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The Farce of Western Free Speech

no troll alert. I see nothing in the islamic world that can gain my respect. No science. No technology. No worldclass art. No world class university there. No international renomee from there. It just consumes and develops nothing. Tell me why i should show respect to something i look down too?

It doesn't matter what you think , and no one seeks your approval

Correction : Europe consumes the resouces of Muslim world , Europe itself produces , "HOT AIR" and all the resources come from China and Muslim world and Africa

:buba_phone: France ello .... stop with that nonese sense .....go back to what you used to do drawing naked women and calling it art

All those candles are contributing to global gas warming
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well this incites muslims to violence. Very simple concept

The Muslims who get "incited" to violence by cartoons are fools and deserve no sympathy. Any Muslim leaders or teachers who encourage this mentality should be punished by law.

The proper response to anti-Muslim speech is to understand how media power works and strive to improve the media balance in your favor. This takes a lot of hard work over several decades. The biggest problem with the Muslim world is that far too many leaders and thinkers don't teach this to their followers. Instead, they spout firebrand nonsense to get them excited in the short term.
The proper response to anti-Muslim speech is to understand how media power works and strive to improve the media balance in your favor. This takes a lot of hard work over several decades. The biggest problem with the Muslim world is that far too many leaders and thinkers don't teach this to their followers. Instead, they spout firebrand nonsense to get them excited in the short term.
oh the proper response would be for all muslim countries to boycott French goods for a month, the luxury goods depend on middle eastern vanity but we can not do that. and cancel all those orders for air bus and see how the law changes.
but this is not a perfect world and the balance of media can not be with us. You as a think tank should know that.
destroying Syria
LOL, who's talking:


A French satirical publication may have been allowed to denigrate Islam, but it would never be allowed to condemn Zionism and all its provable criminality.
Press TV, OT and 14 likers should learn how to use Google:




how can media be unbiased when it is monopolized by certain groups who have lobbies in congress. State owned media will have a biase but so with media owned by interest groups.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America - Business Insider
most of these interest groups have lobbies and own interests. So do not talk about the news you get and your system, because you first need to educate yourself on it. Take each of the big 6 monopolies and use google to find out how many businesses they own which they actually report on themselves. Just like wait, yes the government, One of the biggest is owned by this man whose opinions are honestly take a look at the links attached and after that look at other media holdings also

Rupert Murdoch's Controversial Comments About Muslims - Business Insider

here is what one who runs
List of assets owned by News Corp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And wait he owns Fox news also :D but the news channel is unbiased

@Developereo I am sorry this was a qoute so it will not be totally relevant i wrote this to another guy on another thread i tried to edit it a bit to make it relevant but please get the gist of what i am trying to say
well this incites muslims to violence. Very simple concept
By your logic, Muslims should also not butcher cow in public during Eid-Al-Adha because this will incite Hindus to violence.

Cow protection movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Row over cows for slaughter sparks riot - Telegraph

Who is to blame here? By your logic it is muslims's to be blame. "You already know the consequences, Why did muslims keep killing cows that is sacred to Hindus?" By your own logic, it is Muslims' fault for keeping provoking the Hindus?

Of course this way of thinking is full of bigottry and flaws. The same flaws applied to the reasoning the muslims have regarding Charlie Hebdo Shooting.
"You already know the consequences, Why did western media keep drawing Muhammad that is sacred to Muslims?"
By your logic, Muslims should also not butcher cow in public during Eid-Al-Adha because this will incite Hindus to violence.

