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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

It surely would be more efficient if we could destroy their money source but its hard to fight them in Europe.

Türkiye has to deliver evidence ! Drug trafficking, human trafficking, blackmailing, weapons deals and Money laundering;

then EUROPE will act and they do act already !

It depends on Türkiye's skills. SIMPLE crime is crime and not a political dicussable issue
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I always wrote always Yezides in SINCAR were and are a well organized PR ACTION to Support in a grey Zone "legitime" PKK / PYD!

Today Slovakia and Czech anoounced to refuse all Muslim refugees ,
but other religions without LIMIT

They are PKK !

Despite nothing justifies CRIMES of IS/ DEAS


NEVER TOOL LATE , we have the Money we have the POWER ! YES we CAN

3 axis MRAP




I was reading this news:
BBC'nin PKK'ya imaj çalışması kınandı
I saw pictures of the video in that article so i searched a little bit and found it at youtube, maybe you are also interested:

and a Interview:

Those video show that, BBC how tryed to show terrorism as innocent. Actually all terrorists organizations created by west and they use them according to their interests and plans, any Muslim country do not benefit from terrorism, all those organizations harming us. This show that west use ignorant people for their plans, which make us weaker so that west capture our values.
. .
As many as 55 Turkish security personnel have been killed in terrorist attacks across Turkey over the past month, while the security forces have killed 771 militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in operations within the country and in northern Iraq, state-run Anadolu Agency reported on Aug. 21.

55 security personnel, 771 terrorists killed in one month: Report - LOCAL

Dont know if this is posted already but:

Translation: We, Turkish soldiers, know how we can get the dishonorable dogs from the mountains, to raise our flag, and how to get them on their knees. Nobody has to test our patience.
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  • Within the last month 240 PKK terrorists have surrendered to security forces. Source
  • 502 have been held by security forces after 2000+ were arrested.
  • Internal and external military operations resulted in the elimination of 800+ PKK members
  • 450 terrorists wounded in cross border operations
  • 250-300 wounded in internal operations
Total PKK casualties = ~2200

812 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi - TRT Türk - Beş Kıtanın Haber Merkezi
Gercek rakamlari kimse aciklamayacak, sehitlerimizi de . Ama belleri kirildi. Bunlar kertenkele , kuyrugunu koparirsan tekrar uzar. HEDEF Kafalari , Öcalan gibi 1999. Getirecegiz ya canli ya da cansiz ! Allah yardimcimiz olacak.

Is Türkiye going to buy ready SYSTEMS ? ( Basbakan dün acikladi )

Meet The Small Armed Drone Ready For Export

Armed Shadow
The small wars of the future may be fought with small drones to match. The Shadow drone, a light scout used by the U.S. Army, just successfully dropped bombs in a recent test. With American law now changed to allow selling armed drones abroad, America’s allies may finally get a drone bomber to match their smaller budgets.
It’s hard being the middle sibling of a robot family. Large drones like the Predator and Reaper catch headlines and combat deployments as they launch strikes abroad. Small drones, like the RQ-11 Raven, come with troops into battle, hand-tossed to look over the next hill. The RQ-7 Shadow, and its slightly larger Shadow M2 sibling, is instead an in-between tool. Used as an advanced scout for brigades, it supports a group already bristling with firepower, so in American military service there’s been no real push to arm them.
For other countries that lack the full size and scale of the American war machine, an armed Shadow could provide just the extra little punch they need for fighting against rebellions or insurgents. As Patrick Tucker notes at DefenseOne:
Made by Maryland-based Textron Systems and flown by the U.S. military under the designation RQ-7B, the unarmed Shadow 200 can fly about 77 miles and stay aloft for about 9 hours, and the company sells a satellite-linked version that can be flown beyond line of sight and from a remote location. It has a far smaller range and capacity than a $4 million Predator, but also costs significantly less, according to Textron, which wouldn’t provide an exact number. The savings are in “not just up-front cost, but in sustainment and other life-cycle costs,” Textron Systems said in an email.
The armed version of the Shadow carries just a couple of bombs, but the Predator itself only started with two missiles. (The larger reaper can carry up to four). For a country with a small defense budget, the Shadow may just be the tool they need.

Dear bro KUL, it's very humiliating to Show "Funerals" , ist weakness and demoralizing our society and strenghtens Terrorists Motivation.
I can only tell you we suffered in 2015 200 casualties and took 2000 KELLES (not the arrested) ! It depends on you, if you believe .

DEBKA FILES - (Mossad)

Kurdish PKK Command Bolts from Qandil to Iran, Gives Tehran a Coup
Published: 20/08/2015

August 20, 2015, 9:13 PM (IDT) Tehran has scooped Turkey and the US on the Kurdish issue by engineering a moonlight flit from their northern Iraqi bases and command centers to Iran, thus grabbing control of the central Kurdish issue.
@xxxKULxxx Bro. We are acting withSILK GLOVES against these rats. They have abducted almost 6000 children between 9 and 16 years in 2014/2015, should we eliminate them all ?
Of Course no !

