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The Economist - Discrepancy in Dhaka

To Bangladeshi members: it is typical indian tactics to use falme bait to derail the thread and close it. Please dont even respond to indind just ignore them. Indians are desperate as Awami thugs are for closing this thread.
Acts of violence like this are sporadic and can happen in the best of societies for greed or power.

But the real Bangladeshi's are also those who voted for Awami League. The People of Bangladesh demand that the Razakars be brought to trial for committing attrocities on the People of Bangladesh. They are traitors to Bangladesh and deserve to be hanged.

How long will the traitor Jammat be able to protect them. Its juts a matter of time. Jamaat will take Bangladesh in Pakistan's direction - terrorism. Bangladesh will soon be cleansed of them inshallah.
In BD's scenario, RAWAMY's violence isn't sporadic but norm. Don't poke UR nose on things that you properly aren't aware off, OK? And some, who voted AWAMYs, weren't real but misinformed, brain-washed, inherited AWAMY Leaguers. Since those weren't enough to come to power and RAWAMYS came with the foreign, army-backed unprecedented rigging; It didn't actually pursue what public wanted but what it foreign master, i.e. Indian wanted. There were thousand more important issues of public than the farcical ‘Trial of war so-called criminal' but RAWAMYS miss-prioritized it and as a result they brought the country close to destruction.

Finally, AWAMY Guru, SK Mujib white washed the 'Trial of War Criminal Issue' by signing tripartite Shimla act with Bhutto and Indira in 1973 and letting 195 W Pakistani army accused go from Indian jail. So, it was a settled issue but just to fish in their troubled water AKA hypnotize their voters further, RAWAMY bastards let the drama offing. BD's inhabitant couldn't give rat's azz on 40 yrs. old dry shyte, understand?
In BD's scenario, RAWAMY's violence isn't sporadic but norm. Don't poke UR nose on things that you properly aren't aware off, OK? And some, who voted AWAMYs, weren't real but misinformed, brain-washed, inherited AWAMY Leaguers. Since those weren't enough to come to power and RAWAMYS came with the foreign, army-backed unprecedented rigging; It didn't actually pursue what public wanted but what it foreign master, i.e. Indian wanted. There were thousand more important issues of public than the farcical ‘Trial of war so-called criminal' but RAWAMYS miss-prioritized it and as a result they brought the country close to destruction.

Finally, AWAMY Guru, SK Mujib white washed the 'Trial of War Criminal Issue' by signing tripartite Shimla act with Bhutto and Indira in 1973 and letting 195 W Pakistani army accused go from Indian jail. So, it was a settled issue but just to fish in their troubled water AKA hypnotize their voters further, RAWAMY bastards let the drama offing. BD's inhabitant couldn't give rat's azz on 40 yrs. old dry shyte, understand?

No. BD's inhabitant do care. After all the Razakar's looted, raped, maimed, killed Bengalis in their desire to please their Pakistani masters.

Inshallah they will be brought to justice. They will not be able to escape Bangladeshi people again.

Any BD citizen with self respect will want these traitors hanged. They are traitors to their own nation and their own religion. Awamy League is a billion times better than the Pakistani funded & backed Jammati's and Razakars in power.
No. BD's inhabitant do care. After all the Razakar's looted, raped, maimed, killed Bengalis in their desire to please their Pakistani masters.

Inshallah they will be brought to justice. They will not be able to escape Bangladeshi people again.

Any BD citizen with self respect will want these traitors hanged. They are traitors to their own nation and their own religion. Awamy League is a billion times better than the Pakistani funded & backed Jammati's and Razakars in power.
As the saying goes, 'Mayer Kase Eshe Mamar Barir Kischa Bole Luv Nei'; I would again advise you to oil your machine. And we haven't invited you here for BD's related consultancy.

I'VE traveled 2/3 of BD, walked hundreds of miles through paddy/mustered/wheat fields, mingled people from different parts and kept myself daily informed to tell you back off. We don't need your interference. Awamy bastards have brought unprecedented misery that can't be described by words. So, BDians are better off by not providing anymore political capital for them.
As the saying goes, 'Mayer Kase Eshe Mamar Barir Kischa Bole Luv Nei'; I would again advise you to oil your machine. And we haven't invited you here for BD's related consultancy.

I'VE traveled 2/3 of BD, walked hundreds of miles through paddy/mustered/wheat fields, mingled people from different parts and kept myself daily informed to tell you back off. We don't need your interference. Awamy bastards have brought unprecedented misery that can't be described by words. So, BDians are better off by not providing anymore political capital for them.

You are on an international forum where people have an opinion. You might have walked all through Cambodia for all the difference it makes.

And Awamy is better anyday as they understand economics and that terrorism is bad, something that Tariq- son of someone very important in Bangladesh- did not when he started acting like a petty arms smuggler against his neighbours.

Awamy is better anyday than the Jammatis who in their Pakistan backed religious bigotry would destroy Bangladesh through terrorism. There is a reason why they dont get elected to national power on their own and have to partner with BNP.