This is the crux of the matter. Would it be logical for Hindus to expect everyone to refrain from eating beef, even in foreign countries having people of religions that have no such prohibition? That's pretty much the Muslim argument asking that the Prophet not be depicted because it is taboo in Islam. Why should that taboo apply to everyone else who do not subscribe to the religion of Islam?
By your logic, Muslims should also not butcher cow in public during Eid-Al-Adha because this will incite Hindus to violence.
your logic has flaws. Let me explain them to you in simple terms. When Muslims kill cows for no religious reasons only as satire like those cartoons then it should be offensive because they are targetting you. When we insult you by making cartoons about slaughtering cows n link it to hindu religion it becomes offensive. Is it part of any religion to insult other religions? Tell me i have 600 messages plus now if any one of them has been offensive to any religion.
oh the proper response would be for all muslim countries to boycott French goods for a month, the luxury goods depend on middle eastern vanity but we can not do that. and cancel all those orders for air bus and see how the law changes.
but this is not a perfect world and the balance of media can not be with us. You as a think tank should know that.

Boycotting is a double-edged sword.

Even stretching the imagination to believe that Muslim countries could act in unison, what happens if Muslim countries boycott?

If the West boycotts back -- or withholds Western technology -- will Muslim countries survive?
Not a chance.

In order to impose your will on others, you must first be strong and self-sufficient. The entire Muslim world combined is inconsequential and powerless, never mind any individual Muslim country.

Remember what happened with the 1970s Arab oil embargo? The Arabs had a brief "victory" of sorts, but the West learned and adapted. Now the West has technology that makes the Arabs irrelevant if national security should demand. The Arabs, on the other hard, remain clueless and most of their economy is dependent on oil. Using oil as a weapon now will only hurt themselves.
Would it be logical for Hindus to expect everyone to refrain from eating beef,
it would be logical to eat beef but do not make fun of Hindus in a specific way. You can discuss what you want about religion in a polite way and not insult others. If we can talk politely online we respect each other. If you start insulting things I believe in do you expect me to respect or talk politely with you.
the issue at hand here is that if muslims told hindus while eating beef that they are degrading them that would be wrong. To draw satire about Hindu belief would be wrong. Do you get it ?
I previously asked if Charlie Hebdo had published any cartoons mocking the Holocaust or mocking the French laws around the Holocaust.

I did not receive a reply, and nor do I expect to, which is an answer in itself.

and why should they publish such Cartoons??

Its their right to publish what they want and what they do not want.
If the West boycotts back -- or withholds Western technology -- will Muslim countries survive?
the values of the west are not etched in concrete they would give leeway also. There has to be common ground found. First of all the west knows that there are replacements to pretty much everything now and secondly we would be boycotting one country. Furthermore if there can be laws on the Holocaust there can be on muslim issues also. It is fair like that .

and why should they publish such Cartoons??

Its their right to publish what they want and what they do not want.
they can not publish it there is a law against it...
and why should they publish such Cartoons??

Its their right to publish what they want and what they do not want.

You missed the point.
Cartoons - or any speech -- denying the Holocaust is illegal in France.
The magazine would be punished by French law if they published such a cartoon.

the values of the west are not etched in concrete they would give leeway also. There has to be common ground found. First of all the west knows that there are replacements to pretty much everything now and secondly we would be boycotting one country. Furthermore if there can be laws on the Holocaust there can be on muslim issues also. It is fair like that ..

There is only one law in the world. From the beginning of time until the end.

Might is right.

As I wrote, if you are powerful militarily, economically and culturally, you can make your own rules and the world will follow. Suitable "justifications" can be spin doctored and enforced.
Boycotting is a double-edged sword.
and it is not me but you who derailed the topic if you go to post 34 all the questions i asked could not have been answered. Both posters left quietly and started trolling other posts. But you restarted the debate

There is only one law in the world. From the beginning of time until the end.
and you do not need to openly declare war on France, you find alternative markets while your politicans call for a boycott but the governments stay silent. Boeing instead of Airbus, luxury goods from other European countries, etc
@Developereo I am sorry this was a qoute so it will not be totally relevant i wrote this to another guy on another thread i tried to edit it a bit to make it relevant but please get the gist of what i am trying to say

I didn't read the whole quote, but you are right.

Media ownership is extremely concentrated in the West. (Other parts of the world are irrelevant because it is Western media which dominates the world). A handful of companies decide what the world gets to hear.
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