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The endless ideological wars against China

yeah, the US realized that lying like that was pretty damn stupid so they didn't put it on. don't you have some floors to sweep or lawns to mow? and pick up your sister from the ghetto blacks.

Not the first time I've seen you make racist comments. You were also using some chinese racist word for Indians too. Whats the chinese obsession with race btw? Anglo Saxon empire blah blah blah. I find it very uncomfortable that so many chinese see everything through a prism of race.
As far as I am concerned huzihaidao didn't say anything about the hispanics and you are the one making implying stuff about African Americans.
I like how the racist thanks you for your post when it was he who stated the racist comments , LOL!

yeah, the US realized that lying like that was pretty damn stupid so they didn't put it on. don't you have some floors to sweep or lawns to mow? and pick up your sister from the ghetto blacks.

You Chinese sure do know how to gang up on people!
Not the first time I've seen you make racist comments. You were also using some chinese racist word for Indians too. Whats the chinese obsession with race btw? Anglo Saxon empire blah blah blah. I find it very uncomfortable that so many chinese see everything through a prism of race.

Fateh, they think everyone outside of China are barbarians. It's been in their history for millenia. It's quite sad really. Imagine if they do ever manage to conquer the earth! Every other race of people will be ethnically cleansed off this planet!
Fateh, they think everyone outside of China are barbarians. It's been in their history for millenia. It's quite sad really. Imagine if they do ever manage to conquer the earth! Every other race of people will be ethnically cleansed off this planet!

Buddy, I think thats a gross generalisation too. And an exaggeration as well. However its true that the race obsession of many chinese (not all of course) makes me uncomfortable. Thats a very dangerous road to take, can easily become a bigoted one.
Fateh, they think everyone outside of China are barbarians. It's been in their history for millenia. It's quite sad really. Imagine if they do ever manage to conquer the earth! Every other race of people will be ethnically cleansed off this planet!

I think it is highly ironic that you are accusing other Chinese members of racism when you are making the same generalization about Chinese people. True, China has seen most of her neighbors as barbarians in her imperial days. Unlike the Europeans, however, we did not try to push our religion and customs upon these people or exterminate and use them as labor, as the glorious Europeans have in the New World and Africa.

You Chinese sure do know how to gang up on people!

I've got the fair share of Neocons ganging upon me and telling me not to listen to "libby professors" when I suggested that Thomas Jefferson was a Deist.
Unlike the Europeans, however, we did not try to push our religion and customs upon these people or exterminate and use them as labor, as the glorious Europeans have in the New World and Africa.
I agree, same with the Ottoman Empire, we never imposed our religion and culture on non-Muslims when we were one of the most powerful empires in the world. Compare this with the situation in the New World and Africa (like you said).
Nationalism is a scary thing, to answer your question. Besides, everyone knows that the PRC promotes "the racial superiority" of China.

Of the 20 years I have lived in the United States, I have not once experience an act of racism.

And you are a blatant racist yourself. Evidence? You call USA an Anglo-Saxon Empire :tdown:

It's people like you who make me certain that supporting the CCP is the right thing to do.

If you're so concerned, ask your country to stop begging for money from China, and using that money to buy more Chinese goods, thereby increasing your deficit to us. (Which ironically means that you'll have to borrow more money to cover the increasing deficit).

All you're doing is giving more power to the CCP. You're giving them the power to shut down your economy.

And in case anyone missed this post:

Well said, buddy.

This whiner claims that he is Hispanic, but he said US has nothing to fear from India but should be fearful of China and suggests moving manufacture to India not to Mexico.

Frankly, how erratic is this "Hispanic"? :lol:
go on , explain.

Friend, raising Yuan could damp US export to China as China won't be able to buy more from US since US moves less money to China. The trade between the two will be reduced.

One opinion is to cut income gap in China to stimulate internal demand.

Cut Chinese income gaps not trade with US-economist

* Chinese income inequalities key to trade imbalance

(Adds more comments from other conference speakers)

By Steven C. Johnson and Wanfeng Zhou

NEW YORK, Jan 7 (Reuters) - Reducing imports from China probably would not cut the U.S. trade deficit because the United States would pay more for imports from other countries, World Bank chief economist Justin Yifu Lin said on Thursday.

Instead, Lin said addressing income disparities between China's urban and rural areas would do more to address global imbalances and to spark more domestic consumption.

Since the United States produces few of the goods it buys from China, Lin said it would have to pay more to import those goods from elsewhere, reducing American living standards,

"If the U.S. has to switch the source of imports to other countries, people will have to pay for that," Lin said during a conference at the New York Stock Exchange.


