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The deal to manufacture submarines on Egyptian soil is a giant step towards Greater Egypt, is in its final stages

Turkey sends terrorists and criminals to plunder Libya's wealth

real terrorists are HAFTAR , WAGNER , The Uae , France and mercenaries from Sudan,Niger,Chad who all together attacked the UN recognized legal Libyan government to plunder Libya's wealth

puppet HAFTAR and The Uae were allies with France and Russia to turn muslim Libya into christian colony

but muslim Turkey kicked all of them and saved Libya from terrorists and invaders

All Turkey’s crimes against humanity, and the Kurds say it has something to do with Islam.

Muslims Kurds are with Turkey
We killed only atheist/communist PKK terrorists who killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians including babies and women in Turkey since 1985

you are a liar .... nothing else
Egypt has a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles larger than Turkey, already doubling
CH-4 / CH-5 / WING LOONG 1/1-D / 2
Simply the capabilities are higher

only in your dreams with low quality Chinese UCAVs

Turkey is drone super power in the world and produce its own superior UCAVs

-- ANKA-S and TB-2 UCAVs can destroy all enemy Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,mobile SAMs
-- AKSUNGUR UCAV can destroy all enemy Submarines
-- AKINCI UCAV can destroy all enemy Tanks , Attack Helicopters , UCAVs , medium and long range SAMs , also Warships

also by 2023 , jet engine powered MIUS UCAV to carry AESA Radar + SOM / MRASHM Cruise Missiles for SEAD/DEAD role or BOZDOGAN-GOKDOGAN Air to Air Missiles for intercaptor role

Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with SAMs with range of 30-50 km

even 10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 80 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on Frigates

80 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions = $8 million
FREMM Frigate : $500 million

good luck to Greek and Egyptian Frigates ... They will need it

The missiles, the surface and the atmosphere of the surface of Egypt, has more than 300 Harpoon missiles, 150 Exocet missiles, 200 KH-35UE missiles, 200 KH-31 missiles and more than 150 OTOMAT missiles, and the C-705KD missile was manufactured and in the eighties it was manufactured HY-2 / HY-4 beside what Egypt bought it from Russia from P-800 and KH-41 missiles, meaning Egypt has twice what Turkey has

what a funny

kid never forget that , Turkey is a giant Missile producer in the world who can produce even thousands of them in a possible conflict

SOM-C networked anti ship missile
MRASHM anti ship missile
ATMACA anti ship missile
also 110 km KUZGUN joint strike munition with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships
also 150+ km KGK-LR glide Bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships
also RAMJET powered supersonic anti ship missile and anti ship Ballistic missile and AKBABA anti radiation missile are under development

even Turkey can produce hundreds of 1.000+ km KARGI anti radiation Drones for swarm attack on enemy Frigates/Corvettes

even I am not talking about 450+ HARPOON and SLAM-ER anti ship missiles

btw Turkish Navy has more SAMs than Egyptian+Greek Navies combined
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Egypt has a larger fighter fleet than Turkey, so Turkey is the one who is terrified of Egypt
Egypt has a larger and more effective air force than Turkey. It does not live in illusions. Turkey does not have the F-4 fighters that Egypt has taken out of service since 2009, the Turkish F-16
Turkey owns a cruise missile Egypt has several models in quantity and quality

do you think Turkey has no money to buy Fighter Jets ?

Turkey has bigger GDP PPP than Egypt+Greece+İsrael combined

even Turkey spent over $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim Countries between 2011 and 2020
Turkey would buy Egyptian+Greek+İsraeli Airforces combined for even $50 billion

but Turkey wants to become real global military power , therefore Turkey will spend over $50 billion for developing and producing the MMU 5th gen Fighter Jet and Turbofan Engine

btw even without Fighter Jets , Turkey can hit every military and strategic target in the region
thanks to Turkish missile projects

-- 1.000+ km BORA Ballistic Missile
-- 1.000+ km GEZGIN land and naval based Cruise Missile

even Turkish AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs to carry 500+ km SOM-ER Cruise Missile with indinegous KTJ-3200 turbojet engine

Greece now wants to increase the Rafale fleet to 24 instead of 18
Greece is developing 84 AESA radar F-16 aircraft
Greece is negotiating the purchase of 24 F-35s
Consequently, Greece is superior to the Turkish Air Force for 10 years because America itself will never give Turkey the F-35 that it expelled from the F-35 program for good.

even hundreds of Turkish BORA , SOM , ATMACA , KGK-LR , KARGI will be enough to destroy all Jet hangars and Fighter Jets in Greece and Greek Islands in a day

Greece is nothing

In other words, simply Egypt has surrounded you and created a series of countries hostile to you, while you are chasing after Egypt to gain Egypt's approval. For any Turkish war or Turkish threat to Egypt, Egypt is able to cut off Turkey’s hand in the Mediterranean and in Libya whenever it wants.