The Jammatis would not hesitate to sell the People of Bangladesh to gain Pakistan's favour.
No. BD's inhabitant do care. After all the Razakar's looted, raped, maimed, killed Bengalis in their desire to please their Pakistani masters.

Indians talking about looting and killing that happened 40 years ago during Bangladesh, NOT indian, independence war. All the while india killing Bangladeshis and looting from Bangladesh every day. What kind of shameless and disgusting traits are these. Indians CAN NOT hide their killing and looting in Bangladesh behind 40 years old war time incidents.

Rest of your rant, you don't know jack about Bangladesh or its politics, just parroting typical hindutva extremist propaganda
Indians talking about looting and killing that happened 40 years ago during Bangladesh, NOT indian, independence war. All the while india killing Bangladeshis and looting from Bangladesh every day. What kind of shameless and disgusting traits are these. Indians CAN NOT hide their killing and looting in Bangladesh behind 40 years old war time incidents.

Rest of your rant, you don't know jack about Bangladesh or its politics, just parroting typical hindutva extremist propaganda
India was an integral part and parcel of the Bangladesh war of independence. This is not about Indians.

This is about the Razakars being brought to trial for their crimes against the People of Bangladesh where they killed, maimed and raped Bengalis to please Pakistan. These people are traitors to their own country and they need to be brought to justice and inshallah they will be.

Your wahhabi terrorist sympathizing ways cannot save the criminal razakars nor your attempt to divert the topic.
India was an integral part and parcel of the Bangladesh war of independence. This is not about Indians.

This is about the Razakars being brought to trial for their crimes against the People of Bangladesh where they killed, maimed and raped Bengalis to please Pakistan. These people are traitors to their own country and they need to be brought to justice and inshallah they will be.

india killing Bangladeshis and looting from Bangladesh every day. Typical indian fraud and liars.Indians CAN NOT hide their killing and looting in Bangladesh behind 40 years old war time incidents. Those people may have been many things but indians are killiers and looters in Bangladesh today. Awami crime and manufactured judgment has exposed not only themselves but also indian hindutva scented harping here. Too bad now indians has lost another vocal cord to scream for Awami league criminals.
Kader Siddiqui is one of the most famous freedom fighter from 1971. He received gallantry award for his valiant fight in greater Mymansing and Tangail area. While recalling his experience of war he exposed how Awami League made fabricated story about rape during 1971. Kader Siddiqui asked people to be careful about these awami League liars and contractors who are writing false story.

আন্তর্জাতিক যুদ্ধাপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালের কর্মকাণ্ড সম্পর্কে সামান্য কয়েকটি প্রশ্ন ছাড়া তেমন কি ছিল? বিদেশি টাকায় পরিচালিত ফ্যাক্টস ফাইন্ডিং কমিটির ডা. এমএ হাসান ট্রাইব্যুনালে সাক্ষী সরবরাহের ঠিকা পেয়েছেন কিনা? হ্যাঁ, কথাটায় কিছুটা তাচ্ছিল্য তো ছিলই। তাচ্ছিল্য করেই শব্দটি ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। কারণ ট্রাইব্যুনালে তার তত্পরতা নিয়ে বহু লোকের নানা অভিযোগ আছে। ‘ছাল নাই কুত্তার বাঘা নাম’ পচা কাঞ্জির মধু নামের মতো না লিখে উপায় কি? তিনি তার গবেষণায় গর্ব করে বলেছেন, ’৭১-এর ধর্ষিতা নারীর ’৮৮ সালে চিকিত্সা করে নিরাময় করেছেন—কী অবাক কাণ্ড! ১৬-১৭ বছর পর একজন ধর্ষিতার ধর্ষণের চিকিত্সার প্রশ্ন আসে? বাহাদুরি করতে কিছু মানুষ কতই না কারসাজি করে! তেমন হলে তো তার গিনেস বুকে নাম ওঠার কথা। কিন্তু কই ডা. এমএ হাসানের নাম তো গিনেস বুকে দেখা যাচ্ছে না। নিশ্চয় ’৮৮ সালে কারও চিকিত্সা করতেই পারেন, কিন্তু সেটা ’৭১ সালের ধর্ষণের চিকিত্সা হতে পারে না। কথাটা খুব গর্ব করে অনেক লোকজনের সামনে একদিন আমাকেও বলেছিলেন। তার গবেষণায় দেখা যায়, ‘ভুয়াপুরের ছাব্বিশায় পাকিস্তানিরা পাটক্ষেতে নারী ধর্ষণ করেছে।’ প্রশ্ন করেছিলাম, খবরটা পেলেন কী করে? স্বাধীনতার এত বছর পর বিদেশি টাকায় একটা দোকান খুলে মুক্তিযুদ্ধ নিয়ে এমন তামাশা করতে তাকে কে বলেছে? ছাব্বিশায় একটা বিরাট ধ্বংসযজ্ঞ হয়। হানাদাররা মুহূর্তে বহু বাড়িঘর জ্বালিয়ে পুড়িয়ে ৩৭ জন নর-নারীকে হত্যা করে। খবর পেয়ে কদ্দুসনগর থেকে মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা ছুটে গিয়ে তাদের ওপর ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়লে পালিয়ে লঞ্চে উঠতে গিয়ে পাঁচটা লাশ, তিনটা আহত ফেলে যায়। ভদ্রলোক তো যুদ্ধ দেখেননি, শুনেছেন। উভয় পক্ষের গোলাগুলির সময় কোনো বীর পুরুষ ধর্ষণ করার ক্ষমতা রাখে না। ভদ্রলোক যদি পরীক্ষা করে দেখতে চান একবার আসুন না, আমরা গুলি চালাই তিনি কর্মটি করে পরখ করুন। এই বয়সে এসব লোকের কথার জবাব দিতে ভীষণ বিরক্তি লাগে। শুধু যুদ্ধাপরাধী কেন, মুক্তিযুদ্ধ নিয়ে এসব অতিকথকদেরও বিচার হওয়া উচিত। তা না হলে এরা মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মহিমা ধ্বংস করে দেবে। ছাব্বিশায় হানাদাররা আকস্মিক আক্রমণ করেছিল ১৭ নভেম্বর। নভেম্বর মাসে বাংলাদেশের কোথাও পাটক্ষেত থাকে না। পৃথিবীর অন্য কোথাও থাকতে পারে, কিন্তু বাংলাদেশে পাটের মৌসুম জুলাই-আগস্ট-সেপ্টেম্বর। দু’কলম লিখতে পারলেই যার যেমন ইচ্ছা ইতিহাস বানাবে, তা চলতে পারে না। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের এসব ঠিকাদারদের থেকে দেশবাসীকে সাবধান থাকতে বিনীত অনুরোধ জানাচ্ছি।

