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The exhibition of the Cyrus Cylinder in India

I hope this will make Indians forget Nadir shad and Kuh-i-Noor , only if they didn't use Israeli holocause tactics.
Iranians simply cherish their rich heritage. Only Reza Pahlavi sought to "piggy-back" on that, in an exceptional case of Historical revisionism. But that "experiment" did not last.

What kind of revisionism.
Was the word Iran ever used before that. Historians now widely used the term Iranic or Indo-Iranians etc.

As @Ostad implied before, BeyondHeretis is an stupid.

Yes, in old persian language, the term Iran-vij, or Iran-ve'ja was used to reffer to Iran. This word has been derived from proto-Iranian word "Aryana", and it literally meant "Land of Aryans". in middle persian, this word evolved to Eran, and in modern persian this word evolved to Iran.
Foreigners were usually call Iran as persia after Achaimenids era, since persians were the ruling ethnicity at that era. but, Iranians were always refer to their country as Iran, and not persia. That's why you can see that "Ferdosi" , our national poet, has always used the term "Iran", and "Iranian", instead of "Persia", or "Persian".

BTW, Ostad is a persian origin word. It has been used in Arabic as "ostaz", and it is used as "ostad" in Turkish, Urdu, and Hindi.
As @Ostad implied before, BeyondHeretis is an stupid.

Yes, in old persian language, the term Iran-vij, or Iran-ve'ja was used to reffer to Iran. This word has been derived from proto-Iranian word "Aryana", and it literally meant "Land of Aryans". in middle persian, this word evolved to Eran, and in modern persian this word evolved to Iran.
Foreigners were usually call Iran as persia after Achaimenids era, since persians were the ruling ethnicity at that era. but, Iranians were always refer to their country as Iran, and not persia. That's why you can see that "Ferdosi" , our national poet, has always used the term "Iran", and "Iranian", instead of "Persia", or "Persian".

BTW, Ostad is a persian origin word. It has been used in Arabic as "ostaz", and it is used as "ostad" in Turkish, Urdu, and Hindi.

I have heard about the earliest Iranian name 'Airyanem Vaejah' from the antiquity similar to our 'Aryavarta'.
I have heard about the earliest Iranian name 'Airyanem Vaejah' from the antiquity similar to our 'Aryavarta'.
yes, actually they are the same ;)
old persian and sanskrit were very close to each other, they may have a little bit difference in spelling of some of the words, but their words are very very close to each otehr ;)
yes, actually they are the same ;)
old persian and sanskrit were very close to each other, they may have a little bit difference in spelling of some of the words, but their words are very very close to each otehr ;)

I know Sanskrit, it sound very identical to old Persian. Even the Sanskrit verses and Zoroastrian chants sounds very similar.
yes, actually they are the same ;)
old persian and sanskrit were very close to each other, they may have a little bit difference in spelling of some of the words, but their words are very very close to each otehr ;)
yes zend-avestha and rig veda are two of the oldest books ever written.some historians claimed the course of aryan migration to india is based on the accounts mentioned in zendavestha.
I know Sanskrit, it sound very identical to old Persian. Even the Sanskrit verses and Zoroastrian chants sounds very similar.

Exactly true. Actually pre-Zoroastrian religions in Iran were even more close Indian religions and Hinduism. Actually these Iranian , and Indian religions have been evolved from the same root, and in different places (Iran , and India) by time.

yes zend-avestha and rig veda are two of the oldest books ever written.some historians claimed the course of aryan migration to india is based on the accounts mentioned in zendavestha.

That's true, as far as I remember, there are some stories in Zendavesta about migration of Aryan tribes.
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