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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

recent clashes in Silvan

Such thing didn't even happen back in nineties when the oppression was at its max. So what kind of wet dream is that? Unlike nineties, today there is hope for peace and really a positive environment in Turkey. If a war comes again, it will be because of PKK's so called "Şahin" wing and their retarded actions such as killing village guards, road blockades (which you happen to cheer for) and kidnapping kids.

Like i always said, the peace process will be a win win situation for Turkey and it is one of very rare things that i liked about AKP. If it be succesful, then great! If not, it will remove the barriers set by the West when dealing with PKK terrorism. The fight will be unfair for terrorists and nobody will take up arms because it will be pure slaughter.

it won't be successful, it was doomed to fail day one. It's impossibel for AKP to satisfy Kurds and Turks at the same time.

Selahattin Demirtas reply to Erdogan's quote of '' One nation, one people, one language''...

Selahattin Demirtas: '' If God wanted to, he would make us into one nation. This is the wish of God, we will never become one nation. Kenan Evren ( old turkish minister) wanted this aswell - it did not happen. How many nations and how many languages there will be will be revealed at the elections. This land is our homeland. We will not accept the ''one nation'' that you are speaking of here in Kurdistan. Turk will remain turk, Kurd will remain Kurd and Armenian will remain Armenian.''
Turkish forces fire teargas to remove PKK roadblocks


Turkish paramilitary forces fired teargas and water cannon on Friday to try to reopen a highway blocked for almost a week by militants in the predominantly Kurdish southeast, security sources said.

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants have blocked various points on the highway between Diyarbakir and Bingol provinces with trucks and cars seized over the past six days.

The blockade has raised tensions in the region and exposed the fragility of a peace process which Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan launched with PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in 2012 to try to end a three-decade insurgency that has killed 40,000 people.

PKK sympathisers threw home-made grenades at paramilitary forces, who responded with teargas and water cannon, security sources involved in the operation told Reuters. Bulldozers moved in to fill holes in the road dug by the protesters.

The PKK took up arms against Turkey in 1984 with the aim of carving out a separate state in the southeast for the country's Kurds, which make up around 20 percent of the population but have long been denied basic political and cultural rights.

Erdogan has invested considerable political capital in peace efforts, widening cultural and language rights at the risk of alienating parts of his grassroots support base. The PKK is designated a terrorist group by Ankara, the United States and European Union and Ocalan remains widely reviled among Turks.

Turkish forces fire teargas to remove Kurdish roadblocks | Turkey | Worldbulletin News

If we shot these people then foreign and terroist media would say that we are killing kurds.

Breaking news 20 kurdish protestors killed by turkish authorities. they were protesting and were killed.

In these guys are trying to provoke us and it is very clear. Allah doesn't like transgressors and that is what these PKK are.
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It's not like the 90's or 80's where the Turkish army was ill equipped, today it's the opposite and therefore very difficult for PKK. If a war comes again I'd suspect many Kurds dead but the thing here is that they have nothing to lose. There are millions of Kurds ready to take up arms and I belive if it starts it won't just be a guerilla war like it has been since 00, it will be a much bigger war, that will include combat inside cities and towns etc. Kurds are not satisfied and they have good reason, they'll just continue
the situation was much worse in the past, whether be it economical, cultural rights or security wise. If you told me this in the 80's, you would be probably right about possible large civil conflicts in the cities, but in these times im sure there wont be much big conflicts in cities. Kurds' lives have improved vastly in the bigger cities, education and security is improving too, so logic tells me that there wont be large civil conflicts across Turkey, much to the disappointment of pkk, which ironically also blocks the construction of more schools, investments and security related projects. All these are needed for a region that needs more improvement. Sure Turkish govts may have made the mistake of neglecting that region in the distant past, but in these times it is your beloved pkk that keeps your own people poor, dumb, backward and thus easier to manipulate just for the sake of keeping pkk alive. Just wait, once the lives and education of Kurds in those relative poor regions start improving more, support for pkk and violence will naturally decrease more and more. Dont come with 'but all Kurds have pkk in their heart', if that was the case and all Kurds were truly caring and active combatants, you would already have a civil war in Turkey long time ago and maybe even an independent state :)
If this comes to a open war it will make things more easier for Turkish military.
We will see more attacks, and deaths unfortunately. They've already killed one soldier (went unnoticed by the media), and during the recent orchestrated riots they've realized that the military won't play ball. We've had several wounded, but we also killed a couple of them bastards.

