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The dangers of a rising China

we should write an article in people's daily about the dangers of keeping the US as sole superpower. this danger has proven lethal for 1 million iraqis.
hi guys am new here can someone tell me how to start a thread,how do i introduce my self teach me basics .

:pakistan: :cheers: :china: :sniper: :usflag:

China is rising because of hard work and good economic policies. Other countries should also continue their progress. The world economics should practice free and balanced trade among all countries.
The rise of China appears dangerous only to those who have been enemies of China, have tried to divide its land, have stolen its wealth and played a role in carving out small city states from its mainland, have forced the Chinese people under threat of force to consume drugs/opium and have had nothing but bad will toward them.

To those who are friends with China, which is an increasing portion of the world community, the rise of China is an inspiration, a practical lesson in brilliant execution, unrelenting hard work and loyalty to their nation. China is an unparalleled miracle in the history of humanity in the sense that never before has such a large group of people improved their lot so rapidly as in China. It's not just a miracle of the late 20th and early 21st century, in fact, you cannot find a historic parallel at all.

For us in Pakistan, I can tell you there is incredible admiration for what China has achieved. Over the course of our 50 year friendship, we've never felt that you have interfered unduly in our affairs, forced us into situations we did not want to be in or been anything but a true friend to us. For much of the developing world, China is now that shining city on the hill that they can look up to and emulate.

I am thrilled that in leading Pakistani schools - including the elite Aitchison College, often called the Eton and Harrow of Asia - Mandarin classes now begin in grade 2 and are mandatory!
The rise of China appears dangerous only to those who have been enemies of China, have tried to divide its land, have stolen its wealth and played a role in carving out small city states from its mainland, have forced the Chinese people under threat of force to consume drugs/opium and have had nothing but bad will toward them.

Excellent post. :cheers:

For us in Pakistan, I can tell you there is incredible admiration for what China has achieved. Over the course of our 50 years friendship, we've never felt that you have interfered unduly in our affairs, forced us into situations we did not want to be in or been anything but a true friend to us.

The feeling is mutual buddy. :)

Pakistan has always been a true friend, you stood by us even when others were afraid to.
What they really fear, is the fact that China does not follow the Western world view.

When America surpassed Britain, the British were not all that worried because America was also a Western Democracy like they are.

China on the other hand, represents something completely different from the current (Western) world order.

i think western powers are yet to come to terms with meteoric rise of china. china has risen so fast in last 30 years that western countries have been left gasping for breath.

its is first time in modern history (1500 onwards) that an asian power is challenging might of western powers. western powers were not naturally prepared for this. so they remain sceptical abt china and view china as a potential rival.
So why do you feel that China is being portrayed as a possible Contender to USA by media outlets , Is it the Chinese nationalism or its definitions of a better society and cultural values...?

Apart from rising Military and Economy, whats really something China possess for which the west fears that it could become a contender to US global power.
Frankly i don't wish to see the both in a state of competition.

Its the huge population dude. its the huge market and huge demand to be existing for a fairly long time.

the total economy ultimately has to be approximately equal to how more the population is. coz more stomaches to feed, more will be the continuity to grow. no saturation in growth.
i think western powers are yet to come to terms with meteoric rise of china. china has risen so fast in last 30 years that western countries have been left gasping for breath.

its is first time in modern history (1500 onwards) that an asian power is challenging might of western powers. western powers were not naturally prepared for this. so they remain sceptical abt china and view china as a potential rival.

Not gonna happen, and it is not because China is officially communist (while everybody knows that we are in fact very very capitalist). IT is not going to happen because we are not white.
The danger of the rise of China is that it challenges Western norms and values.

If you have a close look at Western values, you’ll see: first, they differentiate “you” and “us”; then they robber off “you” to enrich “us”, materially and spiritually; third, they then institutionalize the self-enrichment system in terms of international norms and universal values to prevent the others to grown healthily, to subject the others to their will.

In fact, based on looting and robbing, they successfully exported their social problems to the third world around 18th century. With the treasures thus acquired they establish their system: it is domestically controlled by interest groups sharing tiny profit with the rest of mass, internationally the groups relentlessly exploit the world resources and impose their values to others against others’ will, leaving the majority of the world in perpetual poverty.

When Columbus found the New World, the Westerners, driven by greed, brought in massacre there and exterminated native residents; In contrast, Chinese Admiral Zheng He’s might fleet brought local people peace, trade, and prosperity.

Admittedly that Chinese system today hasn’t really become a system that can prevail, as there are lots of defects still to be fixed; it definitely sheds light on the evolution of human civilization with new hope that the universe hasn't to subject to Western values.

There has to be more then one road leading to Rome. Really.

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