We take casualties not to kill those CHILDS !

Ağrı Valisi Musa Işın makamında biraraya geldiği gazetecilere bölgedeki son gelişmeleri anlattı. Bölücü örgüt PKK’nın son saldırılarını değerlendiren Vali Işın, teröristlerin bir köyden 40′a yakın genç kızı kaçırdığını, bu kızları dağa götürerek tecavüz ettiğini anlattı.

PKK’nın dağ kadrosunda 6 bin civarında çocuk bulunduğunu hatırlatan Vali… acı tabloyu şö özlerle özetledi

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@xxxKULxxx Bro. We are acting withSILK GLOVES against these rats. They have abducted almost 6000 children between 9 and 16 years in 2014/2015, should we eliminate them all ?
Of Course no !

We take casualties not to kill those CHILDS !

Ağrı Valisi Musa Işın makamında biraraya geldiği gazetecilere bölgedeki son gelişmeleri anlattı. Bölücü örgüt PKK’nın son saldırılarını değerlendiren Vali Işın, teröristlerin bir köyden 40′a yakın genç kızı kaçırdığını, bu kızları dağa götürerek tecavüz ettiğini anlattı.

PKK’nın dağ kadrosunda 6 bin civarında çocuk bulunduğunu hatırlatan Vali… acı tabloyu şö özlerle özetledi

@xxxKULxxx Türkce yazayim, neden anlamiyorsunuz ? 2015 de 200 ötesi sehitimiz var;
yeni Hükümet terminolojisinde terör saldiridilarinda ölen herkes SEHIT dir.

Lütfen seninle Polemigi birakalim. 2000 kelle aldik, o da yeter simdilik ! Devami geliyor. Yoksa EZIKTAS bugün " PKK silahi kayitsiz sartsiz biraksin der mi idi ?"

Son 6 hafta :

Son 40 günde meydana gelen olaylarda 42, asker, polis ve korucu şehit oldu, 13 kişi de yaşamını yitirdi = 55

Temmuz- Agustos 2015

Ne polemiği? Benim polemik falan yaptığım yok....

There is something in science called "psychological warfare and social Engineering "!

If you show every day crying mothers you are feeding water on the mills of Terror organizations and foreign political propagandists.

Nowhere in the world "Märtyrers Funerals" are made in that way.

There must be if neccessary CENSORSHIP against the PRESS; which obviously wants to weaken Motivation and Decideness of TURKISH SOCIETY.


- “Zımba gibi bir ordu”
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, başbakanlık döneminin başından itibaren yerli savunma sanayiini geliştirmek için yırtındı.
“Yırtındı” diyoruz, çünkü önüne fena halde muhkem bir anlayışsızlık/duyarsızlık/eziklik duvarı çıktı ve onu yıkıp sanayiin çarkını doğru dürüst döner hale getirmesi hiç kolay olmadı.
“Ama efendim, biz o dediğinizi nasıl yapalım? Türkiye’nin şartları buna müsait değil ki” deyip duran askerî ve sivil bürokrasiyi sarsa sarsa, ilgili zevatın özgüven eksiğini doldura doldura, onlara azim aşılaya aşılaya ve aşıladığı azmi kamçılaya kamçılaya bu memlekete yerli piyade tüfeği, yerli tank, yerli savaş gemisi, yerli savaş helikopteri, yerli insansız hava aracı kazandırdı. Yerli savaş uçağı imali için start verdi. Yerli füze sistemlerinde inkişafın önünü açtı.

Bu çerçevede, Başbakan Davutoğlu'nun, toplantıda, özellikle insansız hava araçları, sınır güvenliğine ilişkin alınacak önlemler ve TSK'nın terörle mücadelede ihtiyaç duyduğu tüm malzemelerin en seri şekilde teminiyle ilgili talimat verdiği belirtildi.(AA)20.08.2015 Saat: 16:48
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Yuuh, no Turkish officer would say that. Even those in prison were quite.
Otherwise he is not a weapon brother or mental insane.
Propaganda pure

Cumhuriyet Gazetesi - Şehidin yarbay ağabeyi: 'Çözüm' diyenler neden şimdi 'sonuna kadar savaş' diyor


Ex ESP Brothel worker

Cumhuriyet Gazetesi - Yüksekdağ: Bütün silahlar sussun işçiler konuşsun

SIMPY PROPAGATING ! "HALK SAVASI" Typical Maoist type of WAR !


Calling a grieving officer insane or accusing him of anyithing is just disgusting and un-patriotic.

Insane is when someone spends 24/7 posting conspiracy theories and incoherent sentences on internet fora.
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