They just need an event to say look, it's the bad fascist military again. Also, the situation in Syria differs from time to time. ISIS can still hurt them and they know it. I've read on another forum that the first Kalekols were build along the Syrian border. Didn't make sense first but I believe it will make smuggling weapons harder.
recent clashes in Silvan

it won't be successful, it was doomed to fail day one. It's impossibel for AKP to satisfy Kurds and Turks at the same time.

Selahattin Demirtas reply to Erdogan's quote of '' One nation, one people, one language''...

Selahattin Demirtas: '' If God wanted to, he would make us into one nation. This is the wish of God, we will never become one nation. Kenan Evren ( old turkish minister) wanted this aswell - it did not happen. How many nations and how many languages there will be will be revealed at the elections. This land is our homeland. We will not accept the ''one nation'' that you are speaking of here in Kurdistan. Turk will remain turk, Kurd will remain Kurd and Armenian will remain Armenian.''
I think the arabs and turks should form their own states in so called rojava and northern iraq. After all according to your logic no one can live together in peace. I wouldn't be suprised if people like you were to open death camps to exterminate minorities.
I think the arabs and turks should form their own states in so called rojava and northern iraq. After all according to your logic no one can live together in peace. I wouldn't be suprised if people like you were to open death camps to exterminate minorities.

Here is the thing, this is Middle East, it's not a fairytale even if we show so where all live togheter in peace and harmony. And what makes you think that Kurds should be satisfied with what they've got after the difficulties they have gone through since the creation of Turkey? Kurds do not belong to Turkey and never have nor to Iran, Syria or Iraq. Kurds belong to their own nation and the sooner the neighbours realize this and respects that then we might have a bright future.
Here is the thing, this is Middle East, it's not a fairytale even if we show so where all live togheter in peace and harmony. And what makes you think that Kurds should be satisfied with what they've got after the difficulties they have gone through since the creation of Turkey? Kurds do not belong to Turkey and never have nor to Iran, Syria or Iraq. Kurds belong to their own nation and the sooner the neighbours realize this and respects that then we might have a bright future.
Kurds belong to Iran
Can't they belong to Iraq and all go there ? :D plus since its not stabile, if all Kurds go there they can get the control of entire state ! :D



We don't want them

im doritos,

yet you go and show the prosperous KRG to foreigners saying this is Iraq, flock from the rest of the country in million to visit Kurdistan. Yet you keep standing against their moves to become independant and keep insisting that they should be under the central regime. Are you sure you don't want us? You keep saying you'd rather have the competent Kurdish politicians to rebuild the country instead of the current corrupt ones. When will you decide? Kurds want to leave but you keep insisting on keeping us and preventing us from taking back our land. Kirkuk, Mandali, Xanaqin, Sinjar and so many more voted to be part of their Kurdish nation, so why don't you apply article 140 and we'll leave for good:) You have pumped enough oil from the Kurdish regions already and you have your own in Basrah and Anbar already so let us be.
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Can't they belong to Iraq and all go there ? :D plus since its not stabile, if all Kurds go there they can get the control of entire state ! :D

Even though we already have so many minister posts, several commanding generals, commanding their special forces etc We haven't been able to turn it into our favor. And after all our homeland are the Zagros mountains, plus some territory in Syria :), we don't belong to the deserts and the very few remaining marshes of Iraq. That belongs to the Assyrians/Chaldeans and Mandeans :)
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