????? ?? ?????-?
india killing Bangladeshis and looting from Bangladesh every day. Typical indian fraud and liars.Indians CAN NOT hide their killing and looting in Bangladesh behind 40 years old war time incidents. Those people may have been many things but indians are killiers and looters in Bangladesh today. Awami crime and manufactured judgment has exposed not only themselves but also indian hindutva scented harping here. Too bad now indians has lost another vocal cord to scream for Awami league criminals.

Nope. Razakars have killed, looted and raped thousands of Bengalis in their desire to please their masters - Pakistani's. They can no longer hide behind pointing fingers to India like you are now.

Their judgement is coming. These malaun's will inshallah be hanged for the crimes they have committed on the innocent Bengali people. Disgusting shameless Jammati Wahhabi Razakar's - betraying their own people.
Nope. Razakars have killed, looted and raped thousands of Bengalis in their desire to please their masters - Pakistani's.

But india killing Bangladeshis and looting from Bangladesh today, every day. Indians CAN NOT hide their killing and looting in Bangladesh behind 40 years old war time incidents. Those people may have been many things but indians are killiers and looters in Bangladesh today. Awami crime and manufactured judgment has exposed not only themselves but also indian hindutva scented harping here. Too bad now indians has lost another vocal cord to scream for Awami league criminals.But repeat cycle in you still chugging along like indian colonial era ambassador car.
Nope. Razakars have killed, looted and raped thousands of Bengalis in their desire to please their masters - Pakistani's. They can no longer hide behind pointing fingers to India like you are now.

Their judgement is coming. These malaun's will inshallah be hanged for the crimes they have committed on the innocent Bengali people. Disgusting shameless Jammati Wahhabi Razakar's - betraying their own people.

And now the indian razakars are raping the future of the entire nation and of cousre, the bharati bastards are showing them the ways. BTW the bharati bastards who are raping the Kashmiris everyday talk about rapes, now that is pretty ugly!
We need to cut the deep-rooted trees planted by Bharat on BD. Those are fvcking our soil! Wipe out all the Dalals.
But india killing Bangladeshis and looting from Bangladesh today, every day. Indians CAN NOT hide their killing and looting in Bangladesh behind 40 years old war time incidents. Those people may have been many things but indians are killiers and looters in Bangladesh today. Awami crime and manufactured judgment has exposed not only themselves but also indian hindutva scented harping here. Too bad now indians has lost another vocal cord to scream for Awami league criminals.But repeat cycle in you still chugging along like indian colonial era ambassador car.
Nope. No Indian in Bangladesh is doing anything. If at all the Jammati's are still doing the looting and raping.

Why have all the Jammati's got insecure. This thread is about Razakars being hanged hopefully.
If you want to open a thread about India, feel free to do so.

This thread however is dedicated to Razakar perfidy and shamelessness and raping and killing Bengalis for which they will be hanged inshallah.

Eorl ⚔;3685890 said:
We need to cut the deep-rooted trees planted by Bharat on BD. Those are fvcking our soil! Wipe out all the Dalals.

You first need to cut the deep rooted trees of malauns called Jammati's in BD. They are destroying Bangladesh just like how they tried to destroy Bangladesh in the Liberation war.
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