No, going after families will only unite pkk supporters. Just kill them and ensure policestate-like supervision of regions with pkk sympatisizers. Innocent ppl are afraid of getting involved, but they'll rejoice if you remove supporters feom their society.
these ppl have different mentality.. you may not know them.. bet here in germany they have no shame and speak openly not like in turkey where they mostly say what you want to hear.. and I tell you all 95% of all kurds in our region are fanatic pro PKK! some are more some are less but a minority is not pro pkk and this is not a lie its reality..
nothing will change their mind! these ppl are lost.. turkey fucked up by not applying laws and methods against pkk..
our country only and only did military operation and never saw the whole picture.. so since 90ties only operations and this lead to whole generation that is lost.. no one implemented methods that involve the law, the schoolsystem, the TV and magazines, the social/religious life, real punishment..
you need to watch out their families and fight against them because the source of this fanatism and further new terrorists are these families.. they are involved in propaganda, in drugs, in all kind of money washing to active support! if you dont look for more terrorists and just wait until someone does something like killing than this cat an and mouse game will go on.. you are the looser because you try to be the gentlemen the "right one" 'the one who has rules" like they today do and have even parties with öcalans family members.. yes not going after their families means this.. nowhere on earth except in turkey this is possible.. lets see if osama bin ladens children can have a islamic party in germany or else..?
I tell you how it works in some areas.. and why these kekos are not much into arabs..
arabs will go after your family not in the way I told to do.. but in a savage way.. that means one of those killed an arab? than they will kill their family members and have no mercy.. and that is the language these dogs understand.. our military and state had an iron grip on them they had been afraid in the 80ties,90ties and beginning of the millenium and than you gave them "special rights" this "cotton balls" here and there now they have no shame no limits!
as i stated out if the familes are not innocent than fight them take them their property and dont allow them to enter politics, military or special positions and so on for 4 generations if they go outside the country it should be possible to leave turkish citizenship in only one day (never ever coming back no properties in turkey watch out for their families where does the money flow and come from what do they buy..)
some of these what I mentioned is applied silently to ppl who could be member of religious groubs in germany.. so if they can do it than we can do it too