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The final warning for india

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Nov 9, 2011
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Peking refuses to accept India’s stand on border issue

Peking, April 13: China told India in a note published here tonight that India’s present attitude amounted to a “summary rejection of peaceful settlement of the boundary question.”

The Chinese foreign ministry issued a series of notes, exchanged between the Indian and Chinese government since last December, concerning their boundary dispute and proposals for the conclusion of a new agreement on the trade and other relations between India and Tibet.

A statement by the spokesman of the Chinese foreign ministry. Information department said that notes and documents about Chinese-Indian relations had been distributed to deputies to the National peoples Congress which is now in its third week here.

The statement said that in reply to an Indian note of March 13, which called for the withdrawal of Chinese forces from the disputed border area, a Chinese note of March 22 “sternly pointed out that this attitude of the Indian government is, infact, tantamount to summary rejection of negotiations, rejection of the peaceful settlement of the boundary question.”

China had taken the initiative in proposing negotiations for the conclusion of a new agreement on trade and intercourse to replace the 1954 agreement, which expires in June. “Negotiations for the conclusion of such an agreement need not be linked with the boundary question,” the Chinese statement said.

Peking refuses to accept India’s stand on border issue

reject peaceful settlement = ask for war

I hope we make our move on india this year 2012 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of their great humiliation.

China is moving our heavy armor along railway to Pakistan. Our armored thrust will start from Lahore and end in new delhi.

Concern over China's strategic rail link along India's border, IBN Live News




Ha ha :) i know that china is strong but then we are good at defending our borders.

We will be waiting to teach back the lesson already thought to us.

and don't u think we already have many threatening India threads already running ?
warning shud come in version...by this they will be easier to maintain and releae every alternate day :p
How many more CERTAINLY DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY EXTREMELY FINALLY FINAL LAST WARNINGS before hell breaks lose, Mr. challenged?? :rofl:

Keep those warnings coming! There is a "one fingered salute" for each one of them waiting.

In the mean-while the world (including the people of India and China) continue with more sensibly productive activities.
tht means pakistan too will get down with china.....alas...tht frndshp is just a lie..its a cover actually.
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