I am saying again
if Egypt attack Turkish interests in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean , then there will be very serious devastating effect for Egypt

even TURKEY shows only 50% of its own military technology
if needed , Turkey can match with Egypt+Greece combined ....... but there is no reason to fight with Egypt .. ( Turkey respect Egyptian EEZ )

our enemies are France and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean

Egypt and Turkey can work together in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
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but nobody can stop Turkey to protect its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean
big, big LOL.
We are not speaking of their real rights, but of a unilateral decision of Erdogan.

Turkey is a mouse thinking it is a bear.
Turkey's problem is with Greece and France
It is Greece and France problem that is Turkey. And only the islamism Turkey of Erdogan.
now France wants to use SISI for same tactic against Turkey
not needed. Erdogan made himself enough bull shit to have the same result.
our enemies are France and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean
Why? Because we never agree the diktat of an islamist Turkish president ? (Your message is reported).
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Why? Because we never agree the diktat of an islamism Turkish president ? (Your message is reported).

as like 100 years ago ?

The UK , France , Greece all together attacked Turkey in 1919-1922 .. why ?

Our great leader ATATURK was not an islamism Turkish president who kicked The UK , France , Greece combined in the Turkish War of Independence

today same senario , our enemies France and Greece are again in bandit role

by international law , France and Greece have no any right in the Eastern Mediterranean
but they want to use military power to steal oil/gas reserves and MAVI VATAN ( blue homeland ) from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

but Turkey is not Algeria or Libya or Mali to match for France

and our another great leader ERDOGAN protect Turkish national interests and Turkish People from enemies
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big, big LOL.
We are not speaking of their real rights, but of a unilateral decision of Erdogan.

Turkey is a mouse thinking it is a bear.

then why micky mouses France and Greece ran away , when they have seen Turkish Frigates a few days ago ?

micky mouse France lost in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean against TURKIYE

France wants to use Egypt to fight Turkey as like 1830s and France wants to use Greece to fight Turkey as like 1919-1922

I am saying again
by international law , France and Greece have no any rights in the Eastern Mediterranean

nobody can steal our rights in the Eastern Mediterranean ... including micky mouse France
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The UK , France , Greece all together attacked Turkey in 1919-1922 .. why ?
Stop using history to justify actual acts.
You wasn't born in 1922, as I wasn't.
Nowadays if I meet a german people I don't throw to its face his fathers or grand fathers were probably nazi.


Another source for the same kind of information :
only in your dreams with low quality Chinese UCAVs

Turkey is drone super power in the world and produce its own superior UCAVs

-- ANKA-S and TB-2 UCAVs can destroy all enemy Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,mobile SAMs
-- AKSUNGUR UCAV can destroy all enemy Submarines
-- AKINCI UCAV can destroy all enemy Tanks , Attack Helicopters , UCAVs , medium and long range SAMs , also Warships

also by 2023 , jet engine powered MIUS UCAV to carry AESA Radar + SOM / MRASHM Cruise Missiles for SEAD/DEAD role or BOZDOGAN-GOKDOGAN Air to Air Missiles for intercaptor role
View attachment 737168

Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with SAMs with range of 30-50 km

even 10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 80 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on Frigates

80 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions = $8 million
FREMM Frigate : $500 million

good luck to Greek and Egyptian Frigates ... They will need it

what a funny

kid never forget that , Turkey is a giant Missile producer in the world who can produce even thousands of them in a possible conflict

SOM-C networked anti ship missile
MRASHM anti ship missile
ATMACA anti ship missile
also 110 km KUZGUN joint strike munition with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships
also 150+ km KGK-LR glide Bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships
also RAMJET powered supersonic anti ship missile and anti ship Ballistic missile and AKBABA anti radiation missile are under development

even Turkey can produce hundreds of 1.000+ km KARGI anti radiation Drones for swarm attack on enemy Frigates/Corvettes

even I am not talking about 450+ HARPOON and SLAM-ER anti ship missiles

btw Turkish Navy has more SAMs than Egyptian+Greek Navies combined

There is an improvement in your understanding somewhat

But you still repeat lies or do not know what you speak in general. It is our duty to inform you and correct mistakes for you as long as you begin to admit that Turkey is a country whose history is criminal against Muslims and its criminal actions against Iraq and Syria, and this in itself is a good thing.

