They should face with death sentence. They are enemies of Kemalism and Turkey.
I don't agree, even though I strictly used to.
First of all Europeans did not abolish death sentence and torture because they suddenly turned into snowflakes from being "anasının gözü".
They are still killing people they want dead, via undercover assassination or "nature happening" in prisons.
The thing that needs to change is not bringing capital punishment back, it is stopping trying to be the highmoral side when dealing with bad people.
What is the point of killing people? Tell me what we would gain from killing Ocalan and such people other than some naive satisfaction feeling among our population?
We were licking EU's *** when we accepted their demands and turned ocalan's prison into a five-star hotel. Can't we have something in between that and death sentence?
Facts remain, Ocalan and his ilk would be far useful if we had them alive and make them speak anything we want to hear, with torture or else. There secret torture chambers in Europe and NA too. We can do the same thing, no one needs to know anything about it. Out of sight out of mind.
And in before "well but they cost a lot to feed them!!".
It doesn't cost much if you don't give them hotel rooms. Give them a 4 square Meter room of 2x2 made by steel, there be a steel bed in a corner with nothing on it, and there be no object in that room at all. No windows, no lights, no nothing. Just an empty steel room. And make them stay there naked, no clothes. Give them bread two times a day and make a hole flow water from the ceiling 2 times a day for 30 seconds, they can wash themselves with it or drink it.
Make a hole in a corner so they can shit there.
That's it. They would cost less than half a lira like that per day.
And just make some "talk" with them whenever necessary, because they are not going to go anywhere.