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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

I think IED attacks are out of number.Theese are combat casualities.
We are losing too much prof. soldier. Actually latest days looks like we are losing more than that we are killing. İ dont understand how we lost +60 men in Nusaybin.

Cause when other nations have to fight in similar instances they simply flatten the area. Russia/US/Israel all have their own tactics but in the end it comes down to brute force.

We don't do that (enough).
Hi all
I am also from Black sea region,Trabzon... all the people know that nearly everybody have gun, besides village guards just helping Security force, they know the region better as a Pathfinder. ..
Btw i remember that news...
... Trabzonda banka soymaya çalışan bir kişiyi silahlı 30 musteri etkisiz hale getirdi...
If I am not wrong the news was something like that...
Finally Pkk choose the wrong place and wrong people...
. .
I didn't say anything wrong sweet darling and I'm pretty sure that i have nothing to learn from you as a patriot.If we give 60 martyrs in clashes,that means we give 60 martyrs in clashes.
. .
Many casualities are by IED.

IEd attack is something different.The attacks they made to police dormitories or military barracks.With a van or other things.
None says nothing about civilians who are murdered by pkk within last week.

Again they are targeting the civilians after huge a punch in the face by TSK/SF.

Those people were Kurdish. This is a great sample to show the real face of pkk.
None says nothing about civilians who are murdered by pkk within last week.

Again they are targeting the civilians after huge a punch in the face by TSK/SF.

Those people were Kurdish. This is a great sample to show the real face of pkk.

This is great information which every foreigner member of defence.PK must know about Turkey!

This is totally terrorism.
real face of pkk.

and the face of two who have almost the same name US and EU .. and all those who defend pkk and show turkey as main factor of pkk conflict all those are not interested in kurds.. they never have been.. and they never will be..

those ppl are interested in splitting countrys and spreading war .. their grudge against turks and muslims is the main factor why they help "kurds" (pkk and alike).. their help is chaos and terrorism.. this is their democracy and their way of life..

his is great information which every foreigner member of defence.PK must know about Turkey!

they know our suffering but they love it.. do you really think they dont know it? what do you think they will feel if they hear it? I give you the answers I always see when I am talking with shitheads like them.. : they think you are stupid and manipulated.. they think you are an idiot, they think you are a liar.. they bad news are they think that they have the absolute right do help them and that it is a good thing.. but they wont say that it is because you are a turk or a muslim.. and 90% this is about turk and muslim..
None says nothing about civilians who are murdered by pkk within last week.

Again they are targeting the civilians after huge a punch in the face by TSK/SF.

Those people were Kurdish. This is a great sample to show the real face of pkk.

If you have articles about how the PKK targets civilians please post them.
. . . .
TSK: 7 bin 78 terörist
etkisiz hale getirildi

24 Temmuz 2015 tarihinden itibaren PKK'lı teröristleri etkisiz hale getirmek için düzenlenen operasyonlarda yurtiçi ve yurtdışında toplam 7 bin 78 PKK'lı terörist etkisiz hale getirildi. Operasyonlar sırasında ise toplam 483 güvenlik görevlisinin şehit olduğu belirtildi.


Askeri kaynaklardan alınan bilgilere göre ; 24 Temmuz 2015 tarihinden itibaren bugüne kadar PKK'lı teröristleri etkisiz hale getirmek için düzenlenen operasyonlarda 296 asker, 178 polis ve 9 geçici köy korucusu şehit oldu. Operasyonlarda 1568 asker, 1257 polis ve 34 geçici köy korucusu yalandı. Operasyonlarda toplam 483 güvenlik görevlisi şehit olurken 2859 güvenlik görevlisi ise yaralandı.


24 Temmuz 2015 - 23 Mayıs 2016 tarihleri arasında ise yurtiçinde 2 bin 583 PKK'lı terörist öldürüldü, 109 PKK'lı yaralı olarak yakalandı, 731 PKK'lı terörist yakalandı, 214 PKK'lı terörist ise teslim oldu. Yurt içinde etkisiz hale getirilen PKK'lı terörist sayısının 3 bin 637 olduğu belirtildi.


Özellikle Kuzey Irak'taki PKK'ya ait hedeflere düzenlenen hava harekatları olmak üzere yurt dışında düzenlenen operasyonlarda ; 2015 yılında 1335 PKK'lı terörist öldürüldü, 310 PKK'lı terörist ise yaralandı. 2016 yılında ise 1031 PKK'lı terörist öldürüldü, 328 PKK'lı yaralandı. Yurt dışından gelerek teslim olan PKK'lı terörist sayısının ise 437 olduğu belirtildi. 24 Temmuz 2015 - 23 Mayıs 2016 tarihleri arasında yurtdışında etkisiz hale getirilen PKK'lı terörist sayısının 3 bin 441 PKK'lı teröristin etkisiz hale getirildiği öğrenildi.


24 Temmuz 2015 - 23 Mayıs 2016 tarihleri arasında yurtiçinde ve yurtdışında düzenlenen operasyonlarda toplam 7 bin 78 PKK'lı teröristin etkisiz hale getirildiği açıklandı.

Source: http://www.milliyet.com.tr/tsk-7-bin-78-terorist-olduruldu-gundem-2250378/?ShowPageSkin=1
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