In Libya, an elected assembly of representatives has the legitimacy of the one who took over Haftar as the commander of the Libyan army, and inevitably he fought the Turks, he is not a militia leader, but he has the best Shia government that was installed by NATO to plunder Libya's wealth, so he is patriotic and did not come with the desire of Italy and America like the traitorous Sarraj who robbed the Central Bank The Libyan government has placed an effort in Turkey to save the Turkish economy from falling

But you are the followers of the Muslim Brotherhood that the Libyan people expelled from power after they failed in the second elections, so your policy is to distort the other for the return of Brotherhood gangs to rule in the Kurds. You are the ones who rely on criminal militias and ISIS, and is Tripoli not a prisoner of gangs, militias and ISIS, of course you are still captive, which also makes stability in Libya before expelling you You and your militia

You depend on criminals and theft of the people, plundering their wealth just as you stole the gold of the Central Bank of Libya and the reserves of Libya at the hands of your work called Faiz Al-Sarraj, and you forget an important matter. There is a personal revolt among the Libyan people who were killed by your criminal militia in Libya, so Turkey has no real future as a result of personal revolt between People and Turkey, we depend on your stupidity

Of course, we are happy to see the collapse of the Turkish lira and the besieged Turkish economy, because it will save Syria, Iraq and Libya from your gangs and crimes.


Sarraj, to stay in power, pays Erdogan $12 billion

The price of the Turkish intervention that the Sarraj government takes from the Libyans to deposit in Ankara

Daniel Abascal

Sarraj, to stay in power, pays Erdogan $12 billion


Various reports published on Sunday reveal that 12 billion dollars have been paid by Fayez Sarraj's government to the Turkish government to achieve its military support with the deployment of troops and mercenaries against the Libyan National Army, led by Marshal Jalifa Haftar.
It is confirmed with the revealed data that the total dependence of Turkey by Sarraj's government and the allied militias that have chosen to accept the Turkish conditions to send them the military support they needed to stay in power in Tripoli is increasing.
According to the Libya Review, Sarraj's government deposited $4 billion in the Central Bank of Turkey, along with another $8 billion to pay for the cost of Turkey's military intervention, with various Turkish units and weapons systems, mercenaries and Syrian terrorists.
It was agreed to deposit these amounts during the visit of a Turkish delegation led by Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu on Wednesday 17 June to Tripoli, where he met with Sarraj and his aides.
In particular, the two sides discussed ways of implementing the military and security agreement that Turkey signed with the Sarraj government in November, and Ankara saw it as the gateway to direct military intervention in Libya.
The agreement is linked to another agreement on exploration rights in the eastern Mediterranean
, signed by both parties, which gave Turkey the advantage in controlling energy sources in Libya.
Sarraj, to stay in power, pays Erdogan $12 billion

Wednesday's meeting also discussed how Turkish companies can return to Libya, as well as cooperation and integration between the two countries in the fields of oil, banking and infrastructure.
The composition of the Turkish delegation indicated the objective of the visit. In addition to Çavusoglu, the delegation included, in particular, Finance Minister Berat al-Bairaq and Chief of Intelligence Haqan Fidan and several officials of the Turkish Presidency and Government.
According to various sources on the ground, Turkey has deployed in Libya more than 70 drones at a cost of $5 million per aircraft, and hundreds of armoured vehicles, in addition to thousands of Syrian mercenaries, who each charge around $1,500 per month.
Several analysts have commented that Sarraj's government is now paying Recep Tayyip Erdogan twice the price for Turkish intervention in Libya, which serves to revive the treasury in Turkey, whose public finances and economy are clearly in decline.
But these huge amounts have been deducted from the money of the Libyans who need financial resources due to the interruption of oil production, the conflict and finally the coronavirus crisis.
Sarraj, to stay in power, pays Erdogan $12 billion

On the ground, Turkey shows no interest in responding to calls for an armistice, especially the Egyptian initiative, which President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi followed by ordering the Egyptian army to be ready to intervene in Libya.
TRT, a Turkish news channel, quoted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan yesterday as saying that "our foreign exchange reserves are now over 93 billion dollars". Over the past year, Ankara and Tripoli have held several meetings on financial arrangements with the opposition of several officials from the Central Bank of Libya
do you think Turkey has no money to buy Fighter Jets ?

