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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

They(government) have but they didnt act until now,why wait so long,what does that tell us?

It tells us we have a lot of enemies inside...which is not hard to believe considering how many people are ready to sell their mothers for money. Those should be punished the hardest because there isn't any bigger sin than betraying your own blood and land.
But for me right now the worst problem is that those leaders who are too afraid to act like men and too dumb do know how to solve the issues they are responsible for, can't understand where their mistakes are, don't want to admit them and prefer to stay in power at any cost just because they are addicted to it. They should know that the people who make this country go forward will never forgive them that and soon will make them go to hell together with those terrorist basterds. Those who try to stay against us will be crying someday. I believe in that.
I don't want innocent people to die... even if they are kurdish. I talk about this PKK scum and it's supporters which are really easy to find as they are not really hiding themselves. Everyone can see them in the parliament, around the streets, around the web so it's not so hard to target this scum if you have the right organization, members and connections.

For me everyone who respects this Republic, who wants to live as a good and peaceful citizen is welcomed to live and work in Turkey no matter if he is a Turk, Kurd, Arab, Bosniak, Tatar, Albanian, Gypsy, Laz or whatever. Turkey has always been a multicultural place where people from all over Eurasia have managed to mix and live together for centuries so I want this people to live there together like brothers... United Turkey is unstoppable.

This is dangerous game, when the peace process was ended and big clean of cities was started. Several soldiers wher dead and angry people had burn shops of kurds. Good luck the kurd who was victim of terror was understanding the feeling of the people. He wrote this:


Dangerous game and people are easily to provocate. Avoid stupid angry emotions.
This is dangerous game, when the peace process was ended and big clean of cities was started. Several soldiers wher dead and angry people had burn shops of kurds. Good luck the kurd who was victim of terror was understanding the feeling of the people. He wrote this:


Dangerous game and people are easily to provocate. Avoid stupid angry emotions.

This guy might be innocent but there are hundreds of shopkeepers in Antalya, Mersin, Adana etc. who support PKK, that's also a known fact.
Who did the attack on the soldiers in future he will do another one but on Kurd.So stop this act now and let army and police do their job

Davanın tek sanığıydı
Fransa’nın başkenti Paris’te PKK bağlantılı 3 kadını öldürdüğü iddia edilen Ömer Güney, duruşmasına 36 gün kala öldü.

9 Ocak 2013’te Kürt Enformasyon Merkezi’nde Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan ve Leyla Şaylemez’i öldürme suçuyla tutuklu bulunan tek sanık olan Ömer Güney öldü.

5 Aralık tarihindeki duruşması ertelenen ve davasının görülmesine 36 gün kala ölen 34 yaşındaki Güney’in uzun süredir ciddi sağlık sorunları yaşadığı biliniyordu.

Güney’in beyninde bir tümör vardı ve daha önce de hastaneye sevk edilmişti. Güney’in belli bir süredir durumunun ağırlaşması nedeniyle hafta başında tahliye talebinde bulunduğu da edinilen bilgiler arasında.


Fransız makamlarından konuya ilişkin olarak dün geceye kadar resmi bir açıklama gelmezken adli kaynaklar Güney’in dün sabah Paris’teki Pitie Salpetriere hastanesinde öldüğünü belirtiyor. Başından bu yana Cansız, Doğan ve Şaylemez’i öldürdüğünü inkâr eden Güney’in duruşmasının 23 Ocak-24 Şubat 2017 arasında yapılması öngörülüyordu.

Güney’in yargılanmasına, olayın üzerinden dört yıl geçmesine karşı başlanamaması davacıların avukatları tarafından yoğun şekilde eleştiriliyordu. Bir açıklama yapan avukatlar Sylvie Boitel, Antoine Comte, Virginie Dusen, Jan Fermon ve Jean-Louis Malterre, ‘Fransa’nın bir kez daha toprakları üzerinde yabancı istihbarat servisleri tarafından işlenmiş siyasi nitelikli bir suçu yargılayamamasından dehşet duyduklarını’ vurguladılar.
My brothers please be sane and don't fall in the trap of pkk.

Those attacks had one goal which starting a civil war and you are going to give 'em what they have been waiting for. Believe me pkk rubs the hands right now whit great pleasure.

Fighting and eliminating pkk remembers/sympathizers and supporters is the job of security units not the people.

Yes pkk uses name of "Kurd" but it doesn't mean every Kurd is pkk. Please be sane. What has been done is illegal and doesn't suit on my Turkish brothers.

Don't forget it that only the gov. has legitimate retaliation right against pkk. Your mission is simple. Just put enough pressure on our gov. to pass extreme laws against pkk. This is how the democracy works otherwise your act literally an illegal act. I know you're angry even my blood is boiling and wanna tear their flesh up one by one if I could do that. As I said this is not our job but our gov.

Brothers be sane please.
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My brothers please be sane and don't fall in the trap of pkk.

Those attacks had one goal which starting a civil war and you are going to give 'em what they have been waiting for. Believe me pkk rubs the hands right now whit great pleasure.

Fighting and eliminating pkk remembers/sympathizers and supporters is the job of security units not the people.

Yes pkk uses name of "Kurd" but it doesn't mean every Kurd is pkk. Please be sane. What has been done is illegal and doesn't suit on my Turkish brothers.

Don't forget it that only the gov. has legitimate retaliation right against pkk. Your mission is simple. Just put enough pressure on our gov. to pass extreme laws against pkk. This is how the democracy works otherwise your act literally an illegal act. I know you're angry even my blood is boiling and wanna tear their flesh up one by one if I could do that. As I said this is not our job but our gov.

Brothers be sane please.
That what i want told them from yesterday.I'm not afraid of explosions.I'm afraid of people's reactions to the explosions
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My brothers please be sane and don't fall in the trap of pkk.

Those attacks had one goal which starting a civil war and you are going to give 'em what they have been waiting for. Believe me pkk rubs the hands right now whit great pleasure.

Fighting and eliminating pkk remembers/sympathizers and supporters is the job of security units not the people.

Yes pkk uses name of "Kurd" but it doesn't mean every Kurd is pkk. Please be sane. What has been done is illegal and doesn't suit on my Turkish brothers.

Don't forget it that only the gov. has legitimate retaliation right against pkk. Your mission is simple. Just put enough pressure on our gov. to pass extreme laws against pkk. This is how the democracy works otherwise your act literally an illegal act. I know you're angry even my blood is boiling and wanna tear their flesh up one by one if I could do that. As I said this is not our job but our gov.

Brothers be sane please.
Bro,people are only attacking HDP party headquarters in towns,nothing against the people,yet.
Some dumbasses burned a store owned by a Kurdish citizen(mala gelsin,cana gelmesin).
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Continue the purge don't stop those who hate turkey to death should not live in turkey make perfect sense i think the state should do the purge because people will harm some innocent citizen, the state should deport pro pkk and their families or else the turkish people will take revenge by themselves and it will be very bloody

an idea how to clean your towns where pkk sympathizers live go door to door we did this here against isis in the frontier with Libya and we find weapons in houses that did not look suspect at all ever

Door to door house to house clean your country
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There are some rumors about bombing Ayn Al Arab(Kobani) by Turkish Air Force during last night. Do you have any info. Is it correct?

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