the River Chenab. This would give the vast majority of land to Pakistan and, as such, a clear victory in its longstanding dispute with India. The entire valley with its Muslim majority population would be brought within Pakistan's borders, as well as the majority Muslim areas of Jammu.


How do YOU see the future of Kashmir?
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This thread should be made a sticky somewhere. All the solutions are addressed in here. Also, we currently don't have a forum section dedicated to the Kashmir Issue. This could be the start. Anyone else agree with that?
hmm.kashmir....All indians want scenario 3. ..lol...does any pakistani agree with this...NO Never...!! Both countries wont be ready to loose land what ever the resolution or ppl say about. So LOC is the international border. Let the violation happen...we are there to fight and we will.....
Now its upto ppl to decide where they want to be.....if they live in the place where they dont want to be better they packup!
hmm.kashmir....All indians want scenario 3. ..lol...does any pakistani agree with this...NO Never...!! Both countries wont be ready to loose land what ever the resolution or ppl say about. So LOC is the international border. Let the violation happen...we are there to fight and we will.....
Now its upto ppl to decide where they want to be.....if they live in the place where they dont want to be better they packup!

If that's the case, every Pakistani would agree with "Solution 2" Lol.
hmm.kashmir....All indians want scenario 3. ..lol...does any pakistani agree with this...NO Never...!! Both countries wont be ready to loose land what ever the resolution or ppl say about. So LOC is the international border. Let the violation happen...we are there to fight and we will.....
Now its upto ppl to decide where they want to be.....if they live in the place where they dont want to be better they packup!

Yea ONLY Indians would want scenario 3, have you ever thought what Kashmiris would want.

NEWS FLASH FOR YOU: LOC is NOT an international border...and no country in the world recognizes it as an international border.
Yea ONLY Indians would want scenario 3, have you ever thought what Kashmiris would want. NEWS FLASH FOR YOU: LOC is NOT an international border...and no country in the world recognizes it as an international border.

Omar kashmir is something everyone keep debating man. Every pakistani wants to fight every indian on this. I like your pictures and scenarios..but to me it doenst make any sense...every indian on this forum discuss the same and even pakistani. later thread will become hindu-islam and it never ends..

I want to make a constuctive thread here...lets discuss about whats the benifit and loss by loosing or gaining kashmir by each country. Ultimately it is the thing going to matter...no one wants to be looser.
Omar kashmir is something everyone keep debating man. Every pakistani wants to fight every indian on this. I like your pictures and scenarios..but to me it doenst make any sense...every indian on this forum discuss the same and even pakistani. later thread will become hindu-islam and it never ends..

I want to make a constuctive thread here...lets discuss about whats the benifit and loss by loosing or gaining kashmir by each country. Ultimately it is the thing going to matter...no one wants to be looser.

I have to agree with you on one point. I created this thread for a "Civil" debate. All the solutions are on the table. Let's discuss them in a respectable manner.
Omar kashmir is something everyone keep debating man. Every pakistani wants to fight every indian on this. I like your pictures and scenarios..but to me it doenst make any sense...every indian on this forum discuss the same and even pakistani. later thread will become hindu-islam and it never ends..

I want to make a constuctive thread here...lets discuss about whats the benifit and loss by loosing or gaining kashmir by each country. Ultimately it is the thing going to matter...no one wants to be looser.

India cant keep on sending hundreds of thousands of its troop to Kashmir, how long will India keep on doing this?

The world is realizing now what is going on in Kashmir. I'm glad Obama is talking about it, the 61 year old dispute must come to an end for both India and Pakistan to move on.

If there was no Kashmir problem, there would not be any India-Pakistan tensions rising. The center of India-Pakistan problem is Kashmir.
How about this Scenario.. Both India and Pakistan agree on a treaty not to create mischief in each other's territory(Atleast JK). Let each region be under the complete administration of the respective country, without jihadi or RaW interference for another 2 decades or 25 years. Let the people see, which pasture is greener and let the State go to that country.
option 7, but with Buddhist Ladakh ( East of Kargil) becoming part of India . I cant think of any other options that both nations will agree to.
option 7, but with Buddhist Ladakh ( East of Kargil) becoming part of India . I cant think of any other options that both nations will agree to.

Frankly, India would never agree to such a Solution. That would result in loosing massive amounts of land for her. But at the end of the day, "Someone" has to sacrifice their interests for the sake of stability and peace in the region.
option 7, but with Buddhist Ladakh ( East of Kargil) becoming part of India . I cant think of any other options that both nations will agree to.

It said this scenario was suggested in the 1960s....what happened, its the perfect scenario..and your right Buddhist Ladakh along with Hindu Jammu can go to India.
It said this scenario was suggested in the 1960s....what happened, its the perfect scenario..and your right Buddhist Ladakh along with Hindu Jammu can go to India.

sorry with too many posts....but kashmir is hot cake topic...

Lets see if we can conclude in another few days the best resolution (short term or long term) as a small group. If we fail to do so how can you expect billion ppl going to agree??

My short term resolution is Azad Kashmir should merge with pakistan completely. So both countries first stop cross border terrors. It looks like the idea is in Indias favour. But what ever violation happen in kashmir India cant point to pakistan. Now all inida telling is kashmir violation is due to cross border terrors. think about this point.
sorry with too many posts....but kashmir is hot cake topic...

Lets see if we can conclude in another few days the best resolution (short term or long term) as a small group. If we fail to do so how can you expect billion ppl going to agree??

My short term resolution is Azad Kashmir should merge with pakistan completely. So both countries first stop cross border terrors. It looks like the idea is in Indias favour. But what ever violation happen in kashmir India cant point to pakistan. Now all inida telling is kashmir violation is due to cross border terrors. think about this point.

hahaha we give the people of Azad Kashmir their freedom, no one sends troops into Azad Kashmir and forces them to do anything. Pakistan is not like India, and I'm glad the people of Azad Kashmir are making Indians worry :yahoo:
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