Well armstrong, we may disagree. But I think both of us have already made our point... Going further may only lead to unnecessary diversions.. And we are not giving the chance to native Turkish members to debate about this...
Let's see what they think of this pan Islamism vs nationalism and Ataturk vs Islamism
Summarily, in my opinion, Islamists are there just to drag the world 1400 years back and nothing more. Same for Pan islamism and other BS. We live in 2012 not 700 with Ayesha-Ali, Yazid and other tribal warlords fighting nor do we want that system.
King Solomon;
I know it is really really hard to convince someone who already set his mind. I am not going to try to convince you. What I am gonna do is some clarification about the Islam. Today our one of the important problems in the muslim world is that we misunderstand and misinterpret the islam. Therefore, we are not properly representing the Islam and this causes a perception that the islam is a religion that drags the world back. How might it be possible that a religion`s first revealed verse saying “
Read in and with the Name of your Lord, Who has created (Al-ALAQ [THE CLOT] Part 30, Surah 96 (1))” and the prophet of this religion encouraged his companions and ummah about education, science, knowledge can drag the world back? The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that “
Information is obligatory every Muslim to learn” and “
loss of knowledge/ science is the property of Muslims, so go where you can find it, even if it is in China”
If you carefully look at the history (without biases), you can see that the improvement of science, technology, knowledge in technical sciences, medicine, astronomy, algebra and chemistry so on so forth are because of the muslim world (look at
the Dark Ages or Dark Era of Europe. While they call this era as
the Dark Ages, the muslims call it
the Golden Ages, think about it, why is this like that). Today the western countries owe muslims for their the science, knowledge and technology they were able to improve. The western people got the knowledge and learned from the muslims and improved it while the muslims abandoned the science, knowledge and technology.
If you are so willing to find a religion which may have potential to drag the world back, the Christianity has that potential. Check the history and answer my question “Why did the European countries separate the church and state from one another and restrict the power of the church?” (My guess is you are a Jewish (correct me if I am wrong), but you can still answer my question)
About Pan Islamism if you define the Pan-Islamism as "A desire or plan for the union of all Mohammedan nations for the conquest of the world" then I would say this is and should a GOAL for the muslims to reach. Our prophet Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) says that "
One day my name will reach wherever the sun rise and set". We believe this will happen and work for the sake of our Prophet. Most importantly, the Islam came to all nation, therefore, the Pan Islamism is necessary for all muslims to fulfill our prophet hadith.