Turkey has bigger GDP PPP than Egypt+Greece+İsrael combined

even Turkey spent over $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim Countries between 2011 and 2020
Turkey would buy Egyptian+Greek+İsraeli Airforces combined for even $50 billion

but Turkey wants to become real global military power , therefore Turkey will spend over $50 billion for developing and producing the MMU 5th gen Fighter Jet and Turbofan Engine

btw even without Fighter Jets , Turkey can hit every military and strategic target in the region
thanks to Turkish missile projects

-- 1.000+ km BORA Ballistic Missile
-- 1.000+ km GEZGIN land and naval based Cruise Missile

even Turkish AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs to carry 500+ km SOM-ER Cruise Missile with indinegous KTJ-3200 turbojet engine

even hundreds of Turkish BORA , SOM , ATMACA , KGK-LR , KARGI will be enough to destroy all Jet hangars and Fighter Jets in Greece and Greek Islands in a day

Greece is nothing

I am saying again
if Egypt attack Turkish interests in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean , then there will be very serious devastating effect for Egypt

even TURKEY shows only 50% of its own military technology
if needed , Turkey can match with Egypt+Greece combined ....... but there is no reason to fight with Egypt .. ( Turkey respect Egyptian EEZ )

our enemies are France and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean

Egypt and Turkey can work together in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean


We come to another important point. You always talk about the language of dreams, the future, and Turkey in the future, and this is unrealistic

Turkey is working on drone projects and I am talking on the ground what is now and not about dreams and the future because we also have plans in the future that are better than you, light years to make it clear. China has been negotiating with Egypt since 2018 on the export of the CH-7, which will be ready for service at the end of this year. As well as the two aircraft WING LOONG 10 and the WJ-700 aircraft, the latter two are ready for export now after the end of the experiments with them. The main customer for China is Egypt, followed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Egypt is nothing but an unannounced partner for a number of drone programs. For example, in 2011 it was announced that Egypt was producing the ASN-209 with a license. From China and in 2019 it was discovered that it is a joint project mainly produced in every country, so there are no Egyptian purchase deals from China for it. In this case, we are outperforming Turkey now in the future, but Egypt has undeclared projects for drones and programs with many countries. We did not propose starting from China, Russia, and South Korea to Poland, Ukraine and Bella Russia, the automatic and robotic systems are very diverse, but we rely on the methods of the art of war to not disclose our full capacity because at the time of war there must be. A series of surprises in the quality of armaments, their varieties of quantities, tactics of use. We do not rely on propaganda, but rather on the enemy's right to swift strikes. If war is imposed on us, then you depend on propaganda.

You do not know anything about the Egyptian missile program that has been superior to Turkey by 20 years

You are talking about the BORA, a DF-12 / M20 missile

Let's make it clear what things really are

Egypt from the beginning got FROG-7 missiles in the sixties, and Egypt produced more than 300 missiles domestically from them in the eighties

The Scud missile entered in 1972 and produced in the eighties in Egypt copies of the SCUD-C / D, HASWING 5/6/7 PROJECT T, with more than 500 missiles in the eighties

Currently, it has development programs to exploit the available numbers with programs aimed at exhausting enemy air defense systems in the first place.


Egypt participated in the CONDOR II program in the eighties and the actual production started in 1993 with 200 missiles in 1993 with a range of 750 km and a destructive head weight between 500-750 kg. It was later developed with a range exceeding 1,200 km.

And doubling the numbers and some study centers have spoken that Egypt took advantage of the second Gulf War to obtain various funding to implement this project.


In the nineties, Egypt cooperated with China to produce the DF-15 A / B / C / D missile family and Egyptian updates on the missile in Egypt. Egypt's stockpile of HG missiles until 2018 exceeds 500 missiles and ranges up to 800 km.

Egypt has been producing the NODONG missile with ranges between 1000-1500 km since 1994 and it is considered the only liquid fuel missile that was produced years ago at an annual production rate of between 24-50 missiles, and Egypt has a maximum missile program that exceeds 2500 km because it is the limit of Egypt's interests.

The Egyptian missile program is intended to protect Egypt and the Gulf from Iran and Israel


As for the tactical missiles

Egypt has been cooperating with China in developing the M20 missile, which has been produced locally as part of a huge program since 2015 that includes the production of the WS-2D missile family, with a first contract of 70 launchers. The total requirements are believed to exceed 150 launchers, which replace LUNA / FROG-7 missiles.

The stocks of Egyptian ballistic missiles exceed 2000 missiles, so you are talking about a miserable BORA missile and you think that you have something. The Egyptian production rate of missiles is twice the rate of Turkey’s production as well because Egypt has a greater number of production lines.

As for artillery missiles, Egypt produces MRLS missiles, or is loaded on a truck instead of the M993 tracked vehicle.

Egypt produces 400/300 ml bullets, either WS-2 or A-200/300

The Egyptian programs are distinguished from the Chinese, although Egypt has obtained derivative technologies, including improving the level of missiles in the areas of accuracy and destructive power over Chinese production

Egypt has more than 1500 tactical artillery rocket launchers

Egypt produces the 122 Falcon missile with ranges up to 120 km, while Turkey does not exceed 52 km, and Egypt has produced the guided versions since the beginning of the 2002 five-year plan in cooperation with Poland and developed the range for the guided versions several times, and the Egyptian family SAQR is the best in the world in the caliber of 122 mm and since more than 10 years Egypt has a copy whose destroyer head is separated in the middle of the path to increase the accuracy of the missile for unguided copies, saving 30% Of the missiles used in one strike
For any Turkish nonsense or missile program, which is still in its infancy stage, for the Egyptian program, Egypt on the ground produces missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers, with a maximum range, because it considers that its requirements do not go beyond this range.

