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the first L15‘s production line will be start building on July this year

pupu has stated over a year ago that the process of evaluation is ongoing, and JL-9 was the favourite due to reliability. The fact that Yak had such heavy involvement in L-15 and its dependence on foreign parts are not something the military likes. The only reason they're still in competition is because Hongdu would be financially ruined if no orders materialize for L-15. They paid for development out of their own pocket, not PLAAF.

In another words, purchasing limited number of L-15 is a political consideration to save a company, not based on the military needs.

There is no copyright issue. Yak was paid by Hongdu for their work in the L-15 and also for the parts they supplied. Don't speak on things you know nothing of.

My opinion above is a positive view to your Chinese, you don't see whatever your Chinese producing these days are being blamed of copyright violation!? :azn:

In Vietnam they're laughing at you and call you the "shameless", what would you do to them!? Yes, off course we all know they are blind in high technologies but who care, they still look down on you!!! :undecided:

Russian??? Oh, I don't need to tell you right!? :disagree:
My opinion above is a positive view to your Chinese, you don't see whatever your Chinese producing these days are being blamed of copyright violation!? :azn:

In Vietnam they're laughing at you and call you the "shameless", what would you do to them!? Yes, off course we all know they are blind in high technologies but who care, they still look down on you!!! :undecided:

Russian??? Oh, I don't need to tell you right!? :disagree:
When Vietnam demonstrate the capability to produce any modern weapon systems, then they can laugh all they want.
When Vietnam demonstrate the capability to produce any modern weapon systems, then they can laugh all they want.

You can't use logistic reasons to talk with illiterate people. The fact is that anybody can laugh at your Chinese this time without any hesitate. The west has made you deep in sea of degradation!!!

:cry: :china:
You can't use logistic reasons to talk with illiterate people. The fact is that anybody can laugh at your Chinese this time without any hesitate. The west has made you deep in sea of degradation!!!

:cry: :china:
It's okay. Weapons are weapons, and doesn't matter how they think of them as long as weapons kill.
according to the latest news
china will import 250 AI-222 engine for L15 within three years

The contract has been signed

Новости Aviation EXplorer: АО «Мотор Сич» в первом полугодии 2011 года изготовило продукции на $380 млн



JSC "Motor Sich" in the first half of 2011 produced the goods at 2.337 billion hryvnia ($ 380 million), told journalists the chairman of the board of directors of JSC "Motor Sich" Vyacheslav Boguslayev. AEX.ru

"The first half of 2011 we finished quite well. All that was planned, especially for new technology, even over-fulfilled "- said Mr. Boguslayev. "We signed a very important contract with China for engines of the AI-222. I can say that this is the beginning of a long journey of our joint program, under which up to 3 years, we have to put in 250 engines, China ", - said Mr. Boguslayev.

Data for: Hongdu L-15 “Falcon” advanced trainer will small-batch production

Recently, the aircraft industry Hongdu L15 aircraft assembly pulse line is complete, will soon put into use, the same time, Hefei University of Hongdu company and the joint development of engine cars will be applied automatically installed aircraft L15 pulse production assembly line, the production line applications will be L15 small-batch production, assembly to protect the reliability of products, improve product quality, improve production management.

L15 aircraft assembly pulse line from May 2011 through the construction plan review and put into the construction line since the start of the work is in order. L15 aircraft to improve aircraft engine assembly line installation of pulsation efficiency and reliability, Hongdu Aviation signed with installing car Hefei University of technology agreement to jointly develop a car engine automatically installed, the device can be achieved between the engine in the station their own transportation, in the case of manual intervention to achieve the automatic installation of the engine. The device will change the company’s previous manual installation of the engine dependent on the transition mode, the engine can move among themselves in the station, change the past, the effort launched by artificial means, completely reduce labor intensity. The equipment will be completed in small batches for the production of aircraft L15.

L15 pulse of aircraft assembly lines, aircraft assembly is to change the traditional mode of learning practices are efficient assembly line, so that the inherent rhythm to move the aircraft, the operator in a fixed area for assembly operations. And existing production resources and proper planning and configuration, by moving the assembly to improve assembly efficiency, improve product quality, and reduce labor intensity and improve the environment for the assembly site. Aircraft in order to achieve low-cost, high quality and quick response manufacturing, through the production line to optimize and improve the company’s production management level.

( China Aviation News)






Any news when Pakistan would receive this aircraft? Pakistan was reported to buy 5-6 of these aircraft.
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