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The culture of rape and sexual harassment.

Yes, the intellectuals who try to impose their point of views should be silenced too
who are you talking about.

I wonder why India blame all on the men for the rapes, they just hang them to clean their hands but the problem is not solved

The real problem is the crazy people who want to forbid everything and create frustration

India should stop taking the easy solutions by hanging, but try to debate and find the guilty people
there are no crazy leader in India. Its a problem created by people and to be solved by people. You might be confusing India with some other country (or may be all south asian/middle east countries sound same to you).
who are you talking about.
I guess in India there are intellectuals who forbid sex, who say it's decadency, nasty, devilish...

The country is what the elite make it looks like, everything is very quickly movable
well ,did he not say the same. Less industrialization has too much focus on manual labour and if you measure productivity women and children come at bottm in such countries, hence have less worth.
I am not saying he is right, but his conclusion is same as yours.
My bad. I misinterpreted what he wrote. You are quite right. I will edit.
I guess in India there are intellectuals who forbid sex, who say it's decadency, nasty, devilish...
I dont know any but I would blame general social norm, that guy (dont know who he is) has very little influence on existing social norm.
I dont know any but I would blame general social norm, that guy (dont know who he is) has very little influence on existing social norm.
The people who are responsible for the norm, it's them to blame
Each time they try to ashame people who want more sexual freedom, they should be questionned
The people who are responsible for the norm, it's them to blame
Each time they try to ashame people who want more sexual freedom, they should be questionned
in India, norms evloved over time. Nobody can claim to set norms now a days.
Some conservative leader might say the things you said, and some liberal can say just the opposite. The influence of both type people on masses is minimal.
More education and general better standard of living for all, better law and order will change people.
India is a bottom up country not top down country, leaders dont necessarily have capability change us easily, it requires lot of hard work at very low level to change culture.
which is why you need lot of NGOs and people working at grassroot level.
in India, norms evloved over time. Nobody can claim to set norms now a days.
Some conservative leader might say the things you said, and some liberal can say just the opposite. The influence of both type people on masses is minimal.
More education and general better standard of living for all, better law and order will change people.
India is a bottom up country not top down country, leaders dont necessarily have capability change us easily, it requires lot of hard work at very low level to change culture.
which is why you need lot of NGOs and people working at grassroot level.
The result is that in India, if i'am watching **** i can go to jail.
So obviously the intellectuals who dominate the medias are the conservatives
The result is that in India, if i'am watching **** i can go to jail.
So obviously the intellectuals who dominate the medias are the conservatives
did you mean pron? no you wont go to jail, possessing and watching **** in personal capacity not an offence in India (surprise surprise).
I think I will stop replying till I see visible sign of you having enough information about the issues you chose to comment on. :wave:
did you mean pron? no you wont go to jail, possessing and watching **** in personal capacity not an offence in India (surprise surprise).
I think I will stop replying till I see visible sign of you having enough information about the issues you chose to comment on. :wave:
You lie, beeing sexy is forbidden, trying to have sex out of marriage is very badly considered

In all countries of Asia, if you try to have a girl friend, you're a pig
This problem exists through out the world that includes western nations , just because its not reported in media does not mean it doesn't exist ... I could prove it with numerous links but i suggest you do the research .. Western media does have the bad habit of trying to demonize the sub continent

This problem exists through out the world that includes western nations , just because its not reported in media does not mean it doesn't exist ... I could prove it with numerous links but i suggest you do the research .. Western media does have the bad habit of trying to demonize the sub continent

I never said it does not exist in the West, but the thing is that at least in the West the police and society do not condone rape and sexual harassment. Also in the Scandinavian countries, even having sex without a condom is considered as rape, more cases are reported in the West than in places like India, Pakistan, Middle East, Africa etc because women in the West know their rights and know that the police/doctors are going to be sensitive and try to take care of them.

I am not here trying to degrade Pakistan, India etc but the problems are very obvious, nothing is going to change in these countries, as long as women are treated like second class citizens and as property. This is human rights abuse of the highest order, especially when you throw in kids as well.
I never said it does not exist in the West, Also in the Scandinavian countries, even having sex without a condom is considered as rape, more cases are reported in the West than in places like India, Pakistan, Middle East, Africa etc because women in the West know their rights and know that the police/doctors are going to be sensitive and try to take care of them.

I am not here trying to degrade Pakistan, India etc but the problems are very obvious, nothing is going to change in these countries, as long as women are treated like second class citizens and as property. This is human rights abuse of the highest order, especially when you throw in kids as well.

Are you sure ? You would be surprised to know that conviction rate in India on rape is far better than those of European countries.
Again, do some research before you come into conclusions because situation in US and Europe is far worse than India or other south Asian countries EVEN when it comes to Authorities acting on it ..

but the thing is that at least in the West the police and society do not condone rape and sexual harassment.

And Rape is condoned by the authorities here ? What kind of BS are you programmed by your media to believe in ?
Statistics | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
97% of rapists get away with Rape in America , think about those facts before you start blaming others ..

Please do some research before you start making broad based generalizations. Its rather stupid of you to think this is a "culture" in south asian countries while your own countries are equally depressing when it comes to woman's safety
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