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The Curious Case of China’s GDP Figures

China has under-estimated its GDP for strategic reasons. In Real GDP, China, as the world factory, has more likely surpassed the US already. Many hard figures such as carbon emission level, elec, meat, steel, lux consumer goods consumptions, etc. have confirmed China's real GDP level.

Exactly this is what I have been thinking

If the Chinese GDP nos are fudged
You can compare them by thier consumption rates
China today consumes more coal,oil &'many more than any other country
@muse, it has nothing to do with us being Indian - though I won't deny some bias - but in all generality we do look up to China and know that we will be there at one point of time - albeit slowly - we like to learn what's happening there so that we are somewhat prepared for it when we get there.

And when you get there, will you find China waiting on you? Or will more smoke and mirrors stuff?
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And when you get there, will you find China waiting on you? Or will more smoke and mirrors stuff?

It would eventually have slowed - there's just so much growth or wealth the world can generate - China and India will be middle income economies at best because of our populations and because of Earth's limited resources and it's limited market.
It would eventually have slowed - there's just so much growth or wealth the world can generate - China and India will be middle income economies at best because of our populations and because of Earth's limited resources and it's limited market.

Interesting thinking - it would slow but not India? You can and have to do better
it has nothing to do with us being Indian - though I won't deny some bias - but in all generality we do look up to China and know that we will be there at one point of time - albeit slowly - we like to learn what's happening there so that we are somewhat prepared for it when we get there.


You are hoping the Chinese miracle is hollow so you can overtake them quicker.
It would eventually have slowed - there's just so much growth or wealth the world can generate - China and India will be middle income economies at best because of our populations and because of Earth's limited resources and it's limited market.

There are many worlds that are waiting to be explored in this Universe.And I am sure Science and technology will find more and more ways to generate wealth.


You are hoping the Chinese miracle is hollow so you can overtake them quicker.

Only a fool will think like that,I hope Chinese miracle is not hollow at all,because we are follow a similar path.
Only a fool will think like that,I hope Chinese miracle is not hollow at all,because we are follow a similar path.

The issue is not about paths but figures and leads. If the Chinese lead is much smaller than believed, India can hope to overtake it.
There are many worlds that are waiting to be explored in this Universe.And I am sure Science and technology will find more and more ways to generate wealth.

Renewable energy.

The Three Gorges Dam alone, produces more energy than 30 nuclear power plants combined.

That alone, is more than the entire power grid of a medium sized country.
China is the largest energy consumer and electricity consumer. We are also the largest consumer of steel, iron ore, copper, aluminium, zinc, lead, nickel and tin. We are the largest coal consumer, 2nd largest oil consumer and 4th largest natural gas consumer.
China is also the largest or 2nd largest market for many global companies as we are the largest market for automobiles, luxury goods, LCD tv, smartphones, tablets, computers, art, and many others. Our fiscal revenues are the 2nd largest in the world. If anything the Chinese economy is understated due to the renminbi being undervalued. In many areas we are already the largest where it's very difficult to manipulate and get away with it.

I think the Chinese economy is alot closer to the US economy than many people realise. If you look at most indicators, China is either the largest or 2nd largest only by a small margin which suggests the US is not twice as large as the Chinese economy. Nominal GDP depends on exchange rate and the Renminbi is undervalued which makes the Chinese economy smaller.

The west can laugh all it wants, but it won't change the fact that we are working hard and catching up fast. If they want to dismiss us, then go ahead, it won't stop our development. They just don't like the fact that we are rising fast and they don't have control over us. Remember the Olympics how they made up lies that our swimmer took drugs (she passed all the tests) to destroy her reputation and China itself. The western media is doing its best to slow down or stop our development but it hasn't worked in the past and it won't work now.
The communist party of China has a very thick skin, they just ignore the noise and get on with making China stronger. If the west or anyone don't believe our numbers, then so be it. Whether they believe our numbers and development or not is irrelevant to us. We just put our head down and work our butt off, have been doing that for 30+ years despite western criticism.
Remember the Olympics how they made up lies that our swimmer took drugs (she passed all the tests) to destroy her reputation and China itself. The western media is doing its best to slow down or stop our development but it hasn't worked in the past and it won't work now.

They were accusing Ye Shiwen of doping, when in fact it was America's own national hero Lance Armstrong who was doping. :lol:
The issue is not about paths but figures and leads. If the Chinese lead is much smaller than believed, India can hope to overtake it.

Blah,No one gives a $hit.If Chinese GDP is much smaller,it doesn't help me get another payhike does it??For that our economy has to grow.Take these juvanile arguement some where else.It makes you look like a 12 year old kid.

You are hoping the Chinese miracle is hollow so you can overtake them quicker.

Takes a Pakistani to see negativity where none exists :lol:

Interesting thinking - it would slow but not India? You can and have to do better

I am sure you are aware of a growth curve - it applies to all - there is always a period of ascent, normalization or saturation and there's descent - world economies are no different.
Numbers may be cooked up but the China miracle is real and right there you can see and smell.

That's a puzzle yet more accurate description. There must be some way that the exaggerated part of GDP somehow smoothed over by some economic activities unaccounted.

My humble opinion.
Blah,No one gives a $hit.If Chinese GDP is much smaller,it doesn't help me get another payhike does it??For that our economy has to grow.Take these juvanile arguement some where else.It makes you look like a 12 year old kid.

We know exactly how this thread fits into superpower India delusions and the Chinese roadblock in the way.
Nor do we expect you guys to admit it.

Takes a Pakistani to see negativity where none exists :lol:

The negativity is in the article itself that the Chinese are lying about their GDP.

That's OK. We see through the Indian need to desperately believe that the Chinese numbers are fake.
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