Since 2012, Egypt imposed arms restrictions on it from the West, the Egyptian response at the time was to develop programs for Egyptian ballistic missiles, especially after America banned the delivery of F-16 and Apache planes. Egypt had a program of more than $ 2.5 billion to develop programs for the production of ballistic missiles.

These programs are still until now

Simply Egypt is superior to Turkey in artillery and missiles with much higher capabilities

The Egyptian missile programs are always the most ambiguous in the world simply because their announcement makes them a tool for Israeli pressure on America to obtain more weapons from America. Egypt announced it frankly for years that Egypt possesses capabilities that exceed Iran in the field of ballistic missiles, but it does not bother to announce it.

The Egyptian production lines have been transferred from AOI factories to the arms and ammunition factories of the Egyptian army and air force. Therefore, there is no information except what we rely on from the centers of strategic studies and US intelligence reports.

Egypt does not depend on western or eastern military ideology, but on our own that integrates eastern and western military schools

The most important point is Egypt is a country that relies on an integrated army, so it will find it with it

Air forces and air defense forces

And various ballistic missile systems

The Americans say that Egypt possesses a diverse missile forest, whether it is land on the ground, the surface of the sea, or the air on the surface


A simple example of the comparison between Egypt and Turkey and the reality of the actual capabilities of each party

The branch of a separate global superior air defense system

And you talk stupidly that Turkey has more anti-aircraft missiles on ships than Egypt. I excuse you that you are ignorant of the information, so your analyzes are always wrong.

First, there are huge differences between Egypt and Turkey

I give you examples that illustrate who has the most effective weapons

Turkey complications on 4 S-400 batteries, Russia has prevented the missiles, whose length exceeds 250 km from Turkey, and until this moment, the missiles have not entered service.

While Egypt contracted 4 S-400VM / V4 batteries in 2014 with a first batch and received them in 2016

The Egyptian batteries entered service in 2017, working effectively, and Egypt requested additional payments from Russia and also requested modifications to the Russian system, including the development of the S-300VMD with a missile range exceeding 350 km, and the Russians developed the ANTAY-4000 version mainly in favor of Egypt to be a tracked version carrying 9M82MDE missiles, 9M83MDE systems. The Russian Federation developed domestically as well as through international cooperation with countries such as China

Egypt also contracted 5 HQ-18 batteries

To replace SAM-2 batteries

Whereas Turkey has contracted 4 S-400 batteries that they have not been operating until now, and they have not yet entered actual service, but rather a field of non-operation negotiation.

Egypt has acquired the Russian Tora systems as well as the Chinese HQ-17

While on the western side, the IRIS-T SLM, Egypt received new batteries

And 24 batteries of Sky Guard Amon missiles have been upgraded to the IRIS-T SLM standard

You do not know anything about the air defense systems of the Egyptian ships


Egypt has 40 ships Quadruple launcher of Sky Guard missiles on Egyptian ships

Egypt has acquired more than 300 American Standart missiles to equip Egyptian ships

Egypt has 75 Aster 15 missiles

Egypt has 100 MICA missiles

Egypt contracted for 130 MICA-NG missiles

MBDA wants to establish production lines for MICA-NG and ASTER-30 missiles in Egypt to supply Egyptian crews with them

Egypt has 3 frame squads and is negotiating 3 others

Egyptian LHD ships are contracted to supply them with CAMM-ER, and Egypt is awaiting delivery

Egypt is negotiating a salt production for 1 new GOWING 2500 Corvette and 20 light corvettes for a missile launch. OPV ship will produce at least 600 MICA missiles for these ships, so the MICA-NG missiles will be produced locally.

Turkey is still in the experiments of short-range missiles while we are producing a sea monster in the eastern Mediterranean

From the facts on the ground, Turkey was obtaining technical services and spare parts for Turkish Hawk batteries from Egypt

In a few days, Egypt will open a new naval base and also a new shipyard for the manufacture of submarines and corvettes GOWIND-2500

To double the wealth of the Egyptian navy, which is superior to Turkey, which is heading for economic collapse

Turkey relies on old systems and the development of programs for producing missiles, Turkey is not superior to European production, but rather is trying to follow them, so you do not know what you are talking about.


