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The debris of Kamra Attack dumped on three Junior Officers

Three were hit, one total... two left in bad shape. Possibly only one capable of being airworthy again.
What are the plans to repair the damaged ones?
What are the plans to repair the damaged ones?
Plans depend on cash and financing. It might be repaired if this news points to Pakistan

that leaves Pakistan with a fleet of just 1 plane, until it gets those 2 fixed. That could explain this $170 million contract, with the sudden secrecy invoked because Pakistan doesn’t want to publicly admit the extent of the loss; indeed, if Saab doesn’t announce a separate SEK 1+ billion support contract soon, the default assumption for this deal must become Pakistan. The problem for Sweden, says Sweden’s Dagens Industri in an April 10/13 article, is that the original purchase was funded by a 2006 credit arrangement of SEK 7.4 billion from the Swedish Export Credit and Export Credits Guarantee Board. Now they’ll have to add SEK 1+ billion to cover this, all to a country that isn’t viewed as a terrific credit risk


Who was the air marshall when these attacks happened?

What do you mean?
PAF has lost its balls quite long time ago........they better install some high-end sophisticated sensory-backed watch keeping systems to safeguard their bases and STOP dumping their failures on poor low-level staffers.......

Better punish some kick-backer high ranking corrupt officials..........
You mean the base commander who got shot, defending our assets?
50,000 or so dead by terrorist attacks all over pakistan and bomb makers responsible for the bombs used in these attacks walking out of military jail like nothing has happened thats pathetic.

Creating sectarian hatred in pakistan thats pathetic

creating political parties like MQM and others Thats pathetic.

Taking billions upon billions, year after year claiming to make military that can defend pakistan from all sides and laying down arms to rag tag Taliban thats pathetic.
When did the Army lay down arms? They are still dying, last time i checked it was the politicians who are in the delusion that they can talk with the beast
Living standereds and pay chqs better then Americans Generals Price less.
Living standards and pay checks aren't even close to what an average beaurocrat or politician gets
Zardari era was indeed action packed.
The caught PAF Personnel should be held strictly responsible for the damage done to Pakistan.
What do you mean?


What I am asking is that was Rao Qamar the ACM in both these incidences. If he was---then he is partly to be blamed---because he did not convey his authority to the base commanders.

What I am asking is that was Rao Qamar the ACM in both these incidences. If he was---then he is partly to be blamed---because he did not convey his authority to the base commanders.

ACM Tahir Butt was CAS when kamra incident happened.

The ACM does get blamed. But in the end, it is the base commander who is directly and immediately responsible for the safety of his base.
IMO, even the retired ACM should be questioned.

Why the hell no security was in place, in regard to adjoining population!
Three were hit, one total... two left in bad shape. Possibly only one capable of being airworthy again.

That is the reason why we have been seeing only one in the air off and on.
But you know; this was really one of the "worst kept secrets" for some time already. Within days (not weeks); three interested parties knew of the casualties; and the PAF was just one of them.

But on that fateful night; there was one of us strenously insisting that only the grassy verge at Kamra had gone up in flames!
some 'windy tale'; that was.
That is the reason why we have been seeing only one in the air off and on.
But you know; this was really one of the "worst kept secrets" for some time already. Within days (not weeks); three interested parties knew of the casualties; and the PAF was just one of them.

But on that fateful night; there was one of us strenously insisting that only the grassy verge at Kamra had gone up in flames!
some 'windy tale'; that was.

Well, the problem also had to do with mixed assessments across the AF itself. The squadron knew what it had lost, the Engineering wanted to asses the damage and then give a final report.. and the KAMRA geeks were hoping they could get them ready to fly again with a little paint and grease. This has to do with the fact(which you are aware of) that not everything looks all good from the surface. An aircraft with a hole in the fuselage might seem flyable to some.. case in point is of a Sud est Caravelle which was bombed(sadly that picture is only in my copy of "The Chronicle of Flight" and I am surprised there is no mention of the incident on the internet anywhere)..and continued to fly and landed safely. However, the aircraft was a write-off. Similarly one aircraft had similar holes in the right places to put it out completely while the other two had smaller holes. If news reports are to be connected to it it seems that SAAB is confident that one or two can be put together again but not cheap($170 million).
There should be no surprise at the lack of repercussions against the base commander. For a sensitive military base to be successfully attacked in a state of limited war (at least), even to the uninformed layman, shows a deeply flawed military complex. If the Pakistani armed forces were the type of organization that actually put its claims of professionalism to practical use, a base commander who fails so miserably would not have ever been promoted to a position he is so utterly unprepared for.

In the same way we have junior officers passing information to dangerous foes, the flaws with our base commanders and the top-most hierarchy of the military are grass roots issues. We have a military composed of soldiers who are unsure where their loyalties should lie, led by generals unsure about who the enemy is and a military machine that can only survive as a cash cow if the requisite yes-men are put in positions of importance and power. A competent base commander could have saved the billion dollar assets, but could he have been relied on to save the seat of his superior in the realm of Pakistani politics and military hierarchy? That is the real consideration of Pakistani generals and the like.

The Pakistani war machine has foremost been a political machine. In that, it succeeds repeatedly; a well funded (relatively of course) behemoth that strives only to continue it's existence in the status quo and allow it's leaders to live in the lap of luxury. We are unlikely to see competence in our high level ranks, since that is not what those men are promoted for.
There should have been two seperate inquiries from the very first day - One to investigate and interrogate those who had pass on the on-ground Human intel to the enemies of the state and the people. Those who were the sympathizers of the killers of 50,000 pakistanis, be it a junior or a senior officer, everyone should have been investigated.

The second inquiry should of been of the Professional Conduct, for those who failed to secure the base and save the assets.
First one should have been Base commander, whether he had performed his duty professionally or not, because so as I have been informed, he was the first one to ran away, as he was shot in the arm.....the second in command - the platoon commander (a major??) should be charged for failure to perform his duty
All 4 destroyed?
Hilarious Martial court!!!! PAF implicating three persons who didn't even know how to fight terrorists let alone move aircraft!

And it is already clarified yesterday this court martial is related to negligence of duty not for leaking info to terrorists. I don't know why PAF is making a mockery of itself by holding such banana trails
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