UPDATE 2-Fewer China imports won't help US-W.Bank economist | Reuters

China has for decades helped lower US inflation rate. Raising Yuan will certainly fuel inflation in US.

I hate to see my living standard reducing, as I live in US.

Whining against Yuan in US is certainly an ideological war.
I’d like to bring everybody’s attention to history once more.

Around 1800’s, as British economy boomed, middle and upper classes needed tea the way Chinese went with their decent life. British imported lots tea from China and eventually leading to a huge trade imbalance, which was very similar to current China-US trade imbalance. At that time, every year flew into China tens of thousand of liang of silver net.

The British were worried. They started multiple ways to reduce the trade imbalance. One was to sell their textile to the Chinese. Unfortunately, not much people in China loved the product. The second was that the British bought tons of tea seed to test plant them in India and UK. But that needed many years to have tangible results. Finally, British started export opium to China, by force. In just handful years, China became a trade deficit country.

After opium war, Chinese teas in India started to yield results, and British teas like Lipton became famous.


Prior to the 1830s, there was but one port open to Western merchants, Guangzhou (Canton) and but one commodity that the Chinese would accept in trade, silver. British and American merchants, anxious to address what they perceived as a trade imbalance, determined to import the one product that the Chinese did not themselves have but which an ever-increasing number of them wanted: opium. Before 1828, large quantities of the Spanish silver coin, the Carolus, flowed into China in payment for the exotic commodities that Europeans craved; in contrast, in the decade of the 1830s, despite an imperial decree outlawing the export of yellow gold and white silver, "only $7,303,841 worth of silver was imported, whereas the silver exported was estimated at $26,618, 815 in the foreign silver coin, $25,548,205 in sycee, and $3,616,996 in gold" (Kuo, p. 51). although the Chinese imperial governed had long prohibited the drug except for medicinal use, the "British Hong" (companies such as Dent, Jardine, and Matheson authorized to operate in Canton) bought cheaply produced opium in the Begal and Malwa (princely) districts under the auspices of the British East India Company :devil:, the number 150 lb. chests of the narcotic being imported rising from 9,708 in 1820 to 35,445 in 1835. With the British government's 1833 cancellation of the trade monopoly enjoyed by the East India Company, cheap opium flooded the market, and China's net outflow of silver amounted to some 34 million Mexican silver dollars over the course of the 1830s.

England and China: The Opium Wars, 1839-60

Please review this segment of history and to avoid tragedy to repeat.
Well said, buddy.

This whiner claims that he is Hispanic, but he said US has nothing to fear from India but should be fearful of China and suggests moving manufacture to India not to Mexico.

Frankly, how erratic is this "Hispanic"? :lol:

Firstly, I do suggest that the United States move production to Mexico and India and far far away from the baby food poisoning factories of the PRC. However, I try to do what is economically best for the situation. Mexico has 1/3 the population of US and can't manufacture everything. India, however, will soon eclipse the PRC in population and will be more than will to take over the jobs that are suctioned out of PRC (much like the fetuses of your children)

And you are a blatant racist yourself. Evidence? You call USA an Anglo-Saxon Empire :tdown:

Once again, you try to blame me for saying this quote when it was one of your CCP overlords who stated that. Don't you think it would be stupid of an "anglo saxon empire" to elect an african american as president? Oh wait, you don't know the difference between rationality and stupidity :cheesy:
Now that the troll has been banned, thanks to our mod, shall we go back to the original discussion?

I think that free speech should be implemented in China. When I say free speech I don't mean irresponsible yellow journalism but the rights of the people to information. Acts such as blocking foreign websites and filtering sensitive words is tantamount to self-castration in the ongoing "ideological war" between the East and the West. Most Chinese people could tell whether some one truly cares about China or are just manipulating them as a part of a greater scheme.
Now that the troll has been banned, thanks to our mod, shall we go back to the original discussion?

I think that free speech should be implemented in China. When I say free speech I don't mean irresponsible yellow journalism but the rights of the people to information. Acts such as blocking foreign websites and filtering sensitive words is tantamount to self-castration in the ongoing "ideological war" between the East and the West. Most Chinese people could tell whether some one truly cares about China or are just manipulating them as a part of a greater scheme.

I agree. :tup:

I think the CCP is using Hong Kong as a testing ground, in order to see how an "urban population" of Chinese people are ultimately affected by the free media.

The answer, I think, is that the Chinese people are certainly responsible enough to handle it. The only real issue is the practical implementation, and how long it would take.
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