Concerning the fighter, the Turkish Air Force is already suffering from a disarray, so you depend on drones, so the separation of 300 pilots has led to your reliance on the Pakistani pilots to protect Turkish airspace and also the operation of some of the Turkish fleet of 16 thousand for the lack of aircraft

Turkey has been expelled from the F-35 program, and America is refusing to sell the fighters

France refuses to sell the Rafale to you, and Greece refuses to even sell you a typhoon and puts pressure Germany and England

You are a country that is under sanctions and its air force is Western. Therefore, any Turkish attempt to buy SU-35 or SU-57 means more sanctions on Turkey, and Turkey suffers from another catastrophe not only because of the lack of air, which makes Turkey unable to operate a third of the 16,000 fleet and Turkey's dependence on the plane. The antique and historical F-4 which are housed the historical museums

The Western School in the Turkish Air Force makes the introduction of any eastern fighter requires at least 5 years from the start of the contract, 2 years for delivery and 3 years for training and absorption of the capabilities of the fighters, so Turkey does not find fighters

Therefore, Greece rapidly developed its air force to suppress the Turkish air force, impose control over the Aegean Sea and protect its wealth of natural gas that Turkey wants to steal.

The Turkish economy cannot buy fighters except with loans, and the Russians, as a result of your alliance fighting, will not allow Turkey to sell fighter jets or a new batch of 400 base, because you are here in a state of disaster and this is beneficial, as Turkey has ambitions to steal the wealth of Libya, Syria, Iraq, Greece and Cyprus.

Turkey is forbidden to supply the EJT-2000, so Turkey is looking to buy the RD-33/93 engine from Russia and the Russians, as a result of Turkey's position on Orkina, they will not allow you to supply engines or fighters.

America announced that it had completely expelled Turkey from the F-35 fighter project

The Orion will not provide you with any technology in the TFX fighter project, nor will they provide you with engines. You are now under sanctions, and no one will supply you with any visible weapons, so you live in the illusion that unmanned aircraft will replace fighters and that they will be able to destroy ships, air and naval surfaces and fleets. You are very naive with this thinking.

let us sea facts on Turkish air force
Hundreds of Turkish Air Force personnel investigated for ‘being young’


Classified documents obtained by Nordic Monitor have revealed that the Turkish Air Force Intelligence Directorate filed criminal complaints against its own personnel without any concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

On May 24, 2019 then-Brig. Gen. Ali Serin, the head of the directorate at the time, conveyed profiling files of 681 military personnel to the İstanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office claiming that the people profiled were suspected to have ties to the Gülen movement, which the Turkish government accuses of being behind a coup attempt in 2016.

The documents suggest that the criminal suspicion for people profiled was literally being young, having a relative who used the ByLock messaging app, or being mentioned in previous assertions by others. Noncommissioned officers who were commissioned through written and physical exams were also blacklisted in addition to officers under contract.

Classified letter signed by Brig. Gen. Serin to the public prosecutor’s office

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Nordic Monitor has confirmed that a large number of Turkish Air Force personnel were fired and, moreover, detained or arrested based on these profiling files even if some of the suspects’ names did not appear in the files.

Maj. Gen. Serin, who was promoted to head of the Turkish Air Force Intelligence Directorate following the abortive coup, was rewarded with running the General Staff Intelligence Directorate in August 2019 in return for his efforts in the purge.

Maj. Gen. Ali Serin (L) with Turkish President Erdoğan during an official ceremony in 2019.
Since 2016 Turkish police had been investigating whether suspects used a mobile phone messaging application called ByLock, which is similar to WhatsApp and Signal. Turkish authorities believe ByLock is a communication tool among alleged followers of the Gülen movement despite the fact that it was available to anyone on Google Play. Tens of thousands of people, including civil servants, police officers, soldiers, businessmen and even housewives have either been dismissed from their jobs or arrested for allegedly using ByLock since July 15, 2016. Aydın Sefa Akay, a judge for the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) who had been behind bars for almost a year in 2017 because ByLock was found to have been installed in his phone, said he downloaded the program upon the suggestion of the foreign minister of Burkina Faso.

NATO’s southern flank was dealt a huge blow by the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that has seriously degraded Turkey’s air force with a massive purge of hundreds of pilots and thousands of ground personnel from the service on fabricated charges of terrorism and coup plotting.

The Turkish Air Force was already in distress before 2016 thanks to a bill in 2012 that facilitated the departure of pilots who chose well-paying jobs in the private aviation industry. The Turkish General Staff had to put pressure on Erdoğan to reverse the bill and eventually succeeded in getting an amendment in 2014 to slow the bleeding of the force.

