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The Foreign Minister Affirms that Indonesia Has No Intention to Open Relationships with Israel

As far as I hear from Indonesian colleagues, there is no intention for official diplomatic recognition, but, facilitating further people to people and business exchanges.

Something like this is not something new, Christian pilgrim from Indonesia has been able to visit Israel to do some ritual in Betlehem for long time and even Indonesian Muslim, if I am not mistaken, can also visit Masjidil Aqsa in Jerusalem, Israel.

Indonesian Muslim visited Masjid (Mosque) Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem (2018)

The issue of Israel is not about recognizing a country. You don't need to be a Muslim to detest modern savagery and modern stealing others' lands. Israel is built upon day light massacring of inhabitants. Every country that recognizes this cancerous tumor shows that its leadership has no respect towards human rights.

Indonesia recognizing or not, doesn't make slightest difference on the ground reality. Israel is sorrounded by Iranian supported groups. From East Syrian Army known as SAA will march to retake Golan heights, from North Hezbollah will enter the occupied territories and from South Hamas and Islamic Jihad will march towards Tel Aviv @Indos Jews have one way and its swimming in Mediterranean all the way to where they came from, Europe.
right now no one is worse than Turks in treating non Muslims. Look at Idlib, Northern Irak

The issue of Israel is not about recognizing a country. You don't need to be a Muslim to detest modern savagery and modern stealing others' lands. Israel is built upon day light massacring of inhabitants. Every country that recognizes this cancerous tumor shows that its leadership has no respect towards human rights.

Indonesia recognizing or not, doesn't make slightest difference on the ground reality. Israel is sorrounded by Iranian supported groups. From East Syrian Army known as SAA will march to retake Golan heights, from North Hezbollah will enter the occupied territories and from South Hamas and Islamic Jihad will march towards Tel Aviv @Indos Jews have one way and its swimming in Mediterranean all the way to where they came from, Europe.
right now no one is worse than Turks in treating non Muslims. Look at Idlib, Northern Irak
Specifically Sultan wanted to occupy a part of Syrian territory. SAA resisted and just recently they reached an agreement with Ankara. When SAA retakes all the lost territories, minorities will be safe my dear firend.
Yup, another Indonesian Muslim visited Jerusalem, she is definately coming from Indonesia. (2017)

Yup, another Indonesian Muslim visited Jerusalem, she is definately coming from Indonesia. (2017)

Peaceful people. Salutes

You dont know that because you dont seat in UNSC bro

This is just one example, there are many......

Indonesia initiates UN Security Council Meeting to Reject Israel’s Annexation Plan
Thursday, 25/June/2020

View attachment 704133

"For too long, the Palestinian people have been living under injustice, human rights violations, and a bad humanitarian situation. Israel's annexation plan is a threat to the future of the Palestinian people," stated the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno L.P. Marsudi, in her bold opening statement at the UN Security Council Open Meeting that was held virtually on the situation in the Middle East on June 24, 2020.

In the meeting chaired by France as the President of the UNSC for June 2020, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs raised a pointed question "The choice is in our hands, will we side with the international law or turn a blind eye and side with the other side that allows actions contrary to international law?", asked Retno Marsudi.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi stressed the three reasons that the international community must reject Israel's annexation plan.

First, Israel's formal annexation plan to the Palestinian territories is a violation of international law. Allowing the annexation means setting a precedent in which territorial control by annexation is deemed legal under international law.

"All parties must firmly reject this annexation by asserting in all international forums, through both statements and concrete actions, that annexation is illegal," said the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Second, Israel's formal annexation plan is a test of the UN Security Council's credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the international communities. The UNSC must take swift actions that are in line with the UN Charter.

"Anyone threatening international peace and security must be held accountable before the UN Security Council. No double standard,” said Retno Marsudi.

Third, annexation will damage the whole prospect of peace. Annexation will also create instability in the region and the world. For this reason, there is an urgency for a credible peace process where all parties stand on equal footing.

"This is the right time to start the peace process in a multilateral framework based on the agreed international parameters.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno also stressed the importance for the world to overcome the humanitarian situation in Palestine, including Palestinian refugees. "The pandemic further aggravates the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine, making supports from international humanitarian agencies, especially UNRWA, very important," explained the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, while conveying the increased contribution of Indonesia to Palestine, which was given either directly to Palestine, or through UNRWA in 2020.

"Injustice happens not because of the absence of justice. Injustice happens because we allow it to happen. It's time we stop the injustice," concluded Retno Marsudi.

