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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Now PKK's political wing officially calls our Army as criminal and wants other nations to punish our country and they call YPG terrorist scums as "civilians".

How the f*** they are not arrested? Where is our government aq? Do we have any government? Seems like Turkey is unkown garden where animals eat and piss on freely! o_O

Bro most of them are arrested
there should nothing like hdp exists.. its a shame and dishonor for turkish nation to have such stinky dirty thing being allowed to exist

I have always critisized our government for letting them allowed..

in my opinion all hdp scumbags should be hanged.. and everyone who just look like "wtf why" they should have the same treatment.. we need zoro tolorance politics and full fight against pkk and their idelogy in all aspects of life and government..
We have been on the role lately, I can count at least 5-6 that are sent to hell past 6 months.

We have some serious intel going on or someone (country) is leaking these scumbags, it begs the question where were we all this time, maybe something to do with doctrine and capabilities of our fleets.

The more top ranks die sooner these rats will kill themselves to fill in the position, won’t be surprised if it creates a power vacuum.

May Tengri protect our operators on the ground and give guidance to our pilots.
MIT, TSK etc. were compromised (remember FETO, the assassination of Gen Esref Bitlis, journalst Ugur Mumcu etc.)....
Seems like Cumhuriyet newspaper is no longer PKK media and we took it back.

There are still; Özgür Gündem, T24, Evrensel, Ahval, soL, Diken etc as a PKK media, somehow government doesn't touch them o_O
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How HDP is in the Turkish parliament really makes my blood boil. How can one allow this party which has connections to PKK terrorists in the Parliament talk about spitting in the face of every Turkish soldier and civilian.

Now PKK's political wing officially calls our Army as criminal and wants other nations to punish our country and they call YPG terrorist scums as "civilians".

How the f*** they are not arrested? Where is our government aq? Do we have any government? Seems like Turkey is unkown garden where animals eat and piss on freely! o_O

Bro israel also having the same problem with arabs in parliament. there must be something to do instead of arresting them, thats MİT's job. We can't do antything politically, ım sure ulu onder olumsuz gazi recep tayyip erdogan is thinking on it
Until you act like Iran and bring death penalty to those involved in or caught helping terrorists this problem will go on. Bring punishments to the families with members involved with terrorists.

But no in our country you have funeral rights for PKK scum it is a disgrace.

It is a shame on the Turks who live in Turkey actually that they don’t raid and kill these people while they shout biji biji on the roads and city centres.

It is no where to be seen in the world, under no “democracy” that you can pledge support or materially help terrorists while in the parliament, they would rape you in EU and US.

Also MIT needs to work on tackling drugs income source of PKK this is where they get the money to buy out MPs in the EU. At least help other groups take over these trades from the Kurds.
you may run but you cant hide, stalinist rats
"Kacma sadece yorgun öleceksin" "don't try to escape/run you will die tired" :enjoy:


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