But the damage had been done in the meantime, with 251 pilots asking for retirement or resigning under the 2012 law, which shortened compulsory service to 13 years. The unexpected purge of hundreds of pilots in the summer of 2016 made it worse for the air force, grounding many warplanes without pilots to fly them. The Turkish Air Force — which concluded in a study months before the coup bid that the loss of pilots was a national security risk for Turkey — was crippled beyond belief with the unprecedented purge of pilots by the Erdoğan government with no effective administrative, military or judicial investigation into any wrongdoing whatsoever.

The air force in 2017 recalled 1,040 military pilot candidates who had been eliminated in previous tests. Eight hundred thirty of them reportedly passed the competency test and were in training to become military pilots.

In an effort to fix the shortage, the Turkish government also issued a call in 2017 to former fighter pilots, most of whom work in civil aviation. Only 40 of the 300 former pilots responded to the call to return to duty.

The Turkish government also carried out a massive purge of state institutions under the pretext of an anti-coup fight. More than 130,000 public servants, including 4,156 judges and prosecutors, as well as 20,610 members of the armed forces were summarily removed from their jobs for alleged membership in or relationships with “terrorist organizations” by emergency decree-laws subject to neither judicial nor parliamentary scrutiny.

Profiling notes of 681 Air Force personnel who were investigated by the prosecutor:



To clarify things that are absent from your mind, we are now in 2022. We assume that the Turkish people get rid of Erdogan at the end of 2022 and that Turkey begins to reform its relationship with Europe in the years 2023 and that Europe begins to lift the sanctions on Turkey for the years 2024-2025. After 2025, at least, until Greece has completed the program to develop 84 F-16s

It acquired 18 Rafale aircraft and 18 F-35 aircraft and entered service with it, and France drove to Greece a MIRAGE-2000-5 aircraft to replace the old version of the Mirage 2000, and Greece headed for the second batch, F-35 &, as well as the Rafale.

In the event that America agrees to Turkey's return to the F-35 program, we assume a debate in 2022, re-bending new contracts, rehabilitating production lines and preparing them to be Turkey for contracting in 2023 and we will receive the first F-35 aircraft in 2024 or 2025, thus Turkey or a combat squadron will form between the end of 2025-2026.

This is an assumption that Erdogan and his gang were eliminated at the end of 2022, after Turkey pays compensation to Armenia as a result of the criminal massacres committed by the Turks against the Armenians, which are massacres by rejecting the Islamic religion that you talk about and contradict, and this matter is unlikely

Furia and America, in any case, saw Turkish ambitions and defects against all neighboring countries. It is in everyone’s interest that Turkey become an ideal country by preventing technology from it so that it does not spread its ambitions against all neighboring countries.

So 2025

With its fully serviced fighters Greece is on the edge of its air supremacy over Turkey

As for Egypt

USA has not been able to prevent Egypt from contracting for the SU-35, which ends in 2021, when Egypt receives 30 aircraft. America offers to Egypt the TYPHOON so that Egypt does not double the Egyptian SU-35 fleet from 30 to 60 aircraft by offering 24 TYPHOON aircraft. If Egypt agrees, it will sign the deal. Within 3 months

France is also negotiating with Egypt an additional 30 RAFALE aircraft for the F3R / F4.1

And Egypt before the end of the year will be signed the new deal

The Russians are offering Egypt 50 new MiG-35s and delevery from 2022-2025

Which makes Egypt exit MIRAGE-5 fighters

Egypt has 82 aircraft with Typhoon, Rafale and MiG-35 aircraft, as well as the first two squadrons of F-16 BLOCK 15 aircraft from service.

Instead of spending 4 billion dollars developing 160 F-16s and its new ammunition package, Egypt has better solutions

Such as buying new Rafale and MiG-35 aircraft and extending the lives of F-16 to use them as ground attack fighters only.

Egypt is in final negotiations stages for the production of 36 M346FTI aircraft, as well as a batch of the M346FA version between 18-30 more

Pakistan is competing to provide the JF-17B / BLOCK III aircraft, and Italy is offering it as part of a big deal with Egypt that includes setting up production lines in Egypt for the aircraft and ammunition.

Which makes Turkey, even if it got rid of Erdogan, unable to confront the Egyptian air force. The Egyptian monster may draw a red line through the media. We found the Turkish kneeling, fearing the Egyptian army and the Egyptian military capacity

Why are the Turks eagerly behind to be satisfied with them by Egypt because simply the Turks have found that they have no ability to confront Egypt, so they offer obligations and loyalty to and obedience to Egypt because they are unable to confront it or challenge it, so read it first and know what you are talking about before you say any words that make you a laughingstock among those who read your comments




HPG: Turkish army suffered heavy losses in South Kurdistan
Guerrillas are resisting fiercely against the Turkish invasion offensive in South Kurdistan where at least 38 Turkish soldiers have been killed.