Together with Tunisia and South Africa, Indonesia initiated the UNSC Meeting at the Ministerial level to discuss Israel's annexation plan. The meeting was attended by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, the Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affair, and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs from several member states of the UN Security Council.
(Source: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Official Indonesia foreign ministry website
This is an extremely entitled post coming from none other then someone whos country has completely fallen into the hands of extremist group and illiterate ppl. India is probably the only country officially lead by a terrorist organistation and riling the populations up. coming with controversies after controversies.

India is one of the most backward country on plante earth currently. Also India has the worst media where fake news has become real news. Even making a conspiracy theory into a law.

You of all people shouldn't comment on this thread. Many refused friendship with Israel because they are entitled to it. Perhaps the next one who will be isolated will be India soon

It is nice of Indonesia to have taken this issue up in the UNSC but I have a reservation about UNSC. In the past this body, which has limited membership, has acted as the rubber stamp for NATO to wage wars on those countries which resist its imperialism. Examples, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Therefore it would be wonderful if the Indonesian representative at the UNO delivers a speech about this issue in the UN General Assembly like how your Foreign Minister spoke in the UNSC. The UNGA has a wider audience.

You don't need to be a Muslim to detest modern savagery and modern stealing others' lands.

Agreed. That is why I always say that the Palestine issue is not a Muslim issue but a human issue, and that is why past revolutionary individuals and groups like Carlos ( the jackal ) and the Japanese Red Army spoke up and acted on behalf of the Palestinians.

This is an extremely entitled post coming from none other then someone whos country has completely fallen into the hands of extremist group and illiterate ppl. India is probably the only country officially lead by a terrorist organistation and riling the populations up. coming with controversies after controversies.

India is one of the most backward country on plante earth currently. Also India has the worst media where fake news has become real news. Even making a conspiracy theory into a law.

You of all people shouldn't comment on this thread. Many refused friendship with Israel because they are entitled to it. Perhaps the next one who will be isolated will be India soon

I am a Muslim and a Communist so I am aware and concerned about the issues you highlight.
Therefore it would be wonderful if the Indonesian representative at the UNO delivers a speech about this issue in the UN General Assembly like how your Foreign Minister spoke in the UNSC. The UNGA has a wider audience.

I believe every times we have chance to do that, we always bring Palestinian issue into the spotlight.

This is just one example

We are opposing US stance on Palestine-Israel issue in this specific speech in UN General Assembly.

Thank God it's not Indonesia. That would be been a real shame and a tragedy for the Muslim world.

This mainly leaves Bangladesh and Malaysia.
Nah, its neither. I'd hazard a guess and say it's either Oman or an African Muslim nation.
The issue of Israel is not about recognizing a country. You don't need to be a Muslim to detest modern savagery and modern stealing others' lands. Israel is built upon day light massacring of inhabitants. Every country that recognizes this cancerous tumor shows that its leadership has no respect towards human rights.

Indonesia recognizing or not, doesn't make slightest difference on the ground reality. Israel is sorrounded by Iranian supported groups. From East Syrian Army known as SAA will march to retake Golan heights, from North Hezbollah will enter the occupied territories and from South Hamas and Islamic Jihad will march towards Tel Aviv @Indos Jews have one way and its swimming in Mediterranean all the way to where they came from, Europe.

It does make a different on the ground reality. If we dont recognize Israel, it means more pressure to Israel and if we recognize Israel, it means Israel position is getting stronger on this conflict. Recognizing Israel, particularly among Muslim nations, will make peace process become less likely to happen.

This is why a narrative saying that recognizing Israel will increase peace process likelihood is actually bulshit. Conflicting parties will only get into negotiation table if they are similar in strength. While in Palestinian-Israel conflict, Israel is already in much superior position militarily and economically over Palestinian.
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Yup, another Indonesian Muslim visited Jerusalem, she is definately coming from Indonesia. (2017)

Interesting story if you guys listen to the video starting at minutes 4. The story of why an ancient Church key handler is always a Muslim. There will be an Arab key handler who will explain and he speaks English.
Indonesia recognizes the Israeli passport so there must already be diplomatic relations.
. .
Nope, we dont. We can get there if Visa is approved but they cannot visited Indonesia.

well you would better than I. Wonder why Indonesia is not among the nations listed as not recognizing the Israeli passport. I used wikipedia and double checked it with another site (was the telegraph paper of the UK). Makes no difference to those Israelis they always have multiple passports. Guess they really have no loyalties.
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