  • Monday, 26 Apr 2021, 21:48
The press center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) has published new information on the course of the Turkish invasion in the guerrilla area in Southern Kurdistan. According to the HPG statement published on Monday, the guerrillas are resisting fiercely and at least 38 soldiers of the Turkish army have been killed. Soldiers have been airdropped from helicopters on several hills and are trying to penetrate the guerrillas' tunnel system, using unknown chemical agents. Guerrillas operate in small units and have carried out several actions on the occupation forces, also using sniper and sabotage tactics.
The statement said, "The occupation operation launched by the Turkish state on April 23, 2021, in the Metina, Avashin and Zap regions within the Medya Defense Zones continues. Our guerrilla units have carried out extensive actions against the invasion and dealt harsh blows to the occupiers. Following the Bazên Zagrosê (Hawks of Zagros) revolutionary offensive launched in the Avashin and Zap regions, our forces launched the Cenga Xabûr (Battle of Khabour) offensive in Metina. Details of the actions of our forces in the revolutionary offensives will be published as soon as they are available."
According to HPG statement, guerrillas carried out several actions in Avashin on Sunday. A Turkish unit on Hill Martyr Serdar in the Mervanos area was struck from close range, leaving six soldiers dead and others injured. The remaining soldiers abandoned their position on the hill and took flight.
On Hill Mamreşo, Turkish troops intensely used poisonous gas as they tried to advance into a guerrilla tunnel system, and they were stopped by guerrillas using sabotage tactics. At least three soldiers were killed and many others were injured here.
Also on Hill Martyr Serdar, the Turkish forces suffered heavy losses and retreated after their attempt to enter tunnels by means of poisonous gas were foiled by guerrillas.
On April 26, the Turkish army attempted another advance toward the tunnel and was attacked from close range. Three soldiers were killed and others were injured here.
At 9:30 a.m. Monday morning, guerrillas infiltrated a position of Turkish forces on Piramit Hill and seized weapons and military equipment. At least four soldiers were killed here.
In the Zap region, two soldiers were killed using sabotage tactics in the Nerwê Gorge on April 23. The remaining soldiers in the unit took flight, leaving the bodies behind. On April 25, two soldiers were shot dead by YJA-Star snipers in the Qela Bedewê area. Two other actions by the guerrillas in the area resulted in the death of four soldiers.
Following the actions, the Turkish army bombed the Cîloyê Biçûk area and soldiers were airdropped from helicopters on Hill Martyr Munzur on Monday. Late in the evening, guerrillas struck helicopters trying to enter the T area. The helicopters were thus forced to retreat.
On Monday morning, a Turkish military unit stationed at Hill Martyr Serxwebûn was struck at close range. At least eight soldiers were killed in the action. At the same time, two drones came under fire. The drones, which were partially hit, then withdrew from the area.
On April 25, at least one soldier was shot dead by an HPG sniper on Hill Zendura, and another soldier was killed in a sabotage operation. On April 26, a Turkish army unit in Banê Şkeftê was struck from close range, and at least one soldier was killed. On Monday morning, a guerrilla action at Tepê Zendura left two soldiers dead.
On April 23, the Turkish Air Force carried out a massive bombardment of the Derarê area. Subsequently, soldiers were airdropped from helicopters in Derarê, on Hill Zendura and in Koordine Gorge. Guerrillas struck the helicopters four times and forced them to retreat.
On April 24, Turkish troops were also airdropped on Hill Martyr Dilber. When they established positions a day later, they were targeted by a YJA-Star sniper, leaving one soldier dead.
On April 25, seven sabotage actions were carried out against the occupation forces. While an unknown number of soldiers were killed, the dead and wounded were later taken away by military helicopters.
Sarraj, to stay in power, pays Erdogan $12 billion

The price of the Turkish intervention that the Sarraj government takes from the Libyans to deposit in Ankara

You are a liar , nothing else

France attacked Libya to kill QADDAFI in 2011
and Libya to have pay over $20 billion to Turkish construction companies who had many construction projects in Libya during QADDAFI time

and you are talking about $12 billion
needs plus $8+ billion

Of course, we are happy to see the collapse of the Turkish lira and the besieged Turkish economy, because it will save Syria, Iraq and Libya from your gangs and crimes.

what a funny

since 2013 , Turkish economy under attack

still Turkish economy is bigger than almost Egypt+Greece+İsrael combined ... you ignorant kid
also Turkey has bigger export rate than Egypt+Greece+İsrael combined

btw , Egypt is nothing to match with Turkish military technology
22 Arab Countries including Egypt can not develop even Cruise Missile
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